All posts by monsffa

Who Are We? MonSFFA is the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, a club for fans of the science fiction and fantasy genres. We are your connection to the SF/F community, local, national and international. We have been active since 1987. What Are We Into? Our areas of interest span the full spectrum of the SF/F universe: literature, movies, television, comics, gaming, art, animation, scale-model building, costuming, memorabilia collecting, film/video production and more!

Remote Sensors: Pubbing the ish

Sensors received the November issue of the BCSFAzine. It’s a bit late, but what else is new in fandom? Contrary to common belief, we do have lives! Edited by Felicity Walker, this is the clubzine for the British Columbia Science Fiction Association,  Includes report on the October meeting and the first part of a review of VCON. Lots of LoCs, a funny one from Taral Wayne.

Very remote sensors–had to send a probe out to  search e-fanzines –found that Dale Spiers of Calgary has published Opuntia 331. Back in the Good Ol’ Days, Opuntia and WARP traded paper copies. His new look is quite glitzy–great pictures of New Year’s Eve in Calgary. Coyboy Santa?

The remote probe also ran across Broken Toys 45, the Christmas Issue, by Taral Wayne, Toronto.  I only meant to scan it, but ended up reading it all. He’s a wonderful writer. He reminisces on Christmases past, and follows this up with a Fraggle Rock story: Rock and Yule.

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Graeme has now got a Go Fund Me campaign underway to finance the first issue. The name has (thankfully) been changed from Polar Yites! to Polar Boreal. “I realise the title of my proposed zine “POLAR YITES!” was essentially a self-indulgent in-joke, and not at all professional, but I figured it would get people talking till I came up with something better”

If you like the idea of helping writers new to the genre get their first sale, not to mention funding an old phart’s crazy hobby, please donate whenever you feel like it. The more issues I can publish, the greater the number of beginning writers who can get their first break. Sound like a great idea? I like to think so.

I think so, too, and sent a few bucks his way. The cover is by Jean Pierre Normand.

Remote Sensors: We shall not see their like again…

For the SF/F fans, 2016 started with a series of losses. I guess it goes with the greying of fandom, that we also see the passing of people who touched us along the way.


  • Hungarian-born cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond, winner of an Oscar for his achievements on “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and a nominee for “The Deer Hunter,” “The River” (1984) and the “The Black Dahlia” (2006),  died January 1st, aged 85. Read obituary in Variety.

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And I’m floating
in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today….

Gates McFadden (Dr Crusher on Star Trek TNG) choreographed Labyrinth.  Watch McFadden working with actors on dance sequences for Labyrinth, with commentary by Jim Henson.

By Grabthar’s hammer… by the Suns of Worvan…


Remote Sensors

Way back, the first issues of WARP had a column facetiously named “Trumours” . As the name suggests, the column was a collection of news and rumours collected from magazines and the fannish grapevine. By WARP 11, the name had changed to “Sensors”, a name which fit nicely with WARP, a term from Star Trek.

As WARP started publishing less frequently, from monthly to every second month, to quarterly, the column became redundant. By the time the issue appeared, everyone had already heard the news. Indeed, we often were well ahead of the curve, especially when the Internet came along.

Now that I edit a (more or less) daily blog, as well as WARP, Sensors could be more relevant. As it happens, all our members are on the computer, but few have the time to browse through all the fanzines sent to MonSFFA.  I think it is time to revive “Sensors”.

“Remote Sensors” would collect the little bits and bobs that float around fandom.  It would be easier for me, sometimes I post more than one blog a day, and really not everything merits so much attention. Easier for the reader as well! Essentially, “Remote Sensors” would be mostly the headlines with links to the originating sites so that readers could follow up on those items they find interesting.
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Remote Sensors will likely begin tomorrow, assuming I get over this stupid cold that will not go away! (And now you know why the blog has been sort of quiet lately. Not to mention that news lately has been depressing, too many obituaries. )


PS: it’s also a bit of a rip-off of File 770’s Pixel Scroll.

Free Volume of Novelettes Eligible for the 1941 Retro-Hugos

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Novelettes Eligible for the 1941 Retro-Hugos contains 70 science fiction and fantasy novelettes (between 7,500 and 17,500 words long) that were published in 1940.

Editor von Dimpleheimer comments on the latest volume in his series of public domain reprints:

“The final volume, with all the novelettes from Volumes 1-7 and six new ones, is done.

Any Helvetica fans who have been forced to read in Caecilla will be happy to know that readers of the Kindle version can now choose their own font.”

These books are created to help MidAmeriCon II members who will vote next year on the Retro Hugos (along with the regular Hugos).

The links lead to a Google storage drive.

Click here to read more, including the Table of Contents

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Free Volume of Stories Eligible for the 1941 Retro-Hugos

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dragon reads ebook final mergedEditor von Dimpleheimer explains his latest volume:

All of the short stories from Short Fiction Eligible for the 1941 Retro-Hugos Vols 1-7 are included here, along with five new stories.

At the end of the book, I listed all the short fiction from these volumes by magazine and editor. I thought that may help people nominate for Best Editor.

I’ll have an all novelette volume, with a few new novelettes, ready in a week or two.

These books are created to help MidAmeriCon II members who will vote next year on the Retro Hugos (along with the regular Hugos).

The links lead to a Google storage drive.

This ebook contains 88 science fiction and fantasy short stories published in 1940 that have fallen into the public domain and may be eligible for the 1941 Retro-Hugo Awards.

READ MORE, including Table of Contents


Art of Garthiness #8

I get the impression a lot of fan-eds have resolved to get their zines pubbed on schedule this year. There has been a deluge of new issues! (Also a reminder that I have WARP to pub–deadline for submissions Jan 30.)

Garth is a long-time MonSFFriend. Always interesting stuff to be found in his perzine, Art of Garthiness.

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OBIR #4 is published

R. Graeme Cameron has a different kind of TARDIS. His has more time on the inside than on the outside.  In this issue of OBIR he attempts an explanation of how this works. I have my doubts. –CPL

Download issue #4 of OBIR.

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Plus an announcement on plans to start up a semi-pro SF fiction zine which will pay 1 cent a word for stories 3,000 words or less. See POLAR YITES! Magazine for info.

Launch of a new semi-pro SF fiction magazine

 Posted on Facebook by Richard Graeme Cameron

by Just in case you were wondering, I may indeed be crazy.

After an inspiring luncheon conversation with Lynda Williams. President of SF Canada, I’ve decided to launch a semi-pro SF fiction magazine circa January 2017. Semi-pro because it will pay less than SFWA rates, but at 1 cent a word (for stories 3,000 words or less) it will still be a paying market.

Contributors will be paid on acceptance prior to publication. I want to put together a “Proof of Concept” demo issue sometime soon, so I am currently open to story submissions and poetry submissions. However my finances are not yet in order, so for this demo one-time-situation payment will have to be deferred till later in the year. But if you’re willing to trust me…

What will make the zine unique is that I want at least 2 to 3 stories per issue to be first sales for beginning authors. Consequently unpublished writers submitting stories will only be in competition with each other and not with pros.

How am I going to pull this off? I have a clever business plan, not least the proposed title of the zine: POLAR YITES! (Long story. Don’t ask.) Going to be different, that’s for sure.

To find out more, and to learn how to submit, check out

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One way that MonSFFA keeps in touch with other fans is through fanzines. Most are readily available thanks to Jim Burns over at so there is no longer any point to maintaining our “trading post” page.  However, we do hear directly from some fan-eds and these I will start passing on to our membership through our website.

Recently, we heard from File 770 (Mike Glyer) and Alexiad ( Joe Major).

Guy Lillian wrote a review of WARP 93, with high praise for Keith’s cover, The Doctor and his Companion in Zine Dump 36.

Keith was also featured in File 770’s Pixel Scroll.

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