All posts by monsffa

Who Are We? MonSFFA is the Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, a club for fans of the science fiction and fantasy genres. We are your connection to the SF/F community, local, national and international. We have been active since 1987. What Are We Into? Our areas of interest span the full spectrum of the SF/F universe: literature, movies, television, comics, gaming, art, animation, scale-model building, costuming, memorabilia collecting, film/video production and more!

Tonight: ISS passing over Montreal, possible aurora

  1. ISS over Montreal:   Mon Oct 17 6:42 PM, Visible: 5 min, Max Height: 78°, Appears: 28° above WNW, Disappears: 10° above SE The weather report does not look promising, but if the clouds can hold off a while, the ISS is visible even through light polluted skies.

2) Montreal is not far enough north to get the best view of this storm, and it might cloud over, but you never know!  
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GEOMAGNETIC STORMS UNDERWAY: G1-class geomagnetic storms are underway around the Arctic Circle on Oct. 16th as Earth enters a stream of very fast moving solar wind. Veteran observers in Sweden are reporting one of the best displays in recent memory as “massive auroras” dance across the sky. Visit for updates about the ongoing light show.

Earth is moving deeper into the solar wind stream, and another display is possible on Oct. 17-18.  A live webcam operated by Lights over Lapland in Abisko National Park is recording the action. Check it out.

Sensors Detect…

While I was away from the Internet for a little over a week:

  1. World Con 75-some polar bear fur  ruffled
  2. Best Series Hugo announced
  3. Vox Day launched Infogalactic


  1. A huge fannish ruckus broke out between two members of the Helsinki World Con concom, one of whom was a department head who ended up being fired. This being the age of social media, the ugliness hit the fan and for some of us reading all the he said, she said, and then the chairs said, it even overshadowed American elections.  I wasted several hours trying to catch up on all this, still haven’t read everything on the SMOF mailing list.  The SMOF list is a closed group, but if you are curious, check out File 770, this post in particular 

In some ways,  the whole thing is a tempest in a teapot, but it does raise important issues, and questions conrunners will have to tackle sooner rather than later.

One of the wags on File 770 commented that Vox Day was probably watching all this unfold while munching popcorn. As it happened, he was, but when he stuck his foot into the muddy waters, everyone got off their high horses, apologies were issued, inflammatory posts taken down–in short, peace broke out.  Think we should send VD to the Middle East?

2) On a happier note, Helsinki is giving the Hugo for best series a trial run.

Montrealers remember that we gave the Hugo for best graphic novel a trial run, and it is now officially a Hugo category.

A list of series that could be eligible was published on File 770. Predictably, another hissy fit erupted, don’t read the comments.

3) On Thanksgiving Day, Vox Day launched Infogalactic  because, you know, Wikipedia has thought police.  You can read the press release here.  The more I look at it, the funnier it gets.  For instance:
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Infogalactic’s anti-bias architecture will permit users to select their preferred perspective and automatically see the version of the subject page that is closest to it based on a series of algorithms utilizing three variables, Relativity, Reliability, and Notability. This means a supporter of Hillary Clinton will see a different version of the current Donald Trump page than a Donald Trump supporter will, as both users will see the version of the page that was most recently edited by editors with perspective ratings similar to his own.

“The single biggest problem with Wikipedia isn’t Jimmy Wales or its outmoded 1995 technology, but the fact that it is patrolled by 532 left-wing thought police who aggressively force their biased perspective on the rest of the world,” Vox Day, aka “Fenris” on Infogalactic, added. “This isn’t Conservapedia 2.0 and we aren’t replacing Wikipedia’s admins with their conservative equivalent, we are making the function of thought police irrelevant through technology. Our design philosophy is based on the idea that only the user has the right to define what his reality is.”

I can’t even begin to parse what he means by this.  Especially after reading the 7 Canons.

Just how are Starlords different from “thought police”?  The Corelords can buy their status??

I clicked on “random page” and got Bear Flat which I then looked up on Wikipedia. Exactly the same page, except Infogalactic has ” From Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core” where wiki has ” From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia” .






ISS passing over Montreal

Robot looks upThe sky will be clouding over tonight, but it might be clear enough to see the ISS pass overhead this evening, Oct 15th.

Time: Sat Oct 15 6:49 PM, Visible: 5 min, Max Height: 55°, Appears: 15° above NW, Disappears: 12° above ESE
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The ISS is bright enough that the city lights will not bother it at all.  There is no mistaking it for a plane or any other satellite.

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Montreal ToyCon

We have news from Montreal ToyCon:


The next Montreal ToyCon will be happening on Sunday, November 6th, 2016 from 10am to 4pm at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Ville St Laurent.

If you’ve enjoyed the previous conventions and are looking for the best and brightest toys for your collection, be sure to check it out! There will be comic book and toy dealers selling GI-Joe, DC, Marvel, Transformers, Star Wars, Lego and tons more. We also invited the Lego Club and several different Cosplay clubs (Ghostbusters, Batman, and Star Wars). We’d love to see you there. For more details, visit our website.

Courtyard Marriott Hotel
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Watch for Aurora, today through at least Sunday

GEOMAGNETIC STORM UNDERWAY: Auroras are dancing around the Arctic Circle on Oct. 14th as Earth slowly exits the magnetized wake of a CME that struck two days ago. Currently, geomagnetic storms are flickering between categories G1 and G2. Mia Stålnacke sends this picture from Kiruna, Sweden:

“Last night was amazing,” she says. “Before it was even really dark the aurora was dancing wildly and bright! This shot shows the display over lake Ala Lombolo, which is starting to freeze over.”

Realtime Aurora Photo Gallery

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NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture on Oct. 13th. It shows the dark coronal hole pointing almost directly at Earth. At the leading edge of the emerging solar wind stream is a co-rotating interaction region (CIR)–that is, a transition zone between slow- and fast-moving solar wind.  Shock waves and density gradients in CIRs often go a good job sparking auroras, so when it arrives on Oct. 15th polar auroras are likely. Stay tuned for pretty pictures. Free: Aurora Alerts.

Club VP Regrets Missing September Meeting

MonSFFA VP Keith Braithwaite has issued the following statement by way of explanation for his unintended absence at the club’s September 18 meeting:

It seems that I got the date wrong with regard   to the September MonSFFA meeting, which I believed was slated for the 25th, when in fact it was scheduled for the 18th. I realized that too late!

I was committed to another event, a model show on the West Island. At the time that I made my plans to attend, I erroneously believed that the show was not in conflict with the September MonSFFA meeting. But, of course, in actuality, it was!

The mistake was mine.

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Keith in an unusally pensive mood

In that I was scheduled to conduct not only one of the afternoon’s presentations, but host an edition of Sunday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée, and work further on our animated film project, I sincerely apologize to my fellow MonSFFen for not being there when I should have been. In particular, I’m sorry to have left, even if inadvertently, my fellow executives and programming-mates on that afternoon in the lurch, scrambling to fill with makeshift content the timeslots for which I had been booked.

In addition, I apologize to the membership for failing to produce a September issue of Impulse, which should have been produced and distributed in the week preceding the meeting, serving in part as a timely reminder of said meeting. As I thought the meeting to be set for the 25th, I intended to produce the September Impulse on the 19th-20th and send it out on the 21st, the Wednesday before what I thought was the meeting date. Of course, the meeting had already taken place.

While we can, I’m sure, agree that fandom is a hobby, and that we shouldn’t get too worked up about things going sideways from time to time, I nevertheless feel bad about letting folk down on this occasion. I’ll try to make amends as much as is possible in the coming months.

Orange cone alert !

The work on the Turcotte Interchange is going to cause even more traffic madness.  If you normally take the 720 to our meetings, consider an alternative.

There are traffic cams you can consult before you hit the road. Got a smartphone? Check here for the traffic conditions app.
In fact, at thisaislin-red-lights point, it’s a wonder the city doesn’t just stick an orange cone on all the bridges and just shut down the city. No one can get around anyway, and the usual stupid advice: Take public transport! just grates on my nerves.  The mayor should be made to try getting from one end of the city to the other by public transport on a Sunday.

Theme for the Sunday Classic SF Matinee announced

In keeping with the title of the main panel presentation, Foreign and Exotic SF/F, Keith will be bringing us a selection of classic movies featuring aliens and/or uniquely weird monsters.

As usual, members get to pick the one film to watch and critique after the showing.
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Remember, our matinees start at NOON.

October Impulse now available

Impulse for October 2016 is now online. There are several memberships due Medications There are also order cialis certain medications that are responsible for the release of eggs in women and also make sex hormones. Driving not only makes you independent but it viagra ordination also boosts sperm count and mobility. Medical experts acclaimed that levitra uk emotions and erections are closely associated. Early test and treatment is of cialis canada mastercard great help all the same method of “traffic lights”, a bit modified. for renewal, be sure to check if your name is on there.