Category Archives: Astronomy News

It landed-in one piece! Whew!

7 minutes of terror–like Schrodinger’s cat, no one knew if the lander was dead or alive.  What makes Perseverence of particular interest to us is that it’s primary job is to look for signs of life. It will also conduct experiments to make oxygen from the carbon dioxide. This will be critical for a human landing on the planet.
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Mars is a really busy place right now. There are 18 artificial satellites in orbit, 8 of them active.

Ham radio signals from Mars

Space Weather News for Feb. 17, 2021

HAM RADIO SIGNALS FROM MARS: Ham radio operators are doing something that until recently only big Deep Space Networks could do. They’re listening to radio signals from Mars. The “loud and audible” transmissions come from spacecraft orbiting the Red Planet. Some hams are hoping to detect NASA’s Perseverance rover as it touches down later this week. Find out how it’s done on today’s edition of

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Astronomers want to plant telescopes on the Moon

Astronomers want to plant telescopes on the Moon

The lunar surface offers advantages for infrared and radio astronomy, despite the challenges.

By Ramin Skibba, Inside Science | Published: Tuesday, January 19, 2021

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A group of astronomers now make the case for assembling and planting telescopes on the Moon. In a series of newly published papers, they argue that our lunar neighbor, especially its far side, makes an excellent place for telescopes in the radio and infrared range. These telescopes could discover and study potentially life-friendly planets outside our solar system and explore the little-understood “dark ages” of the young universe, around a million years after the Big Bang, when the first stars formed.

“This is the time to start discussing projects on the Moon. There’s a huge international focus on returning to the Moon, and we wanted to make sure that science gets considered as a priority,” said Joseph Silk, a University of Oxford astrophysicist who authored multiple papers in the series.

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Two interesting ET stories from Astronomy Magazine

As SF fans, we are naturally drawn to scientific stories about possible alien life. These two stories appeared on the Astronomy Magazine website in December.  The first concerns a signal from Proxima Centauri, the second asks is anyone is looking back at us.   –CPL

Here’s what we know about the signal from Proxima Centauri

The best candidate for an extraterrestrial message in 42 years is probably manmade. But what if it’s not?

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Proxima Centauri
Proxima Centauri, our Sun’s nearest stellar neighbor, lies about 4.25 light-years away. ESA/Hubble & NASA
An enigmatic radio signal from the direction of Proxima Centauri, the Sun’s nearest stellar neighbor, has set the internet ablaze with rumor and speculation. It could turn out to be the real deal — a calling card from another civilization. More likely, it’s much ado about nothing.

The discovery was leaked to the British newspaper The Guardian, which reported the story December 18. Researchers subsequently granted interviews to Scientific American and National Geographic. Since then, however, the discovery team has remained tight-lipped about the signal.

But the information revealed to date is intriguing. READ MORE

What would Earth look like to alien astronomers?

A new paper asks which exoplanets could find Earth. Such worlds could be targets for SETI searches.
This artist’s concept depicts Kepler-186f, a potentially habitable planet discovered by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope. NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL-Caltech

Ever since 1992, when astronomers first discovered two rocky planets orbiting a pulsar in the constellation Virgo, humans have known that other worlds exist beyond our solar system. Today, thanks to the efforts of astronomers and ambitious missions like the now-retired Kepler, we know of more than 4,000 confirmed exoplanets.

But if we can see exoplanets orbiting distant stars, that means extraterrestrial observers should be able to see Earth orbiting the Sun. Our tiny blue marble even could be on an alien astronomer’s list of rocky exoplanets capable of harboring life.

That’s a speculative scenario, of course, but it’s one astronomers still take seriously. In multiple papers over the years, they’ve identified which exoplanets would be able to spot Earth. And now, with updated information from the European Space Agency’s expansive Gaia catalog of nearby stars, two researchers have provided us with perhaps the best list yet of which alien worlds could have their eyes on us.



Space Weather News for Dec. 31, 2020

A GREEN FLASH ON JUPITER: A photographer in Spain has witnessed a mirage so rare, it’s possible no one has ever seen it before. We’re talking about a green flash on Jupiter. A movie of the unusual phenomenon, with expert commentary, is featured on today’s edition of

Above: This picture, taken by Juan Manuel Perez Rayego and edited by atmospheric optics expert Les Cowley, shows a rare green flash on Jupiter.

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The Saturn / Jupiter conjunction

It’s being called the “Christmas Star” and it’s lovely to see Jupiter and Saturn in the same field of view if you have a telescope or even just binoculars.

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It’s very low on the horizon, right at twilight, in the western sky.
Of course, we in Montreal will miss the best bit, we are clouded over, but you can watch it on the Internet. The planets will start moving away from each other now, but slowly, so do look to the west when the sky clears. With luck you will see the conjunction before the planets sink below the horizon in a few more days.
The Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, will host a program beginning at 7 p.m. ET, showcasing live views through its telescopes. The stream will be on the observatory’s YouTube page.
The Virtual Telescope Project in Rome will also share live views on its website.
I ran a search on Youtube and found a lot of video from around the world.


Space Weather News for Dec. 16, 2020

CRESCENT MOON JOINS THE GREAT CONJUNCTION: When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look southwest. A whisper-thin crescent Moon is photo-bombing the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. For the next two nights, the Moon will glide by the giant planets, which are themselves on the verge of their finest pairing in hundreds of years. Visit today’s edition of for sky maps and observing tips.

Above: Jupiter and Saturn wait for the arrival of the crescent Moon. Photo credit: Michael Jaeger of Hochbärneck Austria. Browse: Photo Gallery

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The new space rush: Avoiding the hidden costs of profiting in space

Space is the next frontier for industry. But with the potential for enormous gains comes the potential for harmful consequences. That’s why we need a plan first.

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Mining resources from the Moon, as seen in this artist’s concept, might not be far beyond the horizon. But international agreements must first be worked out to ensure the space rush doesn’t get ugly. NASA
Some of the greatest journeys of human history are the result of our unquenchable thirst for exploration. Our drive to understand and see the world around us led humanity to rapidly spread from Africa’s Great Rift Valley to all corners of the globe. And as our technology improved, we continued to push the limits — diving deep into the oceans, climbing the world’s tallest mountains, flinging space probes beyond our solar system’s heliosphere, and even riding a rocket so we could stroll on the Moon.

Our adventurous and inquisitive spirit — as well as, perhaps, our innate desire to build wealth — is a major part of what makes humans human. And at present, it seems this eagerness for exploration has poised us on the edge of an entirely new era altogether, one that many think will gild the first trillionaires: the era of space mining.

Taking industry to space

At the brink of this new age, which is beginning at a time when humans are just coming to terms with the long-awaited consequences of the imperial epoch of global expansion, it is necessary to take a moment to talk about the non-monetary costs of a seemingly inevitable space rush.

Distant rocky worlds in the solar system entice development with the promise of mineral riches. And an entire industry has already begun to materialize with the sole concern of how to harvest the abundance of precious resources the solar system stores off-Earth. However, the rules of space mining are still quite vague — at best.

History, though, has already given us some glimpses of what the expansion might look like.

Take, for example, California, a popular site of the American gold rush. The owner of the land where the first gold flecks were found, John Sutter, died a pauper. It was the industrialists and merchants who minted the greatest wealth. Those that profited in spades weren’t the ones busy coaxing gold out of the ground, they were the ones literally selling the spades. The Hearst family fortune was built on silver mine real estate, Levi Strauss sold denim jeans to miners, and Sam Brannan peddled shovels, pickaxes, and mining pans. And, of course, a vast transit industry bloomed as railroads innervated the melee.

Like with the gold rush, the space rush will see outfitters and transporters driving development and investment across the solar system. Elon Musk is leading the pack precisely because he has realized that the capital barrier to entry into space will allow his company, SpaceX, to act as intermediary — and the public has supported his vision to the tune of some $36 billion. Involvement of other companies, supported by investment firms like Starbridge Venture Capital, suggest that both the monetary costs, and industrial subsidy of those costs, seem assured.

Yet, the next question we must face is more complex: How do we mitigate the scientific costs of the new space rush?

New phenomenon discovered in Aurora — green cannonballs!

Space Weather News for Nov. 25, 2020

LITTLE GREEN CANNONBALLS OF LIGHT: Researchers and citizen scientists have just discovered a new phenomenon: “Little green cannonballs of light” streaking through the atmosphere faster than 1000 mph during some geomagnetic storms. And they’re not auroras. Visit today’s edition of for the full story.

Aurora alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and receive a text message when auroras appear in your area.
Above: Pure green spheres of light streaking through the atmosphere, photographed by sky watchers in Canada, New Zealand, and the USA. [Full story]

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Huge new sunspots appear

Space Weather News for Nov. 23, 2020

HUGE NEW SUNSPOT: A new sunspot several times wider than Earth is rotating over the sun’s eastern limb today. This brings the sunspot count to its highest level in years, and more sunspots appear to be in the offing. Solar Cycle 25 is clearly gaining steam. For the full story, visit today’s edition of

Aurora alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and receive a text message when auroras appear in your area.
Above: New sunspots on the sun’s eastern limb photographed on Nov. 23rd by  Philippe Tosi of Nîmes, France. More: Sunspot Photo Gallery.

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