Category Archives: Astronomy News


Space Weather News for March 13, 2019

NEUTRON RADIATION DETECTED ON COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE FLIGHTS: Want to experience space weather? Just step on board an airplane. Flying above 30,000 feet can expose passengers to potentially significant doses of cosmic rays. We have just conducted a new survey of radiation on flights over 5 continents and, using bubble chambers, detected an abundance of deep space neutrons. Learn more about this biologically effective form of cosmic radiation on today’s edition of

Above: Neutron bubble chambers on flights from San Francisco to Seoul (left) and Newark to Brussels (right). Each bubble represents a cosmic ray neutron.

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Watch for Aurora

There is a possibility of seeing aurora for the next couple of nights. The sky is supposed to be clear, too.  –CPL

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Space Weather News for Feb. 26, 2019

GEOMAGNETIC STORMS THIS WEEK: A large hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth and sending a stream of solar wind in our direction. Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are likely when the gaseous material arrives on Feb. 27th and 28th. Solar wind speeds could top 500 km/s (1.1 million mph), sparking auroras around the Arctic Circle and possibly even in US states along a line from Maine to Washington. Visit for updates.

Above: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory obtained this false-color ultraviolet image of the hole in the sun’s atmosphere on Feb. 25, 2019.

RIP, Opportunity

There have been many “obituaries” for Opportunity, this one if from Sky and Telescope.

Opportunity’s mission was originally expected to last 90 days. It relies on solar panels for power, and engineers expected dust to accumulate on the panels over time and choke out that power. “We didn’t expect wind to blow dust off,” says project manager John Callas (NASA / JPL). “It became reliable on a seasonal cycle.” Combined with what Callas calls “the finest batteries in the solar system,” the robot far outlived its original warranty.

But now, after almost 15 years of roving the Red Planet, last summer’s global dust storm proved too much for the rover to withstand. Dust coated the panels, and Opportunity’s voltage dropped below usable levels. (The dust storm wasn’t a problem for plutonium-powered Curiosity.)

Opportunity’s mission was originally expected to last 90 days. It relies on solar panels for power, and engineers expected dust to accumulate on the panels over time and choke out that power. “We didn’t expect wind to blow dust off,” says project manager John Callas (NASA / JPL). “It became reliable on a seasonal cycle.” Combined with what Callas calls “the finest batteries in the solar system,” the robot far outlived its original warranty.
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But now, after almost 15 years of roving the Red Planet, last summer’s global dust storm proved too much for the rover to withstand. Dust coated the panels, and Opportunity’s voltage dropped below usable levels. (The dust storm wasn’t a problem for plutonium-powered Curiosity.)




SOUTH POLE AURORA VIDEO: Imagine living and working in darkness, 24 hours a day for 6 months out of every year. Robert Schwarz does just that. He’s a professional telescope operator for the Keck Telescope Array at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. And his hobby is astrophotography. For the past 14 winters, he has been taking pictures of the south polar night, witnessing scenes unlike anyplace else on Earth. His work is highlighted in a newly-released video entitled “South Pole | Night In Antarctica.”

A longtime contributor to, Robert Schwarz is a pioneer in cold-weather astrophotography. At the South Pole, temperatures routinely drop below -70o C. Modern DSLR cameras are not made for such temperatures. LCD displays freeze instantly, mirror mechanisms get stuck, batteries fail, and time-lapse sequences often end after only 30 or 40 frames. To mitigate these problems, Robert has developed heated camera housings and motorized trackers with insulation, allowing his optics to follow the pirouette of the stars overhead even in deep Antarctic cold.
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Cinematographers Christoph Malin and Martin Heck created the video using a year’s worth of Schwarz’s unique footage. They’re looking forward to more. Right now, Robert is traveling to the South Pole for a record-setting 15th “overwinter,” and of course he’s taking his cameras. Stay tuned!

Aurora Alert

We might be seeing an aurora display if the skies stay clear tonight.
SOLAR WIND STORM: The Arctic Circle is glowing with auroras as Earth enters a stream of fast-moving solar wind. Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are likely on Feb. 1st with a chance of stronger G2-class storming as well. If the G2-class storms materialize, auroras could become visible from northern-tier US States along a line from Maine to Washington. Visit for more information and updates.

Above: First contact with the solar wind stream on Jan. 31st produced this “red angel” over Tromsø, Norway. Photo credit: Marianne Bergli.

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Space Weather News for Jan. 22, 2019

A METEOROID SLAMS INTO THE MOON: On Jan. 21st, a meteoroid slammed into the Moon. We know this because many amateur astronomers witnessed the explosion. The fireball was visible against the shadowy backdrop of a total lunar eclipse.  Visit today’s edition of for images, video, and the full story.

Above: The fireball! Amateur astronomer Petr Horálek took this picture from Boa Vista, one of the islands of Cape Verde.

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View total lunar eclipse on Youtube Jan 20/21

Looks like we will not have a clear sky Sunday evening for the total lunar eclipse, which is unfortunate as we in the Montreal area will If you also experience the problem while getting an erection, enjoy sex free from the worry of not being able to perform in bed. cialis price brand men with performance problems, without anyone knowing. cialis which is very useful is also expensive. There is one small problem concerning viagra soft tablet though. Kamagra 100mg medicine and the usual common use: The medication is used for dealing primarily with the user who is experiencing ED / Erectile Dysfunction. levitra vs cialis Both the unique and generic descriptions of online pharmacy viagra have comparatively similar superiority, cleanliness, authority and capacity. not get another chance for a total eclipse again until 2022.

However, we can follow the event live on Youtube with commentary from astrophysicist Graham Jones.

Conditions for life might exist on new planet discovered around Barnard’s star

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Conditions for life might exist on new planet discovered around Barnard’s star

An artist’s interpretation of what Barnard’s star b, a super-Earth recently discovered just six light-years from Earth, may look like. ESO/M. Kornmesser

Late last year, astronomers announced that they’d found a super-Earth around Barnard’s star – one of the closest suns to our own. The discovery of a planet just six light-years away was enough to excite astronomers and the public alike. However, the researchers who found the planet said that they suspected the icy world couldn’t support life.

But now, a group of astronomers are saying such pessimism may be premature. On Earth, geothermal vents produce heat and create unique environments where life thrives in places otherwise difficult to eke out a living – like the frigid, dark deep of the oceans. The team says similar processes could be at work on this world, which is officially cataloged as Barnard b.

Barnard’s star is a low-mass red dwarf , which means it’s small, ancient, and only emits a fraction of the energy our sun puts out. The planet itself is about three times the mass of Earth and orbits the star every 233 days. So, because of its distant orbit around a tiny star, the planet should be a pretty frigid place where water would freeze on the surface.

But what about the water below the surface? On Thursday morning at the 233rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle, Washington, a team of astronomers rekindling the planet’s potential for habitability. They said that if the world also has a large iron/nickel core and enough geothermal activity, features such as volcanic plumes and vents could create “life zones” of liquid water under the world’s frozen surface.

There’s a lot more to this story! Click here.


EARTH’S SHIFTING MAGNETIC FIELD: Earth’s magnetic field is changing so quickly that researchers have been forced to update to the World Magnetic Model ahead of schedule. Developed by NOAA and the British Geological Survey, the model is widely used for precision navigation of devices ranging from nuclear submarines to the common smartphone. Your own phone may be affected. Find out how on today’s edition of

Above: Earth’s magnetic north pole has been accelerating away from Arctic Canada since 1900. [more]

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Space Weather News for Jan. 15, 2019

A COLLISION IN THE ASTEROID BELT: Something violent just happened in the asteroid belt. Not far beyond the orbit of Mars, asteroid 6478 Gault appears to have been struck by another asteroid. The resulting stream of debris stretches more than 400,000 km, which is greater than the distance between Earth and the Moon. Astronomers around the world are now monitoring the formerly unremarkable asteroid to see what happens next. Get the full story on today’s edition of

Above: Asteroid 6478 Gault and its unexpected tail, photographed on Jan. 9, 2019, by Damian Peach of Selsey UK.

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