All posts by Cathy Palmer-Lister

February 2023 CSFFA Newsletter

February 2023 CSFFA Newsletter

We at CSFFA hope you have lots of great speculative fiction keeping you company during these winter months. Our February newsletter provides some updates on where we’re at in the annual Aurora Awards cycle, and a nice bit of news on one of the recent Best Novel winners.

In this newsletter:

  • Aurora Awards Eligibility Lists Close Soon
  • Mexican Gothic featured in CBC’s 2023 Canada Reads contest

Aurora Awards Eligibility Lists Close Soon

This year’s eligibility lists of works that are eligible in the ten Aurora Award categories will close on February 25th at 11:59 EST (or 8:59 PST in BC). CSFFA members will only be able to nominate works that have been approved on these lists.

We are looking for CSFFA members to help us add works that were first published/done by Canadians in 2022. Works in our eligibility lists will be validated by a team of CSFFA volunteers. If there are issues with any of the approved items, please let us know right away.

Note:  We are no longer giving out an award for movies or TV shows. Works that were in the Best Fan Organizational category are now in the Best Fan Related Work category. Due to a lack of eligible works in past years it was decided to make these changes. Also, we have redefined the Best Artist category so that it is the Best Cover Art/Interior Illustration category. Rather than nominate an artist, members now nominate each work that an artist has had published in the past year.

Nominations for this year’s awards will begin on Saturday, March 4th.

Membership registration note: Please do not wait until the last few days before a deadline to either signup or renew your CSFFA membership. Once you’ve paid your account should automatically be updated.  If not, do NOT pay a second time. Email us via our contact page to check that your payment did go through.  If you send us your receipt

Mexican Gothic featured in
CBC’s 2023 Canada Reads contest

Congratulations to Silvia Moreno-Garcia and her 2021 Aurora winning novel Mexican Gothic on being named a finalist in this years CBC’s Canada Reads! What an amazing spotlight on Mexican Gothic, we couldn’t be more proud on seeing this wonderful and moving novel brought back into the hearts and hands of Canadians. It is nice to see the work of Silvia Moreno-Garcia showcased and bringing a spotlight to the amazing speculative fiction written right here.

“It’s great to see horror on the CBC Canada Reads list. It’s often considered a minor genre. I’m glad Mexican Gothic is getting renewed attention and I’m eternally grateful to my champion, TikTok creator Tasnim Geedi, who will be representing the book during the competition.”
Silvia Moreno-Garcia

This year’s CBC Canada Reads, which runs March 27 – 30, 2023 with the theme of novels that will shift your perspective, will have five books represented by five Canadian personalities over four days of passionate debate and discussion with one book being named the one book all Canadians should read. But readers are the true winners with the five books on the short list or the books on the long list, which includes Speculative writer Guy Gavriel Kay, as great recommendations when choosing your next read.

We wish Mexican Gothic and Silvia the best during Canada Reads and in the future. You can join the fun by tuning into Canada Reads this March.

Zines to Share!

From Garth in Vancouver: Obdurate Eye 24

And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hillside …. 1
Fanzines I Want …. 3
Fanzines and Letters and My Replies ………………… 4
One Way to Look at It #3 (Teunis Peters) ……………. 6
Around the World Across This Nation and Up My Street …8
Pacific Northwest Conventions in 2023 …….. 12
February 2023 New Fantasy and Science Fiction Releases……. 16
Fanzines Received ……………….. 19
Art credits
Jose Sanchez, “Monster Face” (1990) . cover, p. 6
Clip art ……pp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 12

From Leybl in Israel: CCFebruary2023-v01

This month’s roundup:

  • • More Yiddish-related SF material dedicated to my dear departed father, David Botwinik (o”h – ע”ה ): o Part F of the Yiddish SF short story “Kamf-Nign” by Leybl Botwinik (with English translation)
  • • Star trek vs. Star Trek vs. Star Trek – Part II (The Original Series (TOS))
  • • Sheer Science – Interactive game: Learn how a satellite is built + why it’s important for preserving the Earth.
  • • Book review: “More Zion’s Fiction” – Story #16: “Set in Stone” – by Yael Furman
  • • Our usual tidbits from the Web.
    – Your editor, Leybl Botwinik

February 2023 e-Meeting, Post 4 of 8: The Break!

Get your Bheer & Chips!
It’s time for the break!


WARP: Danny is waiting for your submissions. Reviews, fiction, and letters of comment, art, puzzles, photos of your creations, all are welcome! Otherwise it’s going to be a very thin issue!

Membership: A review of our roster shows we still have a few members whose payments are overdue. We are reviewing our membership rates and benefits, and there may be a few small changes as a result.


Cathypl is cutting prehistoric critters. Wood is cherry, walnut, and yellow birch.

Daniel Kenney is working on a new build for a Romulan warbird. “Custom made wings..needed to pass wires in the wings through the body of ship to the battery packs..”

Brian is working on figures. He will be speaking on Keith’s panel discussion, offering tips on presentation of models.

Wayne has two more models built.


Click the thumbnails to view full size image.

Sturmovik Neko Girl, Japanese Capsule Toy, donated by Brian Knapp.

Tentacles! Cut by cathypl from beech.

From Sylvain’s Legacy, Star Wars Pop-Up Book

From Sylvain’s collection: The Animated Cerebus, by Dave Sim. A set of 45 colour prints (about 9″ x 12″) making up three flip-card animated stories. The cover sheet is signed by Dave Sim.

Another picture from the Animated Cerberbus

From Sylvain’s collection: 8 movie lobby cards (8″ x 10″) – two from each movie: The Incredible Shrinking Woman with Lily Tomlin – 1980 Battlestar Galactica – 1978 Futureworld – 1976 The Thing – 1982

Alan Dean Foster and Eric Frank Russell: Design for Great-Day Good condition

Boris, series 1, from Sylvain’s legacy, box of 90 cards, each card described on the back

1983 – Gwennan Daggert, caught in an underworld of hellish nightmares and beautiful dreams,  must now fulfill the destiny she can no longer deny. Interior illustrations by Chris Miller.

Locus: new releases for February

FEB 2023

  • AYIZE JAMA-EVERETT • Heroes of an Unknown World • Small Beer Press, Feb 2023 (tp, eb)
  • CHỊKỌDỊLỊ EMELỤMADỤ • Dazzling • Headline/Wildfire UK, Feb 2023 (hc, eb)
  • CHRIS WOODING  • The Shadow Casket • Orion UK/Gollancz, Feb 2023 (hc, eb)
  • DAVID WEBER, ED.  • Worlds of Honor #7: What Price Victory? • Baen, Feb 2023 (oa, hc)
  • DHONIELLE CLAYTON • The Beauty Trials • Disney/Hyper­ion, Feb 2023 (ya, hc, eb)
  • DHONIELLE CLAYTON • The Beauty Trials • Orion UK/Gollancz, Feb 2023 (ya, hc, eb)
  • E. LILY YU  • Jewel Box • Erewhon, Feb 2023 (c, hc, eb)
  • H.G. PARRY  • The Magician’s Daughter • Char­nel House, Feb 2023 (hc)
  • H.G. PARRY  • The Magician’s Daughter • Orbit UK, Feb 2023 (tp, eb)
  • H.G. PARRY  • The Magician’s Daughter • Orbit US/Redhook, Feb 2023 (tp, eb)
  • IAN MCDONALD • Hopeland • Orion UK/Gollancz, Feb 2023 (hc, eb)
  • IAN MCDONALD • Hopeland • Tor, Feb 2023 (hc, eb)
  • JANE YOLEN  • The Scarlet Circus • Tachyon Publications, Feb 2023 (c, tp, eb)
  • JONATHAN MABERRY • Empty Graves • Arc Manor/Caezik SF & Fantasy, Feb 2023 (c, hc)
  • KELLY BARNHILL • The Crane Husband • Tordotcom, Feb 2023 (na, a, hc, eb)
  • LUCY A. SNYDER  • Sister • Maiden, Monster, Titan Books UK, Feb 2023 (h, tp, eb)
  • LUCY A. SNYDER  • Sister • Maiden, Monster, Tor Nightfire, Feb 2023 (h, tp, eb)
  • MARINA LOSTETTER • The Cage of Dark Hours • Tor, Feb 2023 (hc, eb)
  • MATT RUFF  • The Destroyer of Worlds: A Return to Lovecraft Country • Harper, Feb 2023 (hc)
  • ORSON SCOTT CARD • Wakers • Simon & Schuster/McElderry, Feb 2023 (ya, tp)
  • RENÉE AHDIEH • The Ruined • Hodder & Stoughton UK, Feb 2023 (ya, v, hc, eb)
  • RENÉE AHDIEH • The Ruined • Penguin Random House/Putnam, Feb 2023 (ya, v, hc, eb)
  • ROSHANI CHOKSHI • The Last Tale of the Flower Bride • HarperCollins/Morrow, Feb 2023 (hc, eb)
  • ROSHANI CHOKSHI • The Last Tale of the Flower Bride • Hodder & Stoughton UK, Feb 2023 (hc, eb)
  • SALMAN RUSHDIE  • Victory City • Penguin Random House UK/Jonathan Cape, Feb 2023 (hc, eb)
  • SALMAN RUSHDIE  • Victory City • Penguin Random House/Random House, Feb 2023 (hc, eb)
  • SAMANTHA SHANNON  • A Day of Fallen Night • Blooms­bury Circus UK, Feb 2023 (hc, eb)
  • SAMANTHA SHANNON  • A Day of Fallen Night • Blooms­bury USA, Feb 2023 (hc, eb)
  • SCOTTO MOORE  • Wild Massive • Tordotcom, Feb 2023 (hc, eb)
  • STEPHEN GRAHAM JONES • Don’t Fear the Reaper • Simon & Schuster/Saga Press, Feb 2023 (h, hc, eb)
  • STEPHEN GRAHAM JONES • Don’t Fear the Reaper • Titan Books UK, Feb 2023 (h, tp, eb)
  • TOM REAMY  • Under the Holywood Sign: The Collected Stories of Tom Reamy • Subterranean Press, Feb 2023 (c, hc)
  • VERONICA ROTH  • Arch-Conspirator • Titan Books UK, Feb 2023 (na, hc, eb)
  • VERONICA ROTH  • Arch-Conspirator • Tor, Feb 2023 (na, hc, eb)

2023 Fanzine Activity Achievement (FAAn) Awards

From Nic Farey,  current FAAn Awards admin:


We’re halfway through the voting window for the 2023 Fanzine Activity Achievement (FAAn) Awards, so consider this your halftime pep talk (with apologies to those who have already returned their ballots. of course).

Attached is The Incompleat Register 2022, the voters’ guide and pro forma ballot for the 2023 FAAn awards, fanzine fandom’s only dedicated honors.

The voting deadline is midnight (Pacific time) Friday March 10 2023, and ballots must be received by then (please note this if you’re sending by snail mail). Your own name and contact details should also be clearly supplied.

The awards will be announced at Corflu Craic in Belfast, Northern Ireland on April 2 2023.

Voting is open to anyone with an interest in fanzines, no memberships of anything are required.

Publicity is welcomed. Feel free to share and distribute this as far and wide as you like.

Nic Farey
(Current FAAn Awards Administrator)

Feb 11: Lots to talk about!


Note: Our meetings take place both on our webpage and on Zoom. To request a link to Zoom, contact <> .

1:00PM, Post 1 of 8 (Meeting Opens!)

Release (Photos of) the Kraken! (This is a quick feature showcasing recent pictures taken of the rarely photographed giant squid, inspiration for many a sci-fi monster.)

1/72 Me263 with wooden base, Hydrocal plaster ground, static grass & Preiser figures.

1:30PM, Post 2 of 8 (We’ve Been Framed!)
Presentation—Framing Your SF/F Artwork. Keith, with membership participation presents tips on how to show off your projects to best advantage.

2:30PM, Post 3 of 8 Page and Screen: “What Are You Reading/Watching?”  (ZOOM)

wiring a model

3:00PM, Post 4 of 8 (Break): Snack Time, Virtual Display Table, Today’s Raffle Prizes (ZOOM Chat Continues)

3:15PM, Post 5 of 8 (The Purge!)
Discussion: Moderated by Cathypl–Why readers find it so hard to give up books we have loved (It’s not hoarding if it’s BOOKS!) (ZOOM) Inspired by

4:15PM, Post 6 of 8 (Show Us Yours!)
Show-and-Tell (ZOOM Chat)

Gallery: Celebrating Famous Sci-Fi Couples (In honour of Valentine’s Day!) On line

4:45PM, Post 7 of 8 (For the Record!)
Special SF/F LP Record Offer! (Courtesy of the Legacy of Sylvain St-Pierre)

5:00PM, Post 8 of 8 (Wrap-Up!)
Thank You!

Date of Next Club e-Meeting: March 11, 13:00h. Guest speaker, Lloyd Penney


New zines added to e-fanzines

Update from Bill Burns:

It’s been a quiet week, but added today at are:

Octothorpe #76, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

Rich Lynch’s You’re Still on My Mind #1, a letterzine companion to My Back Pages

Archive issues of Heath Row’s apazines: Telegraphs & Tar Pits #48, 49, 50, Faculae & Filigree #17, Snow Poster Township #8, Theoretically Game #2, Explosion Containment Umbrella #6, De Profundis #582, Menace of the LASFS – February 2023
