All posts by Cathy Palmer-Lister

Large Sunspot, Possible X-Class Flares

Space Weather News for Oct. 2, 2022

A BIG DANGEROUS SUNSPOT: One of the biggest sunspots in years has just rotated over the sun’s northeastern limb. AR3112 has a mixed-polarity magnetic field that harbors energy for strong X-class solar flares. The appearance of this dangerous sunspot could herald two weeks of high solar activity as it transits the Earth-facing side of the sun. Full story @

Don’t miss the next solar flare: Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway.
Above: A white-light photo of sunspot group AR3112 is inset atop a magnetic map of the sun from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.

Zine to share

From the N3F, Ionishere.


    Editorial, page three, “Here’s Another Year Drawing to Its Close,” by John Thiel, page three
  • Author Interview: Alan Meredith-Jones, page five
  • Author Interview: Richard Weyand, page ten
  • Author Interview: R.M. Evans, page fifteen
  • Behind the Scenes: Sturgeon’s Law in Science Fiction, by Jeffrey Redmond, page nineteen
  • Commentary: Letters. Heath Row, page twenty-two
  • Talent Section: Neverwhere, by John Polselli, page twenty-six
  • Recap: The issue discussed by the editor, page twenty-seven

Locus Forthcoming Books October

Locus Forthcoming Books October

OCT 2022

  • A. DEBORAH BAKER • Into the Windwracked Wilds • Tor¬dotcom, Oct 2022 (ya, hc, eb)
  • ALAN MOORE • Illuminations • Bloomsbury USA, Oct 2022 (c, hc, eb)
  • ALAN MOORE • Illuminations • Bloomsbury, Oct 2022 (c, eb, hc)
  • ANDREA HAIRSTON • Will Do Magic for Small Change • Tordotcom, Oct 2022 (hc, eb)
  • ANDRZEJ SAPKOWSKI • Light Perpetual • Orbit US, Oct 2022 (hc, tp, eb)
  • ANDRZEJ SAPKOWSKI • Light Perpetual • Orion/Gollancz, Oct 2022 (eb, hc)
  • AYIZE JAMA-EVERETT • Heroes of an Unknown World • Small Beer Press, Oct 2022 (tp, eb)
  • CLAUDIA LUX • Sign Here • Penguin Random House/Berkley, Oct 2022 (hc, eb)
  • DAVID HAIR • Sorcerer’s Edge • Quercus/Jo Fletch¬er, Oct 2022 (tp)
  • ELLEN DATLOW, ED. • The Best Horror of the Year • Vol¬ume Fourteen, Skyhorse/Night Shade Books, Oct 2022 (an, tp, eb)
  • FRANCES HARDINGE • Unraveller • Abrams/Amulet, Oct 2022 (1st US, ya, hc, eb)
  • GEORGE R.R. MARTIN & ELIO GARCIA JR., ET AL. • The Rise of the Dragon • Penguin Random House/Crown/Ten Speed Press, Oct 2022 (nf, hc, eb)
  • GRAHAM MASTERTON • The House at Phantom Park • Head of Zeus/Aries, Oct 2022 (h, hc)
  • HUGH HOWEY • Across the Sand • Harper Voyager US, Oct 2022 (hc, eb)
  • JAMES J. BUTCHER • Dead Man’s Hand • Ace, Oct 2022 (hc, eb)
  • KRISTIN CASHORE • Seasparrow • Orion/Gollancz, Oct 2022 (ya, eb, hc)
  • LAURA ANNE GILMAN • Huntsman • Simon & Schuster/Saga Press, Oct 2022 (tp, eb)
  • LAVIE, ed. TIDHAR • The Best of World SF: Volume 2 • Head of Zeus/Ad Astra, Oct 2022 (eb, hc)
  • LOUISE CAREY • A Candle for Malka • PS Publishing, Oct 2022 (h, na, hc)
  • M.R. CAREY • The Last Night at the Star Dome Lounge • PS Publishing, Oct 2022 (h, na, hc)
  • MARK, ed. MORRIS • Close to Midnight • Flame Tree Press, Oct 2022 (tp, hc)
  • MARY ROBINETTE KOWAL • The Spare Man • Rebellion/Solaris, Oct 2022 (eb, tp)
  • MARY ROBINETTE KOWAL • The Spare Man • Tor, Oct 2022 (hc, tp, eb)
  • MUR LAFFERTY • Station Eternity • Ace, Oct 2022 (tp, eb)
  • NGHI VO • Into the Riverlands • Tordotcom, Oct 2022 (na, hc, eb)
  • OLIVIE BLAKE • The Atlas Paradox • Macmillan/Tor UK, Oct 2022 (eb, hc)
  • P.C. HODGELL • Deathless Gods • Baen, Oct 2022 (tp, eb)
  • PARGIN, JASON • If This Book Exists • You’re in the Wrong Universe, St. Martin’s, Oct 2022 (h, hc, eb)
  • ROBERT SILVERBERG • Living in the Future • NESFA Press, Oct 2022 (nf, hc, eb)
  • S.A. CHAKRABORTY • The River of Silver • Harper Voyager, Oct 2022 (c, hc)
  • STEPHANIE FELDMAN • Saturnalia • Unnamed Press, Oct 2022 (h, hc, eb)
  • TERRY BROOKS • Daughter of Darkness • Penguin Random House/Del Rey, Oct 2022 (hc, eb)
  • VERONICA ROTH • Poster Girl • HarperCollins/Morrow, Oct 2022 (hc, eb)
  • W. MICHAEL GEAR • Reckoning • DAW, Oct 2022 (hc, eb)


Space Weather News for Sept. 28, 2022

NASA IS ABOUT TO BUZZ EUROPA: For the first time in more than 20 years, NASA is about to buzz Europa. On Sept. 29th, the Juno spacecraft will fly only 222 miles above the frozen surface of Jupiter’s ocean moon looking for new fissures and plumes of water vapor. Of special interest is an area of chaos terrain called “Annwn Regio,” which will be right under Juno’s cameras. Full story @
Above: An example of Europa’s chaos terrain where icy rafts have broken free and refrozen due to subsurface water activity. Juno will be looking for recent changes.


Space Weather News for Sept. 27, 2022

GROUND-BASED IMAGES OF ASTEROID IMPACT: Yesterday, NASA’s DART spacecraft hit asteroid Dimorphos–a dramatic bullseye 11 million kilometers from Earth. Surprising even NASA, ground-based telescopes had no trouble seeing the impact. Professional and amateur astronomers photographed a bright cloud of debris emerging from the battered asteroid. See the photos @

Above: A cloud of debris emerges from Dimorphos following the DART impact. Credit: Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) in Hawaii

Gaming convention: Festival Draconis October 14-16

Draconis October 14-16

This year’s event features 103 game sessions, 55 different role-playing game systems which includes 13 made in Quebec.

From the Draconis website:

 Draconis Festival is the biggest role-playing game event of Quebec. It offers more than a hundred role-playing game sessions for beginners or advanced players. Offered games go from classics like Dungeons & Dragons and Call of Cthulhu to the latest independent local role-playing game. The festival is held two times a year. Online on Discord in Winter and in person at the CÉGEP du Vieux-Montréal in Fall. In any case, the event is totally free and open to all the diversity.

The organization team is made entirely of volunteers and the role-playing games are offered by members of our excellent community.

Le festival Draconis est le plus gros événement de jeux de rôle au Québec. Il offre une centaine de parties de jeux de rôle autant pour les personnes débutantes que les plus aguerries. Les jeux de rôles offerts vont des classiques comme Donjons et Dragons et Call of Cthulhu jusqu’aux dernières sorties de jeux de rôle indépendants incluant plusieurs jeux créés par des gens d’ici. L’événement revient deux fois par année. Il a lieu en ligne sur Discord en hiver et en personne au cégep du Vieux-Montréal en automne. Dans tous les cas, l’événement est 100% gratuit et ouvert à toute la diversité.

L’équipe d’organisation est entièrement composée de bénévoles et les parties de jeux de rôles sont offertes par les membres de notre excellente communauté de rôlistes.

ToyCon Montreal scheduled for November 5-6

The next Montreal ToyCon will be happening on Saturday/Sunday, November 5 and 6, 2022 from 10am to 4pm at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Ville St Laurent.

If you’ve enjoyed the previous conventions and are looking for the best and brightest toys for your collection, be sure to check it out! There will be comic book and toy dealers selling GI-Joe, DC, Marvel, Transformers, Star Wars, Funko Pop, Lego and tons more. We’d love to see you there. For more details, visit our website.

Courtyard Marriott Hotel
7000 Place Robert-Joncas
St Laurent, QC H4M-2Z5
(Near Mega-Plex Speheretech 14 – Cinema Guzzo)

Date and Time: Saturday/Sunday, November 5-6/2022 from 10am to 4pm
Admission: FREE
Parking: 2hr / $5

ToyCon de Montréal 5 – 6 novembre

Le prochain ToyCon de Montréal se tiendra le samedi/dimanche, 5 et 6 novembre, 2022 de 10h00 à 16h00 au Courtyard Marriott, à Ville St. Laurent.

Si vous avez aimé les conventions précédentes et cherchez de nouveaux jouets pour votre collection, venez nous voir ! Il y aura des vendeurs de bande dessinées, des jouets de GI-Joe, DC, Marvel, Transformers, Star Wars, Lego, Funko Pop et beaucoup d’autres. Nous comptons sur votre présence ! Pour de plus amples détails, veuillez visiter notre site web!

Lieu / adresse de l’évènement:

Hôtel Courtyard Marriott
7000 Place Robert-Joncas
Ville St-Laurent, QC H4M 2Z5
(Près du Mega-Plex Speheretech 14 – Cinema Guzzo)

Dates & heures de l’évènement: le samedi/dimanche 5 et 6 novembre 2022, de 10:00 à 16:00 heures
Admission: GRATUIT
Stationnement: 2h / $5