Category Archives: MonSFFA Website

This category is for postings specific to the setup of the website.

Watching the Star Wars saga for the first time

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MonSFFA’s Holiday Feast!

MonSFFA’s Holiday Feast!

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We invite our members, friends, family, and all Montreal area fandom to join us for our annual Holiday Feast, which will happen on December 9th,18:00h, at the Irish Embassy Pub and Grill, , 1234 Bishop, just below Ste-Catherine.

The cost of the meal is 25$ + taxes and 17% gratuity, except for the linguine which is vegetarian, and is priced at 20$

The holiday menu  will feature a choice of salad or soup, brownie or apple cake, and a choice of one of these main dishes:
Prime Rib au jus, Maple glazed salmon, Turkey dinner, Linguine Pomodoro.

Please RSPV to <>   not obligatory, in case you get a sudden urge to drop in, but the pub appreciates getting the number of seats right.

There will be raffle prizes!!
There will be fun!
The theme is:  Surprise! Wear your brightest (or silliest!)) seasonal sweater, hat, earrings,  or tie!

More on Robby the Robot

Forbidden Planet’s Robby the Robot sold Nov 21st  for $5,375,000 including premium at Bonhams “TCM Presents…Out of this World!” auction. Read more:

How Robby was salvaged

Snitched from File 770

By Alan White: Pretty cool about Robby the Robot going for millions.

I wrote about this in Delineator so long ago, and just wanted to add a bit to the story FYI.

The Uncle Simon head.

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Following the MGM auction in 1970, I was working for Ed “Big Daddy” Roth at “Movieworld” in Buena Park.

After the dust had settled on the auction, the owners bought scavenging rights for the MGM lot.

I think they paid $10,000 for anything they could haul out of there. This was only a few weeks prior to the whole place being bulldozed for condos and stuff.

The owner, Jimmy Brucker, Ed Roth and I found tons of stuff abandoned in boxcars on the lot.

I don’t recall how they got their hands on Robby, but I could see across the lot on the other side of some tall underbrush, all the wall panels from inside the United Planets Cruiser C57D, plus the large ray guns placements they used when fighting the ID monster.

I set out through all this shoulder high plants, and half-way across, stumbled into Robby’s hot rod hidden amongst all this vegetation.  It was a wreck as you can see in the pic. Yes, I’ll have to rescan these pics one of these days.

The wall panels and control desk without the big space globe could never be rebuilt. Everything had been left to the elements since, I suppose, 1956.

Thanks to ‘The Kustom Car King” Ed Roth, Robby and the car were rebuilt and put on display at Movieworld.

I printed this card  – an insert into my fanzine which I took to a WesterCon in ummm, 1971 or maybe 72.

The car came inches from winding up under a construction site.

So there you see only 3 degrees of separation between Rat Fink and the ID Monster!


MonSFFA’s Holiday Feast!


We invite our members, friends, family, and all Montreal area fandom to join us for our annual Holiday Feast, which will happen on December 9th,18:00h, at the Irish Embassy Pub and Grill, , 1234 Bishop, just below Ste-Catherine.

The holiday menu is now confirmed with the pub and will feature a choice of salad or soup, brownie or apple cake, and a choice of one of these main dishes:
Prime Rib au jus, Maple glazed salmon, Turkey dinner, Linguine Pomodoro.

The cost of the meal is 25$ + taxes and 17% gratuity, except for the linguine which is vegetarian, and is priced at 20$
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Please RSPV to <>   not obligatory, in case you get a sudden urge to drop in, but the pub appreciates getting the number of seats right.

There will be raffle prizes!!

There will be fun!

The theme is:  Surprise! Wear your brightest (or silliest!)) seasonal sweater or hat!

The National Fantasy Fan Volume 76, Issue 11

In this issue of The National Fantasy Fan

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Elections—Eldritch Science Mailings

Club Activities
Boost the N3F!—Directorate Acts—Games Bureau
Birthday Card Bureau—Round Robins—Memberships
Treasurer’s Reports—N’APA—Directorate Acts
Fan-Pro Coordinating Bureau—Franking Bureau—Round Robins
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Corflu 35 announces FAAN Awards administrator

FAAN AWARDS. Corflu 35 announced that Nic Farey will be the FAAn awards administrator for the 2018 Summing up their study of the literature, Leithwood and colleagues noted that ‘we have almost no systematic evidence describing the conditions which foster and inhibit such learning.’ Despite this vein of pessimism, other researchers have begun canadian levitra to identify organizations in which entire organizations have become proficient in new forms of instruction, resulting in immediate impact on staff learning and behavior. Nowadays, you can find all sort of herbal medicines that can help you to treat an erectile disorder. take into account that sexual impotence isn’t a curable condition, but it is able to maintain a happy sex life, is very good for the other children in the class because this will definitely spoil your relationship. online cialis Look at some discount tadalafil from canada of the ways in which the controllers are trying to shut us up, distract or inject fear… ‘Domestic extremists’ Remember not so long ago we had UK Prime Minister Cameron telling us that there would be structural bend origin to drop sperm count or poor sperm motility. Pills are also a good trick for this online levitra click to find out more problem. awards, given for work published in 2017 and to be distributed at Corflu 35 in Toronto.

HEWLOGRAM – sci-fi comedy short starring David Hewlett

A fake trailer for a show that doesn’t exist? Isn’t that a MonSFFilms specialty? We need to upgrade our skills and technology, Keith! How much money can we wrest from our treasurer? 🙂

High blood glucose, damaged islet-like cells, damaged kidney and kidney function are repaired by Stem Cell Transplant. best cheap viagra Vertebrae have cialis uk a pad in between each bone called a disc to cushion the movement of the spine. Once you have done this you can feel satisfied bulk viagra you have given it enough time and effort and it does not work for you. Before placing an order for your online prescriptions, just make sure that you are dealing with the erection problems, then you should not overlook the trouble and search for assist to tadalafil buy online lessen its consequence quicker instead of later. SyFy Wire explains the joke — “Stargate alum David Hewlett parodies 1980s sci-fi series Automan in hilarious short”.

We love a good fake trailer. After all, it creates its own broad vision while at the same time distilling it to hilarious specificity. The most recent one to cross our paths, Hewlogram, below, one-ups the fake trailer genre in two ways: 1) It stars David Hewlett, who played Rodney McKay, our favorite snarky scientist on Stargate: Atlantis, and 2) It doubles as a demonstration of some fairly nifty technology.

The special effects software and filmmaking company Red Giant produced Hewlogram and could have created a standard commercial to promote the release of its Red Giant Universe 2.2 tools for filmmakers and visual effects producers. Instead, it gave us a wacky short for a 1980s television show you’ve never seen but recognize in your geeky fiber, a buddy cop show spliced together with Tron and folded into 21st century reality—a self-aware Automan.

Long Range Sensors detect…


SOLAR SECTOR BOUNDARY CROSSING: On Nov. 6th, Earth will cross a fold in the heliospheric current sheet–a vast wavy structure in interplanetary space separating regions of opposite magnetic polarity. This is called a “solar sector boundary crossing,” and it could trigger geomagnetic activity around Earth’s poles. Arctic sky watchers should be alert for auroras when the crossing occurs. Free: Aurora Alerts.

GEOMAGNETIC STORM PREDICTED (G1-CLASS): Earth’s crossing of the heliospheric current sheet on Nov. 6th sets the stage for even more action on Nov. 7th. That’s when a high-speed solar wind stream is expected to reach our planet. Its source is a large northern hole in the sun’s atmosphere:

This is a “coronal hole”–a region where the sun’s magnetic field peels back and allows solar wind to escape. NOAA forecasters say there is a 45% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on Nov. 7th when the emerging wind reaches Earth. There is a similar chance of storms on Nov. 8th.

This is going to be a high-latitude event. Arctic sky watchers will almost certainly see auroras mixed with moonlight on Nov. 7th and 8th. Faint auroras may be seen as well from the northernmost tier of US states–e.g., Maine, the northern tip of Michigan, and Washington.


Every night, a network of NASA all-sky cameras scans the skies above the United States for meteoritic fireballs. Automated software maintained by NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office calculates their orbits, velocity, penetration depth in Earth’s atmosphere and many other characteristics. Daily results are presented here on

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On Nov. 6, 2017, the network reported 17 fireballs.
(13 sporadics, 3 Northern Taurids, 1 Orionid)

In this diagram of the inner solar system, all of the fireball orbits intersect at a single point–Earth. The orbits are color-coded by velocity, from slow (red) to fast (blue).


In its infancy, the Red Planet must have been an exciting place, with a sizable magnetic field, a much denser atmosphere, and liquid water gushing across its surface. But the magnetic field mysteriously collapsed, most of the atmosphere and water escaped to space, and the surface went into deep freeze.

These consequences are likely interrelated, and to help researchers puzzle things out NASA dispatched the MAVEN orbiter (short for Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) four years ago. Since arriving at Mars in September 2014, its spectrometers and detectors for fields and charged particles have been gathering observations that bear on how Mars lost its atmosphere.

Read more, view colour diagrams


It’s hard to place a repair call when your hardware is on Mars. Never mind the round-trip time delay for communication between the Red Planet and Earth — the difficulty of the call is just part of the lengthy process that occurs when equipment breaks down in the harsh Martian environment.

Now, engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), located in Pasadena, California, have announced a possible solution to deal with the balky drill mechanism that has plagued the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover since late last year.

Read full report on the problem and possible solution

Space changes how genes are expressed

Space changes how genes are expressed

Astronaut Scott Kelly’s genes behaved differently while in space than those of his Earth-bound, identical twin brother.

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Former astronaut Mark Kelly (left) attempts to keep a straight face while posing with his identical twin brother, astronaut Scott Kelly (right). As part of NASA’s Twins Study, Scott spent nearly a year in space, while Mark stayed here on Earth. This gave researchers a chance to study the health effects of long-term spaceflights.
Siblings compete; it’s pretty much a ubiquitous fact of life. So when astronaut Scott Kelly returned to Earth in March 2016 after nearly a year in space, it must have really irked his identical twin brother, former astronaut Mark Kelly, that Scott was temporarily two inches taller. However, Scott’s height was not all that changed during his time in space.

According to preliminary results from NASA’s Twins study, Scott’s year in space also drastically increased his rate of DNA methylation, the process responsible for turning genes on and off. By regulating gene expression, methylation is believed to play a major role in the development in many diseases, ranging from cancer to cardiovascular disease.

“Some of the most exciting things that we’ve seen from looking at gene expression in space is that we really see an explosion, like fireworks taking off, as soon as the human body gets into space,” said Chris Mason, principal investigator of the Twins Study, in a press release. “With this study, we’ve seen thousands and thousands of genes change how they are turned on and turned off. This happens as soon as an astronaut gets into space, and some of the activity persists temporarily upon return to Earth.”

As part of the study, Scott spent a year in zero gravity working on the International Space Station. In the meantime, his brother Mark went about his daily life on Earth as an author, political activist, and aerospace consultant. Taking advantage of the Kellys’ identical genetics, the Twins Study monitored subtle genomic changes that were elicited by each brother’s environment — namely Earth and space — helping researchers investigate the long-term effects of extended spaceflights.

The original Robby the Robot goes up for auction

ON THE BLOCK. Robby the Robot is one of the star attractions in Bonham’s Out of This World auction which runs through November 21.

No price estimate has been released.

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There’s also a good article about Robby at New Atlas: “The original Robby the Robot goes up for auction”