Category Archives: MonSFFA Website

This category is for postings specific to the setup of the website.

Relaunch of “Sylvan Song” Kickstarter Campaign

ea2bc10295ce0d68cb0b94be8f81a1bf_originalMonSSFan Shawn Picard (AKA Phin Scardaw) is relaunching his Kickstarter campaign for his novel “The Sylvan Song”.  New content, new rewards! Check it out!


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Ready, Set, NaNoWriMo!

It’s that time of year again!
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Google NaNoWriMo for some interesting articles on the “write a novel in a month” project, many positive outcomes, and a few caveats.



1. Should you come across a small, deserted town off the beaten track, there’s probably a good reason for it’s being deserted. Do not stop to look around.

2. If your car runs out of gas at night on a lonely road, absolutely do not walk to that old house just across the road to phone for help. But if you foolishly do, and no one answers the door when you knock, take this second opportunity to get the hell back to your car. If you then try the door and find that it isn’t locked, do not enter. Once again, get the bell out of there. If you do choose to enter, you’re on your own, pal.

3. Never open your closet door if you even remotely suspect that something other than your wardrobe is behind it. Equally, never draw your shower curtain unless you are certain that the only things behind it are your soap and shampoo bottle.

4. Never search a basement, especially if the power has gone out. If you do, carry a flashlight, not a candle.

5. If you discover that your house is built over an old cemetery, now is a good time to move in with the in-laws. Put the place up for sale if you discover that the previous owners practiced satanism, died in some horrible way, or went mad and committed suicide.
6. If the walls of your new house starting bleeding, don’t stand there wondering how you’re going to get the stain out. Mr. Clean can’t help you here, buddy; vacate the premises immediately.

7. If household appliances suddenly start switching on by themselves, it’s got nothing to do with the wiring. Don’t waste valuable minutes checking your fuse box, get out of the house.

8. If you hear a loud noise, don’t go looking for what caused it, just get outta Dodge… fast. If you do go looking for the source of the noise and find that it was only the cat, you have mere moments to live. Run like hell, but fully expect to die.

9. Never open some dusty old tome of a book on the cover of which is inscribed a pentagram. If you do, under no circumstances read aloud any incantations designed to summon a demon, even as a joke.

10. If your old Ouija board starts to actually work head for the hills. Don’t ask it “just one more question,” for the answer will in all likelihood spell your doom. As a general rule, don’t solve puzzles that open portals to Hell.

11. Don’t go looking for witches in the Maryland countryside.

12. Don’t take any bet that involves spending a night in a creepy old house.
Under certain conditions cialis cost canada the post consumption effects may develop dizziness, indigestion, upset stomach or runny nose. Specifications: Let’s have a deep look at the specifications of Nikon D500 Camera: Camera Type: Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) Display Type: 3.2″ Touchscreen Display Sensor: 20.9 – megapixel CMOS sensor ISO range: 100 to 51,200 with speed 5 image processing engine Expandable – starting from 50 up to 1,64,000 Video Recording: Max. resolution 4K UHD Memory : SD card and XQD supportive. purchasing that cheap cialis australia If you think you may have ED don’t hesitate cialis order online to discuss your sexual problems with the physician. Kamagra jelly is the medication preferred to cialis viagra generico; Kamagra is popular because it is known to be impotence.
13. Shoot to kill any friend or family member who begins speaking Latin or any other language that you know they can’t speak, or who begins speaking in someone else’s voice. This also applies to anyone who exhibits uncharacteristic behaviour, such as drinking blood, howling at the moon and sprouting a lot of facial hair, or walking around with arms extended forward and devouring human flesh. Pack extra heat if their eyes glow.

14. When you have the benefit of numbers, never split up. You’re just making it easier for the monster to take you all out.

15. When running for your life from a monster, accept that even though you are sprinting full-out and the monster is just shambling along, it will nevertheless gain on you. Expect to trip and fall at least twice, more if you are female. And expect to entangle your clothing on something, or become pinned under a heavy object, and so have to waste valuable seconds struggling to free yourself as the monster shambles ever nearer. So try to begin fleeing a few minutes early; you’ll need that extra time.

16. When it appears that you have managed to kill the monster that has been pursuing you and your friends, never check to make sure it’s really dead. It isn’t, but you will be if you get too close.

17. Never handle any strange, pulsating goop that you’ve discovered. next to a meteorite crater. The government has people who do that sort of thing, so don’t let your curiosity get the better of you. Remember what they say about cats and curiosity.

18. Sexually active teenagers, especially you girls, should stay away from silent, monochomatically dressed strangers exhibiting a particular skill with any of the following items: chainsaw, axe, carving knife, scissors, staple gun or pneumatic hammer, hedge trimmer or weed wacker, welding torch, soldering iron, router, power drill, band saw, blender or mix master, knitting needles. Exercise the same caution around any small-town Billy-Bob who seems a little slow and whose family, according to the locals, “live just outside of town, keep to themselves and don’t bother nobody.”

19. Vacation destinations should not include Transylvannia, any rural town in Maine, or the towns of Santa Mira or Amityville. Having to travel though the Bermuda Triangle to get to a holiday spot should automatically see that destination crossed off your list.

20. Never get aboard a plane designated flight 666. Generally, avoid anything to which that number is connected in any way.

21. Should a tall dark-haired man and a short, red-haired woman knock on your door and identify themselves as FBI agents investigating something in your neighbourhood, move to a new neighbourhood.

I found these survival rules in my hoard of MonSFFA stuff.  Unfortunately, I don’t remember who wrote them, it was so very long ago. It might have been Brian Ekkers.

Do please add to the list! Just click on the “comment” link.


ISS passing over Montreal

Robot looks upThe sky will be clouding over tonight, but it might be clear enough to see the ISS pass overhead this evening, Oct 15th.

Time: Sat Oct 15 6:49 PM, Visible: 5 min, Max Height: 55°, Appears: 15° above NW, Disappears: 12° above ESE
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The ISS is bright enough that the city lights will not bother it at all.  There is no mistaking it for a plane or any other satellite.

Club VP Regrets Missing September Meeting

MonSFFA VP Keith Braithwaite has issued the following statement by way of explanation for his unintended absence at the club’s September 18 meeting:

It seems that I got the date wrong with regard   to the September MonSFFA meeting, which I believed was slated for the 25th, when in fact it was scheduled for the 18th. I realized that too late!

I was committed to another event, a model show on the West Island. At the time that I made my plans to attend, I erroneously believed that the show was not in conflict with the September MonSFFA meeting. But, of course, in actuality, it was!

The mistake was mine.

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Keith in an unusally pensive mood

In that I was scheduled to conduct not only one of the afternoon’s presentations, but host an edition of Sunday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée, and work further on our animated film project, I sincerely apologize to my fellow MonSFFen for not being there when I should have been. In particular, I’m sorry to have left, even if inadvertently, my fellow executives and programming-mates on that afternoon in the lurch, scrambling to fill with makeshift content the timeslots for which I had been booked.

In addition, I apologize to the membership for failing to produce a September issue of Impulse, which should have been produced and distributed in the week preceding the meeting, serving in part as a timely reminder of said meeting. As I thought the meeting to be set for the 25th, I intended to produce the September Impulse on the 19th-20th and send it out on the 21st, the Wednesday before what I thought was the meeting date. Of course, the meeting had already taken place.

While we can, I’m sure, agree that fandom is a hobby, and that we shouldn’t get too worked up about things going sideways from time to time, I nevertheless feel bad about letting folk down on this occasion. I’ll try to make amends as much as is possible in the coming months.

MonSFFA Star Trek Field Trip to Ottawa This Saturday!


This is a reminder that the club’s field trip to the Star Trek Star Fleet Academy Experience in Ottawa is set for this coming Saturday, August 6! Surf here to see what it’s all about:

To date, we have a car leaving from the club’s usual downtown hotel (1005 Guy Street) at 8:00AM, Saturday morning, the 6th, with room for three (maybe a fourth, if we squeeze a bit), and another with room for one leaving from Fairview Mall at the same time.

However, we have not heard from too many MonSFFA members as to who would like to join us for this adventure! We apologize for the tight scheduling, but the whole plan came together pretty quickly shortly after the club BBQ in July, and we haven’t had the benefit of a regular club meeting since during which to iron out all the details!

Further, news comes that club president Cathy Palmer-Lister will not be able to attend as she is going to be delayed returning from out of town and won’t be back in time.


So, here’s how we are going to proceed:

If you would like to join us on this field trip, please e-mail immediately vice-president Keith Braithwaite at

If you can also offer fellow MonSFFen a lift, please so indicate, along with the number of passengers your car can accommodate. Regrettably, if we do not have sufficient vehicles to transport everyone who requests a seat, we’ll have to assign people on a first-come, first-serve basis, So send your e-mail right away! Don’t wait! Even if you e-mailed Cathy already following her original post of July 18, send that e-mail again to Keith at the above Veep address!   


The deadline for e-mails is tomorrow night, Thursday, August 4, at 11:59PM! Any e-mails received after that time will not be considered. Sorry.


Passengers will be expected to chip in for gas, and, of course, pay their own way (admission to the event–under $20/person–supper/coffee afterwards before returning to Montreal).

Please be at the rendezvous point we assign to you (you’ll receive a response Friday, August 5) before 8:00AM Saturday morning, the 6th. We’re leaving at 8:00AM sharp in order to arrive in Ottawa for mid-morning.

Again, we apologize for the tight schedule; couldn’t be helped! We do hope to find a way to accommodate all who wish to attend, but cannot absolutely guarantee that. 

Star Trek: The Starfleet Academy Experience

The Starfleet Academy Experience provides cadet recruits with an opportunity to experience a “career day” at the Academy. In an immersive environment, recruits try out a number of activities to test their potential to train for careers as Medical Officers, Science Officers, Communications specialists, even Commanders. The experience is enriched with the actual science behind the science fiction as the participants learn about emerging technologies such as a functional tricorder, NASA’s warp drive theory, and the latest experiments with phasers and teleporters.

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A bit of silliness for Monday

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ST: The Original Series Set Tour to Open

If you ever wanted to experience what it would be like to visit the set of Star Trek: The Original Series, now is your chance. Star Trek super-fan James Cawley is honoring the 50th anniversary of the iconic franchise with the opening of his meticulously designed TOS set tour. Located in historic Ticonderoga, New York, and under license by CBS Consumer Products, the set tour brings memories to life by allowing fans to boldly go and tour the sets of the legendary Starship Enterprise.

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Weather Forecast Good, MonSFFA Summer BBQ is a “Go” for Today!



MonSFFA’s Summer Barbecue-in-the-Park

10:30AM-4:30PM; Parc Angrignon, Lasalle (Angrignon Metro)

All Club Members, their Families and Friends Invited!

Bring your Own Food and Drink; Club will Supply Cooking Grill.

MonSFFA has scheduled its traditional summer Barbecue-in-the Park this year for Sunday, July 17, and the weather forecast looks good: sunny with some cloudy periods, temperatures in the mid- to high-20s, slight breeze, and no rain expected!

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We’ll gather at about 10:30-11:00AM under or nearby our usual stand of trees in  Parc Angrignon, Lasalle (Angrignon Metro). You’ll find us behind the Metro/bus station and just a short walk from the parking lot adjacent the now-shuttered “Farm”, or petting zoo (see map, below).

Bring your own food and drink; MonSFFA  will supply a small cooking grill. We usually commandeer a couple of picnic tables for the day, but you may wish to cart along a folding chair of your own, or a picnic blanket, and perhaps a card or board game, ball, or Frisbee. And don’t forget your sunscreen!

The printed version of Warp 95 will be available for distribution at this club event.

Do join us today for a pleasant afternoon of easy conversation, refreshing drink, and tasty food amongst fine company!



Three Fanzines to enjoy!

BCSFAzine 514 [450 DPI]



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Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association