Category Archives: MonSFFA Website

This category is for postings specific to the setup of the website.


Time for a Break!

Raise a glass of white wine to toast his memory.

We have chosen not to have a raffle this week, but there are a couple of announcements.

First, the club’s snail mail address has changed to:

MonSFFA, c/o
125 Léonard
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The new treasurer will be Joseph Aspler, with Lil Moir providing backup and help with final year-end report. We still need to sort out how to send e-transfers as our account does not have a banking card. Send cheques to the above address to renew your membership.

Everyone, please be very careful; the variants are fast and deadly.

Next Post: 3:00PM—A Compendium of Unusual Books



In honour of our absent friend, we are rerunning, this afternoon, a few of his exceptional online presentations, selected from among the previous 12 months of his contributions to this series of MonSFFA DIY, virtual meetings. This two-parter originally ran during the summer of 2020, spanning our July 11 and August 8 get-togethers. Note: composed of almost 200 slides, this post may take a little longer than usual to fully load; please exercise patience.

Also, our Zoom session officially begins now; click here to participate and follow the prompts. We welcome all of Sylvain’s fellow MonSFFA club members, family, and friends in fandom to join us in remembrance…

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Next Post: 2:30PM—Mid-Meeting Break


This is post 1 of 6 related posts which together make up our April 10, 2021 DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting.


One year ago this month, MonSFFA hosted its first virtual meeting. Today’s online gathering was to have been something of a celebratory anniversary of that first meeting. It will be anything but, for no one of us is in any kind of mood for celebration. We have lost another of our own to COVID-19. We will offer no word games, or trivia quizzes, or parody songs. Not today.

The unbearably sad news of our cherished friend and fellow club member Sylvain St-Pierre’s recent and so very sudden passing has shaken our group to the core. He was only 64, relatively healthy, and had been exceptionally careful with regard to COVID-19 safety protocols in that he was caring for his elderly mother at home.

Of the sequence of events that led to his passing, details are scant at this time. We know only that about mid-March, he and his mother where experiencing symptoms which he thought related to the common cold or flu. But given the ongoing pandemic, he felt it would be prudent to book an appointment for a COVID test.

In the meantime, Sylvain had been in communication regarding preparations for our then-upcoming April 10, 2021 meeting, had been working on content for said meeting, and for the next issue of the club’s fanzine, Warp. Shortly after he posted on his Facebook page that he had tested positive for COVID-19, communication eerily ceased and we were unable to reach him via any channel.

We soon learned that on March 25, he succumbed to the virus, and that within a few days of his passing, his mother, too, died. His brother, Marc, we understand, is currently in precautionary self-isolation. Reeling from this devastating turn of events, Sylvain’s family have yet to formerly announce any plans regarding a memorial and funeral services. Family, friends, and those who knew Sylvain through local fandom and beyond have begun leaving messages of condolence on his Facebook page. To his family, we offer our sincere sympathies, as well.

Sylvain was a long-time member of MonSFFA, and in fact, served on the club’s Executive Committee for decades as treasurer. He was an erudite and creative fellow truly passionate about science fiction and fantasy, and he greatly enjoyed sharing his interest in this or that aspect of the genre with fellow SF/F aficionados. One of our most devoted members, Sylvain tirelessly dedicated himself to club operations, and to major projects like our MonSFFilms productions and ConCept, Montreal’s venerable, MonSFFA-founded, fan-run SF/F convention. He was especially committed to the club’s meeting programming, producing over the decades countless extensive, well-researched, lavishly illustrated A/V presentations on a wide variety of genre topics. Rare was the MonSFFA meeting that he did not attend and to which he did not contribute. This same zeal he applied to Warp, as well, authoring numerous feature articles for the publication over the years.

Sylvain was one of the principal architects of that first virtual MonSFFA meeting of April 2020 (and of the 11 that followed), and none of those who put the meeting together imagined that the club would still be holding its monthly get-togethers online a full year later. But here we are, diminished by the loss of friends to this insidious virus, but carrying on as best we can.

What had originally been scheduled for today’s meeting has been postponed so that we may convene by way of our usual Zoom session to mourn our beloved friend and fondly remember the many moments we have enjoyed in his company. Also, we have chosen to honour Sylvain by rerunning a few of the wonderful presentations he produced this past year so that his fellow MonSFFen may revisit his exceptional work on behalf of this club, and so that anyone unfamiliar with his contributions to our virtual meetings may have opportunity to enjoy and benefit from that which he brought to the table.

Sylvain, you will be missed not just for such efforts, but far more for your kindness, warmth, generosity, sense of humour… Simply put, for your friendship… And for so much more than you could possibly have imagined. Rest in peace amongst the stars, dear friend.



As we gather online for this month’s virtual club meeting, we take a moment to reiterate to MonSFFen: please take all precautions to keep as safe as is possible from this lethal virus.

This is our 13th virtual MonSFFA meeting. It will unfold here on the club’s Web site over the course of the next few hours, beginning with this first post, and followed by subsequent posts at 1:30PM, 2:30PM, 3:00PM, and 4:00PM, with a concluding post at 4:30PM. All content will also be available concurrently on MonSFFA’s Facebook page (, however, note that the interface best suited for taking in our virtual meetings is this very Web site.

We’ll be Zooming from 1:30PM on until the meeting concludes. As always, Web site-based content will be posted at intervals throughout the course of the afternoon while our Zoom gathering progresses. Circumstances are unique today; the Zoom session will provide club members and others joining us an opportunity to mourn and reminisce about our dear friend and fellow MonSFFan, Sylvain St-Pierre, in light of his recent passing.

As aforementioned, in his honour, we are rerunning on the site a few of Sylvain’s excellent presentations, selected from among the many he produced this past year for our series of virtual meetings. Whether live-and-in-person at a real, face-to-face club meeting, or here online, his presentations have always been exceptionally entertaining and educational. So have another look, or, if you have yet to enjoy one of Sylvain’s “MonSFFA Virtual Presentations,” check out this sampling of the content he produced for the club over these previous 12 months. Take in each of the afternoon’s posts, scrolling down leisurely through the proffered content, and delight in what you discover.

We welcome comment on our virtual meetings; let us know what you think of specific topics or the meeting overall. Your input is valued and helps us to better tailor future virtual events.

If you wish to Zoom with us during the course of the meeting, click here: This Afternoon’s MonSFFA Zoom

If you’re not fully equipped to Zoom by computer, you can also join in by phone (voice only); in the Montreal area, the toll-free number to call is: 1-438-809-7799. If you’re from out of town, find your Zoom call-in number here: International Call-In Numbers

Also, have this information on hand as you may be asked to enter it:

Meeting ID: 720 226 5075
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In This Afternoon’s Virtual Meeting:

1:00PM, Post 1 of 6 (Opening)

1) With Heavy Hearts Do We Convene…

2) Today’s Meeting: In Memoriam

3) Meeting Agenda

1:30PM, Post 2 of 6 (Zoom; Hailing Frequencies Open!)

4) Zoom Session Begins (Runs Concurrently Until End of Meeting)

5) Web Site Presentation: Communication in SF&F, Parts 1 and 2

2:30PM, Post 3 of 6 (Break)

6) Mid-Meeting Break (Announcements, Zoom Continues)

3:00PM, Post 4 of 6 (For the Love of Books!)

7) Presentation: A Compendium of Unusual Books 

4:00PM, Post 5 of 6 (Back-Yard Bugs Equals BEMs!)

8) Gallery: It Came From the Garden!

4:30PM, Post 6 of 6 (Closing)

9) Thank-You

10) Wish You Were Here: A Final Remembrance


Next Post: 1:30PM—Zoom Begins; Communication in SF&F (Parts 1 and 2)

Remembering Sylvain St-Pierre

Meeting April 10, 13:00h

We will begin with Keith’s tribute to Sylvain on line:

And then we will open the Zoom memorial at 1:30


1:00PM, Post 1 of 6 (Opening)

1) With Heavy Hearts Do We Convene…

2) Today’s Meeting: In Memoriam

3) Meeting Agenda

1:30PM, Post 2 of 6 (Zoom; Hailing Frequencies Open!)

4) Zoom Session Begins (Runs Concurrently Until End of Meeting)

5) Web Site Presentation: Communication in SF&F, Parts 1 and 2
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2:30PM, Post 3 of 6 (Break)

6) Mid-Meeting Break (Announcements, Zoom Continues)

3:00PM, Post 4 of 6 (For the Love of Books!)

7) Presentation: A Compendium of Unusual Books

4:00PM, Post 5 of 6 (Back-Yard Bugs Equals BEMs!)

8) Gallery: It Came From the Garden!

4:30PM, Post 6 of 6 (Closing)

9) Thank-You

10) Wish You Were Here: A Final Remembrance


Remembering Sylvain

A reminder: To participate in the Zoom session tomorrow, April 10th at 13:30h,  Babies in a foetal position will cause cheap generic viagra spinal problems for the baby. Man shall continue producing sperm (which will be absorbed by the body. prices for cialis They look like those young generic cialis levitra men that are dancing around in the TV advertisements, which are probably less effective, but certainly healthier. Low blood supply to the vital sexual organ in the body is Continue to pharmacy shop generico cialis on line lacking adequate blood flow. send email to <>


April 10 Meeting: Sylvain St-Pierre Memorial

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Forthcoming Books for April, 2021

From Locus, the list of upcoming books for

APR 2021

  • CHARLIE JANE ANDERS • Victories Greater Than Death • Tor Teen, Apr 2021 (ya, hc, eb)
  • CHARLIE JANE ANDERS • Victories Greater Than Death • Titan, Apr 2021 (tp)
  • KIM BO-YOUNG • I’m Waiting for You and Other Stories • Harper Voyager US, Apr 2021 (c, hc, eb)
  • KIM BO-YOUNG • I’m Waiting for You and Other Stories • Harper Voyager, Apr 2021 (c, hc)
  • SEBASTIEN DE CASTELL • Way of the Argosi • Hot Key Books, Apr 2021 (ya, eb, hc)
  • BECKY CHAMBERS • The Galaxy, and the Ground Within • Harper Voyager US, Apr 2021 (1st US, hc, tp, eb)
  • ZEN CHO • Spirits Abroad • Small Beer Press, Apr 2021 (1st US, c, tp, eb)
  • JULIE E. CZERNEDA • Spectrum • DAW, Apr 2021 (hc, eb)
  • PAUL DI FILIPPO • The Summer Thieves • Skyhorse/Night Shade Books, Apr 2021 (tp, eb)
  • PAUL DI FILIPPO • Worldshifter • NewCon Press, Apr 2021 (hc, eb, tp)
  • JACKSON FORD • Eye of the Sh*t Storm • Orbit US, Apr 2021 (tp, eb)
  • HEIDI HEILIG • On This Unworthy Scaffold • HarperCollins/Greenwillow, Apr 2021 (ya, hc, eb)
  • CHRISTOPHER HUSBERG • Dawnrise • Titan, Apr 2021 (tp)
  • S.T. JOSHI, ed. • Ramsey Campbell Certainly • PS Publishing, Apr 2021 (hc)
  • NAOMI KRITZER • Chaos on CatNet • Tor Teen, Apr 2021 (ya, hc, eb)
  • MARK LAWRENCE • The Girl and the Mountain • Ace, Apr 2021 (hc, eb)
  • MARK LAWRENCE • The Girl and the Mountain • Harper Voyager, Apr 2021 (hc)
  • WIL MCCARTHY • Rich Man’s Sky • Baen, Apr 2021 (hc, eb)
  • TIM PRATT • The Alien Stars and Other Novellas • Angry Robot US, Apr 2021 (c, tp, eb)
  • TIM PRATT • The Alien Stars and Other Novellas • Angry Robot, Apr 2021 (c, eb, tp)
  • KELLY ROBSON • Alias Space and Other Stories • Subterranean Press, Apr 2021 (c, hc, eb)
  • ROBERT SILVERBERG • Voyagers • Three Rooms Press, Apr 2021 (c, tp, eb)
  • BENJANUN SRIDUANGKAEW • Shall Machines Divide the Earth • Prime Books, Apr 2021 (tp, eb)
  • DAN STOUT • Titan Song • DAW, Apr 2021 (hc, eb)
  • K.M. SZPARA • First, Become Ashes • Tordotcom, Apr 2021 (hc, eb)
  • LAVIE TIDHAR, ed. • The Best of World SF • Head of Zeus/Ad Astra, Apr 2021 (eb, hc)
  • HARRY TURTLEDOVE • The Best of Harry Turtledove • Subterranean Press, Apr 2021 (c, hc, eb)
  • JEFF VANDERMEER • Hummingbird Salamander • Macmillan/Farrar, Straus, Giroux/MCD, Apr 2021 (hc, eb)
  • JEFF VANDERMEER • Hummingbird Salamander • HarperCollins UK/Fourth Estate, Apr 2021 (hc)
  • MARTHA WELLS • Fugitive Telemetry • Tordotcom, Apr 2021 (na, hc, eb)
  • SCOTT WESTERFELD • Mirror’s Edge • Scholastic Press, Apr 2021 (ya, hc, eb)

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Fanzines to share!

Two fanzines have landed in our mail box!

From Nik Farey, we have This Here. TH 40 (Great article for fans of footy. )

From the National Fantasy Fan: TNFF TNFF202103

In This Issue
Jennings Wins Kaymar Award
Constitution Amendment Passes
Neffy Nominations
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Interview with Kevin Trainor
Convention Operations Bureau
Book Review Bureau

Meeting of the 13th of March, 2021

Missed the meeting? No worries! Here are all the posts in order. The Zoom was recorded and is available under the members only tab in the top menu.

We introduce the cast!

In honour of St-Patrick’s Day coming up, we are all Irish!


Keith Braithwaite’s introduction includes a comprehensive presentation on The StarLost.

Also, parody songs, jokes, and announcements.

Joe Aspler presents: Terry Pratchett’s Discworld!
The Break

  • Birthday Greetings
  • Announcements regarding WARP and programming
  • models by Dan Kenney and Wayne Glover
  • Participation Prizes
  • The Anagram Game
The best and worst of Trek: A live discussion on Zoom which was recorded and is available on our members only page.
A Year’s Worth of Avatars: Sylvain St-Pierre’s retrospective description of our Pandemic year.


More parody songs and Dad jokes! More anagram puzzles on Zoom.

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