Category Archives: Astronomy News


Space Weather News for June 21, 2021
https://www.spaceweatheralerts.comA MAJOR OUTBREAK OF NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS: Over the weekend, noctilucent clouds (NLCs) broke free of the Arctic Circle and spread across most of Europe. The blue clouds, made of frosted meteor smoke, were photographed south of Madrid, nearly breaking the all time record for low-latitude sightings. This means NLCs could soon be coming to you. Full story and observing tips @
Above: Night-shining (noctilucent) clouds over Paris on June 20, 2021. Credit: Bertrand Kulik. More: Noctilucent Cloud Photo Gallery.

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Possible Auroras on Wednesday

Daytime astronomy: sunspots are easily visible, but care must be taken to protect your eyesight. Click here to learn how to view the sun safely.  –Cathypl

From Space

SOLAR FLARE FRENZY (UPDATED): On May 22nd, sunspot AR2824 unleashed a sequence of solar flares unlike anything we’ve seen in years. In only 24 hours, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded 10 C-flares and 2 M-flares: movie. The rapidfire explosions hurled multiple overlapping CMEs into space. According to NOAA models, a combined CME will hit Earth’s magnetic field during the late hours of May 25th, potentially sparking G2-class geomagnetic storms. Aurora alerts: SMS Text.

HUGE SOLAR RADIO BURST: During the frenzy on May 22nd, the sun emitted a shortwave radio burst so loud that “it drowned out lightning static from a severe local thunderstorm,” reports Thomas Ashcraft, who recorded the noisy signal using a radio telescope in rural New Mexico. Click to listen to a 100 second sample of the sounds emerging from his loudspeaker.

View the dynamic spectrum or listen to the audio

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The radio burst coincided with an M1.4-class solar flare at 21:30 UT. “This was a very hot and dynamic flare for sure,” says Ashcraft. “I was recording audio at 22 MHz and 21 MHz, and my radio spectrograph was operating from 30 MHz down to 15 MHz. Strong solar radio emissions were present at all frequencies.”

This event was so intense, radio operators in the Arctic heard it at midnight. Rob Stammes chart-recorded the outburst from the Polarlightcenter in Lofoten, Norway:

“Normally, solar radio bursts can only be received during daylight hours,” says Stammes. “This one was different. The sun was just below the horizon at local midnight when the outburst occured, and my instruments picked it up.”

Astronomers classify solar radio bursts into 5 types. Using his radio spectrograph, Ashcraft was able to determine which ones were present on May 22nd. “It was a mixture of Type II and Type V,” he says. These are caused, respectively, by shock waves and electron beams moving through the sun’s atmosphere in the aftermath of strong flares.

DARK PLASMA FLYING INTO SPACE: When the sun is flaring almost non-stop, it’s easy to catch a sunspot in mid-eruption. That’s what happened on May 22nd when Jozef Cukas photographed AR2824 from his backyard observatory in Frauenfeld, Switzerland:

“This wasn’t even a particularly strong flare,” says Cukas. “It was a C2-class eruption at approximately 15:34 UT.” Cukas recorded the event using a homemade solar telescope and a Solar Spectrum brand H-alpha filter.


Space Weather News for May 6, 2021

CHINA’S NEW SPACE STATION VISIBLE FROM EARTH: Sky watchers are reporting two new objects in the night sky: China’s new space station and an out-of-control booster rocket that helped launch it. The tumbling booster is flashing brighter than some of the brightest stars in the sky. Observing tips and photos are featured on today’s edition of

Above: China’s under-construction space station and a tumbling booster rocket pass by Vega on May 4th. Credit: Mark A. Brown of Marion, Iowa.

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There might be remnants of an ancient planet buried inside Earth

There might be remnants of an ancient planet buried inside Earth

An ancient impactor called Theia hit Earth to create the Moon. New research suggests the rest of that planet may still be inside Earth.

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Jurik Peter/Shutterstock
Jurik Peter/Shutterstock

Researchers are fairly certain that we gained our favorite satellite, the Moon, after a planet, Theia, collided with the proto-Earth 4.5 billion years ago. What’s not certain are the details surrounding Theia’s fate. Was it a hit-and-run, or did the mantles of the two planets merge?

Qian Yuan, Earth scientist at Arizona State University, and his colleagues recently suggested a new line of evidence to support the latter hypothesis, suggesting that Theia not only merged with Earth, but we might know right where the remnants of its mantle reside in Earth.


What if the Earth Stopped Spinning?

What if the Earth Stopped Spinning?

If Earth stopped spinning all at once, it would be enormously catastrophic for much of the planet’s surface. Though we don’t feel it, we’re all moving along with the planet as it rotates; at the equator, this works out to around 1,000 miles per hour. Stop the planet suddenly, and everything sitting on top of it would go flying eastward. Imagine people, houses, trees, boulders and more being launched sideways at hundreds of miles an hour. In the aftermath, high speed winds, still rotating nearly as fast as the planet, would scour the surface clean.

If the slowdown happened more gradually, the effects would still be dramatic, but would unfold over a longer period of time. The first thing we might notice is that the Sun no longer travels across the sky over the course of a day. The apparent motion of the Sun comes from Earth’s rotation, so if the planet were stationary, it would cause a single day to last half a year long (though we could look forward to some very long-lasting sunsets).
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Without the 24-hour days we’re used to, biological circadian rhythms would be thrown entirely out of whack. The rhythmic cellular processes that tell our bodies when to sleep and when to wake depend in part on regular changes in sunlight to function. Many creatures on Earth, from bees to trees, rely on circadian rhythms to carry out their lives. Changing these cycles could upend normal behavior patterns.


Solar Maximum may be early

Space Weather News for April 16, 2021

SOLAR CYCLE UPDATE: Solar Maximum might arrive a little sooner than expected. Recent sunspot counts suggest that new Solar Cycle 25 is over-performing compared to official forecasts, and could peak in 2024 instead of 2025. Get the full story @

Solar Flare Alerts: Would you like a text message while solar flares are underway? Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and never miss another eruption.
Above: Sunspot counts confirm that Solar Cycle 25 is intensifying and might be running ahead of schedule.

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China & Russia to build lunar station

China and Russia to build lunar space station

Russian space agency Roscosmos says it has signed an agreement with China’s National Space Administration to develop research facilities on the surface of the moon, in orbit or both. levitra properien A prolong consumption of alcohol reduces sexual response. Sinrex generic levitra for sale has been proven to actually improve your overall sexual health and performance. Have a look at the entire website carefully to get the complete cialis viagra generico information. Andropausal men should be encouraged to organize himself, cialis online discount to manage his relationship.

A statement from both countries’ space agencies says it will be available for use by other nations.

It comes as Russia prepares to celebrate the 60th anniversary of its first-ever manned space flight.


Rover Landing Site Named for Butler

Rover Landing Site Named for Butler

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Octavia E. Butler Landing (by NASA)

NASA has named the landing site of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover after SF author Octavia E. Butler (1947-2006). The rover was launched from Cape Canaveral FL on July 30, 2020 and landed in Jezero Crater, Mars on February 18, 2021. The mission will spend at least one Mars year (two Earth years) exploring the landing site region.

For more information, see NASA’s website.

Apophis comes near Earth this weekend

Friday 13th in 2029 will be interesting!I remember when the orbit of Apophis was first calculated, it was thought there might be an impact, the asteroid was going to be that close. It is still a possibility, but not yet. Maybe 2068, for those of us still around to worry about it. –CPL

From Space Weather News for March 8, 2021

ASTEROID APOPHIS FLYBY: Mark your calendar: April 13, 2029. On that Friday the 13th eight years from now, asteroid 99942 Apophis will fly past Earth so close you can see it with your naked eye. No, it won’t hit, but you can be excused a frisson of dread watching it pass by.This weekend, Apophis made a “pre-flyby” of Earth about 16 million km away, the closest it will be before the big event in 2029. Alberto Quijano Vodniza of Pasto, Colombia video-recorded the space rock on March 7th:“I used a 14-inch Celestron telescope to capture these images, which show the asteroid’s motion in about 10 minutes,” he explains.Asteroid Apophis is about 370 meters wide. That’s big enough to punch through Earth’s atmosphere, devastating a region the size of, say, Texas, if it hit land, or causing widespread tsunamis if it hit ocean.Fortunately, Apophis will not hit Earth in 2029. Back in 2004 when the asteroid was first discovered, astronomers thought there might be a collision. Improved observations of Apophis’s orbit have since ruled out a strike. The asteroid will skim Earth’s belt of geosyncronous satellites, but come no closer than 31,900 km to Earth itself. Observations in the past year have reduced the uncertainty of the flyby distance to ±20 km.
Above: Apophis skimming the geosynchronous satellite belt in 2029. Credit: NASAWhat might happen anyway is pretty interesting. At such close range, Earth’s gravity could stretch the asteroid, change the way it spins, and trigger small avalanches. Radar observations during the hours of closest approach will be able to image the asteroid’s surface with few-meter resolution, potentially revealing the changes.Shining like a 3rd magnitude star, Apophis will be plainly visible to the naked eye from rural areas and an easy (albeit fast-moving) target for small telescopes. No one in recorded history has ever seen an asteroid in space so bright.NASA, China, the Planetary Society and others are planning or contemplating missions to Apophis. The more we know about it the better. The next two flybys in 2029 and 2036 are safe, but analysts still haven’t completely ruled out a low-probability impact in 2068.More amateur images of Apophis:from Milan Antos of Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic; from William Wiethoff of Port Wing, Wisconsin; from Robert Forrest of Market Harborough, UK

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March : most geomagnetically active month of the year

Space Weather News for March 1, 2021

GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Did you know, March is the most geomagnetically active month of the year? Today is March 1st and, right on cue, the strongest storm of new Solar Cycle 25 erupted. Bright auroras spread across Canada and Alaska during the G2-class event. Visit to find out what makes March so lively.

Instant solar flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and receive a text message when strong solar flares are underway.
Above: Auroras in bright moonlight over Fairbanks, Alaska, on Feb. 28-March 1, 2021. Photo credit: Ayumi Bakken. Check out our Aurora Photo Gallery!

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