All posts by Cathy Palmer-Lister

And 2 more zines!

Two more zines to share! Nic Farey’s This Here is always interesting, especially for football (soccer) fans.  Some thought on fanzines worth a read, too.  down load TH 55

From the president of the N3F: The latest issue of N3F FanActivity Gazette is attached I regret to note that Justin E. A. Busch was unable to complete a Fanfaronade column, and it is not clear when he will be able to do so again. Download FanAct14





Zines to share!

From the N3F: TNFF202207

From Guy Lillian, Spartacus, TNFF202207

Bill Burns sends us an update:

Added today at

Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – July 2022

Ray Palm’s The Ray X X-rayer #165

Opuntia #530, edited by Dale Speirs

Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #57

Transcript and subtitle files for Octothorpe #61

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #25

Taral Wayne’s The Baloobius #8

John Purcell’s Askew #37

Alan White’s Westercon 74 Memory Book

August Events in our area

August Events in our area

*August 5 – 7, 2022 – MONTREAL, QC, A convention for readers of SF,

*August 5 – 7, 2022-MONTREAL, QC, Otakuthon,

August 12-14 – When Words Collide & Canvention 42 – ONLINE This year the festival is once again online and free to attend, including the Aurora Awards ceremony. Registration via Eventbrite is required.

August 25-28, 2022 – Fan Expo, Toronto, ON,

*August 5 – 7, 2022 – MONTREAL, QC, A convention for readers of SF,

*August 5 – 7, 2022-MONTREAL, QC, Otakuthon,

August 12-14 – When Words Collide & Canvention 42 – ONLINE  This year the festival is once again online and free to attend, including the Aurora Awards ceremony. Registration via Eventbrite is required.

August 25-28, 2022 – Fan Expo, Toronto, ON,

Another zine to share + Rob Sawyer video event

With this mailing — N’APA 259


And a video event:

The Worcester Public Library is delighted to host Canadian author Robert J. Sawyer at our virtual Science Fiction Book Club meeting this coming Tuesday, July 19 at 1:00 pm.

We will be discussing his novel WWW: Wake, which is the first book in a trilogy; it is followed by WWW: Watch and WWW: Wonder.

Sawyer has won more awards for his work than any other science fiction author. His website is which is the oldest SF author website and the largest. Here’s his page on Wake: His books have been translated into 20 languages.

He will be joining us from his home in Canada.

Wake won the Aurora Award for Best Novel of the Year and was a finalist for both the Hugo Award and Campbell Memorial Award.

The program is free but registration is required:

“Robert J. Sawyer is on a par with giants like Asimov and Heinlein ­ and, perhaps more than any other science fiction writer working today, he understands that it’s a genre about ideas.” ­ Mystery News

“Unforgettable. Impossible to put down.” ­ Jack McDevitt


Zines to Share

Two zines from the N3F: Origin53 and Tightbeam334

Origin Contents
Editorial, by John Thiel, “How Do We Rate?”, page four
E. Everett Evans, by Jon Swartz, page seven
Into the Past, by Martin Lock, page eleven
Science Fiction Art, by Judy Carroll, page sixteen
Some Words, by Jeffrey Redmond, page nineteen
Wrap-up, by John Thiel, page twenty
Farscapes, by Will Mayo, page twenty-three

Tightbeam Table of Contents
Front Cover … Eavesdropping by Jose Sanchez
Back Cover … Flight by Jose Sanchez

4 … A Tribute to Our Writers

Letters of Comment
4 … Lloyd Penney
5 … Eric Jamborsky
6 … Bob Jennings
6 … Will Mayo

6 … Yurei Deco by Jessi Silver
8 … Phantom of the Idol By Jessi Silver

10 … The Joke That Made The Novel by Will Mayo

10 … Will Mayo Reviews The Beguiled, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and
Night Of The Living Dead

11 … Wilson Tucker Bio-Bibliography by Jon D. Swartz, Ph.D.

15 … Will Mayo Reviews Bobby Gentry’s Ode To Billy Joe, The Grateful Dead’s My Brother
Esau, Uriah Heep’s Lady In Black, Lana del Rey’s Gods And Monsters, Dave Matthews’s
Gravedigger, and Ghost’s Little Sunshine

16 … Will Mayo Reviews Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex

17 … Will Mayo Reviews Edgar Allan Poe’s Ulalume

Food of Famous Writers
17 … Cuban Sandwiches and Sushi with Misha Burnett and Louise Sorenson
… Cooking by Cedar Sanderson



News from Festival Stop Motion Montreal

Festival Stop Motion Montreal back in theaters!

The 14th Festival edition will be back in theaters this September 16 to 18, 2022 at Concordia University. We invite you all to this long-awaited reunion after two years of online activities and look forward to seeing you again in person. Canadian talent will be in the spotlight in September and we will be celebrating the expertise of many local artists.

We are even more excited to unveil the official poster for our upcoming edition which promises to be heart-warming and festive! Thank you to Suzie Bergeron for the superb design and crafting of our 2022 Festival poster. With the flame still burning strong and kept alive by a vibrant community, we can’t wait to spark more stop motion passion and infuse fans with a healthy dose of puppet power. Join us for a magical weekend of inspiring exchanges and memorable experiences!

Le Festival Stop Motion Montréal de retour en salle!

La 14e édition du Festival fera son retour en salle du 16 au 18 septembre 2022 à l’Université Concordia. Nous vous convions tous à ces grandes retrouvailles après deux ans d’activités en ligne et avons très hâte de vous retrouver. Le talent canadien sera à l’honneur en septembre et nous célébrerons entre autres l’expertise de nombreux artistes locaux.

Nous sommes d’autant plus excités de vous dévoiler le visuel officiel pour nos prochaines célébrations qui se promettent d’être chaleureuses et festives! Merci à Suzie Bergeron pour la conception et réalisation de notre affiche 2022. Venez briller de par votre présence et joignez-nous en grand nombre pour un week-end magique d’échanges inspirants et d’expériences mémorables !

Ahead of revealing the full schedule for this upcoming edition, the Festival team is excited to announce the return of stop motion workshops for all skill levels as well as exhibitions, behind-the-scenes treats,  and nearly ten hours of film content that is set to dazzle to the screens.

Information about our 14th edition workshops will be shared with you in the coming weeks, stay tuned!

En attendant de découvrir le calendrier complet de la prochaine édition, l’équipe indique déjà que le retour d’ateliers grand public et professionnel, des expositions et près de dix heures de contenu cinématographique sur grand écran sont prévus.

Restez à l’affût dans les prochaines semaines, l’information à propos des ateliers professionnels  de cette 14e édition vous sera dévoilée.


We would like to highlight some recent changes at the helm of the organization. Dominique Côté was elected to the position of Festival Director this spring, following the end of cherished colleague Marie Valade‘s mandate as co-director. We congratulate Dominique on this new mandate, which will allow the organization to continue its activities and offerings for the international stop motion community. We give great thanks to Marie, whose exceptional work led to the creation of the Festival’s legal status as an NPO in 2014. Marie remains active within the organizing committee as a programmer. On behalf of the entire team, thank you for your titanic involvement and your continued support. And as we like to say at home: Puppet Power!


Nous tenons à souligner des changements à la barre de la Direction de l’organisme. Dominique Côté fut en effet élue au poste de Directrice générale ce printemps, suivant la fin de mandat de co-direction de notre collègue Marie Valade. Nous félicitons Dominique pour ce nouveau mandat permettant à l’organisme de poursuivre ses activités et remercions Marie, dont le travail exceptionnel a permis entre autres la création du statut légal d’OBNL du Festival en 2014. Marie demeure d’autant plus active au sein de l’équipe organisatrice comme programmatrice. De la part de toute l’équipe, merci pour ton implication titanesque et ton soutien continu. Et comme nous aimons dire chez-nous: Puppet Power!

Copyright © 2022 Festival Stop Motion Montreal, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:

Festival Stop Motion Montreal

Rue Marquette, app 1

Montréal, Québec H2E 2E4


Add us to your address book



Zines to share, + Special event

From Leybl in Israel, CyberCozen. CCJuly-2022-v01

On today’s update at

Opuntia #529, edited by Dale Speirs

Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #440

Octothorpe #61, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

Transcript and subtitle files for Octothorpe #60 are available at eFanzines

Notice of Special Event

Alison Scott writes about a free online event of interest to fanzine fans:

I’m going to be hosting, on behalf of Glasgow in 2024, an online ‘book club’ discussion as part of the Chicon Fringe, on the Best Fanzine finalists.

Tuesday 19th July, 19:30pm BST, 1:30pm CDT. Tickets, which are free, are available at:

The full Chicon fringe programme is here:

Book Reviews

The N3F Review of Books N3FReview202206
Incorporating Prose Bono
Professor George Phillies, D.Sc., Editor
June 2022


2 … Contact: Book One by Hank Quense … Review by Jim McCoy
3 … The Family Business by Mike Kupari … Review by Graham Bradley
6 … Hell Spawn by Declan Finn … Review by Ginger Man
7 … Infernal Affairs by Declan Finn … Review by Michael Gallagher
9 … Into the Real by John Ringo and Lydia Sherrer … Review by Declan Finn
12 … Minister’s Shoes by Celine Rose Mariotti … Review by Will Mayo
12 … Monster Hunter Files edited by Larry Correia and Bryan Thomas Schmidt
… Review by Declan Finn
14 … Monster Hunter Vendetta by Larry Correia … Review by Declan Finn
16 … Off to Be the Wizard by Scott Meyer … Review by Graham Bradley
18 … Omim by Michael McGruther … Review by Trevor Denning
21 … Primordial Threat by M.A. Rothman … Review by Jim McCoy
22 … Primordial Threat by M.A. Rothman … Review by Graham Bradley
24 … Red Rising … And Falling by Pierce Brown … Review by Graham Bradley
27 … The Revenant and the Tomb by Herman P. Hunter … Review by Trevor Denning
28 … The Romanov Rescue by Kratman, Ezell & Watson … Review by Declan Finn
31 … Stand Against the Dark by Denton Salle … Review by Becky Jones
31 … The Talisman by Stephen King And Peter Straub … Review by Will Mayo
32 … TIER 1000 by Jason Anspach and Doc Spears … Review by Graham Bradley

Prose Bono

34 … Writing Death Cult A How-To Look by Declan Finn


Forthcoming Books for July

Locus List of Forthcoming Books July

JUL 2022

  • A.C. WISE • Hooked • Titan Books US, Jul 2022 (tp, eb)
  • A.C. WISE • Hooked • Titan, Jul 2022 (tp)
  • ANYA OW • Ion Curtain • Rebellion/Solaris, Jul 2022 (eb, tp)
  • BECKY CHAMBERS • A Prayer for the Crown-Shy • Tordotcom, Jul 2022 (na, hc, eb)
  • BLAKE CROUCH • Upgrade • Penguin Random House/Ballantine, Jul 2022 (hc, eb)
  • BRIAN ATTEBERY • Fantasy: How It Works • Oxford University Press, Jul 2022 (nf, hc)
  • C.T. RWIZI • Primeval Fire • Amazon/47North, Jul 2022 (tp, hc, eb)
  • CATHERINE ASARO • The Jigsaw Assassin • Baen, Jul 2022 (tp, eb)
  • CHARLES STROSS • Ghost Engine • Little Brown UK/Orbit, Jul 2022 (hc)
  • DARRELL, ed. SCHWEITZER • Shadows Out of Time • PS Publishing, Jul 2022 (hc)
  • DEAN KOONTZ • The Big Dark Sky • Amazon/Thomas & Mercer, Jul 2022 (h, hc, eb)
  • DONNA, ed. SCOTT • Best of British Science Fiction 2021 • NewCon Press, Jul 2022 (hc, eb, tp)
  • EMMI ITÄRANTA • The Moonday Letters • Titan Books US, Jul 2022 (tp, eb)
  • EMMI ITÄRANTA • The Moonday Letters • Titan, Jul 2022 (tp)
  • ERIC BROWN • Kon Tiki Quartet Coda (with Keith Brooke) • PS Publishing, Jul 2022 (na, hc)
  • FOZ MEADOWS • A Strange and Stubborn Endurance • Tor, Jul 2022 (hc, eb)
  • GEORGE MANN • The Albion Initiative • Titan, Jul 2022 (tp)
  • GREG KEYES • Realms of the Deathless • Skyhorse/Night Shade Books, Jul 2022 (tp, eb)
  • HARRY TURTLEDOVE • Three Miles Down • Tor, Jul 2022 (hc, eb)
  • JONATHAN MABERRY & JUSTIN CRIADO, EDS. • Weird Tales: Best of the Early Years 1923-25 • WordFire Press, Jul 2022 (an, tp, hc, eb)
  • JONATHAN MABERRY & KAYE BOOTH, EDS. • Weird Tales: Best of the Early Years 1926-27 • WordFire Press, Jul 2022 (an, tp, hc, eb)
  • LUCINDA ROY • Flying the Coop • Tor, Jul 2022 (hc, eb)
  • MICHAEL, ed. COBLEY • Night • Rain, and Neon, NewCon Press, Jul 2022 (hc, eb, tp)
  • NEAL ASHER • Jack Four • Skyhorse/Night Shade Books, Jul 2022 (1st US, hc)
  • NEIL CLARKE & XIA JIA, ET AL., EDS. • New Voices in Chinese Science Fiction • Wyrm Publishing/Clarkesworld Books, Jul 2022 (oa, tp, hc, eb)
  • PAUL KINCAID • Brian W. Aldiss • University of Illinois Press, Jul 2022 (nf, b, tp, hc, eb)
  • PAUL TREMBLAY • The Pallbearers’ Club • HarperCollins/Morrow, Jul 2022 (h, hc, eb)
  • PAUL TREMBLAY • The Pallbearers’ Club • Titan, Jul 2022 (h, tp)
  • RAYMOND E. FEIST • Master of Furies • Harper Voyager US, Jul 2022 (1st US, hc, eb)
  • RICH LARSON • Ymir • Orbit US, Jul 2022 (tp, eb)
  • SARAH GAILEY • Just Like Home • Hodder & Stoughton, Jul 2022 (h, hc)
  • SARAH GAILEY • Just Like Home • Tor, Jul 2022 (h, hc, eb)
  • SILVIA MORENO-GARCIA • The Daughter of Doctor Moreau • Penguin Random House/Del Rey, Jul 2022 (h, hc, eb)
  • SILVIA MORENO-GARCIA • The Daughter of Doctor Moreau • Quercus/Jo Fletcher, Jul 2022 (hc)
  • T. KINGFISHER • What Moves the Dead • Tor Nightfire, Jul 2022 (na, h, hc, eb)
  • TAD WILLIAMS • Into the Narrowdark • DAW, Jul 2022 (hc, eb)
  • THEODORA GOSS • The Collected Enchantments • Mythic Delirium Books, Jul 2022 (c, hc, eb)
  • TIM LEBBON • The Last Storm • Titan Books US, Jul 2022 (tp, eb)
  • TIM LEBBON • The Last Storm • Titan, Jul 2022 (tp)
  • TJ KLUNE • Heat Wave • Tor Teen, Jul 2022 (ya, v, hc, eb)

More zines to share!

Zines to share, Enjoy!

From the N3F, Films Fantastic FF16

From Joe Major, Alexiad Alex123

From Guy Lilian, Trip Reports


The Iconic Route U.K 1

The Iconic Route U.K. 2

From Bill Burns, added at

Nic Farey’s This Here…#54

Alan White’s Meanwhile in Sin City #3


Octothorpe #60, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

Opuntia #527, edited by Dale Speirs