Category Archives: MonSFFA Website

This category is for postings specific to the setup of the website.

Post 3 of 6: June 6, DIY Virtual MonSFFA Meeting

It’s time for our mid-meeting break!

Get your snacks, & crack open a bheer! If Cathy has figured out the tech for Zoom, you may have received a link which you can click NOW to join in the meeting.

Two Announcements
  1. In theory, we should be having our picnic in the park next month.  In theory, it could be done, but we’d be shouting to each other across the park, and not sharing the ketchup & BBQ utensils, & toilets might not be open. If if the loos are open, will we want to use them? What do you say? Pro or con? Delay till August? September?
  2. You want to contribute a MonSFFA Virtual Presentation but lack the equipment and/or skills to do so? Fear not, we can help! Just tell us what you have in mind, and we can provide assistance with a Keynote or PowerPoint master frame for you to fill. If you send us the text and pictures, we can even put them together for you. Don’t be shy, your contribution will be greatly appreciated.

For a chance to win a raffle prize you must participate in the meeting.  Whether you are following us on our website , or facebook page   or even in our facebook group, you can click on COMMENT and add your 2-cents to the conversation as you would at our live meetings. We want to hear what you think!

On Monday, I will collect the names of all the participants including those who have contributed to the display table, and put them in 3 jars: platinum members, regular members, everyone else. (yup, former & non-members will get a chance, too) . Winners will pick their prizes from the photos below, and the club will MAIL the prizes to them.

(Click a thumbnail  to view the whole picture)The wyrm, Bilbo, and the gargoyle on the left are of cherry. the gargoyle on the right and the dragon letter opener are of black walnut.

As usual, Josée Bellemare, our keeper of the lists, will be sent the names of all the presenters and participants for the Christmas raffle.

Display Table

Keep away from drinking alcohol as it viagra professional 100mg may bring noticeable delay in the effectiveness of the medicine. Balding in women normally appears when they are sexually aroused and viagra samples preparing for the sexual activities. From then onwards things started to look bright to fight against impotence in men. online viagra sales is reported to be safe on health of about 80% of the users. Finding gout pain relief to alleviate and ease the pain is also reduced to an women viagra order extent. Ceramic models made by Sylvain St-Pierre. Click to view full size pic.

Wayne Glover is working on his model of the constitution. He has about 500 gun carriages to paint! The medallion is a souvenir Wayne purchased when he visited the actual ship. Click to view full size pics.


Dan Kenney has added to the Chinese junk he is making over into a pirate ship. Click a thumbnail to view full size.

Here’s Cathy’s Hobbit collection, now complete except for the two that are currently beyond her means and ability. The designs are by Judy Peterson.

Post 2 of 6: June 6 DIY Virtual MonSFFA Meeting

15b – John Hurt as Winston Smith in 1984 – rewriting the news for he Ministry of Truth.

16b – Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) – Carver is making a story.

17b – Michelle Yeoh in Tomorrow Never Dies.

34b – Tintin movie trailer.

37b – The Return Of Sarah Jane Smith | School Reunion | Doctor Who | BBC.

37c – Doctor Who – School Reunion – The Tenth Doctor Meets Sarah Jane Smith.

39b – Max Headroom – opening credits.

44b – Peter Parker, photographer …. watch out for that spider!

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50b – Gwyneth Paltrow – Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.

51b – Christopher Plummer and Michael Caine – The Man Who Would be King.

53b – Artificial Intelligence Journalism.


68b – The 10 top journalists in comic books.

68c – Lois Lane hunts for Superman.

Post 1 of 6: June 6 DIY Virtual MonSFFA Meeting

This is post 1 of 6 related posts which together make up our June 6, 2020, DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting.


We begin with a heavy heart, for we have lost one of our own to COVID-19. Our good friend and fellow MonSFFAn Alice Novo passed away just a couple weeks ago. Alice had been dealing with other health issues these past few years, as most of you know, and thus was particularly susceptible to the virus.

We are cognisant of others within our circle, too, who are also dealing with complications brought about by this virus, and at this time, we are respecting their privacy while hoping, praying that their ultimate outcome is a good one. Others of us have lost family members to COVID-19 and we wish them to know that they have our sincere sympathies.

Alice is mourned by her family and friends, including her beloved son, Alex, and brother Fernando (“Fern”), who most of us know through our mutual affiliation with this club.

Alice and Fern joined MonSFFA at about the time we were starting to shoot the club’s fan film, Beavra, in the early 2000s, if memory serves, and I recall their enthusiasm and keen interest as they jumped right in as part of the cast and crew. They were a wonderful addition to our ranks and I have enjoyed their friendship ever since.

When we needed to cast a youngster in one of the roles, Alice suggested her pre-teen son, Alex, who performed marvellously. This family was a friendly and fun bunch, I remember thinking at the time. Over the years of MonSFFA’s meetings and field trips and conventions and the club’s summer barbecues and Christmas parties, I always looked forward to spending a few hours with Alice and Fern.

Fern and I share an appreciation of classic cars and hotrods, and the customized vehicles built for use in sci-fi movies and TV shows. And also of Bigfoot stories! Alice and I shared in particular an appreciation of classic rock, our tastes remarkably in sync in that respect. Some years back, when the club was holding its Christmas parties at a downtown bar that has since closed, I would serve as DJ, and I remember Alice complimenting me on more than one occasion for the music I’d selected. I’m glad she enjoyed the tunes.

One never knows what to say to friends grieving for a lost loved one, only that whatever we say will seem an inadequate salve to the utter sadness and grief that envelopes them at such a time. So I’ll say just this: Alex and Fern, the day will come when the great sorrow that you now feel will slowly begin to give way to fond memories of, respectively, your mom and sister. The day will come when thinking of her will bring not tears, but a smile. Alice, you were one of the friendliest, warmest, kindest, most delightful and good-humoured people that I’ve known in all my years of involvement with SF/F fandom, and I will miss you. A lot. Rest in peace.



The club’s Executive hopes this post finds everybody managing as well as they can through the current quarantine. As things prudently begin re-opening, remember to continue following best recommended safety practises in order to help minimize an anticipated second wave of infections. Our area remains one the hardest hit in the world, so don’t let down your guard! To those of you who might be deemed “essential workers,” please take extra caution to keep yourselves as protected from infection as possible!

This is our third virtual MonSFFA meeting. It will unfold right here on the club’s Web site over the course of the afternoon, beginning with this first post, and followed by subsequent posts at 1:30PM, 2:30PM, 3:00PM, and 3:45PM, with a concluding post at 4:45PM. All content will also be available concurrently on MonSFFA’s Facebook page (, however, the interface best suited for taking in this meeting is this very Web site.

We cannot yet meet face-to-face as we usually do, of course, and so this June virtual meeting has been prepared especially for you, MonSFFA’s membership. Sit back, check out each of the afternoon’s posts, scroll down leisurely through the proffered content, and enjoy!

In This Afternoon’s Virtual Meeting:

1:00PM, Post 1 of 6

1)  Sympathies

2) Introduction and Meeting Agenda

3)  Coronavirus Song Parody

4)  Quiz Challenge, Intro

5)  Name That Tune!…

1:30PM, Post 2 of 6

6)  Journalism in SF&F

2:30PM, Post 3 of 6

7) Mid-Meeting Break (Now With Experimental Zoom Meeting!)

3:00PM, Post 4 of 6

8) COVID-19 Art

3:45PM, Post 5 of 6

9) SF&F Plagues and Diseases, Part III—The Cures

4:45PM, Post 6 of 6

10) Another Coronavirus Song Parody

11) Answers to Quiz Challenge

12) Yet Another Song Parody

13) Thank-You!

14) Closing Song Parody



It’s summer! Time for a Beach Boys tune. Well, not quite a Beach Boys tune (

Kudos to Jon Pumper for this one, and to the talented creators of the other parody songs we’re showcasing today; whenever given, we’ve credited by name these creators.


David Bowie’s popular 1969 tune Space Oddity tells the tale of astronaut Major Tom, who ventures outside of his space capsule, only to become stranded in orbit before drifting off through the heavens, his future undetermined.

At the time, many wedded the song to the Apollo 11 moonshot, and, indeed, Space Oddity was released to coincide with the historic moon landing. Some reviewers took the song as, plainly, the story of an astronaut who finds himself stranded in space, a possible scenario much discussed in 1969 as NASA prepared to land a man on the moon. Others have read more into the composition, taking the song to be a space-age representation of the disillusionment of ’60s youth. Still others saw it as a drug-induced astral trip!

Bowie himself had stated that Space Oddity was influenced by the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey, the song’s title a play on the movie’s. “I was very stoned when I went to see it, several times,” he disclosed, “and it was really a revelation to me. It got the song flowing.”

A short, promotional film designed to spotlight this new singer/song-writer’s talents included an early version of Space Oddity in which Bowie, as Major Tom, is seen stepping through the hatch of his spaceship, relaying to Ground Control that he is “floating in a most peculiar way,” and that “the stars look very different today.” He encounters two beautiful, enigmatic women—angels, higher spiritual entities, aliens, transcendent human beings, perhaps—who encirclement him. The astronaut requests of Ground Control, “Tell my wife I love her very much,” and suddenly, communication is broken. Fearing that “there’s something wrong,” Ground Control repeatedly calls “Can you hear me, Major Tom?”

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The song, and the astronaut’s fate, remain open to interpretation.

Major Tom reappeared a few times later in Bowie’s career, reworked a little on each occasion.

Space Oddity is probably one of the best known of pop and rock songs that tap into science fiction or fantasy, employing space motifs, sci-fi references, narratives, or SF/F as metaphor.

At a club meeting a few years ago, I hosted a game in which I challenged my fellow MonSFFen to identify, from just a couple lines of lyrics, a number of Genre-themed pop or rock songs. Reproduced, here, is a revised version of that challenge. I offer it in honour of our dear departed friend, Alice.

Can you identify each of the 19 songs from these snippets of lyrics, as well as the singer or group most associated with each of the tunes? The answers will be provided at the conclusion of today’s virtual MonSFFA meeting in Post 6 of 6, at 4:45PM:



In your mind you have abilities you know / To telepath messages through the vast unknown


They got music in their solar system / They’ve rocked around the Milky Way


Crossed through the universe to get where you are / Travel the night riding on a shooting star


Woke up this morning with light in my eyes / And then realized it was still dark outside


I think your atmosphere is hurting my eyes / And your concrete mountains are blackin’ out the skies


I miss the Earth so much, I miss my wife / It’s lonely out in space


They’ll split your pretty cranium, and fill it full of air / And tell you that you’re eighty, but brother, you won’t care


(All day long, we hear him crying so loud) / I just want to be myself, I just want to be myself, I just want to be myself, be myself, be myself


Mine’s broke down / And now I’ve no one to love


Hey mom, there’s something in the back room / Hope it’s not the creatures from above


Oh Space Dude in your space suit / Our love, it takes us to the moon


Then the stranger spoke, he said, “Do not fear / I come from a planet a long way from here”


On Mercury, they’re crazy about my stellar rock ’n’ roll / And I always sell out in advance at the Martian Astrobowl


Life is too easy, a plague seems quite feasible now / Or maybe a war, or I may kill you all


He was turned to steel / In the great magnetic field


Tell me, did you sail across the sun? / Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded


Encounters one and two are not enough for me / What my body needs is close encounter three


And with the top down, we’ll cruise around / Land and make love on the moon (Would you like that?)


Now it’s been ten thousand years / Man has cried a billion tears

Virtual Meeting 03 – Intro

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Meeting on line Saturday, June 6

There will be two major presentations on June 6, and an experimental ZOOM meeting during the break!

Being an experiment, we are currently limiting the zoom session to members and friends that we know. If you did not receive an invite, but would like to participate, contact <> with your e-mail address.
Journalism in science fiction and fantasy, presented by Joe Aspler

Why do so many science fiction characters work as journalists? Is it simply their day job? Or does X-ray vision give you an advantage in snooping out stories? Maybe science fiction and cartoon characters are extra nosy. Think Peter Parker or Lois Lane.

Why does journalism play a role in so many science fiction stories? Winston Smith of the Ministry of Truth in 1984 rewrote the news on a daily basis. William de Worde founded the Ankh-Morpork Times, the first newspaper on Discworld. The James Bond Villain in Tomorrow Never Dies was dedicated to ruling the world with Fake News. TinTin solved crime the old-fashioned way: with a typewriter and a twin-lens reflex camera. Sarah-Jane Smith, companion to the third and fourth Doctor, acted as snoopy journalist when necessary, and as the traditional 1970s SF Screamer at other times.

Today’s presentation shows how and why journalism as story-telling – or as fake story telling – is an important part of many cartoons science fiction stories.
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SF&F Plagues and Diseases, PART 3, presented by Sylvain St-Pierre

For the past two months, we have been covering all sorts of disgusting and deadly diseases. As colourful as some of them might be, it’s all rather depressing.

For a change, the third and final installment of SF&F Plagues and Diseases will cover the genre’s response to ailments: the strange and wonderful (and often weird) realm of Science Fiction and Fantasy Healing.

No matter what your Health Care coverage is, you will find yourself wanting for some of those procedures right now.


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Raffle prizes

We we “meet” on June 6th, these puzzles will be offered as raffle prizes.

For a chance to win a puzzle, you have only to participate in our meeting on line. Comment on the presentations, contribute to the display table, ask a question! You don’t have to be a member to win, and prizes will be mailed.

Click the thumbnail to view full size.
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The light-coloured gargoyle, Bilbo the Hobbit, and the wyrm are made of cherry. The dragon-headed letter opener and darker gargoyle are of black walnut.

An update to our meeting, June 6!

There will be two major presentations on June 6. Be sure to tune into our website at 13h.

SF&F Plagues and Diseases, PART 3, presented by Sylvain St-Pierre

For the past two months, we have been covering all sorts of disgusting and deadly diseases. As colourful as some of them might be, it’s all rather depressing.

For a change, the third and final instalment of SF&F Plagues and Diseases will cover the genre’s response to ailments: the strange and wonderful (and often weird) realm of Science Fiction and Fantasy Healing.

No matter what your Health Care coverage is, you will find yourself wanting for some of those procedures right now.

Journalism in science fiction and fantasy, presented by Joe Aspler
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Why do so many science fiction characters work as journalists? Is it simply their day job? Or does X-ray vision give you an advantage in snooping out stories? Maybe science fiction and cartoon characters are extra nosy. Think Peter Parker or Lois Lane.

Why does journalism play a role in so many science fiction stories? Winston Smith of the Ministry of Truth in 1984 rewrote the news on a daily basis. William de Worde founded the Ankh-Morpork Times, the first newspaper on Discworld. The James Bond Villain in Tomorrow Never Dies was dedicated to ruling the world with Fake News. TinTin solved crime the old-fashioned way: with a typewriter and a twin-lens reflex camera. Sarah-Jane Smith, companion to the third and fourth Doctor, acted as snoopy journalist when necessary, and as the traditional 1970s SF Screamer at other times.

Today’s presentation shows how and why journalism as story-telling – or as fake story telling – is an important part of many cartoons science fiction stories.


Update to our meeting agenda!

Reminder that we have another virtual meeting on June 6, 13:00h. The meeting will be on our website,, and on our facebook goup, and facebook page.

There will be two major presentations, Sylvain’s third part to the Plagues in SF/F theme, and Joe Aspler’s presentation on Journalism in SF/F.

Journalism in science fiction and fantasy

Potency Most often than not, the buy cialis Learn More brand name item despite the fact that the dynamic add-in will be in Sildenafil citrate. But in the end they end up ignoring themselves which causes further problems that are related to consumption of cipla sildenafil this blue pill. Men after taking this medicine feel more confident and powerful as he is sure that cheap viagra levitra he can satisfy his partner. Impotence cialis 40 mg treating meditation aids you forgetting about all the factors that may lead to these problems. Why do so many science fiction characters work as journalists? Is it simply their day job? Or does X-ray vision give you an advantage in snooping out stories? Maybe science fiction and cartoon characters are extra nosy. Think Peter Parker or Lois Lane.

Why does journalism play a role in so many science fiction stories? Winston Smith of the Ministry of Truth in 1984 rewrote the news on a daily basis. William de Worde founded the Ankh-Morpork Times, the first newspaper on Discworld. The James Bond Villain in Tomorrow Never Dies was dedicated to ruling the world with Fake News. TinTin solved crime the old-fashioned way: with a typewriter and a twin-lens reflex camera. Sarah-Jane Smith, companion to the third and fourth Doctor, acted as snoopy journalist when necessary, and as the traditional 1970s SF Screamer at other times.

Today’s presentation shows how and why journalism as story-telling – or as fake story telling – is an important part of many cartoons science fiction stories.

MonSFFA virtual meeting June 6

Reminder that we have another virtual meeting on June 6, 13:00h. The meeting will be on our website,, and on our facebook goup, and facebook page.

We found that while it was easier to leave comments on the fb group and page, it was easier to follow the sequence of the meeting on the website.

1- 13:00 Opening (Keith)
2- 13:30 Journalism Presentation (Joe)
3- 14:30 Mid-Meeting Break (Cathy)
4- 15:00 Covid-19 Art (Sylvain)
5- 15:45 Plagues and Diseases in SF&F Part 3 (Sylvain)
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If you want to post a project for the display table, send it to <president@monsffa,ca> with a description.

There will be a raffle! Four prizes will be mailed to winners. Anyone who participates in the meeting will have a chance of winning one of Cathy’s wooden puzzles. All you have to do is leave comments on the meeting sites.