All posts by monsffa

Who Are We? MonSFFA is the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, a club for fans of the science fiction and fantasy genres. We are your connection to the SF/F community, local, national and international. We have been active since 1987. What Are We Into? Our areas of interest span the full spectrum of the SF/F universe: literature, movies, television, comics, gaming, art, animation, scale-model building, costuming, memorabilia collecting, film/video production and more!

Heavens Above!

is the theme for the September 20th meeting. Several types of telescope will be on display, including  SCT, reflector, refractor, and even a Coronado which is made specifically for viewing the sun.  Special guests Bill Strople and David Shuman will be on hand to explain the strengths and weaknesses of each. If you bring in your own telescopes and binoculars, they will assist you in getting the most from your instruments.

A more detailed schedule for the meeting appears here.
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The weather prediction for Sunday looks very promising, so it is likely that there will be solar observation during the afternoon, and perhaps some observing of the evening sky after supper.

Stop Motion Storyboards

Title pageKeith Braithwaite has sent us the updated storyboards for our Stop Motion Project. They can be viewed here.

The last hour of the meeting on September 20th will be dedicated to completing the art work, with the notion that we will film at the October meeting.
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Ask Lovecraft — Sad Puppies explained

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Vote for the Faned Awards!

It’s a real pleasure to see so many MonSFFen and MonSFFriends nominated for the Faned Award.

2015 FANED AWARDS BALLOT (for fanac in 2014)

To be presented at VCON 40 October 4th, 2015 by R. Graeme Cameron.

Anyone in the world who contributes to Canadian fanzines is eligible, and anyone in the world who reads Canadian fanzines may vote.

Learn more about the award here:

Please submit your vote by Sept 28th, 2015 to: R. Graeme Cameron

To vote: Please assign up to 6 (or fewer) numbers in order of preference as per example below:


Little Name Fan – 3
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Big Name Fan – 2

Trufan – 1

Fugghead –Mundane – 6

Fringe fan – 4

Gafiated fan – 5

(Point system applied. 1st choice = 6 points, 2nd choice = 5 points, etc.)

At the bottom of the ballot please give your name and, if you think I may not know you, list your most prominent fanac so I can be sure you are a fan.

The Ballot is here:

IMPULSE for September 2015

Click here to view IMPULSE for September 2015

Please note that the schedule for the meeting on the 20th has been moved up a half hour; Logan’s Run will now start at 11:00 AM. This change is made because we will have GUEST SPEAKERS from the RASC MONTREAL CENTRE:  Bill Strople and David Shuman.

David and Bill
David and Bill at Stellaphane with the Coranado.

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David is well-known to MonSFFA members as he has often come to speak to us about space exploration. An avid model builder and NASA follower, David is also an observer who once built his own telescope from scratch.  Weather permitting, he will be showing us the sun through his Coronado, a telescope made specifically for solar observing.


Heaven’s Above!

is the theme for our September 20th meeting at the Hotel Espresso Montreal Downtown,  1005 rue Guy, corner of boul. Rene Levesque.

11:00 AM Early Birds will be treated to a viewing of the classic SF film, Logan’s Run, after which we will discuss how well (or not) it stands the test of time.  (Some of us remember not trusting anyone over 30!)

 1:00 PM Main Programming begins with the setting up of telescopes and binoculars. Several types will be on display, as well as books and magazines for the budding amateur astronomer. Special guests, Bill Strople and David Shuman will be on hand to demonstrate, and weather permitting, there will be solar observing.

After the break and raffle draw we’ll present “Postcards from Pluto“, the latest images from the New Horizons probe, and Urban Astronomy–Yes, there is stuff to see over the light polluted skies of Montreal!
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 The last hour or so of the meeting will be dedicated to completing the art for our Stop Motion Animation Project. Bring scissors, markers, and everything else you think you might need! If you missed the August meeting, look here:  for a report from Keith, and here and here to view projects by François Ménard, our own expert in Stop Motion Animation.

After we pack up and clear out the room, we will go out for Food & Drink! Location of said sustenance to be decided on the spot.

If Bill is still around, and if the sky is clear, we might do some observing in the parking lot.

Another Stop Motion Project from one of our members

François Ménard has been busy! He has produced another really cool stop motion animation for your viewing pleasure:  Pterodactyl in Flight!

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Ask Lovecraft

A wonderful series of funny one-man presentations in which H.P. Lovecraft  (Leeman Kessler) answers questions, ponders the mysteries of life, the universe and everything,  and sometimes gives advice. The segments are short,  and appear 3X a week, so do take the time to enjoy several.

Here’s one to get you started:

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And then you can go on to learn Lovecraft’s thoughts on just about anything his audience tosses out to him.  His musings on Terry Pratchett and Discword is hysterical.  And a recent one of the Sad Puppies had me all but rolling on the floor.

Chesley Awards

The Chesleys are awarded to the best in SF/F art.  I was there, at Sasquan for the ceremony, but sadly many artists were not. More and more, the artists are choosing other ways to promote their work and are not showing at World Cons.

Beneath the SurfaceI’m still thinking about Julie Dillon’s  Shadows Beneath–Creepiest art I’ve ever seen. My first thought was: Yuck! Ugly!!  But it has that wow factor, too, a sense of the art having so much more meaning than just a picture.  Click the thumbnail, take a long look, and tell me what you think.

You can see the other winners’ works here:
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And do take a moment to look at this year’s trophy, which is absolutely stunning.

Step inside Crew Dragon

“Step inside Crew Dragon, SpaceX’s next-generation spacecraft designed to carry humans to the International Space Station and other destinations:”

(It’s the “other destinations” that I find intriguing. The moon? So far the most exciting moon related news is from China which hopes to land a space craft on the far side.)

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