Category Archives: MonSFFA Website

This category is for postings specific to the setup of the website.

Contribute to WOOF, Plus Fanzines to share

Are you a fan-ed? You might want to consider contributing to WOOF.

Here is the official word from this year’s WOOF Official Editor, Guy Lillian, as to how people can contribute to this year’s collation of the 43rd iteration of the Worldcon Order Of Faneditors APA:

“I will be asking for a copy requirement of 50, and will be glad to print on 8 1/2 x 11 paper for overseas or other contributors. Send to Every contributor will get a copy, naturally ; extras will be for sale for $3 to benefit the fan funds, $5 including postage if I have to mail. Contributors, of course, are exempt, although I’d appreciate comp for the cost. Printing costs also appreciated, $3 per double-sided sheet before August 8, market price afterwards.”

Zines to share

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From Israel, CyberCozen, edited by Leybl Botwinik.  Some interesting stories of interest to Star Wars fans, and one I find a bit scary:  Amazon wants to make a TV series based on LotR.

Askew 25 edited by John Purcell: lots of reviews including The Kaiju Film by Jason Barr, Itinerary for 2018 TAFF winner Johan Anglemark (he’s taking the scenic way to San Jose), a very short story, obits.

 MT VOID 2021:     Edited by Mark  & Evelyn Leeper, Mt Void is the zine for the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society.

Table of Contents

  • Science Fiction (and Other) Discussion Groups, Films, Lectures, etc. (NJ)
  • PROVENANCE by Ann Leckie (audiobook review by Joe Karpierz)
  • APOCALYPSE NYX by Kameron Hurley (book review by Joe          Karpierz)
  • LoCs
  • This Week’s Reading (THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV and IN THE DEVIL’S GARDEN) (book comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)
  • Quote of the Week




Ottawa Field Trip Update

The organization of our carpools for the club’s field trip to Ottawa’s Science and Technology Museum is just about done.

All MonSFFA members should have received an e-mail earlier this week outlining the details and directing them on how to proceed if they’re carpooling with us. Check your e-mail inboxes!

Any members who have not yet signed on to the trip, and want to join us on Saturday, June 9, in Ottawa, are asked to let us know by no later than 9:00PM, Sunday, June 3, so we can add your name to the list.

We have a limited availability of carpool seats, so if you want to go, act fast! Once all spaces are filled, we’ll have to cut off any further additions, unfortunately.
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Those able to get to Ottawa by means of their own conveyance are welcome to do so and meet us at the museum’s main entrance that Saturday morning around 10:30.

Refer to the May-June 2018 issue of Impulse (download it from this site) for all the details as regards this field trip (museum exhibitions, cost of admission, etc.).

A final update will be posted early next week; watch this space.


We are currently figuring out carpooling for our scheduled club field trip to the Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa on Saturday, June 9.

At this time, we anticipate that about a dozen club members will be  making the trip, possibly a few more.

Refer to the last issue of Impulse (May-June 2018)  for information on the museum, and details of our plans for the day.
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We will update members on breaking developments regarding carpool assignments, etc. in the coming days; check this space regularly this week and next for those updates.


Gardner Dozois (1947-2018)

Gardner Dozois (1947-2018)

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Our next club meeting is set for tomorrow, Saturday, May 26!


St-François Room (second floor)

Hôtel Espresso, 1005 Guy St., Downtown Montreal

Busy schedule, so we’ll be starting a little earlier than usual, kicking off at 11:30AM for all you early-birds with our pre-meeting Saturday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée, the meeting proper beginning at 1:00PM.


Saturday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée—The Flying Saucer Edition: Early-birds will be asked to pick for review one of the five UFO movies we’ll have on offer! Tin-foil hats optional.

Those films are:

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), a sci-fi cinema classic! Alien emissary Klaatu pulls up to Earth in his sleek flying saucer with an ultimatum—call it a friendly suggestion!—for mankind. Memorize the following phrase, for it might come in handy: Klaatu, Barada, Nikto!

STARSHIP INVASIONS (1977), Robert Vaughn and Christopher Lee pay off their mortgages in this Canadian answer to Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Filmed in and around Toronto, a hotspot for flying saucers if ever there was one! Have you seen their city hall building?

EARTH VS. THE FLYING SAUCERS (1956), the definitive 1950s flying saucer B-movie, with thrilling stop-motion saucer action by… Well, you know who!

DARK SKIES (2013), a creepy, truly terrifying example of the alien-abduction sub-genre; experience it here, with us, so you’re not alone!

ROSWELL (1994), an historical account of the astonishing events of early July, 1947, in and around Roswell, New Mexico, according to popular UFO lore, that is. Weather balloon my ass!

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Watch the Skies! And the Movies and TV Shows About Watching the Skies!: The flying saucers and UFO aliens of popular culture have long been fodder for thrilling sci-fi films and television series! We examine how UFOlogy has influenced screen sci-fi, and vice versa!


Mid-Meeting Break: Fund-raising raffle, brief discussion of club business and upcoming club field trip



Language Rectifiers, Protocol Droids, and a Fish in Your Ear: Translation in SF

Meeting Theme: This month’s theme involves a craft challenge: make a pie-plate flying saucer! We hope to marshal an invasion fleet of UFOs! Bring along, as well, any UFO-related books, toys, etc. for the display table!


NEXT MONTH: Saturday, June 9

Field trip to Science and Technology Museum, Ottawa (details to follow)

Peek at LEGO’s upcoming sets

Peek at LEGO’s upcoming sets: Star Wars crafts, Hogwarts, Ninjago city, and more

pics of LEGO’s upcoming summer and holiday 2018 sets, including:

  • Jedi Starfighter ($19)
  • Collector Series Y-Wing Starfighter ($199)
  • Snoke’s Throne Room ($69)
  •  Star Wars X-Wing Starfighter ($79)
  • Sandcrawler ($139)
  • Kessel Run version of the Millenium Falcon ($169)
  • Hogwarts Express ($79)
  • Hogwarts Great Hall ($99)
  • Quidditch Match ($39)
  • Ninjago City Docks ($229)
  • Ninjago Destiny’s Wing ($19)

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Watch National Geo video.

les gagnants du Prix Imaginales

Pour ceux et celles qui lisent en français, voici les gagnants du Prix Imaginales:

Catégorie roman francophone

  • BORDAGE Pierre, ARKANE tome 1: La Désolation (Bragelonne)

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Catégorie roman étranger traduit

  • GOLDSTEIN Lisa, Sombres cités souterraines, [Dark Cities Underground], translation: Patrick MARCEL (Les Moutons électriques)

Catégorie jeunesse

  • HOLZL Ariel, Les soeurs Carmines tome 1 : Le complot des corbeaux (Naos)

Catégorie illustration

  • MOSKALUK Yana, Boudicca (ActuSF)

Catégorie nouvelle

  • GORODISHER Angelica, Kalpa Imperial (La Volte)

Catégorie prix spécial du Jury / Special Jury Award

  • ASCARIDE Melchior / BÉTAN Julien / RIVERO Mathieu, Tout au milieu du monde (Les Moutons électriques)


Créé en mai 2002 à l’initiative de la Ville d’Epinal, le Prix Imaginales est le premier prix exclusivement consacré à la fantasy en France.

Trailers for Mary Shelley, Jurassic World


Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom comes out June 22.
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Star Wars

Mark Hamill interview

“10 minutes of Mark Hamill being HONEST about The Last Jedi.


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The upcoming Han Solo movie will, no doubt, make all sorts of changes to Star Wars canon, but a just-released book about Han and Lando’s adventures quietly revealed that Ewoks are actually renown coffee farmers. Yep, those cute little Imperial-killing teddy bears are responsible for the best cup of java you’ll find outside of Dex’s Diner.

The book, Last Shot: A Han and Lando Novel, came out earlier this week, and it follows the two coolest characters in the galaxy across three distinct time periods. In one of them, set after Return of the Jedi but well before The Force Awakens, baby Ben Solo kicks his dad in the face. Later in that scene, Han’s culinary droid, BX-778, brews up a mean cup of Endorian caf. (Coffee is called “caf” in the book because, well, that’s how Star Wars rolls).

Here’s an excerpt:

“Coagulating the finest Endorian caf beans,” he chirped jauntily as one of his appendages swung open a floor hatch and another plunged into the crawl space below, appearing moments later with a scoop of the dark-brown beans. “Ah! Picked from the cliggs of the Campalan mountain range on the southeastern peninsula of the forest moon by well-compensated, humanely treated Ewok caf farmers!”

Caf actually has a fairly well-documented history in Star Wars canon. Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla drank Spiran caf in Star Wars Rebels, for instance. But, this new revelation that Ewoks are coffee farmers is surprising and, to be honest, kind of unsettling.


Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association