All posts by Cathy Palmer-Lister

Fanzines to share

Two Canadian fanzines added to efanzines: Opuntia & The Obdurate Eye.

Added today at are:

Littlebrook #11, edited by Jerry Kaufman & Suzanne Tompkins

Opuntia #509, edited by Dale Speirs
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Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #13

Wolf von Witting’s Clockwise 2021 – Gothany Dawn

Fanzine: Sercon article on Green Hornet

From George over at N3F, who writes,

Behold The National Fantasy Fan Volume 80 Number 9

In the pipeline is an issue of N’APA. This weekend or soon thereafter is an issue of The N3F Review of Books Incorporating Prose Bono.


In This Issue
Neffy Awards
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Letters of Comment
Will Mayo — Robert Lichtman — Lloyd Penney — John Thiel
Jon Swartz — Becky Jones — George Phillies
Sercon: The Green Hornet
Bureau Reports
Round Robins — Recruiting — History and Research — Fan-Pro Coordinating Bureau
Correspondence Bureau — Writers Exchange Bureau — Welcommittee
Treasurer’s Report

Fanzines to share!

Fanzines to share!

From the N3F: Origin and Fanactivity Gazette  Now with Fanfaronade


Letter to the Editor: From John Thiel and Lloyd Penney
Editorial: George Phillies writes.
Letters: John Thiel, Lloyd Penney
Fanac Fan History Project from Joe Siclari and Edie Stern
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Television: Rabid Ears: Ravings of a TV Fiend by Cathode Ray
Conventions: Forthcoming Conventions by Mindy Hunt


In this issue: Editorial, “Looking Toward New Horizons”, by John Thiel, page three
Fanzine Perspective Number Six, by Jon D. Swartz, page five
Some Ideas for Science Fiction Writers, by Jeffrey Redmond, page ten
Reading SF by Judy Carroll, page seventeen

les lauréats 2021 de la compétition Stop Motion Montréal

Nous venons de dévoiler les lauréats 2021 de la compétition de courts métrages!

Réuni en ligne pour l’occasion cet après-midi via Facebook devant les festivaliers de partout à travers le monde, le jury, formé par des experts du cinéma d’animation en volume, était composé cette année de Birute Sodeikaite (Lituanie-Toronto), Daniel Sterlin-Altman (Toronto-Berlin) et Melanie Jackson (Saskatchewan). Ils ont eu l’honneur de révéler les films s’étant le mieux démarqués dans chacune des catégories lors de cette édition! Plusieurs cinéastes récompensés étaient présents pour partager quelques mots avec le public. Visionnez la reprise.
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Festival Stop Motion Montreal Winners announced

Festival Stop Motion Montreal’s 2021 short film competition winners have been revealed! 

The Awards Ceremony live streamed midday today on Facebook with people tuning in from across the globe, including our esteemed jury members from the stop motion animation industry – Birute Sodeikaite (Lithuania-Toronto), Daniel Sterlin-Altman (Toronto-Berlin) and Melanie Jackson (Saskatchewan), who presented the award in each competition category. We even had some of the filmmakers who are taking home this year’s trophies join us live to accept their awards! Watch the replay 

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Have you seen Neptune?

All you need is a pair of binoculars–10X50s should do the trick. Planets are not much bothered by light pollution. The hard part is actually finding it! Sky and Telescope have published this chart.

Pallas and Neptune time exposure
I captured this image of Pisces’ Circlet asterism along with Pallas (magnitude 8.6) and Neptune (7.8) around 9:45 p.m. September 12, 2021. The two were 6.8° apart at the time and will remain near each other all fall. Details: 35-mm lens, f/2.8, 70-second exposure at ISO 800 with a tracking mount. Bob King


Neptune September map
For the next couple of weeks you’ll find Neptune near a small triangle of ~6.5-magnitude stars (magnitudes shown) 5.8° south of Kappa (κ) Piscium in the Circlet of Pisces asterism. The planet’s position is shown through September 30th. For a complete path, get the September issue of Sky & Telescope magazine.

Slightly brighter at magnitude 7.8, it’s relatively easy to spot in a pair of 10×50 binoculars. On the night of September 23–24 the methane-blue planet passes just 1.6′ south of 6.3-magnitude HD 221148. Modest-aperture telescopes will show it as a tiny, aqua disk at a magnification of 100× or higher.

If you have a 10-inch or larger instrument be sure to look for its brightest and largest moon, Triton, which never strays far from the mothership. This season its distance ranges from 9.5″ to 17″. Use 200× or higher to separate the 13.5-magnitude speck from Neptune’s glare when it’s at or near greatest elongation. To pinpoint its position anytime, check out Sky & Telescope‘s Triton Tracker.


Fanzine to share!

From Israel, Cybercozen, edited by Leybl Botwinik


This month’s roundup:

  • – 3 Short TV and Movie reviews
  • Our usual, interesting tidbits from various websites.
  • “More Zion’s Fiction” Volume 2 of Israeli SF&F to be launched at Mini-ICON 2021

e-Picnic starts at 13:00H

Don’t miss our e-Picnic at 13:00h.

This meeting will be entirely on Zoom, Instructions on how to join the discussion will be posted at 13:00, here on our website. Members and visitors are welcome to join anytime. After the first moderated discussion(details below), we have a chaos meeting scheduled–talk about whatever strikes your fancy, or show us your latest projects!

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: Speculations on a Post-Pandemic World

Open Discussion, Moderated by Keith Braithwaite

Forgive the Bowie-ism in that title (our debate moderator’s a fan); this afternoon, we host an open discussion on Zoom. Our topic is the COVID-19 pandemic and the future it will almost surely influence.
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We’ve all been living through isolation and stress and anxiety these past 18 months, and we’ll examine how this global public health crisis has changed our lives, both individually and within the larger community, country, and world! Will we eventually get back to the way things were, or are these changes likely to be permanent?

Will COVID-19 soon perish, or resist our best efforts to wipe it out? What does the science say about this virus possibly remaining active for years to come; decades, perhaps, or even longer! Are we prepared to live with COVID-19 long-term?

We’ll look at the changes already wrought by the virus in the workplace, at school, in the social sphere, and of course, within fandom, and speculate on where we think we’re headed, for good or bad, in a post-pandemic world!

fanzine to share!

From Ottawa,

OSFS Statement #509 Aug, 2021
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Interesting article on a prehistoric bird, and very early dentistry.

Stop motion festival: Free outdoor showing!


Join us Friday, September 10th for the official grand opening of this lucky 13th edition, live on Facebook. Meet the Festival team and collaborators, discover our broadcasting platform and take part in a quick guided tour of all of the activities that will be offered throughout the ten days of the Festival.

OUVERTURE DU FESTIVAL – Vendredi, 10 sept. – 18 h

Rendez-vous le vendredi 10 septembre pour le grand lancement de cette 13e édition, en direct sur Facebook. Rejoignez notre équipe et nos collaborateurs, visitez notre plateforme de diffusion partenaire et prenez part à un rapide tour guidé des activités offertes pendant la semaine!

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Free outdoor screening – Saturday, Sept 11*.
Doors open at 7:30pm, screening starts at 8:00pm

Esplanade 2320 des Carrières Street – in collaboration with Le Sémaphore
*In case of rain, the activity will be postponed to Sunday September 12

Like a string of intricately prepared, delicious appetizer-sized bites, a selection of drool-worthy films will be screened to give you a taste of the full menu waiting to be devoured as part of our full Festival line-up.

Online registration is required in advance or on site before entering the outdoor screening area.

Bring your blankets

Compliance with Quebec’s current regulations* related to social distancing and the vaccine passport will be applied.

Projection extérieure gratuite – Samedi, 17 sept*.
Ouverture des portes à 19h30, Début de la projection à 20h

Esplanade 2320 rue des Carrières – en collaboration avec Le Sémaphore
*En cas de pluie l’activité sera reportée au dimanche 12 septembreNous vous invitons à une projection estivale afin de goûter à notre programme 2021! Comme des amuse-bouches, nous vous proposons une sélection de films qui sauront vous ouvrir l’appétit et vous donner une envie folle de dévorer nos projections pendant la durée du Festival.

Inscription en ligne nécessaire à l’avance ou sur place avant d’entrer sur le site

Apportez vos couvertures

Le respect des normes en vigueur en lien avec la distanciation sociale et le passeport vaccinal sera appliqué.