Category Archives: MonSFFA Website

This category is for postings specific to the setup of the website.


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We are living in unprecedented times! The world has not been so shaken by a global public health crisis since the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-’19.

Find here as a PDF file for viewing or download a special COVID-19 edition of MonSFFA’s news bulletin, Impulse.

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This was not a planned edition, but circumstances have unfolded that prompted us to put this issue out. It deals with the ramifications for our club of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. Please read it. And remember to wash your hands thoroughly and often with soap and water. And keep well.

(This special issue of Impulse can also be found on this Web site under the “Impulse” drop-down menu.)

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The latest issue of Impulse, March 2020, has been released and is also available right here:


In addition, it’s archived on this Web site, along with previous issues, under the “Impulse” drop-down menu.

Here, for your quick perusal, are the details of the club’s upcoming March 7 meeting, as printed in this issue of the club news bulletin:

1:00PM-5:00PM, St-François Room (second floor), Hôtel Espresso, 1005 Guy St.

Meeting Theme: Costuming! With Costume-Con in Montreal this year, we encourage MonSFFen to bring in their best costumes and accessories (or photos thereof) for display!


1:00PM-2:30PM; Costuming Show-and-Tell No. 1:

Today is a good day to DIY! Moulding your own Klingon forehead prosthetic—see how it’s done!

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2:30PM-3:15PM; Costuming Show-and-Tell No. 2:

We welcome two talented costumers from among our ranks for a brief “show-and-tell” on some of the cool, award-winning genre costumes they have fashioned over the years!

3:15PM-3:30PM; Mid-Meeting Break:

Fund-raising raffle; brief discussion of club business, including proposal for an early (April) field trip

3:30PM-4:15PM; Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft!:

How likely is it that we will make contact with an advanced extraterrestrial civilization one day? Or have we already?

4:15PM-5:00PM; Workshop:

Learn how to paint plastic dollar-store toy “weapons” and paraphernalia to appear more realistic!

We’ll See You at the Meeting!

Oumuamua: our first interstellar visitor

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‘Oumuamua: our first interstellar visitor

‘Oumuamua zipped through the inner solar system in 2017, revealing just how little we know about planetary systems beyond our own.
Based on the light it reflected over time, astronomers have determined that ‘Oumuamua, the first identified interstellar visitor to our solar system, is red in color and several times longer than it is wide. Ron Miller for Astronomy
Sometime around the year 1837, a strange object passed an invisible cosmic mile marker: 1,000 astronomical units from the Sun. (One astronomical unit, or AU, is the average Earth-Sun distance.) For more than a century, it continued undetected toward our star. Finally, on October 19, 2017, humans noticed the visitor.That night, a faint, thin streak appeared in a 45-second-long image snapped by the University of Hawai‘i’s Pan-STARRS1 Telescope on Maui. The next morning, postdoctoral researcher Robert Weryk spotted the streak and compared it to an image taken the day before. The object was there, too. It was moving steadily across the sky, covering about 6.2° each day.

By October 22, two things were clear: The object was on a hyperbolic orbit, meaning it comes close to our Sun only once and then shoots away again, never to return. And, based on its orbit, it did not originate in our solar system at all, but instead came from another star system.

The Rosetta spacecraft snapped this stunning image of outgassing on Comet 67P/ Churyumov–Gerasimenko in May 2015. Jets such as these could have been responsible for ‘Oumuamua’s strange acceleration as it headed away from the Sun. ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM
It was our first known interstellar visitor. Officially named 1I/2017 U1, the object is also known as ‘Oumuamua (oh-MOO-uh-MOO-uh), which means “a messenger from afar arriving first” in Hawaiian. Following its discovery, ‘Oumuamua was moving so fast that astronomers had a scant four months to observe it. After that, the object had retreated too far from the Sun, fading past our ability to track it. In just a short time, ‘Oumuamua gave us a peek at where it had come from — but it still left us with many questions unanswered.

MONSFFA visits Dinosaurs Unearthed-2

Ok this happened in 2016, but I just finished putting the finishing touches to the editing of this short film (5mins) This was a scheduled outing at the Montreal Science Centre at the old To create an environment that encourages compassion and empathy, students must do things together and then process their experiences in doing that activity. levitra generika My lovely wife was in the kitchen preparing prescription viagra without dinner. Never click on links in spam mail Don’t be tempted levitra cost of to keep it going until the sun comes up. It is the most embracing moment of one’s life. buy levitra online port of Montreal. The exhibition was of Dinosaurs. Animatronic creatures fill the centre floor, including sound effects. Several members were in attendance on that day.
Here is the link to view the short film..enjoy

We Will Rock You

Earlier, I posted about We Will Rock You, a musical based on works by Queen. It is currently in Montreal, PDA, but tickets are expensive: 70$ to 100$. Enjoy the video!

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Zines to share!

From Leybl in Israel, CyberCozen, which has some interesting URL links to AI & robotics on the web, a Star Trek story, and an article about Isaac Azimov titled From Soviet to science fiction icon, the weird life of Isaac Asimov 100 years on. CCFebruary 2020-v01

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We Will Rock You tells a futuristic tale not at all like the movie Bohemian Rhapsody

Kyle Gruninger plays Commander Khashoggi, right-hand man to Killer Queen, in We Will Rock You.

We Will Rock You is the story of a futuristic society that has wiped out individualism, but not the music of Queen. First produced in 2002, with a book by British writer Ben Elton (The Young Ones, Blackadder), the jukebox musical features many of the band’s classics (We Are the Champions, Somebody To Love, Bohemian Rhapsody) and even some deep cuts. This new Canadian production features a cast of 16 and a five-piece band. We talked to Lethbridge, Alta.’s Kyle Gruninger, who also sings with Vancouver-based rock group Incura, about the show.

Q We Will Rock You opened in Winnipeg before going down to the U.S. Has the reception been different?

A Every single city is so different in reactions, depending on the jokes. The great part is the reaction to the music. That’s what most people are there to see. But when I tell a corny joke or whatever it depends on the audience.

Q Is there one song that gets the biggest reaction?

A The first time any Queen songs start, people have a huge reaction. But we all know that the biggest Queen song in the world is Bohemian Rhapsody. So that one gets the party going.

Q Musical director Stuart Morley wrote a new score for this production, is that right?

A He “re- Queened” it, as he puts it. He rearranged the harmonies in each song. He would go to (Queen guitarist) Brian May and say, “This is what I think the harmony is.” And Brian would be like, “Oh, I don’t know if that’s it.” “Well Brian, that’s what you played on the recording I’ve been listening to.” “Oh. I guess I did.” Because there are so many different versions of things. Stuart was listening to raw takes of Freddy. So we are the first cast to do this show with this score.

Q Do people come expecting a story about Queen, à la the movie Bohemian Rhapsody? Or do they know it’s a futuristic tale with the music of Queen?

A There are a few people who come in knowing exactly what they’re getting into. They know the musical, maybe they’re fans of it, they’ve seen it five or six times. Then there’s a group of people who love Queen music, they just want to see anything

Queen. They have no idea what they’re getting into.

Q Do the shows draw a big cross-section of people?

A That’s my favourite part, looking out and seeing 10-yearold kids with their Queen shirt beside their dad with his 1977 Queen tour T-shirt that barely fits anymore, and they both have their hands in the air, givin’ it. That’s an amazing, amazing feeling every night.

Q Who is your character, and how many songs do you sing?

A My character, Commander Khashoggi, is Killer Queen’s lead henchman and right-hand man. We are trying to stop real music from coming back. We’re trying to stop the Bohemians (a rebel group) from finding the real musical instruments and the dreamer. Throughout, I’m capturing and torturing Bohemians. I sing a duet with Killer Queen, A Kind of Magic, and in the second act I do what is kind of a B-side, Seven Seas of Rhye.

Q And there’s a live band, is that right?

A Yes. They’re part of the show. By the end, the screen is down, and they get to play Tie Your Mother Down as we try to kill Killer Queen. It gets intense.

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Attention MonSFFA Members!

The February 2020 issue of Impulse, MonSFFA’s News Bulletin, is available for viewing or download right here!:


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