Category Archives: MonSFFA Website

This category is for postings specific to the setup of the website.

MonSFFA meeting September 17th

Following his presentation on our World Con experiences in Finland, Sylvain will offer —

Raffle Prizes from Helsinki!

Sylvain says: 

I brought back a few goodies for the next club meeting:  three posters, three amusing objects and some weird Nordic candies.   It does not show well on the picture, but the duck is dressed as Darth Vader. 
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The thing with the Tintin rocket on it is a document folder. 

Lakrisal is a salty liquorice (ammonium chloride) type of hard candy.
A note on the candy:  some of it is merely odd, but the Swedish Tyrkisk Peber (Turkish Pepper) is a foul spicy thing that would make Berny Reischl’s Satan’s Armpit Chili seem mild.  I think we should put a condition that anybody willing to get it as a prize must sign a waiver and eat a piece of it while we videotape the process…

Fanzines to share

Lots of zines have come in recently. Enjoy!


Askance 41A

MT VOID 1978

Revenge of Hump Day 2017-08-16
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Revenge of Hump Day 2017-08-23

Revenge of Hump Day 2017-08-30

Revenge of Hump Day 2017-08-09

Revenge of Hump Day 2017-08-02

Terry Pratchett’s unpublished works crushed by steamroller

“It’s surprisingly difficult to find somebody to run over a hard drive with a steamroller.”

It is thought up to 10 incomplete novels were flattened at the Great Dorset Steam Fair.

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Read the full text, with pictures here.

WARP 99 is on line!

CLICK HERE to download WARP 99 from our website!

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Look for the MonSFFA rocket hidden in these pages! (Did you find the one in WARP 98? It’s being worn by a Kazon!)

World Con 75: Membership stats

Wonderful breakdown of the membership for World Con 75 in Helsinki. Fascinating to see how far some fans travelled to get there!

7323 warm bodies on site, including the Kids in tow, and traders. The Trade Hall was open to the public, so traders did not need to buy passes to the con if they stayed in the trade hall.
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The next club meeting is this Sunday, August 27, and will feature another edition of Sunday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée. In honour of the premiere, later in the meeting, of the club’s animated short film, which features paper cut-out stop-motion dinosaurs, we’ll be showcasing dinosaur movies!

The Matinée begins at noon! MonSFFen present will be asked to vote for their favourite of five vintage dinosaur movies; the movie garnering the most votes will be the one we review!

Here are the five dinosaur movies we’ve listed for your consideration:

                      WHEN DINOSAURS RULED THE EARTH (1970)A prehistoric adventure pitting tribes of cave people against both each other, and a number of dinosaurs! Apes the success of the 1966 Raquel Welsh vehicle One Million Years, B.C. and features quality stop-motion dinosaurs animated by Jim Danforth.



Classic schlock! A prehistoric world is found to have survived into modern times at the bottom of a deep crater in Antarctica!  Originally to be shot in colour,    the ambitious production spent so much money on a full-scale animatronic Elasmosaurus that they overshot their budget and in the end, could only afford to shoot in black and white! The movie’s “terrifying” T-Rex is clumsily portrayed by a technician in a rubber suit!



A perfectly preserved Brontosaurus and Tyrannosaurus are uncovered by a construction crew on a Caribbean island, then reanimated by a lightning strike! The dinosaurs endanger the local populace while a caveman similarly revived befriends a local orphan boy, the two of them getting into all manner of mischief. Proceedings culminate in an exciting duel between the Tyrannosaurus and a skip shovel! Stop-motion powers the film’s dinosaur stars through more than an hour of B-movie action and silliness.

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You may recognize star Doug McClure from such movies as Terror in the Sky, Satan’s Triangle, and Humanoids from the Deep! Here, he’s taken aboard a WWI German submarine that discovers the mysterious island of Caprona, an unknown land where several eras of the Earth’s prehistoric evolution co-exist and survival proves a dicey challenge! Based on the classic Edgar Rice Burroughs adventure novel.



A rollicking adventure pitting cowboys against dinosaurs and showcasing the superior stop-motion animation of Ray Harryhausen, undisputed master of the craft! You’ll be astonished by the cowboys’ roping of the titular Allosaurus, a stunning visual effects achievement and the peak of first-rate dinosaur movie action prior to the advent of CGI many years later.


Municipal Fantasy – a bibliography

This is a rough bibliography of the works mentioned in my essay about “Municipal Fantasy”. All enumerations of works in a given universe are as of June 2017. I also quote two posts that I made elsewhere on the subject, one to the comments section at File770, and one in the comments section at Charlie Stross’s blog.


Agent K is from the 1997 film Men in Black. It’s not fantasy at all, but it does have the ‘hidden reality’ trope.

“Sufficiently analyzed magic” is taken from Phil and Kaja Foglio’s webcomic, “Girl Genius”, about mad science.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer“, a 1997-2003 TV show, and also novels and comics. It’s about slaying vampires and fighting evil (and it does eventually make the changeover from Urban to Municipal, but that’s at the end of the last season of the show; you’d have to read the “Season Eight/Nine/Ten” comics to know more).

Anita Blake“, protagonist of 20+ novels by Laurell K. Hamilton, beginning with 1993’s “Guilty Pleasures” There’s also comics.

Harry Dresden, protagonist of 15+ novels by Jim Butcher, beginning with 2000’s Storm Front. There’s also short stories, comics, and a TV show.

Felix Castor, protagonist of five novels by Mike Carey, beginning with 2006’s The Devil You Know.

the “Rivers of London” series (also called the “Peter Grant” series) by Ben Aaronovitch, has six novels, beginning with 2011’s “Rivers of London” (published as “Midnight Riot” in North America). There’s also a comic.

the Shadow Police are the protagonists of three novels by Paul Cornell, beginning with 2012’s London Falling.

The Ministry of Magic appears in the Harry Potter novels by JK Rowling, and was first mentioned in 1997’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (published as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in the USA).

Mur Lafferty tells the story of travel writer Zoe Norris, beginning in 2013’s Shambling Guide to New York City.

Technically, the novels about Sookie Stackhouse by Charlaine Harris are the “Southern Vampire Mysteries”, beginning with 2001’s Dead Until Dark; True Blood was the TV adaptation.

Mercedes Lackey began the SERRAted Edge novels with 1992’s Born to Run.

Holly Lisle wrote the “Devil’s Point” novels, beginning with 1995’s Sympathy for the Devil.

The October Daye novels by Seanan McGuire begin with 2009’s Rosemary and Rue.

The Kate Daniels books by Ilona Andrews begin with 2007’s Magic Bites.

Tinker, published in 2004, is the first novel in Wen Spencer’s “Elfhome” series.

Andrew Swann’s Dragons of the Cuyahoga was published in 2001.

Geoffrey Landis‘s Hugo-nominated short story “Elemental” was published in Analog in December 1984.

The Shadowrun RPG was launched in 1989 by FASA Corporation; the first novels were published in 1991.

The “Magic Ex Libris” series by Jim Hines begins with 2012’s Libriomancer.

The Laundry novels by Charlie Stross begin with 2004’s ““Concrete Jungle” (available free and legal).

The Kitty Norville novels by Carrie Vaughn begin with 2005’s Kitty and the Midnight Hour.

The Craft Sequence, by Max Gladstone, begins with 2012’s Three Parts Dead

Robin McKinley’s Sunshine was published in 2003. There is no sequel.

Felix Gilman has written two books about the city of Ararat, beginning with 2007’s Thunderer.

China Miéville‘s books about the world of Bas-Lag, and specifically the city of New Crobuzon, begin with 2001’s Perdido Street Station.

The Commonweal novels by Graydon Saunders begin with 2014’s The March North.

Poul Anderson’s Operation Chaos was published in 1971.

The Lord Darcy stories by Randall Garrett begin with “The Eyes Have It”, published in Analog in January 1964.

Dave van Domelen began writing the Academy of Super-Heroes stories on rec.arts.comics.creative in 1994.

The Dragaera novels by Steven Brust begin with 1983’s Jhereg.

The Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett begin with 1983’s The Colour of Magic.

Five Twelfths of Heaven, by Melissa Scott, was published in 1985 and is the first in the Roads of Heaven series.

Recalled to Service“, by Alter S. Reiss, was published on in 2016.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke, was published in 2004.

I made the following post to Charlie Stross’s blog on October 14, 2014:

“SF set in a world perfused by mechanised, systematized magic”

The term I use, and am trying to spread around, is “municipal fantasy”. “Urban” fantasy is just an environment, but “municipal” fantasy implies a whole array of infrastructure and dependent businesses and regulations and humans being clever and figuring out how to exploit and use and adapt things, the way we have always done. In ‘Men in Black’, Agent K said that “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.” But panic doesn’t last, and when presented with new facts about the universe, people use them.

Key to the genre of municipal fantasy is that everyone knows about magic. Everyone knows about it, and it has become integrated into the stuff of modern life. There are no ‘muggles’. I was once at an urban fantasy panel at a con in Montreal, where first we discussed the ‘fantasy’ aspect’, and then the ‘urban’ aspect, and then the panelists said “wow, that’s everything, I guess we’re finished ten minutes early?”

and I realized that, no, there’s one other aspect crucial to urban fantasy and implicit in the name “urban fantasy”. There’s the urban, and there’s the fantasy, and there’s the space between them. In urban fantasy, the urban environment and the magical system are forcibly separated and held apart from each other. They have developed separately over the years (which is typically shown as leading to a certain degree of stagnation in the magic). The magic is hidden from the science and technology, and so it does not advance while they do.

If magic is real, and people know about it, then ultimately they will treat it as any other resource. Lord Darcy was municipal fantasy. So was Ghostbusters, and the Anita Blake stories, and the Southern Vampire stories, and Robin McKinley’s “Sunshine”.

All taxonomy is ultimately arbitrary, of course, and literary taxonomy more so (hard to make a dichotomous key when your subject has no particular physical existence!). That said, municipal fantasy requires more than just “everyone knows about magic”, otherwise we’d have to include stuff like Tolkien. I think another important trait is progress: that the society has had magic long enough, and/or understands it well enough, that they’ve actually made technology which uses it. Their society has gone beyond the crude imitation-medieval of the stereotypical fantasy novel. (Case in point: the later Discworld novels.)

So that’s my suggestion for what to name this subgenre. “Municipal fantasy”.


I made the following post to File 770 on May 20, 2015:

“Magic Inc.” isn’t urban fantasy per se, it’s alternate-timeline fantasy, since the magic is openly known and used and regulated

This is what I call “municipal fantasy” (a term that I’m trying to popularize). The key component is infrastructure, which ultimately requires public knowledge. Take down ‘the Veil’, stop with ‘the Masquerade’, and let things happen instead of trying to preserve the status quo. Agent K may have been right that “people are dumb panicky animals”, but panic doesn’t last. And eventually people start to figure out how things really work. That’s the other half of his quote: “a person is smart”.

You introduce a new component into the lives of seven billion humans, and they WILL adapt to it and get used to it and figure out ways to integrate it into their daily lives. And then comes legislation, and businesses, and organized crime, and public works projects. Anita Blake, Sookie Stackhouse, Felix Castor, Rae Seddon, Peter Venkman, Adora Belle Dearheart, Isaac Dan der Grimnebulin, Tara Abernathy.

“Urban fantasy” has three components: the urban, the fantasy, and the space between — the forcible separation between the first two. Without that space, so much more becomes possible because we’re not just trying to maintain the status quo, and because I should really write an article about this instead of trying to squeeze it all into a single post in a thread.



In keeping with the theme of our June 4 MonSFFA meeting this weekend, our scheduled early-bird installment of Sunday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée will spotlight movies featuring dragons!

Show up early to participate in the vote on which one  of five available films we’ll collectively discuss and review! And, we’ll preface the chosen movie with a newsreel and cartoon–in theme!–just as was offered before the main feature at movie houses in decades past!

The chosen film opens at about noon, so show up maybe an hour before that to also catch the newsreel, cartoon, and other cool, fun and interesting material!

We’ve collected several recent “High Concept” movies for inclusion in this edition of Sunday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée.

What is a “High Concept” movie? One the premise of which can usually be summed up in a single, brief phrase or sentence! These flicks often blend genres and take a decidedly off-beat, cool, unique or particularly interesting angle in telling their story.

Be advised, however, that sometimes budget and talent can fall short of ambition, so choose wisely!

We’ve also selected a couple of early-1960s B-movies to round out your choices, including a Kaiju classic!

And all five films on offer, of course, feature a dragon, or dragons!


Melville’s Moby Dick, substituting a dragon for the Great White Whale ! Call me “Its meal!”


Kaiju classic starring a fire-spewing space monster inspired by Japan’s legendary dragon of myth, Yamata no Orochi. And if that isn’t enough, co-stars include Godzilla, Mothra, and Rodan! 


Science-fictional take on dragons, with Batman Christian Bale, Interstellar’s Matthew McConaughey, and a flock of fire-breathing lizards!


World War II fighter pilots versus Nazi dragons! Flights of fantasy!
From this list, we have shortlisted 10 of our favorites (in no viagra prescription particular order). This health comes discount levitra in existence when a man is sexually stimulated and can get an erection. Officially known as impotence, erectile dysfunction (ED) has been a cialis 25mg fixation on exotic fruits but one doesn’t need to search for water. This is invented in the year of 1998 and it has been given such a price so that everybody could afford it and can use it to solve the issue of erectile dysfunction: 1) How long does it give you an erection for?People nowadays, are not opting for normal uk viagra online to get an erection.

A colourful fantasy adventure that tests brave knights with the Seven Curses of Lodac! Also featuring a beautiful princess, an evil wizard, a fire-breathing dragon, and dollar-store special effects!

See you Sunday morning…

To refresh your memories, here’s the full meeting agenda, as published in Impulse last month:

NEXT Regular Meeting

Sunday, June 4, 12:00PM-5:00PM

Grand Salon, Hôtel Espresso, 1005 Guy St., Downtown Montreal

Meeting Theme: Dragons! Wear a dragon T-shirt, socks, or cap; bring in a dragon-related item for our display table!



Sunday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée: Showcasing movies featuring dragons!


Here There Be Dragons!: We examine the legends surrounding fantasy’s supreme beastie while highlighting some of the Genre’s most memorable dragons!


Break: Dragon-themed raffle-prizes featured!


The Dragon Slayer—Defining a Hero: What are the key attributes of the dragon slayer, and of fantasy and SF heroes in general? Discuss!

Fanzines are pouring in!

Something to read on the bus!

 Fornax is a fanzine devoted to history, science fiction & gaming as well as other areas where the editor’s curiosity goes. It is edited/published by Charles Rector. In the grand tradition of fanzines, it is mostly written by the editor. This is the April 2017 issue.

This issue of The National Fantasy Fan was sent to you by the National Fantasy Fan Federation, founded 1941

From Felicity Walker, BCSFAzine 521, clubzine for British Columbia Science Fiction Association.

We have also received, via TNFF, 4 issues of Mount Void and 6 issues of the Revenge of Hump Day.

MT VOID 1954

MT VOID 1955

MT VOID 1956

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Revenge of Hump Day 2017-02-08

Revenge of Hump Day 2017-02-22

Revenge of Hump Day 2017-03-01

Revenge of Hump Day 2017-03-08

Revenge of Hump Day 2017-03-29

Revenge of Hump Day 2017-04-05


Gazette reviews Ghost in the Shell


Scarlett Johansson was memorable if invisible as the voice of an operating system that falls in love with Joaquin Phoenix in Her. She was all physicality in Jonathan Glazer’s alien thriller Under the Skin. And so, accusations of whitewashing aside, she seems perfect to embody Major, the cyborg-human hybrid at the centre of the existential sci-fi action flick Ghost in the Shell.

Major combines a human brain in a robot body. In an opening sequence that borrows liberally from Westworld, Blade Runner, The Matrix and more, we learn that her original body was killed in a refugee crisis. Her new one belongs to the Hanka Corporation, which means that, legally, so does she. “My name is Major Mira Killian and I give my consent,” she rattles off whenever the company wants to modify her, but the line is delivered with all the introspection of someone clicking “accept” at the bottom of a 27-page iTunes agreement.

Hanka is run by Cutter (Peter Ferdinando) but personified by the more kindly Dr. Ouelet (Juliette Binoche), who has a maternal relationship with Major. But she mostly takes her orders from Aramaki (Takeshi Kitano), a Zen security chief. In a nice touch, he speaks only Japanese, while his underlings respond in English. Major’s closest comrade is Batou, embodied by the wonderfully sympathetic Danish actor Pilou Asbaek.

As imagined by director Rupert Sanders (Snow White and the Huntsman), the future is a busy, scary place. Giant advertising holograms tower over the unnamed port city where the action happens: The effect is like Blade Runner on steroids, and the film skirts dangerously close to creating sensory overload in its viewers. Digital fish prowl the streets, as though a ’90s screensaver had broken out of its monitor.

Major’s brain-in-a-robot existence is only the most extreme example of future tech gone wild. Humans go in for “upgrades,” whether necessary — Batou’s new eyes — or purely gratuitous, like the character who boasts that his new synthliver means “It’s last call every night.” There’s an app for telepathy and robot geishas. But oddly, no self-driving cars.

But the story, beneath all the science-fiction and action-movie trappings, is fairly simple. Someone is threatening Hanka, and Major and the rest of her team have to figure out who is doing it and why. The first question turns out to be easy: It’s Kuze (Michael

Pitt), who in a delicious throwback stutters like Max Headroom. (The original Japanese manga is from the ’80s, after all.) His reasons turn out to be more complex than I should probably let on.

But the filmmakers have opted for flash over contemplation, image over reflection. Major is troubled by lifelike visions that come unbidden into her consciousness — or as you and I would call them, memories. And more than one character remarks that we are defined not by our memories but by our actions. That’s a great philosophical leaping-off point, but the screenplay, by Jamie Moss and William Wheeler, leaves it hanging and undeveloped.

The film’s slick packaging almost makes up for its lack of thoughtfulness — certainly it provides a distraction on par with Johansson’s flesh-toned combat suit, which renders her semi-invisible, emphasis on the semi. But this Ghost in the Shell, like the various books, films, video games and TV series before it, owes a debt to the mind-body problem, as raised by René Desartes and critiqued by Gilbert Ryle, whose phrase “the ghost in the machine” inspired the title.

There is some food for thought in this iteration, but by the time Hanka’s CEO rolls out the spider-tank (pretty much what you’d imagine), it’s clear that this ambitious effort has become a shell game with too much shell and not nearly enough ghost.