All posts by Cathy Palmer-Lister

Patrick Stewart’s ST:Picard TV Show Starts Filming

Star Trek: Patrick Stewart’s Picard TV Show Starts Filming

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Filming has started on CBS All Access’ as-yet untitled Star Trek series featuring Patrick Stewart back in his Star Trek: The Next Generation role as Jean-Luc Picard. It’s the first time since that Stewart’s reprised his iconic character since Star Trek: Nemesis hit theaters in 2002, crashing and burning at the box office and bringing The Next Generation films to an unceremonious end just four movies in (counting Star Trek: Generations). In the years since then, however, fans have only continued to look back with fond memories on Picard’s original voyages with the U.S.S. Enterprise.

Continue reading Patrick Stewart’s ST:Picard TV Show Starts Filming

Upcoming May 11th meeting

THEME: Spaceships! Bring junk for ship-building contest. 

13:00h  “A-Haunting We Will Go!” Lindsay takes us on a ghost hunt! Click here for details

14:30h The Utopia Planitia Shipyards Competition, Part One

We will begin with a demonstration of 3D printing by Mark. 

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You will need to raid your recycle bin for bits and bobs, and also bring a few tools. Details are here

Ghost Hunters at our next club meeting!

Ghost Hunters at our next club meeting, May 11, 13:00h

From our own Lindsay Brown:

Katreina and I have been ghost hunting (or as we like to call it ‘Finding Waldo’) for a while now. Perhaps it is because we come from a family of paranormal sensitives (all the women in our family). Our ancestry dates back to that of the Druids. Some of us have chosen to become blockers, and some of us have chosen to become investigators.

Those of us who chose to become investigators believe in the truth. Whether it be scientific, paranormal, or extra-terrestrial, our foremost goal is to see the logic behind the event. Once we have explored all avenues and have eliminated the impossible, our end result, however improbable, must be the truth.

We do not try to prove, nor disprove anything. Our equipment does not have emotion, nor opinions. We investigate only. We do not judge.

Our panel discussion will include the following:

  • Informative paranormal T.V. shows vs. bogus paranormal T.V. shows
  • Various ‘Ghost Walks’ (w/tour guide) available in Montreal
  • Haunted Hot Spots in Montreal (including where you can go to see Mary Gallagher this year)
  • Demonstration on ghost hunting equipment
  • Display of books on ‘Haunted Canada’
  • Difference between Night vs. Day Hauntings
  • Hope to see you there!Cheers!
    Lindsay Brown

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Will Eisner Comic industry award nominees

Will Eisner Comic industry award nominees

Comic-Con International has announced the nominations for the Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards 2019, chosen by a panel of judges.

Click this link to view the list of nominations:

It is an issue which has troubled the male population levitra without prescription throughout the world. cheap online cialis Several trends indicate that this disease is increasing in staggering numbers and within the next 20 years, will reach truly epidemic proportions, said Dr. Staying physically fit is also known for generic viagra rx helping your body to make more of nitric oxide that takes after as an aftereffect of it begins physical response. They can easily low price cialis increase your libido, enhance sexual performance, improve blood circulation, treat hormonal imbalances and other effects of obesity begin to decrease. Image and DC received the most nominations: Image with 19 (plus 11 shared), and DC with 17 (plus 7 shared).

The creator with the most nominations is Tom King with 5: Best Short Story (from DC’s Swamp Thing Winter Special), Best Continuing Series (Batman), Best Limited Series (Mister Miracle), Best Graphic Album­–Reprint (The Vision hardcover), and Best Writer. Two creators have 4 nominations each: Alex de Campi (Best Graphic Album–New: Bad Girls, Best Anthology: Twisted Romance, Best Writer, Best Letterer) and Jeff Lemire (Best Single Issue: Black Hammer: Cthu-Louise, Best Continuing Series: Black Hammer: Age of Doom, Best New Series: Gideon Falls, Best Writer)….

Université de Montréal prof wins $100K Killam Prize

Accolades piling up for AI researcher Bengio, who won the Turing Award last year and in 2017 was made an Officer of the Order of Canada

Yoshua Bengio, a computer science and operational research professor at the Université de Montréal, has been named one of this year’s Killam Prize recipients, along with U de M political science professor André Blais. Bengio has been recognized for his work on artificial intelligence.

Yoshua Bengio describes himself as more of an introvert than an extrovert, and the Canada Council just made his life a little harder.

On Thursday, the public arts funding agency named the Université de Montréal computer science and operational research professor one of this year’s Killam Prize recipients, alongside U de M political science professor André Blais, two professors from the University of Toronto and one from the University of Waterloo.

The awards have been piling up for Bengio, who last year won the Turing Award, often described as the Nobel Prize of computing, and in 2017 was named an Officer of the Order of Canada.

“I don’t particularly enjoy all this attention,” he said, reached in his U de M office, Thursday morning. “It’s good for the missions I’ve given myself, but I don’t take huge pleasure in ceremonies and awards.

“That said, it’s really important that in Canada we recognize the people who contribute markedly to our society because humans are still motivated by these things, not just by money. It feels good to do something greater than yourself.”

Bengio is one of the world’s leading researchers on artificial intelligence.

He is a founder and scientific director at the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms, a partnership between U de M and McGill, which in January opened its 90,000-square-foot headquarters in Mile Ex, and will receive $120 million in government funding over the next five years.

Continue reading Université de Montréal prof wins $100K Killam Prize

Fanzines to Share

From the National Fantasy Fan Federation,
Founded 1941

Our News Zine:
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Our History Zine:
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Glasgow in 2024 – A Worldcon for Our Futures

The UK in 2024 Worldcon Bid team are delighted to announce that their chosen venue is the Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow.

Under its previous name as the SECC, Glasgow has hosted two previous Worldcons; Intersection in 1995, and Interaction in 2005. We are delighted to be able to revisit the SEC Campus, which has seen considerable growth in the last few years, including new onsite hotels, restaurants and development inside the convention centre itself. The venue has just announced a £200 million development plan.

Our team is a dedicated band of fans both local and international, old and new. Our working party and support team already contain previous Worldcon Chairs and Bid Chairs, who are volunteering alongside newcomers keen to bring Worldcon back to the UK. We draw our experiences from the many events that take place around the UK and beyond. There is huge enthusiasm to host a Worldcon after the successes of Loncon 3 (2014) and the ongoing passion for Dublin 2019, an Irish Worldcon (2019). Our Bid Chair is Esther MacCallum-Stewart.

Our community is a thriving one, and we welcome everyone to join us, share their ideas and celebrate the UK’s ongoing love of science fiction and fantasy.

We will start taking pre-supports during Dublin 2019, where we will have a formal launch party (we say formal, but there will be dancing!).

If you’d like to find out more, or get involved with Glasgow in 2024, drop us a line at .


Prix Aurora-Boréal

Prix Aurora – Boréal

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Les Prix Boréal/Aurora visent à reconnaître ce qui s’est fait de mieux en imaginaire d’ici, et sont remis chaque année au Congrès Boréal. Ils sont les seuls prix du Canada francophone à être décernés directement par le public des lecteurs dans les genres de la science-fiction et du fantastique.Le choix des gagnants se fait selon une approche qui rappelle celle des prix Hugo. Elle commence par une période de sélection des titres, laquelle est suivie d’une période de vote. Il se fait selon la formule australienne : les électeurs ordonnent leurs choix en ordre.

Si vous n’assistez pas au congrès Boréal 2019, il reste possible de voter à condition d’être un-e citoyen-ne canadien-ne ou un-e résident-e permanent-e et de verser les frais requis de 10 $+frais de transactions Paypal de 0,61$.

L’échéance pour le vote en ligne est le 1 mai 2019, à 23 h 59.

Vote par anticipation ici.

 Prix Aurora-Boréal 2019

Prix Aurora/Boréal – Meilleur roman

  • Meynard, Yves : Chrysanthe t. 1 La princesse perdue (Alire)
  • Rousseau, Simon : La Reine des neiges (ADA)
  • Sylvain, Stéphanie : Le roi des ombres (Numeriklivres)
  • Vadnais, Christiane : Faunes (ALTO)
  • Vonarburg, Élisabeth : Les Pierres et les Roses. Tome 1, 2 et 3 (Alire)

Prix Aurora-Boréal – Meilleure nouvelle en français

  • Adam, Raphaëlle B. : La femme qui soupirait (Brins d’éternité 49)
  • Blouin, Geneviève : L’épée et le templier (La République du centaure)
  • Blouin, Geneviève : La gang du cimetière (Brins d’éternité 50)
  • Dagenais, Luc : La déferlante des Mères (Solaris 207)
  • Voisine, Guillaume : Le hurlement des possibles (Brins d’éternité 50)

Prix Aurora/Boréal – Meilleure bande dessinée

  • Cab : Hiver Nucléair t.3 (Front froid)
  • Cab / Lenoir, Axelle : Esprit du camp t.2 (Studio Lounak)
  • Laliberté, Jean-François / Lefebvre, Sacha : U-Merlin (Michel Quintin)
  • Paré-Sorel, Julien : Aventurosaure (Presses aventure)

Prix Aurora/Boréal – Meilleur ouvrage connexe

  • Blouin, Geneviève : Critiques (Solaris 205, 206, 207, 208)
  • Brins d’éternité 49, 50, 51 (Ariane Gélinas, Alamo St-Jean et Guillaume Voisine, direction)
  • Côté, Dave : Nés comme ça (Les Six Brumes)
  • Gaudet-Labine, Isabelle : Nous rêvions de robots (La Peuplade)
  • La République du Centaure (Alain Ducharme, coordonateur)

Prix Boréal – Création artistique visuelle et audiovisuelle

  • Beausoleil, Yanick A. : Illustrations (couverture de Les Éventails du Temps, Tome 1- Le Rat)
  • Blanché, Pascal : Illustrations (Brins d’éternité 50)
  • Léger, Émilie : Illustrations (Solaris 205, Brins d’éternité 50, couverture de Chrysanthe 1. La Princesse perdue.)
  • Rolando, Cyril : Illustrations (Brins d’éternité 51)
  • Sybiline : Illustrations (Brins d’éternité 49)

Prix Boréal – Fanédition

List of upcoming World Cons & Bids

World Cons and NASFiC, Current and upcoming


NASFiC is not a World Con, but is held in North America whenever World Con is held outside of NA.

World Con Bids


  • DC in 2021
  • Dallas/Fort Worth in 2021 (Bid withdrawn August 2016)
  • Boston in 2021 (Bid withdrawn June 2017)

2022 Worldcon Bids

2023 Worldcon Bids

2024 Worldcon Bids

2025 Worldcon Bids

2073 Worldcon Bids

It is traditional at Worldcon for groups to run hoax bids, often for imaginary places, as an excuse to hold parties. A list of current hoax bids can be found here.

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2019 Prix Imaginales Finalists

If you read French, as many of our members do, you may find this list of finalists is interesting as recommended reading.

2019 Prix Imaginales Finalists have been announced

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The 2019 Prix Imaginales finalists have been announced. The awards will be given at Imaginales, the Festival of the Imaginary Worlds in Épinal, France, which will take place from May 23 to May 26, 2019.

[NOTE: The Prix Imaginales is a different award than the Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire.]

Catégorie roman francophone / French novel

  • Robert DARVEL, Femmes d’argile et d’osier (Les moutons électriques)
  • Catherine DUFOUR, Entends la nuit (L’Atalante)
  • Patrick K. DEWDNEY, L’enfant de poussière et La Peste et la vigne (Au Diable Vauvert)
  • Patrick MORAN, La Crécerelle (Mnémos)
  • Marge NANTEL, Dans l’ombre des miroirs (1115)
  • Nicolas TEXIER, Opération Sabines (Les moutons électriques)

Continue reading 2019 Prix Imaginales Finalists