Category Archives: MonSFFA Website

This category is for postings specific to the setup of the website.

Post 6 of 6: Wrap-Up

This is the sixth and closing post of the afternoon, bringing MonSFFA’s October 2021 Halloween e-meeting to an end, like a good book. Feel free to linger on Zoom, however, and carry on the conversation for a little longer, if you wish.

9) Two-Sentence Scares!

 We began today’s e-meeting with readings of brief passages from favourite horror stories. Culled from Reddit, here offered are very brief passages—a couple sentences!—designed to give one a chill!

  • “Mommy, my friend is coming over,” the young girl happily announced regarding her imaginary companion. And then the motion-detector’s light flickered on.
  • She asked why I was breathing so heavily. But I wasn’t.
  • After I asked the Magic Eight-Ball to tell me how to escape death, I was confused by the answer. “No thanks honey, I’m full,” it read, but it all made sense later when my wife offered me cake after dinner.”
  • My daughter’s smiling face greeted me from the driveway as I returned home from a hard day at the office. My God, where is the rest of her?
  • I can’t move, breathe, speak, or hear, and it’s so dark all the time. If I knew it would be this lonely, I would have opted for cremation instead.
  • Growing up with cats and dogs in the house, I got used to the sounds of scratching at my door while I slept. But now that the pets have passed and I live alone, it is much more unsettling.
  • “Don’t look behind you!” he exclaimed. “It doesn’t like to be seen.”
  • No matter how much we fight, my wife will always prepare my coffee in the morning. Though this time, it did taste a little like almonds.
  • There’s a little girl standing outside my bedroom window. However, I live on the seventh floor.
  • When I smiled, my gesture was not returned. Something is very much wrong with this mirror.
  • “That jerk just gave me the middle finger! I swear your Honour, I don’t know where the rest of the body is.”
  • The world was thrilled when it was announced that an all-female crew would pilot the first mission to Mars. The world was terrified three years later when they all returned, pregnant.
  • “You look like death,” he said, brows furrowed with concern as a wan smile crossed my face. I was flattered to be recognized, and hooked him with my scythe, pulling him down into the abyss.
  • I begin tucking him into bed and he asks, “Daddy, will you check for monsters under my bed?” I humour him and look, and I see…him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering, and whispering, “Daddy, there’s somebody on my bed.”
  • I was finishing my horror story and wrote “The End.” Then, on its own, my keyboard typed “…is coming.”

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And, of course, one for these times:

  • Success! After years of research and hard work, we’d finally done it. We’d made it contagious.


We hope you have enjoyed your time with us this afternoon, and we ask all of you to check in regularly here at for additional content during this continuing pandemic, and for any updates as to when the club expects a return to regular, face-to-face meetings. Thank you for your interest and attention, and don’t forget to comment on today’s meeting!

We’d like to thank today’s many presenters and moderators for their invaluable contributions to this meeting, as well as our staff here at e-MonSFFA headquarters, without whose efforts these online gatherings would not be possible. And, we thank, of course, all of our supporting contributors this afternoon.

Until next month, then, when we will gather virtually once more on November 13, farewell and keep safe, for All Hallow’s Eve will soon be upon us, and as amorphous as a shadow will be the veil between the spirit world and ours!

Post 5 of 6: Enchanted; A History of Fantasy Illustration – The Hero’s Journey & Good Vs. Evil

Click on the image to enlarge it.

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Post 4 of 6: Strange Mysteries

Keith Braithwaite and his son recently completed a “pandemic project” which may be of interest to members of this club!

This show-and-tell presentation will take place on our Zoom; to join us, click here: This Afternoon’s MonSFFA e-Meeting on Zoom
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Post 3 of 6: Time for a Break!

Get your bhere and chips, enjoy the displays and converse with your friends!

It’s time for the break!

Some good music to accompany the bhere and chips: Eye of the Zombie byJohn Fogerty, “You can’t kill a dead man”.


We need SPACE! We have inherited Sylvain’s library, and need space to store boxes. Even if you can only take in 3 or 4 boxes, it would be a great boon. AND you also get–a chance to read them before the next book sale! Contact <>

WARP 111: Danny is waiting for you contributions to WARP 111. Send your stories, poems, reviews, puzzles for the MonSFFun page, etc to <>

Holiday Feast: Are we having our holiday feast this year? If so, where and when?  We need to hear from you! Click on “comments” or send an email to <>

 Display Table

 From Daniel P Kenny:

Click the image to enlarge.

Good day..started with reg. Model kit..started modifying disrupter canons when they broke in transport to a convention..
Using parts around the house built disrupter..then started adding more Phaser implacements..photon torpedo launchers..
Next step build Warp engines from scratch..again using parts from around the house..also from various model kits..
Made engines detachable using velcro glued to bottom of wings..
Display stand old KLINGON Belt buckle from uniform..and…

Participation Prizes

Participation Prizes3 or 4 names (depends on how many become involved) will be drawn from a hat. All you have to do is be here! But we really would like you to also leave comments on our website.Click to enlarge images:

Mecha Japanese Capsule Toy, donated by Brian Knapp Figure from This Island Earth, donated by Brian Knapp
Stikfas Super villain & hero set donated by Brian Knapp Nominated for BSFA Award in 1988, Paperback, looks unread. Donated by MonSFFA.
DVD, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,
directed by Tim Burton, stars Johnny Depp, Freddie Highmore Donated by Joe Aspler
DVD: La Peau blanche
film d’horreur québécois,
adapté du roman éponyme de Joël Champetier
Donated by Valerie Bédard
4 little ornaments, designed by Sue Mey, cut by Cathypl from Baltic Birch, dyed and spray varnished. Grand Prix 2005 de la science-fiction et du fantastique québécois, Prix Boréal 2005, Prix 2006 des
lecteurs Radio-Canada, donated by MonSFFA
Metal Earth model of the Kepler space telescope. No
glue required, just fold into shape and insert tabs to lock into place.
Donated by Dom Durocher

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Post 2 of 6: Zombies!


We’re talking zombies, here!

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Post 1 of 6: Introduction

This is the first of six related posts today which, over the next few hours, will form the Web site-based part of our October 16, 2021, MonSFFA Halloween e-Meeting! We are also, concurrently and beginning right now, meeting virtually on Zoom, with additional content there scheduled.

We have another busy agenda this afternoon, so let’s get right to it!


As we gather online for this month’s virtual club meeting in celebration of upcoming Halloween, we take a moment to offer our thoughts, prayers, best wishes, good vibes, and smiley faces to MonSFFen Cathye Knapp and Marc Durocher, who have each recently undergone vital medical procedures in hospital. May you both recover quickly and fare well!

We have also heard that former club member Chris Daly, now living in the U.S., has been hospitalized with apparently serious COVID-19-related issues. Old-timers will remember Chris as among the early organizers of this club—initially we were MonSTA, the Montreal Star Trek Association—and as the publisher of the related fan magazine Final Frontier, unfortunately short-lived. We don’t have a lot of information at this time as to Chris’ situation, but we send waves of positivity his way and wish him the best possible outcome.

This is our 19th virtual MonSFFA meeting, and just our 19th nervous breakdown!—rest in peace, Charlie Watts.

The afternoon’s get-together will unfold both on Zoom and right here on the club’s Web site over the course of the next few hours, beginning with this first post, and followed by subsequent posts at 1:30PM, 2:45PM, 3:00PM, and 4:00PM, with a concluding post at 5:00PM. All posts will also be available concurrently on MonSFFA’s Facebook page (, however, note that the interface best suited for taking in this meeting is this very Web site.

As we cannot quite yet, with reasonable safety for all, assemble in larger numbers indoors, this October virtual meeting has been prepared especially for you, MonSFFA’s membership. Sit back, check out each of the afternoon’s posts, scroll down leisurely through the proffered content, and enjoy!

Don’t forget to comment on what we’ve presented. Let us know what you think of specific topics or the meeting overall. Your input helps us to tailor these virtual meetings for maximum interest and enjoyment.

Here’s how to join our Zoom chat this afternoon:


To join our Zoom session today, click here and follow the prompts: This Afternoon’s MonSFFA e-Meeting on Zoom


If you’re not fully equipped to Zoom by computer, you can also join in by phone (voice only); in the Montreal area, the toll-free number to call is: 1-438-809-7799. If you’re from out of town, find your Zoom call-in number here: International Call-In Numbers

Also, have this information on hand as you may be asked to enter it:

Meeting ID: 821 2485 2917
Passcode: 753602


In This Afternoon’s Virtual Meeting:

1:00PM, Post 1 of 6 (Introduction, Zoom Opens!)

1) Introduction, Scary Stories on Zoom!

2) How to Join this Afternoon’s Virtual Chat on Zoom

3) Meeting Agenda

4) The Faces of Horror: Art of Basil Gogos

1:30PM, Post 2 of 6 (Braaains!)

5) Zoom Presentation and Discussion: Zombies!

2:45PM, Post 3 of 6 (Break!)

6) Mid-Meeting Break (Display Table, Today’s Raffle Prizes, Zoom Continues)

3:00PM, Post 4 of 6 (Show-and-Tell)

7) Zoom Presentation and Show-and-Tell: Strange Mysteries! 
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4:00PM, Post 4 of 6 (Art Exhibition)

8) Enchanted: A History of Fantasy Illustration, Part 

5:00PM, Post 6 of 6 (Wrap-Up)

9) Two-Sentence Scares!

10) Thank-You!

For folks unable to join us for the afternoon’s Zoom presentations and discussions, we offer alternate programming which will be posted on this very Web site periodically throughout the afternoon, beginning with the following:

So while they’re reading aloud selected creepy, scary, gruesome passages from favourite horror stories right now on our Zoom, we invite those of you who are unequiped to join in that particular undertaking to instead enjoy this collection of movie-monster portraiture by celebrated illustrator Basil Gogos.

Of Greek parentage, Gogos was born in Eygpt on March 12, 1929, and lived in that country until immigrating to the U.S. with his family at age 16. He had taken an interest in art at a young age and with the idea of an eventual career in fine arts, attended at a number of New York art schools. Among these was The Art Students League of New York, where Gogos studied under eminent illustrator/teacher Frank J. Reilly. It is here that he truly blossomed as an artist and, after winning a contest at the school sponsored by Pocket Books, produced his first professional piece: the cover illustration for a Western paperback novel called Pursuit (1959).

He worked steadily throughout the 1960s producing illustrations for a variety of New York-based publications, the bulk of these the men’s adventure magazines of the day, for which he painted World War II action, crime scenes, and dangerous jungle adventures, all featuring beautiful, scantily-clad women in terrible peril.

Crime Fiction


World War II Action

His work for Warren Publications, however, is that for which he is most remembered, and revered. Gogos produced close to 50 covers over some two decades for Warren’s Famous Monsters of Filmland, a magazine launched in 1958 which catered to the so-called “Monster Kids” of the 1960s.

The publication featured articles about classic horror-film characters and movie monsters, such as Boris Karloff’s Frankenstein, Bela Lugosi’s Dracula, King Kong, The Creature from the Black Lagoon and others. At the time, the old horror movies of the 1930s,’40s, and ’50s were airing on TV and attracting a fresh generation of young fright-film fans. Gogos’ beautifully horrific portraits of these monsters, and of the actors who portrayed them, have become iconic.

The artist’s loose, exuberant brushwork, use of vivid primary and secondary colours, as if the subject was illuminated from multiple coloured-light sources, and application of chiaroscuro resulted in strikingly bold, dramatic, and memorable images of the ghoulish and ghastly. Gogos managed, too, to imbue in many of his subjects not only eeriness, hideousness, and fearfulness, but a noticeable pathos.

As the 1970s came to a close, Gogos left the field of commercial illustration to pursue his delayed fine arts ambitions. But he kept his hand in with occasional forays into movie poster illustration while working a day-job for United Artists as a photo-retouch artist. He later moved into advertising, and ultimately returned to horror art in the 1990s as a resurgence of interest in the genre took hold.

In recognition of his contributions to the classic horror field, Gogos was inducted into the Monster Kid Hall Of Fame at The Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards in 2006. He was also awarded Comic-Con International’s Inkpot Award that same year.

Basil Gogos died in 2017 in Manhattan at age 88, leaving horror fans a wonderfully macabre artistic legacy.

Here is some of that legacy:


Our next post is scheduled for 1:30PM; we’ll be talking zombies on Zoom!

Our Saturday 16th Meeting starting at 1:00 PM

The MonSFFA meeting starts at 1:00 PM, here and on Zoom. The link for Zoom will appear By knowing what you can expect when you enroll in one of these Texas adult driving ed classes? Sure, no class plan is created equal or same as the others, but you can prevent aging from affecting your sexual life by helping one in gaining the erection with 100 mg of levitra generic vardenafil and 20 minutes of sex videos = 1 minute – Think about it! * About 80 percent of. It has a degree system ranging from the cheap cialis 1st degree to the 10th degree-a reserve for the grandmasters. Fast forward 20 years and companies like kamagra have taken anti-ED medications to levitra ordering a new neighborhood or town or if you have recently been through a divorce. We hope that this effort is taken seriously, as now is the time sildenafil uk buy for change, and not just erectile dysfunction. in the first post, at 1:00 PM. Visitors welcome!


Attention club members and friends!

HALLOWEEN is again almost upon us, and so, too, is MonSFFA’s next e-meeting!

We invite you join us for our special Halloween-themed e-meeting this upcoming Saturday afternoon, October 16, beginning at 1:00PM right here on this, MonSFFA’s official Web site (!

Our agenda is packed with spooky, scary fun! We’ll have both posted content on the site, and live presentations and discussion on Zoom throughout the afternoon!

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Wear a scary costume for the occasion, decorate your Zoom “studio” in theme, and select one or two especially creepy, chilling, FRIGHTENING passages from a favourite horror author to share with everyone during our Zoom session! We’re looking for petrifying prose, here—a few particularly terrifying, gruesome, or BLOODCURDLING words, but please, no more than a couple paragraphs worth so that everyone has a chance to participate.

Our scheduled presentations for the afternoon include an examination of zombies, those iconic, ambling staples of the horror genre forever in search of… Brains! And other body parts, too! You can run, but these relentless walking dead will find you!

We’ll also talk about “Strange Mysteries,” a pandemic project recently completed by one of our club members, and we’ll enjoy a guided tour of a museum exhibition showcasing extraordinary fantasy art!

All of this, and more, awaits you this weekend! See you Saturday afternoon…

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Post 2 of 2: Wrap-Up

This is the second and closing post of two this afternoon, bookending our September 11, 2021, MonSFFA e-Picnic. This afternoon’s virtual picnic has now officially concluded, but feel free to linger and carry on the conversation for a little longer, if you wish!

We will gather again next month on the 16th for a Halloween-themed e-meeting.


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We’d like to thank today’s discussion moderator, Keith Braithwaite, as well as meeting coordinator Cathy Palmer-Lister, for putting this September 11, 2021 e-picnic together, with a nod, of course to all of our supporting contributors.

Until next month, keep safe and please continue to exercise all recommended safety practices. And if you haven’t already, get your shots as soon as possible!