All posts by Cathy Palmer-Lister

The Future is Now: Smart Contact Lenses

I’ve read so many SF stories in which people accessed the Internet (or whatever it was called in the future) via an implant or contact lens. Information floated in front of their eyes.  It looks like this is no longer Science Fiction! –CPL

From the BBC:

Could contact lenses be the ultimate computer screen?

By Emma Woollacott
Technology of Business reporter

Mojo lensImage source, MOjo
Image caption,

Smart contact lenses promise to bring data directly into your field of view

Imagine you have to make a speech, but instead of looking down at your notes, the words scroll in front of your eyes, whichever direction you look in.

That’s just one of many features the makers of smart contact lenses promise will be available in the future.

“Imagine… you’re a musician with your lyrics, or your chords, in front of your eyes. Or you’re an athlete and you have your biometrics and your distance and other information that you need,” says Steve Sinclair, from Mojo, which is developing smart contact lenses.

His company is about to embark on comprehensive testing of smart contact lens on humans, that will give the wearer a heads-up display that appears to float in front of their eyes.


Hawk Among the Sparrows

Following the meeting of the 14th, Brian sent us this review of Hawk Among the Sparrows, one of the stories that was referred in during Joe’s presentation, Too Many Connecticut Yankees. –cpl

Hawk Among the Sparrows
by Dean McLaughlin

While flying a covert mission to observe a nuclear bomb test, Howard Farman and his armed, strategic reconnaissance aircraft “Pika-Don” are to forced to land near a small airfield. Confronted by French soldiers, he realizes he has somehow been transported back to the Western Front of World War One. Not only will he have to convince a fellow “Americaine” of the concept of time travel, but that his Mach 4 jet can actually fly. With his plane out of fuel, can he improvise a method to filter common field kitchen kerosene (paraffin) into something approximating jet fuel. But even this will take at least 500 gallons to make a test flight. He also discovers how little he knows about flying during this era. The unwieldy, rotary engined (engines that turn with the propellers), open cockpit biplanes have little in common with modern jets. During his first flight in one of the squadron’s planes, he experiences a “dogfight” and “airsickness” at nearly the same time. His plane is nearly shot down by an infamous German ace, who has shot down so many of the squadron’s pilots. Even if he can manage to refuel his plane, can he stop an enemy ace where so many others have failed. Pika-Don’s radar is unable to lock onto the mostly wood and fabric fighters, it’s heat seeking missiles useless. In air combat the first rule is “Speed is Life”.

The story actually holds up very well, being nearly as much an aviation story masquerading as science fiction. At one point his friend Blake asks Farman “How can you fly when you don’t have the wind on your face?”

“How can you fly if you can’t judge the wind currents around you.” which could be be life or death knowledge for the pilot with little instruments to guide them.

Aurora Awards: Voters’ package available

News from CSFFA

The 2022 Voters’ package is ready to download!

Have you started reading works by this year’s finalists? We are pleased to announce that this year’s voters’ package contains either e-versions or links for every single one of our 2022 nominated works and is open to all CSFFA members to download. (Not a member yet? Not a problem! Head on over to to take care of that.)

The electronic versions of these works are being made available to you through the generosity of the nominees and their publishers. We are grateful for their participation and willingness to share with CSFFA members. Please remember, all downloads are for CSFFA members only and are not to be shared.

The purpose of the voters’ package is simple–before you vote for the awards, we want you to be able to experience as many of the nominated works as possible so you can make informed decisions.

Downloads are available until voting closes, July 23rd, 2022, at 11:59pm EDT. Voting for this year’s awards will begin on June 11th, 2022. So, enjoy and let the reading begin.

Zine to share

From the N3F, NAPA258

In this issue:
Front Cover: Horsehead Nebula,
The Official Organ #258
Intermission 119, by Ahrvid Engholm – 18
Archive Midwinter, by Jefferson P. Swycaffer – 2
Snow Poster Township #4, by Heath Row – 4
Ye Murthered Master Mage, by George Phillies – 2
Intermission 120, by Ahrvid Engholm – 18
Synergy 39 May 2022, by John Thiel – 10
The Contents of a Good Life 25, by Will Mayo – 7
Samizdat… Ish #13, May/June 2022, by Sam Lubell – 7

Meeting of May 14, all posts in order

Missed the meeting? Here below are all the posts in order, and members will shortly receive the link to view the zoom recording.

We invite you to add your comments to the posts.

Meeting Agenda

Post 1 of 8: Introduction, Quickie Quiz

Post 2 of 8: The Terrors of Topanga Canyon (Part I)

The next two sessions were on zoom, but we invite you to go to the pages and add your contribution in the comments.

Post 3 of 8: What Are You Reading/Watching?

Post 4 of 8: Show-and-Tell

Post 5 of 8: Time for the Break!

On Zoom, we discussed other stories about time travellers who tried to bring an older civilization up to our standards. Do join the discussion by leaving your comments on the page.

Post 6 of 8: So Many Connecticut Yankees – A Panel Discussion on a Certain Type of Time-Traveller

Post 7 of 8: Absent Friends—Remembering the MonSFFen We’ve Lost

Post 8 of 8: Wrap-Up


Fanzines to share!

We have received several zines to share.

The N3F sent us:

MarkTime 140

MT VOID 2223


FanAct has a column for clubs, and MonSFFA’s May meeting is included. Cool! The article on Superman is also worth reading.

Guy Lillian sent us   SPARTACUS 55.       Great cover! Guy and Rosie have  been visiting the UK.

Bill Burns sent an update for new issues on e-fanzines:

More updates at, which brings me up to date:

New page for David Grigg’s Through the Biblioscope

New page for Steve Swartz’s better

New page for Heath Row’s APAzines

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #23

Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #55



Post 5 of 8: Time for the Break!

Post 5 of 8: Time for the Break!

Club news, raffle prizes, display table

Get yer bheer & chips,  it’s time for the break!

Why do fen spell bheer with an “h”?

We have a MonSFFA meeting on the 4th of June, and a Field trip to the Rail Museum, Delson, on the 18th of June.
Danny is looking for your submissions to WARP! Send in your art, stories, photos, puzzles, etc! <>
Got an idea for a future presentation? We need your input!


Wayne has built 61 scale models in the past year. Even Covid has a silver lining! On display we see his latest, more can be found on the MonSFFA website, under the tab Activities/scale models/Wayne Glover.  (Click to view full size)


Click the thumbnail to view full size

Mecha Japanese Capsule Toy, donated by Brian Knapp

Stug III Neko Girl, Japanese Capsule toy, donated by Brian.

16 stories by well-known authors, intro by Greg Bear, condition: new

DC comic, from Sylvain’s legacy

Young Miles by Lois McMaster Bujold, hardcover, pages a bit yellowed, Sylvain’s legacy

Sequel to King Kong, being released just nine months after and is the second entry of the King Kong franchise. Sylvain’s collection

Three issues of Mad Magazine from the 1970s, including January 1978 – their very first Star Wars parody.

Boris, series 1, from Sylvain’s legacy, box of 90 cards, each card described on the back

First of a duology by Ben Bova & A J Austin, dust jacket a bit scuffed, otherwise looks unread.


Scintillation 3 Update

Scintillation 3 is scheduled for the weekend of June 10 -12 at the Holiday Inn Chinatown in Montreal. There are still rooms available in the hotel.

Registration closes on MAY 31st. As usual, there will be no at door registration, you must register online by May 31st to attend Scintillation.

IMPORTANT: Proof of vaccination is required, as is the wearing of a mask.

Stop Motion Festival: Call for entries

2022 Call for entries 

We are excited to announce that our 2022 call for entries is officially open – and as usual, all submissions are free! You can submit your short film until June 20th, 2022 by filling out our form on the Zone Festival platform. For all of the details about the short film competition and on how to submit your films: Submissions.

Appel de films 2022

Nous vous invitons à soumettre vos �uvres dès aujourd’hui! Notre appel de films pour l’édition 2022 démarre à l’instant, et comme toujours, les soumissions sont gratuites. Vous pouvez soumettre vos �uvres jusqu’au 20 juin 2022 en utilisant notre formulaire via Zone Festival. Pour tous les détails au sujet de notre compétition de courts métrages et comment soumettre vos films:  Soumissions

Fanzine to Share: CyberCozen

From Israel, CyberCozen.The article by Sheldon Teitelbaum is fascinating. It’s not just about SF in Israel, but also Israel in SF stories.CCMay-2022-v01The way the article was scanned into CyberCozen makes it hard to read, but it’s worth the effort.

This month’s roundup:

• Yiddish-related SF material dedicated to my dear departed father, David Botwinik (o”h – ע”ה ): Yoel Matveyev: Review of “Faktazye” – Velvl Chernin’s book of Yiddish SF&F short stories • In lieu of a “More ZF” Book review: a 1990 article by Sheldon Teitelbaum about SF in Israel + some history Our usual, interesting tidbits from the Web. – Your editor, Leybl Botwinik