All posts by monsffa

Who Are We? MonSFFA is the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, a club for fans of the science fiction and fantasy genres. We are your connection to the SF/F community, local, national and international. We have been active since 1987. What Are We Into? Our areas of interest span the full spectrum of the SF/F universe: literature, movies, television, comics, gaming, art, animation, scale-model building, costuming, memorabilia collecting, film/video production and more!

Long Range Sensors Detect…

1) Space Station visible tonight in Montreal

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2) Possible Aurora Display
3) Mars, Venus, & Crescent Moon
4) Scorched Apollo 1 hatch on display after 50 years


1) Space Station visible tonight in Montreal  Time: Tue Jan 31 6:37 PM, Visible: 2 min, Max Height: 80°, Appears: 28° above WSW, Disappears: 62° above NE

2) A BIG HOLE IN THE SUN’S ATMOSPHERE: A large, canyon-shaped hole has opened in the sun’s atmosphere, and it is spewing a stream of solar wind toward Earth.  Polar geomagnetic storms are likely when the fast-moving stream arrives, probably on Feb 1st. Visit today’s edition of for more information.

3) SUNSET SKY SHOW: For the next two nights, watch the southwestern sky at sunset. Mars, Venus and the crescent Moon are converging for a beautiful gathering in the evening twilight.  Visit for sky maps and photos.

4) Scorched Apollo 1 hatch on display after 50 years :  A memorable space tragedy’s artifact has been locked away, but after 50 years, will finally be taken out of storage.  READ MORE

Sir John Vincent Hurt, CBE (22 January 1940 – 25 January 2017)

(2011, on Spaceballs (1987)) Mel [Brooks] called and said, “Look, John, I’m doing this little movie and there’s a bit in there that has to do with Alien (1979), so come on over.” He made it sound like a bit of a picnic. He also did that to me on History of the World: Part I (1981). He always does that. “Come on, I’ll give you a couple grand, we’ll put you up in a nice hotel, you’ll have a good time, and then you can go back again.” And when you get there, you suddenly realize, it’s a $3 million scene-God knows how much the animatronic singing and dancing alien cost-and they couldn’t possibly have done it if it hadn’t been for you. What I’m saying is, I think he got me rather cheap.

I had no idea that Doctor Who (2005) had got so huge; I just thought, “Brilliant, I’ll be a Doctor!” I was suddenly – what do they call it? You start “trending”. This is all new to me!

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Of course you have to remember that the Doctors are all one person, so I’m not outside of that. I can’t talk about it, but I will say I was really impressed when I did it. Both the previous doctors – Matt Smith and David Tennant – boy, are they good at it. Whoa-wee! They are so quick, and there’s a huge amount of learning and no time to learn it in. All that fake scientific nonsense. Terribly difficult to learn.
I’ve done a couple of conferences where you sit and sign autographs for people and then you have photographs taken with them and a lot of them all dressed up in alien suits or Doctor Who (2005) whatevers. I was terrified of doing it because I thought they’d all be loonies, but they are absolutely, totally charming as anything. It’s great fun. I’m not saying it’s the healthiest thing – I don’t know whether it is or isn’t – but they are very charming.
[on the original series of Doctor Who (1963)] I don’t think I saw the first episode and I think it escaped me for quite a long time. It was a kiddies’ programme, or it was assumed to be. It was known basically for the fact that all the scenery used to fall over.

Survey of International Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans About The Hugo Awards and the Puppies Controversy

Fascinating reading. I thought I’d just sort of scan the salient points, but then read the whole article and comments.

The survey has its faults, but nonetheless  raises interesting questions regarding the Hugo Awards.

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Keeping Portland Weird

Grimm fans know about the wessen, but check out the Unipiper!

Head over to his website to find more weirdness as he pipes the themes to Outlander, Star Trek, Game of Thrones and more!

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More fanzines to share!

From Felicity Walker, comes BCSFAzine 519.  Taral Wayne wrote an interesting article on the history of The Enchanted Duplicator.

George Phillies  sends us a pairof N3F zines, and a review copy of  A Sea of Stars Like Diamonds.

In this issue (N’APA 226):
Cover Art…Our Fanthology Is with Us! Happy 75th Anniversary
The Official Organ #226 George Phillies – 1 page
Notes from a Galaxy Far, Far Away #7 Lorien Rivendell – 5 pages
The Murdered Master Mage #9 George Phillies – 4 pages
Synergy #4 John Thiel – 6 pages

In this issue (TNFF 2017 01)

A Sea of Stars Like Diamonds
2016 Short Story Contest Winners
Franson Award Winners
Kaymar Award
Franking Service — Needed: WordPress Expert
Video Report — Fan-Pro Coordinating Bureau — Round Robins
Eldritch Science — Neglected Genre Writers
N3F Founding Members — Games Bureau — Writers Exchange Bureau
SF Magazines: Science-Fiction Plus
Welcommittee — Membership Recruitment — Treasurer’s Report
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2017 N3F Amateur Short Story Contest

A Sea of Stars Like Diamonds is the 75 anniversary publication of the TNFF, It includes several short stories, winners of the 2016 contest.

Table of Contents
The N3F 75th Anniversary Volume…George Phillies
N3F Short Story Contest…the 2016 Winners…Jefferson Swycaffer
The Contributed Tales…George Phillies
N3F Non-Periodical Publications…Jon D. Swartz, Ph.D., N3F Historian
The Bazaar of Forbidden Dreams…Sean Gilhooley
The Last Ordeal of James Willoughby…Jeff Spitzer
Fabiana’s Fairy Godmother…Kristin Janz
Track Invasion…Deborah Rocheleau
The Rails That Bind…Sean Gilhooley
The Quarter Test…Angela Parson Myers
The Real World…Jeff Spitzer
Halloween Story…Angela Parson Myers
Victoria and the Peri…George Phillies
The Jewels in the Desert…Jefferson Swycaffer
Howard’s Dilemma…Kent McDaniel
Inconceivable…George Phillies
About the National Fantasy Fan Federation

Axanar: It’s settled!

Read the entire article, which is VERY interesting and has many ramifications for fandom here.

Table of Contents for the article on Axamonitor:

These are the bits I thought would most interest our membership, following the discussion we had at one of our meetings.

With its January 31, 2017, copyright infringement trial just 11 days away, Axanar producer Alec Peters settled with plaintiffs CBS and Paramount Pictures.

Sources connected to CBS told AxaMonitor that Peters is allowed under the settlement to make two 15-minute films that must adhere to the fan film guidelines announced by CBS in June 2016.

The settlement allowed Axanar to keep Prelude available on YouTube, commercial-free. It can also be exhibited at fan conventions, film festivals and non-commercial events. It cannot ever be shown at official Star Trek conventions.

So, bottom line:  Fan films are supposed to be made by fans!

Fanzines to share

Two more fanzines to share

Interesting Times from Garth Spencer, who writes:

I think if there’s a problem with contemporary fandom, it is the lack of mad science in SF clubs and conventions. Do you think it’s time for clubs to host Mad Science nights? Emulate DIY Maker workshops? Or to hold Mad Science Fairs at conventions?

In fact, I have noticed A LOT more science, crafts, and maker-type workshops at world cons, and it’s something that I really appreciate.  MonSFFA has always had a project or two bubbling away, sometimes we even get them to the finish line! Our stop motion film needs only the audio track, so we’re close to unleashing our chef-d’oeuvre on an unsuspecting audience.
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The second fanzine received is  Purrsonal Mewsings #55 from Miss R-Laurraine Tutihasi .

Remember, if you enjoy fanzines, to check out

International Connection: CyberCozin

Cathy, Danny, René, and Nathaniel, Leybl is behind the camera

When Leybl Botwinik, the editor of CyberCozin, Israel’s longest running fanzine, contacted MonSFFA asking for a meet-up in October, I jumped to the occasion. His visit to Canada just missed our October meeting, and since he was in Canada to meet with family during the Jewish High Holy Days, finding a date and Kosher restaurant proved awkward indeed. In the end, only 3 of us were able to meet Leybl and his son, Nathaniel, at Chez Benny. While there are many restaurants serving Kosher food, there are very few Kosher restaurants! And of course, those are all closed on Saturdays…   There’s a gap between what I know, and what I KNOW.

Anyway, it was a very enjoyable meeting.  I meant to write it up for WARP, but as it happened, we didn’t have enough material to publish an autumn edition. Leybl wrote an excellent article for CyberCozin, which you will find in his December issue.

We agreed to keep in touch, and hopefully trade articles for our respective zines. If Leybl agrees, I’m thinking his review of our meeting would be a fun way to start our collaboration!

Nathaniel gave me a copy of his book which I will bring to our next meeting.


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KONG SKULL ISLAND #2 Official International Trailer

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MonSFFA’s Plant 9 and The Moxie Conspiracy now on line

The first MonSFFilm projects released were Ed Wood projects Plant 9 from Outer Space and the Fed-Ex Files: The Moxie Conspiracy.

They were made at the turn of t he century, and not up to later standards , but good fun was had by all who participated. Apparently, good fun was also had by our viewers as the tapes sold out! When Graham Darling appeared at the Con*Cept Masquerade in his business suit (This is not the consuite) the hall erupted in laughter.  It sees everyone at the con was already familiar with the running gag!

We have now transferred the VHS to digital and uploaded them along with teasers to Youtube.
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