All posts by Cathy Palmer-Lister

Hellboy gets scathing review in Mtl Gazette

Chris Knight gave Hellboy a scathing review. I find critics often sneer at SF/F movies or TV shows, or perhaps worse, are condescending, but it looks like Hellboy really surpasses in the ridiculous plot line category.  Is it meant to be over the top?

Knight even gives a checklist of villains to help us keep track. (I had to look up luchadors.)

  • demons
  • fairies
  • changelings
  • vampires
  • leprous hags
  • luchadors
  • skeletons
  • giants
  • giant skeletons
  • witches
  • sorceresses
  • seers
  • dragons
  • dragonettes
  • Nazis
  • trolls
  • pig-monsters
  • were-cats
  • ectoplasmic entities
  • and a giant, fire-breathing anemone.  (Now this I’d love to see!
  • According to Variety:  “Hellboy” has received mostly negative reviews, with a current 12% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Critics have compared the R-rated film unfavorably to the two installments directed by Guillermo del Toro and starring Ron Perlman. “Hellboy” carries a $50 million production cost.
    I know there are Hellboy fans among us–I would love to hear your opinions!—CPL

    From the Gazette:

    Abandon hope, all ye who enter

    Hellboy throws everything at the screen — and sadly, it all sticks


★★ out of 5 Cast: David Harbour, Milla Jovovich, Ian McShane Director: Neil Marshall Duration: 2h

Hellboy is an unholy mess. In what other movie does the protagonist ride an elevator from a fish and chips shop to a pocket dimension, there to meet Baba Yaga (voiced by Emma Tate, embodied by contortionist Troy James), a spindly hag who lives in a dilapidated wooden house atop giant chicken legs, feeds him cream-of-child soup, and tells him where to find Nimue, the villainous Blood Queen, who needs to visit the site of her 517 AD dismembering by King Arthur to regain her full powers and unleash a plague upon Britain?

That’s just one scene, mind you. And if you missed it you’d be none the worse off, since by this point in the movie we already know Nimue’s backstory and the fact that Hellboy, a demon-spawned superhero with a mean right hook, is on her trail.

Written by Andrew Cosby (TV’s Eureka) and directed by Neil Marshall (episodes of TV’s this, that and the other), Hellboy actually gets off to a rousing, even rip-roaring, start. The opening scene, set 1,500 years ago, introduces Milla Jovovich’s power-mad villain, and also serves notice that the violence will swing between cartoonish and gruesome, sometimes both at once. Imagine if the Looney Tunes coyote got crushed by a rock but bled out when it happened. Don’t bring the kids.

Next we meet Stranger Things’ David Harbour as Hellboy, taking over from Ron Perlman. I found Harbour’s Hellboy 20 per cent too quippy, but still a solid, dependable presence.

Dispensing with backstory, which the film doles out later in its endless (two-hour) run, we watch as Hellboy tries to save a friend who has been taken over by evil forces. It’s the first of many, many monsters he’ll meet, greet and defeat. Here’s a handy checklist: demons, fairies, changelings, vampires, leprous hags, luchadors, skeletons, giants, giant skeletons, witches, sorceresses, seers, dragons, dragonettes, Nazis, trolls, pig-monsters, were-cats, ectoplasmic entities and a giant, fire-breathing anemone.

Hellboy runs through this menagerie, sometimes in the company of his adoptive father (Ian McShane), sometimes with a sort of Doctor Who Companion type named Alice (Sasha Lane) and in the latter part of the movie with Ben Daimio (Daniel Dae Kim), a British operative who may be secretly trying to kill him.

In fact, just about everyone in the movie is secretly trying to kill Hellboy at one point or another, thanks to a prophecy that says he’s going to bring about the end of the world. And he doesn’t help his case when he starts stomping around, complaining that monsters aren’t getting a fair shake, and that maybe the Blood Queen is misunderstood.

Marshall doesn’t seem ready to trust the audience to understand the movie, what with numerous scenes of driving where a quick cut would do, and an impressive number of inventive ways to make a blood-splatter noise.

There’s a good superhero movie lurking inside this Hellboy reboot — heck, there are probably two or three in there, and a shameless promise of a sequel to boot. But this film is intent on throwing everything it can on the screen, whether it all fits together or not. If you’re going to hell in a handbasket, perhaps best not to put all your eggs in there with you.


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WARP 104

WARP 104 is now available for your reading pleasure!

Download WARP

The editor wishes to thank the contributors to this issue:

  • Barbara Silverman
  • Paul Gareau
  • Danny Sichel
  • Lloyd Penney
  • Marquise*
  • Keith Braithwaite
  • Sylvain St-Pierre
  • And yours truly, Cathy Palmer-Lister

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MonSFFA needs your trash!

Hey, MonSFFen, we need you to search your recycle bins for STUFF we can use to build space ships! You can start bring in your junk at the April meeting so we have and idea of what we have in time for the May workshop.

Your help in collecting these bits and bobs will count toward the Christmas Party draw!

Check out this video for inspiration!

Keith says:

At next month’s May 11 club meeting, we will embark upon our group project for 2019 with the first of three scheduled workshops for MonSFFA’s Utopia Planitia Shipyards Competition!

This is a reality show-style team contest in which scratchbuilt model spaceships will be fabricated over the course of three one-hour sessions (May, July, and September).

Said ships are to be made using a variety of discarded everyday household items like empty soft drink bottles, toothpaste caps and assorted lids, plastic cups, empty plastic food containers, drinking straws, plastic utensils, parts of old broken toys or sections of the housings for obsolete household electronics and appliances, old door hinges, nuts and washers, fasteners, clasps, clothespins, and such—essentially, any small, interestingly-shaped plastic, metal, or wooden doohickeys!

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The various pieces will be cut up, shaped, glued together, detailed, and painted to produce a model spacecraft.

So, in advance of May’s first workshop, club members are asked to collect for this project such items as described above that they can scavenge around the kitchen, basement, or garage. Please insure that these items are thoroughly cleaned before bagging or boxing them and bringing them in to our upcoming April and/or May meetings.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in helping us successfully stage our makeshift model-building competition!

Participants are encouraged to come prepared; put together a small personal tool kit—scissors, utility knives, and other cutting tools, a straight-edge, files, masking or electrical tape, etc.

The club will supply certain equipment, such as glue, paint and brushes, and a drill.

Further details and the rules of the competition will be outlined during an introductory preamble just prior to the first workshop.

After the contest, the completed spaceship models will be photographed against an “outer space” scenic backdrop for a planned feature in a future issue of club fanzine Warp, with the winning model gracing the cover.

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Event Horizon Telescope releases first-ever black hole image

From Astronomy Magazine

Event Horizon Telescope releases first-ever black hole image

After decades of theorizing about the possibility of catching a black hole image, astronomers have finally pulled it off. The results offer new insights into the mysterious objects.

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The first ever image of a black hole shows the supermassive black hole in the heart of galaxy M87
On Wednesday, astronomers revealed the first image ever taken of a black hole, bringing a dramatic conclusion to a decades-long effort. The iconic image offers humanity its first glimpse at the gas and debris that swirl around its event horizon, the point beyond which material disappears forever. A favorite object of science fiction has finally been made real on screen.
Read more

The nature of M87: EHT’s look at a supermassive black hole

By directly imaging M87’s supermassive black hole and accretion disk, researchers are already learning more about the complex processes that shape the jets of active galaxies.


Why the Event Horizon Telescope took so long to image a black hole

Scientists have finally imaged the invisible. Why did it take two decades to snap a shot of a black hole?


How the Event Horizon Telescope imaged an invisible black hole

How scientists imaged a black hole is nearly as impressive as the picture itself.


A couple of articles involving Canadians on the ISS

A couple of articles involving Canadians on the ISS appeared in the Montreal Gazette:

  • Chris Hadfield’s famous photos from the International Space Station will soon be available to the public
  • Saint-Jacques walks in space

Chris Hadfield’s famous photos to be made public  

Montreal Gazette,

Astronaut Chris Hadfield’s famous photos from the International Space Station will soon be available to the public. Hadfield donated more than 13,000 photos to Dalhousie University in Halifax, where they will be preserved and available for educational and research purposes. Marlo MacKay of the Dalhousie Libraries says they will be available as of Thursday, when the university will hold a public launch. Hadfield took 45,000 photographs during a five-month mission commanding the ISS that ended in May 2013.

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Saint-Jacques walks in space

CANADIAN SPACE AGENCY/NASAAstronaut David Saint-Jacques tackled a 61/2-hour-long to-do list alongside NASA’s Anne McClain during Monday’s spacewalk at the International Space Station. Saint-Jacques is the first Canadian to perform a spacewalk since 2007.

LONGUEUIL, QUE.  Astronaut David Saint-Jacques became just the fourth Canadian to complete a spacewalk Monday, accomplishing several tasks alongside NASA astronaut Anne McClain in about six-and-a-half hours before returning inside the International Space Station.

Saint-Jacques, 49, is the first Canadian to perform a spacewalk since 2007.

After re-entering the space station, he hailed the mission as “a glimpse of the future as we venture further into space.” He said the international effort was an excellent example of collaboration.

“Because when we manage to look beyond our differences, we achieve things that seem impossible,” Saint-Jacques said. “That’s how we progress.”

McClain, who was performing her second spacewalk, thanked the ground team. “We know that it’s a lot of hard work, and a lot of big sighs of relief as soon as the hatch did get closed,” she said.

The spacewalk appeared to run like clockwork, with Saint-Jacques and McClain actually leaving the space station half-an-hour earlier than scheduled.

Retired astronaut Dave Williams said astronauts prefer to have a cushion against the unpredictability of working in space. “We like to get ahead on the timeline and stay ahead, because you never know what’s going to happen during a spacewalk,” Williams said at the Canadian Space Agency headquarters in suburban Montreal.

Williams holds the Canadian record for the most spacewalks, with three for a total of just under 18 hours outside the space station during a 2007 mission. Those came at a time when there was extensive building going on at the station.

Now, astronauts are transitioning mostly to maintenance tasks, which partly explains the long gap since the last Canadian spacewalk by Williams. The other two Canadian astronauts to have performed the feat are Steve MacLean in 2006 and Chris Hadfield in 2001.

Saint-Jacques is on his first posting to the space station, which began on Dec. 3. After emerging from the station, the Canadian performed a few brief movements to get used to his suit before diving into the to-do list, which took 6 hours, 29 minutes.

The tasks took the pair all over the station and included relocating a battery adapter plate, upgrading the station’s wireless communication system and connecting jumper cables along the midpoint of the station’s main truss to give Canadarm2 an alternative power source.

Saint-Jacques, McClain and Oleg Kononenko of the Russian space agency, Roscosmos are scheduled to return to Earth in June.

New ALIENS short movies released to celebrate franchise’s 40th anniversary

From the Wertzone:

The Aliens franchise is turning 40 this year and Fox (and new corporate overlords Disney) are celebrating that fact to the hilt, although it’s fair to say that the last few movies in the franchise have not exactly set the world on fire.

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In an interesting and commendable movie, Fox have allowed several film-makers to shoot some new, live-action short films set in the Aliens setting. The first two, Containment and Specimen, have already been released and four more are on the way.

They are surprisingly quite good, probably the best additions to the live-action Aliens mythos since at least Alien 3 was released in 1992. The short length suits the creeping horror of the franchise a lot better, and allows them to experiment with tone a bit.

With Fox having been gobbled up by Disney, it appears that plans to make further movies in the Prometheus/Covenant sub-series are on hold. It’ll be interesting to see if there are plans to take the franchise somewhere fresher in the future, but these short films indicate that maybe there’s life in the old facehugger yet.

Fanzines to share!

A few zines have arrived! Enjoy!

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The Event Horizon Telescope may soon release first-ever black hole image

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From Astronomy Magazine

 The Event Horizon Telescope may soon release first-ever black hole image

A photo of the Milky Way’s central black hole, Sagittarius A*, would be the first of its kind.

While still a simulation for now, the Event Horizon Telescope has promised to image a black hole, and they’re poised to make a big announcement.Hotaka Shiokawa
No, you can’t actually take a picture of a black hole. But astronomers have promised to do the next best thing: To image the seething chaos just outside the black hole, known as its event horizon. To capture this region, just on the cusp of the black hole itself, astronomers have had to link telescopes from across the globe and focus them on the closest, most massive black holes known: Sagittarius A* (pronounced “A-star”), which resides at the center of our own Milky Way galaxy, as well as the even larger supermassive black hole that sits at the center of nearby galaxy M87.

The result, known as the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) had its big observing run in April of 2017. Researchers warned that it would take time to piece together the data. And the team has repeatedly dropped hints that the results could be ready soon, only for the project to continue on. But based on their upcoming press event, set for April 10, it seems that time may have come, and that viewers are about to see the first-ever picture of a black hole’s event horizon.

TeamworkEHT is actually a team of telescopes working together in a process known as interferometry. This lets the connected telescopes behave as if they had one enormous collecting area. Of course, there are gaps between the individual observatories, and each telescope is unique and behaves in slightly different ways – as well as experiencing different weather, and having a different view of the black hole, though this last is actually the feature that makes the combined imaging so accurate. But figuring out how to stitch all that data together is why researchers have taken so long to turn the 2017 data into a presentable image.

But the cooperation pays off. Individually, the telescopes are world-class. And together, they deliver enough observing power that a person standing in New York City could use the EHT to read the writing on a quarter in Los Angeles, something none of them could do individually.

It’s not clear which of the black holes targeted by EHT may be ready to show off to the public. It’s also not for certain that they’ve actually accomplished the feat yet. But after such a wait, the pictures should be stunning. The National Science Foundation, which helps fund EHT, will be hosting the press conference. Due to the collaboration being spread across the globe, other press conferences will happen simultaneously in Brussels, Santiago, Shanghai, Taipei and Tokyo, highlighting the cooperation and vast resources it takes to make a project this large succeed.

The announcement will be livestreamed at the NSF’s webpage.

Twilight Zone inspired other spooky shows


The Outer Limits (1963-65)

The show that’s most closely compared to The Twilight Zone focused less on social commentary and more on straight-up horror and science fiction. It ran for two seasons and was known for its “monster of the week” format.

Tales of the Unexpected (1979-88)

This ITV series was largely based on the stories of Roald Dahl — he even introduced them Rod Serling-style — and is remembered for its fairground-like theme and crafty twist endings.

Hammer House of Horror (1980)

This short-lived series was a distinctly British take on the horror anthology. It ran for 13 episodes and featured such heritage talent as Denholm Elliott, Peter Cushing and Brian Cox.

Black Mirror (2011-present)

Charlie Brooker’s anthology mines its anxieties from our uncertain relationship with technology. Last year, it pushed the boundaries of technological innovation itself with the feature-length “choose your own adventure” Bandersnatch.

Inside No. 9 (2014-present)

Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith’s macabre anthology is an exercise in playing with the form. Technical trickery, silent comedy and smart wordplay have featured in their high-concept stories, all loosely connected to the number nine.

London Daily Telegraph

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