Category Archives: Astronomy News


BRIGHT COMET ERASMUS: Newly-discovered Comet Erasmus (C/2020 S3) is plunging toward the sun for a December close encounter inside the orbit of Mercury. Amateur astronomers report that the comet is rapidly brightening and has sprung a long tail. Check today’s edition of for the full story and observing tips.

Aurora alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and receive a text message when auroras appear in your area.
Above: Comet Erasmus (C/2020 S3), photographed on Nov. 18, 2020, by Gerald Rhemann of Farm Tivoli, Namibia. More: Comet Photo Gallery.

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What does it take to become an astronaut?

From Astronomy Magazine :

Have you got what it takes to become an astronaut in the new era of human spaceflight?

Empathy and scientific knowledge will be key for astronauts looking to travel to Mars.

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Astronauts Bob and Dough made it to the International Space Station in a privately funded vehicle. NASA
Millions of people watched breathlessly as astronauts for the first time successfully travelled to the International Space Station (ISS) in a privately funded spacecraft, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon capsule, on May 30. The historic launch, which marks a new chapter in human spaceflight, is likely to lead to renewed interest in spaceflight.

So, what exactly does it take to become an astronaut? And can we expect the requirements to change as more private companies get involved and we go on longer journeys?

During the space race of the 1960s, NASA selected an elite group of air force and test pilots to orbit the Earth and to ultimately land on the moon. These pioneers were well accustomed to taking risks and pushing their hardware to the limit. They were later described as having “The Right Stuff” when it came to the physical and psychological characteristics required to be a space farer – a term that is now synonymous with astronaut selection.

Crew dragon docks with the ISS. NASA
Nowadays, thanks to advances in technology and a greater understanding of the requirements of spaceflight, scientists, doctors, engineers and even journalists have all joined the most exclusive club on (and off) Earth. Of the estimated 100 billion people who have ever lived, fewer than 600 individuals have travelled into space. It is therefore a unique profession and one that not all of us are suited to.

Current criteria

Currently, NASA stipulates that applicants must meet certain criteria. First, you must be a US citizen, though some have changed their nationality to fulfil this requirement – including UK-born Michael Foale and Piers Sellars.

You must also possess a master’s degree in science, technology, engineering, or maths, or a Doctor of Medicine degree. In addition to that, you should have at least two years of related professional experience. Alternatively, 1,000 hours of pilot-in-command time on a jet aircraft will do, which is particularly important for the pilot and commander roles. And finally, you have to pass NASA’s long-duration flight astronaut physical test.

Similar criteria are set by other nations, including the European Space Agency (ESA). Essentially, candidates must demonstrate aptitude in a range of attributes. These can generally be broken down into four distinct areas, and may change going forward.


Warning: Mars is about to leap out of your computer screen.

Space Weather News for Nov. 17, 2020

3D IMAGES OF MARS: Warning: Mars is about to leap out of your computer screen. European astronomers have just released some of the best photos of Mars ever taken from Earth. They’ve assembled the images into a crazy-good 3D animation of the Red Planet spinning on its axis. See for yourself on today’s edition of

Above: This photo of Mars taken last month from Pic du Midi is one of many used to create a best-ever 3D animation of the Red Planet.

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Space Weather News for Nov. 10, 2020

COMET ATLAS IS COMING: Around the world, amateur astronomers are taking incredible pictures of Comet ATLAS (C/2020 M3), which is approaching Earth for a close encounter this weekend. The big green comet is gliding through the constellation Orion, which makes it very easy to find. Bonus: If you go outside to see Comet ATLAS, you’re also likely to spot a Northern Taurid fireball. Get the full story at

Above: Comet ATLAS passing the Orion Nebula on Nov. 8th. Credit: Michael Jaeger of Weißenkirchen, Austra. Browse: Comet ATLAS Photo Gallery

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The forgotten rescue of the Salyut 7 space station

The forgotten rescue of the Salyut 7 space station

After a total loss of power, many thought the Soviet’s Salyut 7 space station was gone for good. But two bundled up cosmonauts gave it six more years of life.

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Crew of Soyuz T-13

While most Western space enthusiasts remember the American Skylab space station, only some recall the long series of Soviet orbiting labs called the Salyut space stations. The last of these, Salyut 7, famously “died” in 1985, when a loss of power shut down all of its systems. But later that year, two cosmonauts risked their lives to revive the radio silent space station.

Salyut, variously translated as “salute” or “firework,” was a Soviet program that ran from 1971 to 1986 and included the world’s first space station, Salyut 1. The Salyut space stations had both military and civilian applications, but they were largely designed to pioneer the technology required to build modular space habitats.


A cascading electrical failure

In February 1985, after hosting three cosmonaut crews (including one that stayed for 237 days, a record at the time), the vacant Salyut 7 space station started to experience trouble. Workers in the TsUP (the Soviet version of NASA’s Mission Control) noted that an overcurrent had tripped a circuit breaker, which shut down the station’s primary long-range radio transmitter.

Ground controllers switched Salyut 7 to its backup transmitter, which seemed to solve the problem — at least for a bit. However, a subsequent attempt to restart the primary transmitter created another overcurrent that started a cascading series of electrical failures. Both radio transmitters (primary and backup), as well as the station’s radio receivers, ceased to work.

Attempts to revive the station from the ground failed. Salyut 7 went silent. It began to slowly tumble.

Making matters worse, the interior of the station rapidly lost heat, eventually reaching a frigid, yet stable, temperature of about –4 degrees Fahrenheit (–20 degrees Celsius). Soviet engineers realized they had only two options: abandon Salyut 7 or mount a rescue mission.

At this point, the Soviet’s larger, more advanced Mir space station was still a work progress. Waiting for Mir to launch would have meant putting all spaceborne work on hold for at least a full year. So, although a crewed rescue mission to Salyut 7 was a dangerous proposition, if successful, the Soviet’s would save both time and money — as well as face


Game theory helps focus the hunt for alien civilizations

Game theory helps focus the hunt for alien civilizations

Our galaxy contains billions of exoplanets. Now, using a mathematical model of how players compete, researchers think they’ve narrowed down which distant worlds are most likely to host intelligent life.

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A new strategy may help SETI search for alien life while avoiding the Fermi Paradox.

Dotted Yeti/Shutterstock
The question of whether to send messages to the stars is fraught with difficulty. The big fear is attracting a more advanced civilization with nefarious intent. Why take the risk?

Indeed, various commentators have pointed out that this fear might explain the famous Fermi Paradox which asks why we haven’t heard from other civilizations. The answer being that either there aren’t any others or that the best strategy for survival is to keep silent lest a more advanced civilization find and destroy you.

But an interesting question is whether the paradox can be resolved in another way. Now Eamonn Kerins at the University of Manchester, U.K., says the paradox can be avoided by using game theory to determine how best to search for and communicate with extra-terrestrial civilizations.



Space Weather News for Oct. 25, 2020

A DARK STREAK JUST APPEARED ON MARS: Amateur astronomers are monitoring something new on Mars. A dark streak has just appeared near one of the Red Planet’s giant extinct volcanoes, Arsia Mons. It appears to be a cloud, but the jury’s still out. Visit today’s edition of for images and more information.

Above: A 600 km long dark streak, observed by amateur astronomers (left) and projected onto an image from Mars Orbiter (right). Credit: Maximilian Teodorescu.

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OSIRIS-REx touchdown on Bennu video

Watch the OSIRIS-REx touchdown on Bennu video

From the Planetary Society:
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This video shows 82 images captured as NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft touched the surface of asteroid Bennu to collect a sample on 20 October 2020. The sample head touches Bennu’s surface for 6 seconds while a bottle of nitrogen gas stirs rocks and soil into a collector. The spacecraft then backs away using its thrusters, as debris fills the camera view.

A signal from Mars

This week, an amateur radio operator in British Columbia picked up a signal from Mars

Space Weather News for Oct. 6, 2020

RADIO SIGNALS FROM MARS: This week, an amateur radio operator in British Columbia picked up a radio signal … from Mars. It came from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter flying just 274 km above the Red Planet’s surface. Such a detection is possible because, right now, Mars is unusually close to Earth. Want to hear what it sounds like? Visit today’s edition of

Aurora alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and receive a text message when auroras appear in your area.

Above: This home-brew radio antenna in Roberts Creek, BC, is picking up signals from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Credit: Scott Tilley.

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Northern Lights possible in coming week

Look for Northern Lights this coming week!A storm of this magnitude should produce lights visible above the city.

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Space Weather News for Sept. 26, 2020
https://www.spaceweatheralerts.comGEOMAGNETIC STORM WARNING: A solar wind stream is heading for Earth, and it could spark the strongest geomagnetic storm in more than a year. NOAA forecasters say storm levels could reach category G2 (moderately strong) when the gaseous material arrives on Sept. 29th. Bright “equinox auroras” are already dancing around the Arctic Circle. If the G2-storm unfolds as predicted, Northern Lights could descend into upper-tier US states as well. Get the full story at

Aurora alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and receive a text message when auroras appear in your area.
Above: A hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth, spewing solar wind in our direction. False-color image from NASA/SDO.