Category Archives: MonSFFA Website

This category is for postings specific to the setup of the website.

Locus: Forthcoming Books for March

Locus Forthcoming Books

For more, please see


  • BEN AARONOVITCH • What Abigail Did Last Summer • Subterranean Press, Mar 2021 (na, hc, eb)
  • BEN AARONOVITCH • What Abigail Did That Summer • Orion/Gollancz, Mar 2021 (hc)
  • MIKE. ASHLEY, ed • Spaceworlds: Stories of Life in the Void • British Library Publishing, Mar 2021 (tp)
  • ANNE BISHOP • The Queen’s Weapons • Ace, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • PATRICIA BRIGGS • Wild Sign • Ace, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • TERRY BROOKS • Small Magic: Short Fiction 1977-2020 • Penguin Random House/Del Rey, Mar 2021 (c, hc, eb)
  • M.R. CAREY • The Fall of Koli • Orbit US, Mar 2021 (tp, eb)
  • M.R. CAREY • The Fall of Koli • Little Brown UK/Orbit, Mar 2021 (tp)
  • XUETING CHRISTINE NI • Sinopticon: New Chinese Science Fiction • Rebellion/Solaris, Mar 2021 (eb, tp)
  • CASSANDRA CLARE • Chain of Iron • Simon & Schuster/McElderry, Mar 2021 (ya, hc, eb)
  • PETER CROWTHER, ed. • New Worlds, Volume 1 (with Nick Gevers) • PS Publishing, Mar 2021 (hc)
  • SAMUEL R. DELANY • Occasional Views, Volume 1: “More About Writing” and Other Essays • Wesleyan University Press, Mar 2021 (nf, tp, hc, eb)
  • S.B. DIVYA • Machinehood • Simon & Schuster/Saga Press, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • SARAH BETH DURST • The Bone Maker • Harper Voyager US, Mar 2021 (tp, eb)
  • STEVEN ERIKSON • The Fiends of Nightmaria • Tor, Mar 2021 (1st US, na, hc, tp, eb)
  • JEFFREY FORD • Big Dark Hole and Other Stories • Small Beer Press, Mar 2021 (c, tp, eb)
  • CHARLES E. GANNON • At the End of the Journey • Baen, Mar 2021 (h, hc, eb)
  • HEIDI HEILIG • On This Unworthy Scaffold • HarperCollins/Greenwillow, Mar 2021 (ya, hc, eb)
  • KAZUO ISHIGURO • Klara and the Sun • Penguin Random House/Knopf, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • KAZUO ISHIGURO • Klara and the Sun • Faber & Faber, Mar 2021 (hc)
  • CAITLÍN R. KIERNAN • The Variegated Alphabet • Subterranean Press, Mar 2021 (c, hc, eb)
  • STEPHEN KING • Later • Titan/Hard Case Crime US, Mar 2021 (h, tp, eb)
  • STEPHEN KING • Later • Titan, Mar 2021 (h, tp)
  • DEAN KOONTZ • The Other Emily • Amazon/Thomas & Mercer, Mar 2021 (h, hc, eb)
  • ARKADY MARTINE • A Desolation Called Peace • Tor, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • ARKADY MARTINE • A Desolation Called Peace • Macmillan/Tor UK, Mar 2021 (eb, hc)
  • K.J. PARKER • The Big Score • Subterranean Press, Mar 2021 (na, hc, eb)
  • JENNIFER ROBERSON • Sinners and Saints • DAW, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • KELLY ROBSON • Alias Space and Other Stories • Subterranean Press, Mar 2021 (c, hc, eb)
  • VICTORIA SCHWAB • Bridge of Souls • Scholastic Press, Mar 2021 (ya, h, hc, eb)
  • A.G. SLATTER • All the Murmuring Bones • Titan, Mar 2021 (tp)
  • BRUCE STERLING • Robot Artists and Black Swans • Tachyon Publications, Mar 2021 (c, tp, eb)
  • ADRIAN TCHAIKOVSKY • One Day All This Will Be Yours • Rebellion/Solaris US, Mar 2021 (hc, eb)
  • ADRIAN TCHAIKOVSKY • One Day All This Will Be Yours • Rebellion/Solaris, Mar 2021 (eb, hc)
  • ALIYA WHITELEY • Skyward Inn • Rebellion/Solaris, Mar 2021 (eb, hc)

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13 March Meeting

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Meeting of February 13

Meeting of February 13, all the posts in order.

Note: the meeting was recorded and is posted in the members only section of the website.

The theme and the cast of characters is introduced

Keith leads the way! Anagrams, coronovirus songs, how to recognize the apocalypse, etc
Sylvain presents: Travelling about in Science Fiction.
The Break: Announcements, Discussions, Display, Participation Prizes
Joe presents: Part II of the Shakespearean actors who also acted in SF/F
Wrap up: Keith gives the answers to the anagrams, and more parody songs

Next meeting is on March 13th

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8 of 7 – Signoff

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7 of 7: Wrap-Up

This is post 7 of 7 this afternoon and will bring to a close the principal content offered in this, our February virtual meeting. If you’re just now joining us, scroll back to today’s Post 1 of 7 to enjoy the whole meeting, start to finish.


This one channels Foreigner (



We’ve unscrambled the anagrams we ran in our opening post earlier this afternoon to reveal, here below, the names of notable science fiction characters, writers, and filmmakers! Check your answers against these:

1) TEBBARI JASSIC = JESSICA RABBIT, the exaggeratedly voluptuous wife of star “toon” Roger Rabbit in the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), she is often assumed to be a bad girl simply because she’s “drawn that way.”

2) GAMOSSA DULAD = DOUGLAS ADAMS, best known for his BBC radio series The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1978-2018) and later, novels (1979-1992), as well as his Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency books (1987-1988). Adams did not live to hear the third and subsequent Hitchhiker’s Guide radio programs, which were based on the other Guide novels in his “trilogy in five parts.” He also wrote for the Monty Python troupe, and for Doctor Who.

3) TYKO STARN = TONY STARK, Marvel Comics’ brilliant scientist, inventor, billionaire industrialist, philanthropist, and playboy, who dons a high-tech armoured suit to become the superhero Iron Man.

4) “TREPPS” TEPPO = “PEPPER” POTTS, who in the comics graduated from the secretarial pool at Stark Industries to become boss Tony Stark’s personal assistant, and eventually CEO of the company. In the MCU, she follows a similar path but here becomes Stark’s wife, as well.

5) THARNU DRET = ARTHUR DENT, hapless protagonist of Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

6) SCRIDY LETTO = RIDLEY SCOTT, whose sci-fi credits as a director include the celebrated Alien (1979), Blade Runner (1982), The Martian (2015), and two episodes of the HBO Max television series Raised by Wolves (2020-), for which he also serves as an executive producer. He was an executive producer, too, for season one of Amazon’s alternate history series The Man in the High Castle (2015-2019), based on Philip K. Dick’s 1962 novel of the same name.

7) Emperor BENARRIS HENORROG = Emperor HARRISON BERGERON, titular protagonist of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.’s 1961 dystopian short story, who rebels against a society that demands absolute equality amongst its citizens. Each individual is therefore forcibly “handicapped” by the government so that their exceptional physical or mental attributes are diminished to the level of lowest common denominator, rendering them equal to everyone else—a strong, athletic individual is burdened with heavy weights, for example, a beautiful girl must wear a mask, a highly intelligent person, radio earphones constantly broadcasting loud noise that makes it difficult to concentrate, etc. Harrison Bergeron is possessed of numerous exceptional traits and is therefore heavily handicapped. He rebels and storms a television station with the intent of overthrowing the government, casting off his handicaps live on TV, declaring himself emperor, stripping a beautiful young woman present of her handicaps and taking her as his Empress, and ordering everybody watching to throw off their handicaps, too! The Handicapper General arrives, immediately shoots them both dead, and ends the broadcast so that society might return to normal.

8) MONNITH TWISS = WINSTON SMITH, protagonist of George Orwell’s renowned dystopian novel, Nineteen Eighty Four (1949), who toils in the Ministry of Truth rewriting historical documents so that they conform with the ever-changing party line of the story’s totalitarian government.

Get Better SleepA good night’s sleep is also the reason for a person to be facing depression. cialis tablets in india view this website levitra in india You should reduce intake of processed sugar. It is an oral treatment which has to be borne by the consumer . levitra prescription find these guys now Today, many men cialis no prescription cheap get help from some male enhancing medicines like Kamagra in spite of having those humiliating moments in the bed. 9) ILEO SLAN = LOIS LANE, a driven, career-minded journalist working as a reporter at Metropolis newspaper The Daily Planet, and famously, Clark Kent/Superman’s girlfriend and finally, wife.

10) OWIUS UL = LOUIS WU, protagonist of Larry Niven’s Ringworld books, who remains long-lived and in top shape due to the longevity drug “Boosterspice.” In Ringworld (1970), he survives with his companions the crash of their spaceship on a gigantic, artificial, rotating, million mile-wide circular structure, roughly the diameter of Earth’s orbit, encircling a sun-like star. The flat inner surface of this so-called Ringworld is habitable, offering Earth-like conditions but some 3 million times the area of the planet! Adventure ensues.

11) RENYL RAVIN = LARRY NIVEN, author of largely hard-science stories set in his Known Space universe, among them the Ringworld books and his Man-Kzin Wars stories.

12) LOLLU WHODI = HOLLI WOULD, a “doodle” (animated cartoon character) who becomes a “noid” (human), if only briefly, in the film Cool World (1992), directed by Ralph Bakshi and described as an adult Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Kim Basinger played Holli in human form.



This pandemic will be over one day; we’ve just got to hold on:


We hope you have enjoyed your time with us this afternoon, and we ask all of you to check in regularly here at for additional content during this continuing pandemic, and for any news as to when the club expects a return to face-to-face meetings. Thank you for your interest and attention, and don’t forget to comment on today’s offerings!

We’d also like to thank Sylvain St-Pierre, Joe Aspler, Keith Braithwaite, and Cathy Palmer-Lister for putting this February 13, 2021 DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting together, with a nod, as well, to our supporting contributors today.

Until next month, when we will gather virtually once more on March 13, please continue to exercise all recommended safety practises, and get your shots as soon as the vaccination is made available to you! Continued patience, discipline, and emotional fortitude is key to seeing us all safely through these final months of the pandemic. Stay strong!


We wrap up with Penn and Kim Holderness enthusiastically ready and willing to receive the coming vaccine:

6 of 7 – Gallery

No gallery available because Sylvain could not muster the strength.  My apologies.

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5 of 7 – Shakespeareans in SF&F , the Sequel

Shakespeareans In SF&F, The Sequel, by Joseph Aspler.










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4 of 7 – The Break!

It’s time for a break!

And since we are zooming pretty much the entire meeting, we really do need the break. But first, before we all disperse, Let’s celebrate for Alexis, whose birthday this is!

Happy Birthday, Alexis!

While everyone runs to the fridge and bathroom, here are a couple of announcements.

WARP: In case you missed it, WARP 109 is available for download: . Beavra and Mammothra have a new friend!

WARP 100–what a nice number!– will be edited by Danny and Val, and hopefully ready for April. They will be looking for your input!! Et oui, vous pouvez écrire en français pour WARP, alors pas d’excuses. Henceforth, submissions and LoCs should be mailed to <> .

MonSFFA PROGRAMMING :  We need members to consider making a presentation or volunteer to moderate a discussion. Now that we have unlimited time on zoom, there are more possibilities. Somebody could do a demo from his/her workshop for instance. We can have debates and discussions, as we did at live meetings. Instead of just posting pictures of models, costumes, and other projects, we can have actual show-and-tells.  You can reach Sylvain by clicking here: <>

At the very least, please send us your programming wish list. What would you like to see from our club in 2021?

MEMBERSHIP FEES: MonSFFA has always been (and always will be) primarily a social club, so when we had to suspend in-person meetings, we also suspended the fees. This was not a great hardship as we were also not paying for a hotel room. However, while our expenses are lower, they are not insignificant. For one thing, the fees for our website and domain name come due this year, and we have to pay for a year’s subscription to Zoom. Though WARP is only being mailed to members without Internet, it is still being printed in hopes that we will all be able to get together again someday. We have had no fundraising, none at all, not even the snack bar!

Therefore we will be asking members to start renewing their memberships as if last year never happened (I wish), starting April as our last live meeting was in March. Therefore, if your membership was due for renewal in April 2020, it is now due in April 2021.

Payment: Cheques made out to <MonSFFA> can be mailed to Sylvain whose home address is in the inside cover of WARP. We are having problems setting up a PayPal account, but we are working on it.

Participation Prizes

3 or 4 names (depends on how many become involved) will be drawn from a hat. All you have to do is be here! But we really would like you to also leave comments on our website.

Click to enlarge

Nebula, Locus, Sunburst and Aurora Award finalist: The Mayan God of Death sends a young woman on a harrowing, life-changing journey in this dark fairy tale inspired by Mexican folklore. Condition: like new DVD, Flash Gordon: A football player and his friends find themselves fighting the tyranny of Ming the Merciless to save Earth.

Stars Sam J. Jones, Melody Anderson, Max von Sydow, music by Queen.

Donated by Joe Aspler

Ten novelettes and short stories by various science fiction authors, together with a preface by the editors. Condition: Good
Grand Prix 2005 de la science-fiction et du fantastique québécois
Prix Boréal 2005
Prix 2006 des lecteurs Radio-Canada
Little Wyrm jigsaw puzzle made of yellow birch. A set of hand crafted magic wands in the colours of Hogwarts houses, made and donated by Josée Bellemare

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On Display

Josée is working on a couple of projects, one of which is the castle below. She bought a cheap toy and did some serious renovations.  She sends us before and after pictures of her castle. Awesome!

Daniel Kenney, having finished rebuilding his Klingon BoP, is now doing some major renovations on his Romulan spaceship. He sends pictures of his work in progress.

Click to enlarge


3 of 7 – Getting Around

Getting Around, by Sylvain St-Pierre.

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2 of 7 – Zoom Meeting Starts


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