Category Archives: Events and Conventions

KeyCon is virtual again this year

Yesterday, the chairs of KeyCon in Winnipeg, Manitoba, announced that the convention would be on line again. Obviously, fans would prefer to attend in person, but there is a silver lining: Montreal fans can attend, and it’s free! Furthermore they are looking for panellists, and that’s something MonSFFen are very good at doing. There are fewer and fewer fan run cons every year, so let’s support them when we can.

Facebook Page:
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Events cancelled due to pandemic

From Locus Magazine, cancelled events

Check our own website for links to events in Canada.

Numerous upcoming conventions and literary events have been postponed or canceled as part of efforts to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus that causes respiratory illness COVID-19. The situation remains in flux as the full extent of the pandemic remains to be seen. We will update this story and our convention listing with further information about cancellations and postponements as it becomes available.

  • Swancon, scheduled for April 25-27, 2020 in Perth, Australia, has been canceled.
  • Ravencon 15, scheduled for April 24-26, 2020 in Williamsburg VA, has been postponed to April 16-18, 2021 and will take place in Glen Allen VA.

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  • The Edgar Awards banquet and symposium, planned for April 30, 2020 in New York, has been canceled.
  • Malice Domestic, scheduled May 1-3, 2020 in North Bethesda MD, has been postponed, with new dates TBD.
  • The Bay Area Book Festival, scheduled for May 2-3, 2020 in Berkeley CA, is skipping this year, and will next be held May 1-2, 2021.
  • Creative Ink, to be held May 15-17, in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, has been canceled.
  • The British Book Awards, planned for May 18, 2020 in London, will now take place June 29, 2020.
  • LitFest Pasadena, scheduled for May 16-17, 2020 in Pasadena CA, has been canceled.
  • Baycon, scheduled for May 22-25, 2020 in San Mateo CA, has been postponed until November 6-8, 2020.
  • Balticon 54, planned for May 22-25, 2020 in Baltiimore MD, has been canceled.
  • Wiscon 44, scheduled for May 22-25, 2020 in Madison WI, has been canceled.
  • Book Expo in New York, already postponed from May to July 22-24, 2020, has been canceled.
  • The SFWA Nebula Conference, scheduled for May 28-31, 2020 in Woodland Hills CA is becoming “an entirely virtual conference, which will be live and interactive from May 29th-31st,” and will include “panels, solo presentations, conference mentorships, workshops, forums, chats, and virtual room parties (including a dance party hosted by John Scalzi). A portion of the funds we raise will go to assist SFWA members financially affected by COVID-19… the Nebula Awards ceremony will stream live at 8 pm Eastern on May 30th.”
  • The 32nd Annual Lambda Literary Awards Ceremony, to be held June 8, 2020 at the NYU Skirball Center for the Performing Arts in New York, has been canceled.
  • This year’s Clarion workshop, scheduled for June 20 – August 1, 2020 has been canceled. This is the first summer the workshop hasn’t met in 52 years. Accepted students will be able to attend a future workshop.
  • Clarion West, scheduled for June 21 – July 31, 2020, has also been canceled. Accepted students will attend in 2021, with the same instructors.
  • The ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition, scheduled for June 25-30, 2020 in Chicago IL has been canceled.
  • NEFilk 2020 , planned for July 3-5, 2020, has been rescheduled to June 18-20, 2021 in Danbury, CT. An online filk music event is being planned for the original weekend.
  • Readercon 31, scheduled for July 9-12, 2020, has been postponed to July 8-11, 2021 in Quincy MA. Jeffrey Ford and Ursula Vernon will remain our Guests of Honor, with Vonda N. McIntyre as our Memorial Guest of Honor.
  • San Diego Comic-Con International, scheduled for July 23-26, 2020, has been cancelled. The next event will be held July 22-25, 2021.
  • CoNZealand, the 78th World Science Fiction Convention in Wellington, New Zealand, scheduled for July 29 – August 2, 2020, is becoming the first ever “virtual Worldcon.”

Earlier canceled events:

  • Emerald City Comic Con, scheduled for March 14-20, 2020 in Seattle WA, is attempting to secure new dates for the summer.
  • The 41st International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, scheduled to run March 18–21, 2020 in Orlando FL, has been canceled. The theme and guests of honor will be retained for ICFA 42, scheduled for March 17–20, 2021.
  • The Spectrum Awards ceremony was to be held at Planet Comicon Kansas City, March 20-22, 2020 in Kansas City MO, which has now been canceled.
  • MidSouthCon 38, scheduled for March 20-22, 2020 in Memphis TN, has been postponed to 2021.
  • Fantastika 2020, Sweden’s national sf/fantasy literature con (the Swecon), scheduled for March 20-22 in Stockholm, has been postponed until October 23-25, 2020.
  • The Texas Library Association Annual Conference, planned for March 24-27, 2020 in Houston TX, has been canceled.
  • The Outer Dark Symposium, originally to be held March 27-28, 2020 in Conley GA, has been postponed until August 14-15, 2020.
  • The Bologna Book Fair, first scheduled for March 30 – April 2, 2020 in Bologna, Italy, later announced a postponement to May 4-7, 2020, and then canceled entirely. The next event will be held April 12-15, 2021.
  • The annual Williamson Lectureship, planned for April 2-4, 2020 in Portales NM, has been postponed, likely to September 2020.
  • Norwescon 43 in Seattle WA, scheduled April 9-12, 2020 has been canceled.
  • Minicon 55 in Minneapolis MN, to be held April 10-12, 2020, has been postponed to April 2-4, 2021.
  • The 36th L. Ron Hubbard Writers and Illustrators of the Future workshops, and the gala event scheduled for April 3, 2020 in Hollywood CA, will be postponed until later this year.
  • StokerCon 2020 in Scarborough, UK, planned for April 16-19, 2020, is “exploring all options to postpone the convention until later in the year,” and has a tentative date of August 6-9, 2020 in mind.
  • ConStellation 11, originally scheduled for April 17-20, 2020 in Lincoln NE has been canceled.  Organizers hope to reschedule for July or August.

Smaller events have also been canceled, like the March and April “SF by the Bay” programs at the San Francisco Public Library, the March Writers with Drinks reading in San Francisco, the March Fantastic Fiction at KGB reading in New York (though the latter provided a livestream of readings by Daniel Braum and Robert Levy on March 18, 2020), and the April meeting of Charm City Spec in Baltimore MD. The Horror Writers Association Librarian’s Day at the Naperville IL public library has been postponed from May 7, 2020 to November 12, 2020. The televised Canada Reads competition, planned for March 16-19, has been postponed.

Some events (mostly those planned for later in the year) are still scheduled, pending further information, including the Locus Awards Weekend in Seattle WA (June 26-28, 2020), which has suspended ticket sales for now.

We will update as new information comes to light. If you have information about cancellations, please write to

Montreal Stop Motion Festival

The Stop Motion Festival is scheduled for September 14-20

2020 Call for entries

We invite you to submit your films today! Our 2020 call for entries is open now until June 30, 2020, and as always, submissions are free. To do so, simply use our submission form supported by Zone Festival. For short film competition details and how to submit your work, visit our website under Submit a film tab.

Suggestion to pass the time!
Festival video channel:

Our new Vimeo channel allows you to discover dozens and soon hundreds of films that have been presented during our previous editions. We are also adding some of the film’s making-ofs and behind-the-scenes for interested stop motion lovers!

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Suggestion pour passer le temps!
Chaîne Vimeo du Festival :

Notre nouvelle chaîne Vimeo vous permet de découvrir des dizaines et bientôt des centaines de films ayant été présentés lors de nos précédentes éditions. Nous y ajoutons également des revues de tournage pour les intéressés!

Nous vous souhaitons bon visionnement et de belles expériences en naviguant d’un film à l’autre. Vous pouvez vous abonner à notre chaîne gratuite pour être informés de tous les nouveaux ajouts! Restez prudent et en bonne santé à la maison!



Montreal Comic Con is postponed to 2021

Montreal Comic Con is postponed to 2021

News from Paula:

So Comicon is “cancelled”. But a mini Comicon is scheduled for December. And my ticket will get me into both the mini this year, and regular Comicon next year…
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ConZealand (World Con) will be virtual.

This will make fan history! CoNZealand will be a virtual World Con.  From the official website:

The strong belief that we can put on a great Worldcon has led us to the decision to make CoNZealand a virtual convention. Our Tech Division is confident they can deliver a virtual Worldcon and are excited about the possibilities.

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Scintillation Update

From Jo Walton, an update on Scintillation.

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So surely surely by October everything will be all right again, civilization will arise again, there will be lemon scented paper napkins, and you’ll all come to Montreal and hug each other and eat in restaurants as in the halcyon and lovingly remembered past?

We really hope so, and we hear good things about vaccines and so on.

Meanwhile, we have reviewed our contract with the hotel, and fortunately we can get out of it with no penalty up to 30 days ahead. So we will continue to plan for Scintillation happening as intended, and make a final decision depending on the state of the world in September. If we should have to cancel we will run the convention as planned but a year ahead in 2021, all memberships will stay valid for that. If we can’t run it in 2021 then civilization has worse problems than Scintillation.

Meanwhile, stay well, and keep up your spirits as best you can.

I’ve been working on A New Decameron: Stories For a Plague Year .This was Maya Chhabra’s wonderful idea. As you probably know, Boccaccio’s Decameron was written in the 1350s and set during the Black Death of 1498 when seven young womena and three young men go into self-isolation in a villa in the hills and occupy themselves telling storeis. For our New Decameron, I’m writing a frame story and various writer friends are contributing stories — a story every day. This has also inspired Hannah Dorsey, who some of you met at last year’s con, to set up a Discord group for reading Boccaccio’s book one story a day. There’s also a group being set up to read Dante’s Divine Comedy by @danteinquarantine on Twitter. I strongly urge everyone working at home and self-isolating or in quarantine to get involved in something like this with a community or by Scintillation half of us will be gibbering and gnawing the furniture. Learn a language with Duolingo. Work on Zooniverse projects. But do try to have something that’s fun, also involves other people, and with a sense of progress.

And on those lines, I am setting up a Scintillation Discord group, for general hanging out with each other and chatting. If you don’t have Discord it’s free to join. I know we already have a Slack, but Slack crashes my browser and it has ads and it’s slow, while Discord works and has no ads. Fpr those who aren’t familiar with it, it works like usenet but with no threading. (That invitation will expire, if you want a new one, email me.) This group is for past and present or intending future members of Scintillation.

Stay safe, stay in touch.

Bloodsuckers at the ROM! Vampires, Leeches, Lampreys, Oh My!

If you live in the Toronto area, or plan to visit there soon, there are exhibitions now on at the ROM that are of particular interest to SF/F fans.


From leeches and lampreys to birds and moths, there are over 30,000 species that feed on blood, and their bloodsucking behaviour has fascinated humans for millennia.

Supernatural or sparkling, fear of these creatures spawned myths of the undead the world over, including the story of Dracula and the legend of the Chupacabra. And while bloodsuckers have inspired the mythical, they have also influenced the medical field, from spreading bloodborne diseases to the practice of bloodletting and their role in modern medicine.

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World Fantasy Con Guest Announcement

World Fantasy Convention to be held in Montreal, 2021, Nov 4-7.

The World Fantasy Convention 2021 announced their guests last night:

Author Guest of Honour: Nisi Shawl
Artist Guest of Honour: John Picacio
Editor Guest of Honour: André-François Ruaud
Special Guest: Owl Goingback
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The con will be held on November 4-7, 2021 at the Bonaventure hotel, more information can be had on their website:

Montreal Conventions: Costume-Con, Scintillation, World Fantasy

From MonSFFan René Walling, info on upcoming conventions in Montreal.  For more information on upcoming conventions and events go to


As promised, here is some info on upcoming Montreal cons:

Costume-Con: March 13-16, 2020. Memberships are $115 until December 31st, 2019, $120 after, price at the door TBA. Memberships are available on the convention’s website

Scintillation: October 23-25, 2020. Memberships are $70 until October 31st, 2019, $80 after and can be purchased on the convention’s website.
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World Fantasy Convention 2021: November 4-7, 2021. Guests and rates will be announced Sunday, November 3rd, 2019 at 18:00 Montréal time, at which time memberships will also be available on the convention’s website



Looking for something to do?

Using information from Lloyd Penney, Dom Durocher, and Lynda Pelley, we have compiled a list of events that might be of interest to MonSFFen and friends.

There are two model shows I know will be attended by at least a few of our members! Sept 28 in Ottawa and Sept 29 in Laval.

Take a look!

These are the events for September.

September 13-15, 2019 Albacon, Albany, NY, GoH Bruce Coville

September 21 – Royal Medieval Faire, Waterloo Park West, Waterloo. , or see Facebook page.

September 21-22 – Windsor ComicCon, Caesars Windsor Casino & Hotel, Windsor.

September 22 – Peterborough ComiCon, Evinrude Centre, Peterborough. Admission: $5.

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September 28, 2019 CAPCON, IPMS Ottawa’s biennial scale plastic model contest, Canadian War Museum, Ottawa

September 27-29 – Kimikon, Enercare Centre, Toronto. Anime convention. For more information,

September 28 – FrightCon, Nepean Sportsplex, Nepean. For more information, see Facebook page.

September 28-29 – Tri-City Super Con 2, Bingemans Conference Centre, Kitchener. For more information,

September 29 – Toronto Comic Book Show Fall 2019, Montecassino Hotel & Event Venue, Toronto. For more information,

September 29, 2019 model show / competition, Laval, QC, Pavillon du boisé, 3235 Boul. St Martin Est, Laval. Admission: $6 adults, $5 children . or