All posts by Cathy Palmer-Lister

New zines posted to e-fanzines

A bumper crop this week at

Opuntia #518, edited by Dale Speirs

Bruce Gillespie’s SF Commentary #109

Tommy Ferguson’s TommyWorld #89 is available at the link, along with back issues in various formats.

Ethel the Aardvark #213 and archive issues 11, 187

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Fadeaway #67, edited by Robert Jennings

Taral Wayne’s The Baloobius #7



Time for the break! Grab a bheer, and read up on the latest club news, admire the model displays, and check out the raffle prizes! 

WARP 111 was reviewed in Guy Lillian’s TZD.

NB: Guy works from a template, hence the credit going to Cathy rather than Danny and Val. It should be correct for the next one! To view WARP 111, Click here.

Once upon a time one of the purposes of SF clubs was to put forth fanzines featuring work by the club members – Minneapolis had Rune, LASFS Shangri L’Affaires, New Orleans Nolazine. North of the border the practice still reigns,with excellent Warp, edited by the better-than-excellent Cathy Palmer-Lister. Class act: friendly, attractive, witty, inclusive. That could be either the editor or the genzine, but I better cut it out:it reads like I’m pitching woo. Anyway, a beautiful antique-ish cover by Ingrid Kallick leads to a brief lettercol, club news, and Keith Brathwaite’s anguished memorial to his friend and fellow MonSFFAn, Sylvan St-Pierre. Fan fiction and a good essay on “The Cold Equations”, one of SF’s most controversial and enduring stories, follow, as do a slew of decent genre reviews by Braithwaite. {Yes, I loved A Quiet Place II; no, I haven’t been able to see the “Zach Snyder cut” of Justice League [which I both fear – I loathed what Snyder did in Man of Steel – and anticipate] and never heard of The Nevers.) Donny Sichel’s report on the World Fantasy Con reminds us that the event will return to New Orleans in the near future … hopefully a near future where COVID is contained and Cathy & Co. can write up WFC for Warp.

 Display Table
Wayne is building model space ships

Starburst MK1 (B5), Hawk MKIX (Space 1999) same size
Scale 1/72, and the Jupiter 2. Bottom, right, Enterprise and BoP at  1/537 Scale.

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Dan Kenney is adding ratlines to his pirate ship, which in a former life was a Chinese junk. The ratlines are metal, he will straighten them later.

The Raffle Prizes  (Click to view full size)

Mecha Japanese Capsule Toy, donated by Brian Knapp

Supervillain/superhero Stikfas set donated by Brian Knapp

From Sylvain’s legacy: A set of Dr Who Trading cards

Multiple Hugo Award winner Vernor Vinge’s first full-length novel 1987 Paperback, a bit yellow, but looks unread. Cover Tom Kidd Donated by MonSFFA.

Full box, Tom Kidd trading cards, Sylvain’s legacy

1982 – Prix Boréal, 1982 – Prix Rosny-Aîné, 1982 – Grand Prix de la science-fiction française, from Sylvain’s collection

Sequel to King Kong, being released just nine months after and is the second entry of the King Kong franchise. Sylvain’s collection

Hollywood Science: Hollywood’s depiction of scientists and their work; how accurately these films capture scientific fact and theory. Sylvain’s Collection

Three issues of Mad Magazine from the 1970s, including January 1978 – their very first Star Wars parody.


Scintillation Progress Report

From Jo Walton:

Scintillation Progress Report


We’re delighted to announce that Scintillation 3 will be taking place on the weekend of 10-12th June 2022, in the Holiday Inn, Montreal, the same one with a pagoda on the roof where Scintillation 1 and 2 took place. We will have program, expeditions, a picnic, and as much fun, friends, and conversation as possible under the circumstances. We may have an outdoor hangout area. We’re doing out best to have Scintillation in a difficult situation. We want to see you! We have missed you all so much. We’re not waiting until the pandemic is over, because we don’t know what over even means any more.


There will be a fun programme, created by Jo Walton. If you would like to be on programme, or if you have any ideas for program, email

Debra Doyle Memorial Dumplings

Debra Doyle was a beloved member of the Scintillation community. In one of her last posts to the Scintillation Discord she said how much she was looking forward to eating dumplings at Scintillation. In memory of her, we’d like to give someone doing the con on a budget money to take a friend and have a dumpling lunch. If you qualify, email — we’ll put the names in a hat and draw one at random to enjoy the dumplings Debra would have liked to share.

Pandemic Safety

While the pandemic continues, it seems to us that summer is a safer time for conventions, which is mostly why we’re doing it in June. We will be requiring masks and proof of vaccination, and any other health measures required by the province of Quebec. All attendees must be fully vaccinated.

Coming to Scintillation

We will inform members nearer the time what the situation is for entering Canada — right now the border is open, and it’s possible to fly here from overseas or the US, and to drive here from the US. The train is not presently running across the border, but it may be by then. Via Rail trains are running from other parts of Canada. Canada currently requires a recent PCR test for entry, but this may change. It also requires downloading the ArriveCan app and filling it out, and this is less likely to change.


The Holiday Inn has raised prices for function space by more than fifty percent since 2019. Unfortunately this means we will not be able to have the Saturday evening reception or the Games Room — but we will have games in the con suite. We’re hoping to be able to afford the Reading Room in addition to the Big Room. We have also reluctantly raised membership rates for new members, and instituted the Bonus Membership (see below) as a fundraiser. The hotel room rate is still under negotiation, we will put it on the website when we have it.

Existing Members

If you have an attending membership in Scintillation 3, either from the Kickstarter, or purchased online, or bought in person on the Sunday of Scintillation 2, you can either use it to attend Scintillation 3 or, if this timing does not work for you, roll it over to Scintillation 4. (Scintillation 4 will take place in 2023, dates TBA.) Please contact to let us know whether you will be using your membership or rolling it over. We’d really appreciate it if let us know as soon as possible, and definitely by the end of March. The same applies to people who have supporting memberships in Scintillation 3 — you can convert them into attending memberships at any time, but letting us know your intentions before the end of March will help us know how many new memberships we can sell. Between the end of March and the end of May, if we are at capacity and you have not already informed us you are coming you may need to be added to the waitlist, so please let us know.

New Memberships

We are selling new memberships on the website New memberships are limited and may sell out. We will stop selling them when we reach capacity. How many we have available depends on how many existing members want to attend. Right now, we have memberships available. New memberships cost $90. Membership sales will close when we are at capacity or at the end of May, whichever happens first. There will be no at door memberships. If there are no memberships available on the website, you can email to be placed on the waitlist.

Benefactor Memberships

Benefactor memberships are bought by those who can afford to pay for both themselves and for another person who will enhance the conversation to come to Scintillation. Benefactor memberships are presently available and are one of the things we love about Scintillation. Benefactor memberships presently cost $160.

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Bonus memberships are new as a fundraiser for 2022 — bonus memberships cost $50, and are an add-on to an existing or new membership. Anyone with a bonus membership is entitled to two free signed Tor books by Jo Walton, your choice of books while supplies last. The books will be delivered at con. The money raised will help pay for a better and safer sound system, and for the Reading Room.

Scintillation Online

Scintillation will never have a virtual convention, or a virtual component to the in person convention. But Scintillation does maintain an active 365 days a year online Discord community where you can hang out and talk with other members of the Scintillation community, listen to and take part in playreadings, our pretend radio program, gift exchanges, Eisteddfodau, etc. No, really! We’ve been doing this ever since March 2020, and all Scintillation people of goodwill are welcome to join us.

Come if you Like

You can come if you like, but it is not the best time:
the weather’s uncertain
the trees are still teetering on rust’s edge
we have cake, but it is not the right cake
and we haven’t been cleaning.
But come if you like.

You can come if you like, but it is not the best time:
work is beginning all round
there are things I have to get done
I can’t spare more than fourteen hours a day
and the best of the flowers are over.
Do come if you like.

You can come if you like, but it is not the best time:
I should train the birds to form hieroglyphs
proclaiming your name to the sky
and persuade the city to organise a special festival
and shed three stone and ten years.
Still, come if you like.

You can come if you like, but it is not the best time:
the best time is the enemy of the good time
come now, come in possible time,
come and share some time while we’re breathing,
let weather fall on us.
Come whenever you like.

(10th September 2010)

Another hobby shop closes its doors

It’s the last whistle stop for Dorval hobby shop

After 27 years, retiring owners now look forward to enjoying the models they sold

David Jenkins, from left, Paul Crépin and Anthony Chan at the Jonction Hobby Express shop in Dorval. The store is set to close after 27 years as the owners begin their retirement.

The Jonction Hobby Express shop in Dorval is slated to close its doors in March or April after a 27-year run on Cardinal Avenue, a few blocks west of the Pine Beach train station.

David Jenkins, one of three owners, is still hoping to sell the business to someone who will maintain the shop which has become a popular spot for Montreal hobby enthusiasts who specialize in miniature trains and plastic model building.

Although the hobby business has seen better days, Jenkins said the main reason for closing up shop is that he and his co-owners are getting up in years and want to retire.

“It’s time to start enjoying ourselves,” said 70-year-old Jenkins, who co-owns the shop with Paul Crépin, 65, and Anthony Chan, 77.

Chan, who was working the front cash on Saturday, said he is looking forward to retirement. “It’s time for me to enjoy some of the model trains I collected over the years but never had time for.”

Jenkins said the hobby business has become a grind in recent years due to competition from online shopping and the fading interest of young people who used to account for a big chunk of the plastic model business.

“The younger generation is not interested in it. They don’t want to work with their hands. If it’s not electronics, they don’t want anything to do with it.”

Jenkins said it’s hard to compete with prices offered by giant online retailers like Amazon who ship merchandise directly to consumers.

He said independent brick-andmortar hobby shops have to constantly evolve in order to survive. Another issue is the rising retail prices of model kits.

“You remember buying a Spitfire for $1.49 at Woolworth’s as a kid?” he said. “Now it’s $159.95, that’s the mail price. The regular price is $225. That’s one of the reasons the hobby is dwindling.”

“Prices have gone crazy,” he added. “We’re talking about a model car, a railway car, a gondola, in HO scale that 27 years ago would have sold for about $20. We’re looking at $62 today for a little car. It’s also getting harder and harder to get supplies.”

He said plastic models of Second World War era German tanks and planes are among the bestsellers, but the British Spitfire fighter plane remains a classic.

Jenkins said the shop always catered to both beginners and serious hobbyists. He noted the store policy was to offer merchandise repairs free of charge to clients aged under 15.

Jenkins said the store also steered proceeds from in-store coffee sales and miniature train repairs toward the annual Christmas fund at the local Dorval Legion.

Jenkins says Jonction Hobby Express, with its retro pegboard walls, is the last of its kind in Montreal. He said Tedd’s hobby shop in the Pointe-claire Plaza might partly benefit from its closure, but the miniature train hobby business caters to a niche clientele.

Jenkins said the historic role that national railways played in Montreal’s development as a transportation hub provided a strong base of customers eager to collect miniature rail cars of Canadian National and Canadian Pacific.

A black and white railway crossing sign sits in the window of the shop that is located in a strip mall facing the railway tracks next to Cardinal Avenue.

“This was the location for train watching,” Jenkins said. “There was a time when we’d have a group of guys who’d bring their own deck chairs and sit outside the store and watch the CN and CP trains roll by. We had people from Plattsburgh and Burlington, Vt. Then they’d come back inside the store and buy the locomotive or boxcar they had seen go by.”

Customer Yves Baron, a retired Air Canada employee, laments the store’s closing because he often met people from other local hobby clubs. “There are not a lot of clubs around so this place was special.”

Interestingly, sales soared recently after the store announced it was closing. “It’s been crazy in here lately, especially on Saturdays. Our shelves are emptying quickly,” Jenkins said.

Unless a new buyer is found soon, the store will continue selling off its remaining inventory, then close.

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When it comes to mass extinction, meteorite size doesn’t matter

When it comes to mass extinction, meteorite size doesn’t matter

New research shows it’s the composition of the rock a meteorite hits, and not the impactor’s size, that causes an extinction-level event.

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Near-Earth objects pass by our planet in this artist's rendering.
Near-Earth objects pass by our planet in this artist’s rendering. ESA – P.Carril

It’s a well-known story in our planet’s past: A giant space rock slams into Earth, causing a catastrophe that ends in mass extinction. You might think that when it comes to determining which hits will cause such widespread devastation, the size of the incoming impactor is what matters. But new research suggests that something else might matter more: The composition of the ground where that meteorite hits.

The work, published Dec. 1, 2021, in Journal of the Geological Society, focuses on explaining why some meteorite impacts cause mass extinctions, while others don’t. For example, the famous impact that killed the dinosaurs and left the Chicxulub crater was much smaller than many other impact events that didn’t cause massive loss of species. Why might this be?

It’s all about the dust

An international team of researchers, including experts in mineralogy, climate, asteroid composition, and paleontology, tackled this question by examining 33 impacts over the past 600 million years. Specifically, they looked at the minerals in the massive amount of dust that an incoming meteorite throws up into the atmosphere. That dust can profoundly change Earth’s climate — and it is that climate change which researchers think is a major cause of mass extinctions following impacts.


Fanzines to share!

From Bill Burns, over on e-fanzines, 3 newly added zines. Opuntia is Canadian.

Added at

Octothorpe #50, a regular fannish podcast by Liz Batty, John Coxon and Alison Scott, is now on line

Perry Middlemiss’s Perryscope #19

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MonSFFA meets February 12, 2022

Don’t miss the presentation by Joe Aspler, on zoom and on line right here, Feb 12, 13:00h

The Laws of Cartoon Physics and Chemistry

We live in a world of science. We also live in a world of cartoons. Naturally, cartoon creators have their own self-consistent rules of science. The best known: Wile E. Coyote runs into thin air, but only falls after he looks down. Another character is shot by a cannonball, but the perfectly circular hole in his middle heals rapidly with no aftereffects.

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Some of the Cartoons Laws of Science have been confirmed in real life, at least partially. One such case occurred during World War II, in the interaction between the British heavy cruiser HMS Sussex and a kamikaze pilot. The kamikaze lost.

Locus Forthcoming Books: FEB 2022

Locus Forthcoming Books: FEB 2022

  • N.K. JEMISIN • The Awakened Kingdom and Other Stories • Subterranean Press, Feb 2022 (1st US, c, hc)
  • JAMES D. JENKINS & RYAN CAGLE, EDS. • The Valancourt Book of World Horror Stories • Volume 2, Valancourt Books, Feb 2022 (an, tp, hc, eb)
  • SHARON LEE & STEVE MILLER • A Liaden Universe Constellation • Volume 5, Baen, Feb 2022 (c, tp, eb)
  • GAIL CARRIGER • Delightfully Deadly • Subterranean Press, Feb 2022 (c, hc)
  • R. LIONEL ANTHORPE • The Fanthorpe Collection • PS Publishing, Feb 2022 (c, hc)
  • TIM LEBBON • All Nightmare Long • PS Publishing, Feb 2022 (c, hc
  • ADAM ROBERTS • The This • Orion/Gollancz, Feb 2022 (eb, hc)
  • STEPHEN DEAS • The House of Cats and Gulls • Angry Robot, Feb 2022 (eb, tp)
  • ADAM ROBERTS • The This • Orion/Gollancz, Feb 2022 (eb, hc)
  • NEIL GAIMAN & COLLEEN DORAN • Chivalry • Dark Horse Books, Feb 2022 (gn, art, hc)
  • DELIL AH S. DAWSON • The Violence • Penguin Random House/Del Rey, Feb 2022 (h, hc, eb)
  • STEPHEN KING & RICHARD CHIZMAR • Gwendy’s Final Task • Cemetery Dance Publications, Feb 2022 (h, hc)
  • THOMAS OLDE HEUVELT • Echo • Tor Nightfire, Feb 2022 (h, hc, eb)
  • ANNE RICE & CHRISTOPHER RICE • Ramses the Damned: The Reign of Osiris • Penguin Random House/Anchor, Feb 2022 (h, tp, eb)
  • TIM LEBBON • Without Walls • PS Publishing, Feb 2022 (h, hc)
  • THOMAS OLDE HEUVELT • Echo • Hodder & Stoughton, Feb 2022 (h, hc)
  • DANIEL ABRAHAM • Age of Ash • Orbit US, Feb 2022 (hc, eb)
  • LOUISA MORGAN • The Great Witch of Brittany • Orbit US/Redhook, Feb 2022 (hc, eb)
  • MARLON JAMES • Moon Witch • Spider King, Penguin Random House/Riverhead, Feb 2022 (hc, eb)
  • AXIE OH • The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea • Hodder & Stoughton, Feb 2022 (hc)
  • KATE HEARTFIELD • The Embroidered Book • Harper Voyager, Feb 2022 (hc)
  • ZORAIDA CÓRDOVA, ED. • Reclaim the Stars • St. Martin’s/Wednesday Books, Feb 2022 (oa, ya, hc, eb)
  • CAT RAMBO & JENNIFER BROZEK, EDS. • The Reinvented Heart • Arc Manor/Caezik SF & Fantasy, Feb 2022 (oa, hc)
  • KAREN LORD • The Blue • Beautiful World, DAW, Feb 2022 (tp, eb)
  • STEPHEN DEAS • The House of Cats and Gulls • Angry Robot US, Feb 2022 (tp, eb)
  • MAX GLADSTONE • Last Exit • Tor, Feb 2022 (tp, eb)
  • ESSA HANSEN • Azura Ghost • Orbit US, Feb 2022 (tp, eb)
  • JANE LINDSKOLD • Library of the Sapphire Wind • Baen, Feb 2022 (tp, eb)
  • JULIETTE WADE • Inheritors of Power • DAW, Feb 2022 (tp, eb)
  • WALTER JON WILLIAMS • Lord Quillifer • Simon & Schuster/Saga Press, Feb 2022 (tp, eb) K
  • LOUISA MORGAN • The Great Witch of Brittany • Little, Brown UK/Orbit, Feb 2022 (tp)
  • MARKUS HEITZ • Aera: The Return of the Ancient Gods • Quercus/Jo Fletcher, Feb 2022 (tp)
  • SARAH J. MAAS • House of Sky and Breath • Bloomsbury USA, Feb 2022 (v, hc, eb)
  • ORSON SCOTT CARD • Wakers • Simon & Schuster/McElderry, Feb 2022 (ya, hc, eb)
  • RACHEL HARTMAN • In the Serpent’s Wake • Penguin Random House/Random House, Feb 2022 (ya, hc, eb)
  • VERONICA G. HENRY • The Quarter Storm • Amazon /47North, Feb 2022 (ya, tp, eb)

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Space Weather News for Jan. 31, 2022

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: A CME is coming, and it is likely to hit Earth’s magnetic field on Feb. 2nd. Moderately-strong G2-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the CME arrives. If the storm materializes as expected, it could set the stage for mid-latitude auroras visible in northern tier US states. Full story @

Above: This frame from a NOAA forecast model shows the CME reaching Earth during the early hours of Feb. 2nd.

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