All posts by Cathy Palmer-Lister

Zines to Share!

MonSFFA has received more fanzines! Enjoy!

Edited by Joseph Major, Alex104


From the The National Fantasy Fan Federation, Founded 1941

Our Fiction Zine, Eldritch Science April 2019

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Klingon fans, check out the art on the last page!




Gene Wolfe has passed away

Our genre has lost another one of its authors. Gene Wolfe passed away on Sunday, aged 87, from heart disease.

Have you read any of his works? What did you think?

I read the whole series of the  The Book of The New Sun because I felt I had to read it,  but honestly, didn’t care for it. The Knight and The Wizard were so highly praised, I felt I had to read them too, but The Knight was just so painful, I dumped it in the MonSFFA trade box and never bothered with The Wizard. Maybe it was part of his genius that the PoV character sounded like a whiny adolescent, but I got enough of that at work.

Many tributes are pouring in. Here is the tip of the ice berg:


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Picking apart the Star Wars Trailer

Things only true fans noticed in the Star Wars Trailer

We’re going to show you things only true fans noticed in The Rise of Skywalker trailer! Well, it’s finally here: the trailer for the final installment of the Skywalker Saga. And with the trailer we finally get a title: The Rise of Skywalker.

Considering that Luke Skywalker seemed to buy the moisture farm at the end of The Last Jedi, we can’t help but wonder just which Skywalker is about to rise. We can only guess at what some of the scenes in this trailer might mean. But rest assured – a lack of actual knowledge never stopped us from speculating wildly about trailers before.

Crack open your Wookieepedias, and dust off your holocrons – here are the small details you might’ve missed in the first trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Continue reading Picking apart the Star Wars Trailer

Content added for Members

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Three orchestras will be performing Star Wars music in Montreal. They are the Orchestre FILMharmonique, GFN productions, which put on an orchestral version of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring in January, and Orchestre à vents de musiques de films (OVMF) .

MonSFFen are already familiar with the OVMF, since several of us have attended their concerts.  —CPL

Three different orchestras set to perform music from the Star Wars movie series

PHOTOS: CHRISTINNE MUSCHIPatrick Morin conducts the Orchestre d’Harmonie Leonardo da Vinci, one of three orchestras performing concerts of Star Wars music. The shows feature the music of composer John Williams, who is known for other movie scores, including Jaws and Harry Potter films.

May the orchestra be with you.

Make that orchestras. Not one, not two, but three different classical ensembles will perform the music of Star Wars in Montreal over the next 60 days.

Leading the charge is Star Wars: A New Hope In Concert, April 19 and 20 at Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier, Place des Arts, with music by the 80-piece Orchestre FILMharmonique, featuring musicians from the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal and the Orchestre Métropolitain playing the iconic tunes while the original Star Wars movie screens in the background.


2019 Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire Finalists

2019 Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire Finalists

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The 2019 Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire finalists have been announced, winnowed from the jurors’ first round longlist.

Congratulations to everyone whose works in French translations made the shortlist — Marie Brennan, Ian McDonald, Neal Stephenson, Jodi Taylor, Adrian Tchaikovsky, and Ben H. Winters, for their novels, and Neil Gaiman, Carolyn Ives Gilman, Tendai Huchu, Linda Nagata, and Mike Resnick for their short fiction.

The awards will be presented on June 9 at the Étonnants Voyageurs festival in Saint-Malo, France.

The jurors for the award are Joëlle Wintrebert (president), Jean-Luc Rivera (vice-president), Bruno Para (assistant secretary), Jean-Claude Dunyach (treasurer), Sylvie Allouche, François Angelier, Audrey Burki, Olivier Legendre, Sylvie Le Jemtel, Jean-Claude Vantroyen. The Secretary (not a member of the jury) is Pascal Patoz.

Roman francophone / Novel in French

  • BonheurTM de Jean BARET (Le Bélial’)
  • Dernières fleurs avant la fin du monde de Nicolas CARTELET (Mü Éditions)
  • Le Cycle de Syffe, tomes 1 & 2 de Patrick K. DEWDNEY (Au diable vauvert)
  • Rouille de Floriane SOULAS (Scrineo)
  • Les Pierres et les Roses, tomes 1 à 3 d’Elisabeth VONARBURG (Alire)

Roman étranger / Foreign Novel

  • Mémoires, par Lady Trent, tomes 1 à 5 de Marie BRENNAN (L’Atalante) [The Memoirs of Lady Trent, volumes 1-5]
  • Luna, tomes 1 & 2 de Ian McDONALD (Denoël) [Luna: New Moon and Luna: Wolf Moon]
  • Anatèm, tomes 1 & 2 de Neal STEPHENSON (Albin Michel) [Anathem]
  • Les Chroniques de St Mary, tomes 1 & 2 de Jodi TAYLOR (Hervé Chopin) [The Chronicles of St. Mary’s, volumes 1 and 2]
  • Dans la toile du temps d’Adrian TCHAIKOVSKY (Denoël) [Children of Time] (Interestingly, the literal translation of the French title is In the Web of Time; this is a book about spider people)
  • Underground Airlines de Ben H. WINTERS (ActuSF)

Nouvelle francophone / Short Fiction in French

  • H+ de Pierre BORDAGE (in Dimension Technosciences @ venir, Rivière Blanche)
  • Ex silentio d’Olivier CARUSO (in Bifrost n°91)
  • La Déferlante des Mères de Luc DAGENAIS (in Solaris n°207)
  • Le Patient aveugle de Cécile LADJALI (in L’Autre siècle, Fayard)

Nouvelle étrangère / Foreign Short Fiction

  • La vérité est une caverne dans les Montagnes noires de Neil GAIMAN (in Signal d’alerte, Au diable vauvert) [“The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains”, from the collection Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances]
  • Voyage avec l’extraterrestre de Carolyn Ives GILMAN (in Bifrost n°91) [“Touring With the Alien”]
  • OrgHôtes de Tendai HUCHU (in Galaxies n°55) [“HostBods”]
  • L’Obélisque martien de Linda NAGATA (in Bifrost n°89) [“The Martian Obelisk”]
  • Retour à la maison de Mike RESNICK (in Galaxies n°54) [“Homecoming”]

Roman jeunesse francophone / Novels for youth in French

  • Rhizome de Nadia COSTE (Seuil Jeunesse)
  • Les Plieurs de temps, tomes 1 à 4 de Manon FARGETTON (Rageot)
  • Power Club, tomes 1 à 3 d’Alain GAGNOL (Syros)
  • La Mémoire des couleurs de Stéphane MICHAKA (Pocket Jeunesse)
  • Roslend, tomes 1 à 3 de Nathalie SOMERS (Didier Jeunesse)

Roman jeunesse étranger / Foreign novels for youth

  • Diego et les rangers du Vastlantique d’Armand BALTAZAR (Bayard) [Diego and the Rangers of the Vastlantic]
  • L’Anti-magicien, tomes 1 & 2 de Sebastien DE CASTELL (Gallimard Jeunesse) [Spellslinger and Shadowblack]
  • L’Ars Arcana de Lisa MAXWELL (Casterman) [The Last Magician]
  • Shades of Magic, tomes 1 à 3 de V.E. SCHWAB (Lumen) [A Darker Shade of Magic, A Gathering of Shadows, A Conjuring of Light]
  • La Faucheuse, tomes 1 et 2 de Neal SHUSTERMAN (Robert Laffont) [Scythe and Thunderhead]

Prix Jacques Chambon de la traduction / Jacques Chambon Translation Prize

  • Michelle CHARRIER pour Les Livres de la Terre fracturée, tomes 1 à 3 de N.K. JEMISIN (Nouveaux Millénaires) [The Broken Earth Trilogy]
  • Jacques COLLIN pour Anatèm, tomes 1 & 2 de Neal STEPHENSON (Albin Michel) [Anathem]
  • Mélanie FAZI pour Sixième du crépuscule de Brandon SANDERSON (Livre de Poche) [the collection Sixth of the Dust]
  • Francis GUÉVREMONT pour Invasion de Luke RHINEHART (Aux Forges de Vulcain) [Invasion]
  • luvan pour Amatka de Karin TIDBECK (La Volte)

Prix Wojtek Siudmak du graphisme / Wojtek Siudmak Graphic Design prize

  • Armand BALTAZAR pour Diego et les rangers du Vastlantique d’Armand BALTAZAR (Bayard) [Diego and the Rangers of the Vastlantic]
  • Adrian BORDA pour Musiques d’Outre-mondes, dirigée par Eric Lysøe (Arkuiris)
  • Nicolas FRUCTUS pour La Quête onirique de Vellitt Boe de Kij JOHNSON (Le Bélial’) [The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe]
  • Jamie GREGORY pour Marqués d’Alice BROADWAY (Pocket) [Ink]
  • Jeam TAG pour Rétrofictions de Guy COSTES & Joseph ALTAIRAC (Encrage)

Essai / Essay

  • Dictionnaire de la fantasy dirigé par Anne BESSON (Vendémiaire)
  • Comment parler à un alien ? Langage et linguistique en science-fiction de Frédéric LANDRAGIN (Le Bélial’)
  • Libère-toi cyborg ! le pouvoir transformateur de la science-fiction féministe de ïan LARUE (Cambourakis)
  • Hors des décombres du monde de Yannick RUMPALA (Champ Vallon)

Prix special

  • Guy COSTES & Joseph ALTAIRAC for their career as scholars and collectors over 40 years, exhibited in their monumental work Rétrofictions. Encyclopédie de la Conjecture Romanesque Rationnelle Francophone (Encrage)

Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser

Star Wars Episode IX – Teaser

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“Every generation has a legend.”



“HISTORY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE is exactly what it says on the package—a sweeping story that covers all of the important events in the span of Marvel history from the Big Bang all the way to the heat-death of the universe. It’s not a Handbook, it’s not MARVEL SAGA, it’s an all-new story that puts all of these events into a greater context. But like those earlier projects, it will also serve as a massive master reference resource for anybody who wants to know what went down when. Even those readers who think they know everything will find new surprises and revelations—and the artwork for the series will make it a visual delight for both those new to Marvel as well as decades-seasoned Marvelites.”

See preview images from HISTORY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE by Mark Waid, Javier Rodriguez, and Alvaro Lopez!


Last month, gave fans a first look at HISTORY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE, a new limited series coming this July that will serve as the definitive guide to how the Marvel Universe began. Written by Mark Waid with art by Javier Rodriguez and Alvaro Lopez, HISTORY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE promises to deliver a fresh retelling of Marvel’s most classic stories.

Interior art by Rodriguez and Lopez was revealed at the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo, but now we can show you the cover of HISTORY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE #1 by Steve McNiven!

Click here to view the image and read more.

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The Addams Family is back

IN THEATERS THIS HALLOWEEN. Get ready to snap your fingers! The Addams Family is back on the big screen in the first animated comedy about the kookiest family on the block. Funny, outlandish, and completely iconic, the Addams Family redefines what it means to be a good neighbor. Directed By: Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan Cast: Oscar Isaac, Charlize Theron, Chloë Grace Moretz, Finn Wolfhard, Nick Kroll with Bette Midler and Allison Janney

Connect with The Addams Family:

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Weekend closures on Turcot, Hwy. 20

There is also to be a demo vs Bill 21, which I believe will affect traffic on and around Notre Dame — CPL

Transport Quebec is urging drivers to avoid the Turcot Interchange and Highway 20 eastbound near the St-Pierre Interchange on the April 12-14 weekend.

Montreal Gazette, 12 Apr 2019

On the Turcot, here are the areas affected:

■ Complete closure of the ramp from the Décarie Expressway to the section of Highway 15 South that leads to the Champlain Bridge. From Friday at midnight to Monday at 5 a.m.

■ Complete closure of the ramps between the Ville-Marie Expressway and Highway 20 in both directions. From Friday at midnight to Monday at 5 a.m.

■ One of two lanes will be closed on the ramp between Highway 15 northbound (from the Champlain Bridge) and the Décarie Expressway. From Friday at midnight until Sunday at 8 a.m.

■ Highway 20 eastbound will be completely closed between Exit 64 (St-Jacques St., Angrignon Blvd.) and the next entrance ramp, from Friday at midnight to Monday at 5 a.m.

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■ In the Nuns’-Island/Champlain Bridge area, detours will be in effect between Friday at 10 p.m. and Monday at 5 a.m.:

■ Complete closure of Highway

■ 10 eastbound (the Bonaventure Expressway) between Exit 5 (Autoroute 15, Gaétan-Laberge Blvd., Verdun) and Nuns’ Island.

■ Complete closure of Highway 15 southbound’s Exit 57-N (PointeNord Rd./Nuns’ Island).

On the Bonaventure Expressway, around the Victoria Bridge, these closures will take place:

■ Complete closure of Highway

10 eastbound between Exit 3 (Carrie-Derick St.) and the next entrance ramp. From Friday at 10 p.m. to Saturday at 3 p.m.

■ Two of three lanes will be closed on Highway 10 westbound near the Victoria Bridge.