All posts by monsffa

Who Are We? MonSFFA is the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, a club for fans of the science fiction and fantasy genres. We are your connection to the SF/F community, local, national and international. We have been active since 1987. What Are We Into? Our areas of interest span the full spectrum of the SF/F universe: literature, movies, television, comics, gaming, art, animation, scale-model building, costuming, memorabilia collecting, film/video production and more!

Exciting news for the advancement of space exploration

Wonderful news in space travel!

  1. The New Horizon mission explores Kyper belt object, Ultima Thule, 6.5 billion km from Earth.
  2. The Chinese successfully landed a probe on the far side of the moon, the first time this has been done.
  3.  OSIRIS-REx orbits asteroid Bennu
Space Weather News for Jan. 2, 2019

HISTORIC FIRST IMAGES OF ULTIMA THULE: Scientists from NASA’s New Horizons mission have released the first detailed images of Ultima Thule, the most distant object ever explored. Its remarkable appearance, consisting of two primitive spheres stuck together in the middle, is unlike anything we’ve seen before. Visit today’s edition of for photos and more information.

Above: Ultima Thule, photographed by New Horizons 30 minutes before the spacecraft’s closest approach on Jan. 1, 2019.

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Nasa’s New Horizons: ‘Snowman’ shape of distant Ultima Thule revealed

  • 2 January 2019

(Read full article with lots of images here)

The small, icy world known as Ultima Thule has finally been revealed.

A new picture returned from Nasa’s New Horizons spacecraft shows it to be two objects joined together – to give a look like a “snowman”.

The US probe’s images acquired as it approached Ultima hinted at the possibility of a double body, but the first detailed picture from Tuesday’s close flyby confirms it.

New Horizons encountered Ultima 6.5 billion km from Earth.

The event set a record for the most distant ever exploration of a Solar System object. The previous mark was also set by New Horizons when it flew past the dwarf planet Pluto in 2015.

NASA’s outward-bound explorer rings in the new year with the most distant flyby in space-exploration history.

New Horizons trajectory

Having visited Pluto and the small Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft is headed out of the solar system.

In the frigid, silent depths of the Kuiper Belt, the New Horizons spacecraft successfully flew past a tiny world nicknamed “Ultima Thule” (UL-ti-muh TOO-lee), meaning “beyond the known world,” in the first hours of 2019. (Its official designation is 2014 MU69.) The highly anticipated flyby, at 5:33 Universal Time today, came 3½ years after the spacecraft’s historic encounter with Pluto on July 14, 2015, and occurred some 4.1 billion miles (6.6 billion km) from Earth — the most distant object ever visited at close range.

New Hoirizons and 2014 MU69 artwork

Artistic portrayal of NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft cruising by 2014 MU69 on January 1, 2019.
Steve Gribben / NASA / JHU-APL / SwRI

More than that, the observations from New Horizons’ seven experiments, now safely stashed on the craft’s solid-state recorders, promise to reveal secrets of the “Third Zone” of the Sun’s realm — distant objects that have remained frozen in time since the formation of our solar system’s formation 4½ billion years ago.

Confirmation of the flyby’s success didn’t reach the mission’s control center — Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU-APL) in Laurel, Maryland — for 10 hours. That’s because the spacecraft remained out of contact as it scrutinized its target and because its telemetry now takes 6 hours to reach Earth. “We have a healthy spacecraft,” announced mission manager Alice Bowman.

Once this “phone home” status report reached the ground, hundreds of anxious mission scientists, news media, and others erupted with applause. “I can’t promise you success,” principal investigator Alan Stern had warned the day before. “We are straining the capabilities of this spacecraft.”


China lunar rover successfully touches down on far side of the moon

Beijing (CNN)In an historic first, China has successfully landed a rover on the far side of the moon, Chinese state media announced Thursday, a huge milestone for the nation as it attempts to position itself as a leading space power.

China’s National Space Administration (CNSA) landed the craft, officially named Chang’e 4, at 10:26 am Beijing time on Thursday, in the South Pole-Aitken Basin, the moon’s largest and oldest impact crater, China Central Television (CCTV) reported.
It made its final descent from an elliptical orbit 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) above the moon’s surface, making a “smooth” and “precise” landing, according to the general designer of Chang’e 4, Sun Zezhou, who added the probe pulled off a “bulls-eye.”
The first image of the moon's far side taken after the Chang'e 4 probe landed.
The first image of the moon’s far side taken after the Chang’e 4 probe landed.
State media reported the rover transmitted back the world’s first close range image of the far side of the moon. Six hours after touchdown, the rover will descend from the lander onto the moon’s surface, mission spokesman Yu Guobin told CCTV.
The far side of the moon is the hemisphere that never faces earth, due to the moon’s rotation. It is sometimes mistakenly referred to as the “dark side of the moon,” even though it receives just as much sunlight as its earth-facing side.


 OSIRIS-REx orbits asteroid Bennu

December 31, 2018 –

On Dec. 31, 2018, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft went into orbit around asteroid Bennu for the first time.

At 2:43 p.m. EST on December 31, while many on Earth prepared to welcome the New Year, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, 70 million miles (110 million kilometers) away, carried out a single, eight-second burn of its thrusters – and broke a space exploration record. The spacecraft entered into orbit around the asteroid Bennu, and made Bennu the smallest object ever to be orbited by a spacecraft.

“The team continued our long string of successes by executing the orbit-insertion maneuver perfectly,” said Dante Lauretta, OSIRIS-REx principal investigator at the University of Arizona, Tucson. “With the navigation campaign coming to an end, we are looking forward to the scientific mapping and sample site selection phase of the mission.”

Lauretta, along with his team, spent the last day of 2018 with his feet planted on Earth, but his mind focused on space. “Entering orbit around Bennu is an amazing accomplishment that our team has been planning for years,” Lauretta said.

Inching around the asteroid at a snail’s pace, OSIRIS-REx’s first orbit marks a leap for humankind. Never before has a spacecraft from Earth circled so close to such a small space object – one with barely enough gravity to keep a vehicle in a stable orbit.




Tentative schedule for 2019 MonSFFA meetings

These dates are tentative, depending on factors such as hotel availability and scheduling conflicts with other events. Consult the website before leaving home.
Only the January meeting has been planned–and part of that is planning the rest of the meetings, so please attend and contribute!! 
Can we open it now?

So, the dates of our meetings would be, assuming hotel is available:

Jan 19
Feb 9
Mar 9
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Best Professional Artist Hugo: Eligible Works from 2018

Best Professional Artist Hugo: Eligible Works from 2018

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By JJ: To assist Hugo nominators, this post provides information on the artists and designers of nearly 500 works which appeared in a professional publication in the field of science fiction or fantasy for the first time in 2018.

These credits have been accumulated during the course of the year, from copyright pages, Acknowledgements sections, and public posts by artists, authors, and publishers, as well as other sources on the internet.

Because it is difficult to provide a list ordered by name when artwork is frequently credited to two or more artists and/or designers, I have uploaded my main spreadsheet with all accumulated data here.

In this post I will display up to 12 images of artworks for each artist for whom I have identified 4 or more works which appeared in a professional publication in the field of science fiction or fantasy for the first time in 2018.

Please note carefully the eligibility criteria according to the WSFS Constitution:

Professional Artist

3.3.12: Best Professional Artist. An illustrator whose work has appeared in a professional publication in the field of science fiction or fantasy during the previous calendar year.

3.2.11: A Professional Publication is one which meets at least one of the following two criteria:
(1) it provided at least a quarter the income of any one person or,
(2) was owned or published by any entity which provided at least a quarter the income of any of its staff and/or owner.

3.10.2: In the Best Professional Artist category, the acceptance should include citations of at least three (3) works first published in the eligible year.

Under the current rules, artwork for semiprozines and fanzines is not eligible in this category. You can check whether a publication is a prozine or a semiprozine in this directory (the semiprozine list is at the top of the page, and the prozine directory is at the bottom).

Please be sure to check the spreadsheet first; but then, if you are able to confirm credits missing 2018-original works and the names of their artists from Acknowledgments sections, copyright pages, or by contacting authors and/or artists, go ahead and add them in comments, and I will get them included in the spreadsheet, and if the artist is credited with at least 4 works, in this post. If you have questions or corrections, please add those also. Please note that works may or may not be added to the list at my discretion.


Artists, Authors, Editors and Publishers are welcome to post in comments here, or to send their lists to jjfile770 [at] gmail [dot] com.

The following works have been confirmed, to the best of my ability, as having appeared in a professional publication in the field of science fiction or fantasy for the first time in 2018. Clicking on the thumbnail will display a larger version; where possible, the larger version will be the original artwork before cropping and the addition of titles.

News from Scintillation 2019

We have everything agreed with the hotel for next year, meaning all the same rooms reserved, though we’re going to keep the consuite until end of program this time.

And you can reserve your hotel room at this link Scintillation 2019 Hotel

or if for some reason you prefer to phone, you can call 1 888 878-9888 and give the code ZSC

Rooms are $199 Canadian per night.

Our computer-competent team are working hard on the website attempting to put up a button where you can buy membership and also an interface so I can edit it, because right now it’s all hand-carved HTML. (Possibly these things will happen over the holidays. We’ll see.) Meanwhile, memberships are still available by the clunky method of sending $80 via PayPal to and emailing to say you’ve done that. Many of you have done this already, we do still have memberships available at this time, we expect to be full again, but anyone with a supporting membership for 2019 can convert at any time.

Happy Holidays!

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Picard returns, trailer for new series

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Harry Potter at the PDA

Experience Nicholas Hooper’s epic score performed by a live orchestra in sync with the film.

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You-Know-Who™ is not the only one who has returned—Harry Potter™, Ron Weasley™, and Hermione Granger™ are back as well in this unforgettable concert event. Relive the magic with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix™ in Concert displayed on a giant screen in high-definition and accompanied by a full symphony orchestra. Experience Harry and his friends race through the Department of Mysteries, practice Defense Against the Dark Arts in secret, and endure Professor Umbridge with Nicholas Hooper’s iconic score!

Original film will be shown with French subtitles.

HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. J.K. ROWLING`S WIZARDING WORLD™ J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Publishing Rights © JKR. (s18)

Picard Spin-off

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December 10, 2018 at 03:04 PM EST

The mysterious upcoming Star Trek series bringing back fan favorite Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) is going to be very different in tone from previous shows in the franchise, and below, executive producer Alex Kurtzman explains exactly how.

The writer-producer has worked on J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek films and is the current showrunner of CBS All-Access’ Star Trek: Discovery, as well as an executive producer on the Picard series. We asked Kurtzman how the spin-off will compare to Discovery and Stewart’s previous Star Trek series, The Next Generation.

“It’s an extremely different rhythm than Discovery,” Kurtzman told EW exclusively. “Discovery is a bullet. Picard is a very contemplative show. It will find a balance between the speed of Discovery and the nature of what Next Gen was, but I believe it will have its own rhythm.”

CBS via Getty Images

Continued Kurtzman: “Without revealing too much about it, people have so many questions about Picard and what happened to him, and the idea we get to take time to answer those questions in the wake of the many, many things he’s had to deal with in Next Gen is really exciting. ‘More grounded’ is not the right way to put it, because season 2 of Discovery is also grounded. It will feel more… real-world? If that’s the right way to put it.”

So there you have it, the words that come to mind when asked to describe the Picard show are things like “real-world, contemplative, grounded.” (And, yes Kurtzman used “Picard” as if that’s the show’s title, but there is no official title yet, and it’s pretty hard to imagine the actual title won’t have “Star Trek” in it.)

Only Stewart has been cast in the spin-off so far, Kurtzman added. “The writers’ room has broken about eight episodes and we’re moving quickly, and I couldn’t be more excited about it,” he noted. There’s no premiere date announced as of yet.

In the meantime, we have season 2 of Star Trek: Discovery coming Jan. 17. Kurtzman took over the captain’s chair on the series last June. Now that the Discovery story has moved beyond the Klingon war, the show is taking on a bit of a lighter tone, and has added Anson Mount (as Captain Pike) and Ethan Peck (as Mr. Spock) to the cast, which is led by Sonequa Martin-Green (Michael Burnham).

Astronaut Saint-Jacques in awe of view of Earth

Canadian astronaut, David Saint-Jacques, was born in Quebec City and grew in St-Lambert on the South Shore.

Canadian adjusting to the effects of weightlessness aboard space station

THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-NASA Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques says his body is adjusting to the microgravity of space. He says during the first few days he felt puffy faced, just like the sensation a child feels from hanging upside down on monkey bars.

During his first days in the microgravity of space, David Saint-Jacques was transported back to his childhood, the Canadian astronaut told reporters Monday. It was not the feeling of gazing at the heavens in wonder he was talking about but the sensation of hanging upside down at a playground as blood rushes to your head. “I’m a little bit congested here, like most people are, because the gravity is not there to pull blood down into your legs,” Saint-Jacques explained Monday over a video link between the International Space Station and Canadian Space Agency headquarters. “Your body has to adjust to that, so initially you have kind of a big red puffy face . … Do you remember as a child hanging from the monkey bars in the park, how your head kind of puffs up? That’s kind of how you feel constantly initially, and then it normalizes.” The astronaut, who arrived at the International Space Station Dec. 3, said there have already been plenty of breathtaking moments. The first sunrise from orbit after he and fellow astronauts Anne McClain of NASA and Oleg Kononenko of the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, blasted off was “quite an emotional moment,” he said. “I looked out the window and this little blue crescent started to get brighter and brighter and I realized, ‘Wow, this is actually the curve of the earth,’ ” he said. In his first news conference from the space station, he said he is trying to learn as much as possible from the occupants who have been there since June and are scheduled to return to Earth Dec. 20. They are Serena Aunon-Chancellor of NASA, Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency and Sergey Prokopyev of Roscosmos. He said he has begun to “dabble” in Earth photography, including photos of his hometown. Saint-Jacques was born in Quebec City and raised in the Montreal suburb of St-Lambert. “It is just a never-ending sense of awe looking at our blue planet — this thin blue line in the atmosphere, that colour, that flash of blue — it’s just unbelievable,” he said, adding that he is moved by the beauty of sunrises and sunsets and the sense of Earth’s size. “It’s very touching, and it’s very humbling, and it makes you want to go back to Earth and help make it better.” Saint-Jacques said nothing in the intensive training astronauts undergo can prepare them for the feeling of weightlessness. “So I do the typical rookie mistakes, try not to crash anywhere, and my colleagues are showing us how to fly,” he said. Saint-Jacques was playful during his exchange with reporters, spinning his mike in the air and at one point letting it drop and continuing to talk as it floated in place. When the session ended he said goodbye and disappeared up out of the picture. Aboard the station, the 48-yearold physician will conduct a number of science experiments, with some focusing on the physical effects of the microgravity astronauts experience in orbit and others on how to provide remote medical care. The last Canadian astronaut to visit the space station was Chris Hadfield, who was on a five-month mission that ended in May 2013.

It’s very touching, and it’s very humbling, and it makes you want to go back to Earth and help make it better.

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New Word Press

Word Press has “upgraded” to a whole new programme. It might turn out to be an improvement, eventually, when the bugs are worked out, and your webmistress figures out where they buried all the formatting tools. It is not at all obvious! For instance, for the post I made this morning, I would normally have just copied and pasted the bits and bobs I thought would interest members. This time I had to create a block for each item, and then find the links for the individual pictures, and add them in image  blocks. This is not reasonable.

I can’t figure out how to put images next to the text. Looks like I have to make tables, as in html.  The add media button is gone.

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OK, so that’s my rant for today. If the site looks screwy, or doesn’t get new blog postings for a while, you’ll know why. I’m perusing the forums and fb groups on the subject, but all this takes time which I don’t have a lot of at this time.

Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association