All posts by Cathy Palmer-Lister

More zines to share!

From the N3F,

Attached are the June issues of The National Fantasy Fan and FanActivity Gazette.

From Bill Burns, an update to the e-fanizes archive.

Added today at

  • New page for Robert J. Sawyer’s Alouette archive (1992-97)
  • Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – Jun 2023
  • David Grigg’s The Megaloscope #7
  • Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #36
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #42 & #43


June 2023 Virtual Meeting; Post 4 of 7, 3:00PM: The Break!

Time for a break! News, displays, & raffle prizes!

Get your Bheer & Chips!
It’s time for the break!


JULY 8: Picnic in the Park

Our July meeting will be a BBQ in the park! Come join us at Maisonneuve Park to celebrate Keith’s birthday!

AUGUST12: Meeting at the Legion Hall in Lachine!

We are renting the Legion Hall in Lachine for a real, live in person, meeting! It’s a bit far for many, but easily reached by public transport, and has lots of free parking. We are going to test the WiFi in hopes of a hybrid meeting.

Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 085/090
3015, rue Henri-Dunant,
Lachine, Qc,
H8S 1R5


Click the thumbnails to view full size image.

The Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn, Vol II, hardcover. Donated by Brian Knappe

Affixed to each Voyager craft was a recording inscribed with the music and images of our planet. Donated by Mark Burakoff.

60 cards portraying visual scenes from Burroughs’ creations like Tarzan, Mars etc. Card backs show more Burroughs artwork & Jusko’s commentary (Sylvain)

DVD: Martians launch a ruthless assault on an unsuspecting Victorian England, in an attempt to escape their dying planet. Donated by Brian Knapp.

The Time Machine, The Island of Dr Moreau, The Invisible Man, The First Men in the Moon, The Food of the Gods, In the Days of the Comet, The War of the Worlds

From Sylvain’s collection, a very small fossil, about 3.5 cm, of what appears to be a fish in sandstone.

Animated full length film based on novel by HG Wells

Three young survivors of vicious demon attacks dare to step beyond the crumbling safety of the wards,  risking everything in a desperate quest to regain the knowledge of the protective wards.

Collaborative novel by George RR Martin & John J Miller., a murder mystery set in the Wild Cards Universe.


Today, at 13:00h, you are invited !

 All are welcome to join us!

We meet today, 17th of June, 13:00h. The invitation to Zoom will appear in the introduction post right at 13:00h.

Guest Speaker: Author Olivia Atwater

Olivia Atwater writes whimsical historical fantasy with a hint of satire. She lives in Montreal, Quebec with her fantastic, prose-inspiring husband and her two cats. She has been, at various times, a historical re-enactor, a professional witch at a metaphysical supply store, a web developer, and a vending machine repair person.

Fantasy as Satire: Though you can write a satire in just about any genre, fantasy lends itself particularly well to the idea for reasons both structural and psychological. Olivia Atwater discusses a few well-known examples of satire within the fantasy genre, and elaborates on why they succeed so well at their aims.

Joe Aspler: These are the Voyages…: There have been many fine ships named Enterprise. In this presentation, I will summarise their origins, their history, their battles, and the exploration that they carried out.

Discussions: August meeting at the Legion in Lachine, what are we reading or watching, or creating!

 Raffles: Nine prizes are on offer to lucky winners!

And Keith’s SF trivia quiz!


Tribute to John Williams at PDA

Tribute to John Williams at PDA

 Saturday, May 18, 2024, 7:30PM

Re-discover the enchanting world of John Williams on a journey spanning four decades of the composer’s work, from Jaws to Star Wars, Superman, Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, and more!

Led by Maestro Francis Choiniere, an army of 81 musicians and 100 choristers will deliver moving performances of Hymn to the Fallen, Double Trouble, and the electrifying Duel of the Fates. Don’t miss out on this unique tribute to the world’s most legendary film music composer, John Williams.

A riveting orchestral experience awaits!

New exoplanet discovery sparks hope of hidden ‘Tatooines’

Exoplanet ‘BEBOP-1c’ orbits a binary star system

From Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, Luke Skywalker stares out at a sunset of two stars from his home planet of Tatooine.
A scene from 1977’s Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, where Luke Skywalker stares out at a sunset of two stars from his home planet of Tatooine. (Lucasfilm/Disney)

A new discovery of a faraway planet, published today in the journal Nature Astronomy, is bringing more science to what was once the realm of science fiction.

The new exoplanet, TOI-1338/BEBOP-1c, is a gas giant 65 times the size of Earth and more than 1,300 light years away in a binary star system — where two suns revolve around each other.

For some, it might recall a powerful scene from the original Star Wars movie — Luke Skywalker staring at the horizon, pining for a greater destiny than on the dustball of Tatooine, as the aptly named John Williams theme Binary Sunset plays in the background.

While the fictional Tatooine was alone, BEBOP-1c is the second planet discovered in the real TOI-1338 system.

“It’s quite an exciting discovery,” said Matthew Standing, post-doctoral researcher at The Open University in Milton Keynes, England, and first author of the study.

“It’s only the second multi-planetary, circumbinary system and the first-ever circumbinary planet discovered with radial velocity.”

Unpacking those terms is key to why experts think this could lay the groundwork for finding similar hidden exoplanets. But it requires understanding the chaos of such cosmic neighbourhoods and the methods used to detect exoplanets.


Canadian invents a card sorting machine

A Calgary entrepreneur invented a machine to sort out trading cards. He perfected the system over two years, testing and sorting through a million cards from two major players in the collectible games market — Pokémon and Magic: The Gathering.

“The success of that prototype allowed me to apply for a grant through the province to build eight more machines,” Gordon said.

His machine, christened the PhyzBatch-9000, made its way to several game stores across Alberta, allowing the entrepreneur to set up shop with his business partner in 2021.




Space Weather News for June 12, 2023

A ‘MEGA-BUBBLE’ ON THE SUN: NOAA has just released a list of highlights from young Solar Cycle 25. One of them must be seen to be believed: An X-class flare blowing a “mega-bubble” in the sun’s atmosphere. Full story and movie @

Above: The sun, blowing bubbles. Image credit: NOAA/GOES-16/SUVI

McGill the 8th Interstellar Symposium

We received an invitation to the Interstellar Symposium hosted by McGill. I have seen Karl and Eric at various conventions. Both are interesting speakers on SF and space travel, I’m sure the other two are as well. The SF authors public event is FREE. -CPL
Montreal Science Fiction & Fantasy Association:

I am a professor at McGill University working in the area of interstellar flight. This July, we will be hosting at McGill the 8th Interstellar Symposium, the premier international forum discussing the science, engineering, and societal implications of interstellar travel.

As part of this event, we will be having a Science Fiction Author Panel that might be of interest to your members. The Science Fiction Author Panel will be free and open to the public on Tuesday, July 11 at 6:00 pm in the Delta Hotels Montreal (475 President-Kennedy Avenue, Montreal).

Please find an infographic here that describes the event, which is free and open to the public. If you feel your members would be interested, I would encourage you to distribute the existence of this event widely. You are welcome to repost this infographic on your website or social media platforms.Create appointment

8th Interstellar Symposium
REGISTER HEREPROGRAMHOTEL INFORMATION IRG’s 8th Interstellar Symposium, in collaboration with the International Academy of Astronautics and Breakthrough Initiatives, will take place July 10 – 13, 2…
The entire Interstellar Symposium might be of interest as well:

Registration is required, but is very affordable at the student rate, and includes breakfast and lunch for all the days of the Symposium. The Interstellar Symposia series evolved out of the science fiction community, and we strive to keep all presentations accessible to a non-technical audience. Please feel free to distribute the conference information as well.

Thank you for assisting in promoting the 8th Interstellar Symposium and associated SF Author Panel. Hope to see some of your members at our event in July!


Andrew Higgins
Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Chair of Local Organizing Committee
8th Interstellar Symposium