Category Archives: Astronomy News

Look up! Perseid meteor shower on this weekend!

The Perseid meteor shower peaks the evening of the 12th, but is already active and continues sporadically for a few days more after.

The darker your site, the better obviously, but you should still catch a few even in the city.

Conditions are excellent this year. There will be no moon to interfere and the skies will be clear of clouds. Rarely occurs, and on a weekend to boot! So don’t miss it!
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Take in new view of the night sky at Glen Sutton

Andrew Fazekas who was a guest at a MonSFFA meeting last year was involved in the creation of this project. This could be a really cool field trip, though costly.  — CPL

Take in new view of the night sky at Glen Sutton

Stargazing show uses high-tech concepts like lasers, 3D renderings

MICHEL ST. JEAN/THE CANADIAN PRESS National Geographic ObservÉtoiles involves augmented-reality headsets that show 3D digital renderings of the planets, stars and constellations superimposed over the real sky.

The way Jeremy Fontana tells it, the next big thing in stargazing might just be a concept dreamed up in the bucolic village of Glen Sutton in the Eastern Townships.

Fontana is the co-owner of Au Diable Vert, a wilderness resort in Glen Sutton, and is the driving force behind what he is calling “the world’s first open-air augmentedreality planetarium.”

The National Geographic ObservÉtoiles is a high-tech outdoor stargazing show where you wear augmented-reality headsets that allow you to look at the planets and stars and also see 3D digital representations of the sky action.

It launched in late June at a natural amphitheatre on the south side of Mont Sutton, at an altitude of 1,000 feet, with 184 heated seats. There will be an astronomer on stage every night to walk the audience through the star show. The shows have been in French so far; the first one in English is set for Thursday, Aug. 2 at 9 p.m.

For years, Fontana has marvelled at the fantastic view of the night sky from Au Diable Vert and wondered how they could better capitalize on it.

“One of the neat things about us is, because we face south into the Green Mountains, any light pollution from even Sutton or Cowansville or Montreal is hidden by the summit of Mont Sutton,” Fontana said by phone.

Fontana used to work in the advertising milieu in Montreal, but dropped out of city life 13 years ago to take over Au Diable Vert.

“We’re in an extraordinarily dark area,” he said. “You can see the colours of the different planets and stars. You can see five or six satellites a night. It’s absolutely

exceptional. So over the years we’ve been trying to increase the appreciation of this incredible night sky. We had telescope evenings and we were selling star maps.

“I always thought there’s got to be a better way to demystify the night sky. I started to apply my advertising strategist skills to this, and I joked to many people. I said: ‘You know what space needs? It needs a better ad agency.’ “

That’s when Fontana hit on the idea of augmented reality to intensify the night sky experience. He went to a conference in California and came back convinced that was just the ticket for stargazing in Sutton.

You get augmented-reality headsets as part of the price of admission, and they allow you to see 3D digital renderings of the planets, stars and constellations while you’re looking up at the sky. The digital renderings line up exactly with the real objects.

Later in the show, they use a high-powered astronomical laser to point into the sky and show the real stars in even clearer form.

“It’s so high-powered that we had to get special permission from Transport Quebec,” said Fontana. “They actually declared the whole area around us a no-fly zone (for low-flying planes). These are the lasers that can really interfere with pilots.”

They have sold 2,200 tickets in the first month, and the Saturday shows always sell out. Tickets cost $45.99, but you can take the headset home and they give you a code so you can download the show’s app.

Au Diable Vert spent $800,000 developing the star show, including buying 10,000 headsets. You can’t buy the app used in the show without coming and getting the download code from them.

“Nobody’s ever tried to do this before,” said Fontana. “It’s the first in the world.”

National Geographic contributor Andrew Fazekas, popularly known as the Night Sky Guy, helped develop the show with Fontana. When it was almost ready, he told Fontana he should pitch it to National Geographic. The folks at the company’s headquarters in Washington loved the concept, and they partnered with Fontana to sell the technology to national parks and cruise lines around the world.

“It was completely conceived in Glen Sutton, completely developed without National Geographic, and then we came up with a worldwide licensing deal to export the concept — the headset, the app, the scripting — to national parks, cruise lines, resorts,” said Fontana.

“So we’re just in the process of launching it worldwide.”

Outside Quebec, it will be called Night Sky Odyssey.

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huge lake of salt water buried beneath Mars

This is an amazing discovery, and if confirmed, could well lead to the discovery of life on Mars. A similar lake discovered under our own ice cap was found to contain living organisms. — CPL

Researchers discover a huge lake of salt water buried beneath Mars. Life could be next

Their results suggest that a 20 kilometre-wide reservoir lies below ice about 1.5 kilometres thick in an area close to the planet’s south pole

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This image provided by the ESA/INAF shows an artist’s rendering of the Mars Express spacecraft probing the southern hemisphere of Mars. Davide Coero Borga/INAF/ESA via AP

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NEW YORK — A huge lake of salty water appears to be buried deep in Mars, raising the possibility of finding life on the red planet.

The discovery, based on observations by a European spacecraft, generated excitement from experts. Water is essential to life as we know it, and scientists have long sought to prove that the liquid is present on Mars.

“If these researchers are right, this is the first time we’ve found evidence of a large water body on Mars,” said Cassie Stuurman, a geophysicist at the University of Texas who found signs of an enormous Martian ice deposit in 2016.

This May 12, 2016 image provided by NASA shows the planet Mars. A study published Wednesday, July 25, 2018 in the journal Science suggests a huge lake of salty water appears to be buried deep in Mars, raising the possibility of finding life on the red planet. NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage Team – STScI/AURA, J. Bell – ASU, M. Wolff – Space Science Institute via AP

Scott Hubbard, a professor of astronautics at Stanford University who served as NASA’s first Mars program director in 2000, called it “tremendously exciting.”

“Our mantra back then was ‘follow the water.’ That was the one phrase that captured everything,” Hubbard said. “So this discovery, if it stands, is just thrilling because it’s the culmination of that philosophy.”

The study, published Wednesday in the journal Science, does not determine how deep the reservoir actually is. This means that scientists can’t specify whether it’s an underground pool, an aquifer-like body, or just a layer of sludge.

To find the water, Italian researchers analyzed radar signals collected over three years by the European Space Agency’s Mars Express spacecraft. Their results suggest that a 12-mile-wide (20 kilometres) reservoir lies below ice about a mile (1.5 kilometres) thick in an area close to the planet’s south pole.

They spent at least two years examining the data to make sure they’d detected water, not ice or another substance.

“I really have no other explanation,” said astrophysicist Roberto Orosei of Italy’s National Institute of Astrophysics in Bologna and lead author of the study.

Italian astrophysicist Roberto Orosei speaks during a press conference at the Italian Space Agency headquarters in Rome, Wednesday, July 25, 2018. AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia

Mars is very cold, but the water might have been kept from freezing by dissolved salts. It’s the same as when you put salt on a road, said Kirsten Siebach, a planetary geologist at Rice University who wasn’t part of the study.

“This water would be extremely cold, right at the point where it’s about to freeze. And it would be salty. Those are not ideal conditions for life to form,” Siebach said.

Still, she said, there are microbes on Earth that have been able to adapt to environments like that.

Orosei said, “It’s tempting to think that this is the first candidate place where life could persist” on Mars.

He suspects Mars may contain other hidden bodies of water, waiting to be discovered.




Space Weather News for July 22, 2018

A LARGE HOLE IN THE SUN’S ATMOSPHERE: A large hole has opened in the sun’s atmosphere and it is spewing a stream of solar wind toward Earth. NOAA forecasters estimate a 65% chance of minor geomagnetic storms when the gaseous material arrives on July 24th. Such holes are primary sources of solar activity during solar minimum, both forming and staying open longer when sunspots are absent. Learn more on today’s edition of

Above: A large coronal hole faces Earth on July 21st. Image credit: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory

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Jupiter’s Got Twelve New Moons — One is a Bit of a Problem Child

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Jupiter’s Got Twelve New Moons — One is a Bit of a Problem Child

The orbits of the twelve newly discovered moons of Jupiter are shown here in bold. One moon is located in the outer group but orbits in the opposite direction.
Jupiter’s family has really grown since Galileo first recorded its four largest moons in 1610.

On Tuesday, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) announced the discovery of 10 new moons orbiting Jupiter. Along with two found through the same research project but announced in June 2017, this brings the roster of Jupiter’s known natural satellites to 79.

One of these new moons turned out to be a bit of a rebel. Of the 12 latest moons to join Jupiter’s family, it’s a maverick whose odd orbit may give astronomers crucial insights to understanding how the moons of Jupiter came to be.

Two Birds with One ‘Scope
The discovery of these moons came from a totally different search for new solar system bodies. Astronomer Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science is on the hunt for Planet Nine, a hypothetical planet many astronomers think should exist in the distant reaches of our Solar System, beyond Pluto. He and his team have been photographing the skies with some of today’s best telescope technology, hoping to catch sight of this mysterious ninth planet.

In the spring of 2017, Jupiter happened to be in an area of sky the team wanted to search for Planet Nine. Sheppard, who is broadly interested in the formation of solar systems and has been involved in the discovery of 48 of Jupiter’s known moons, realized this was the perfect opportunity to advance two separate research goals with the same telescope data.

The Blanco 4-meter telescope Sheppard was using is uniquely suited to spotting potential new moons both because the camera installed on it can photograph a huge area of sky at once and because it’s particularly good at blocking stray light from bright objects nearby — say, Jupiter — that might wash out fainter ones.

“It’s allowed us to cover the whole area around Jupiter in a few shots, unlike before, and we’re able to go fainter than people have been able to go before,” says Sheppard.

Once the Blanco telescope spotted previously unidentified objects near Jupiter, the research team used other telescopes to follow up on these moon candidates and confirm that they were orbiting Jupiter.

Jupiter’s moon Valetudo (pointed out with orange bars) moves relative to background stars in these images taken with the Magellan Telescopes at the Las Campanas Observatory. Jupiter is not in the frame and is off to the upper left.
On a Collision Course
One moon in particular caught the researchers’ attention.

“The most interesting find is this object we’re calling Valetudo,” Sheppard says. “It’s like it’s going down the highway in the wrong direction.”

Of the 79 moons now known, most orbit in the same direction as other moons nearest them. The moons closer to Jupiter, including the four Galilean satellites, orbit Jupiter in the same direction as the planet’s rotation — astronomers call this a prograde orbit. The outer moons move in the opposite direction — a retrograde orbit.

Eleven of the twelve new moons follow these conventions, but Valetudo is the odd one out. It’s out where the outer, retrograde moons are, but it’s orbiting Jupiter in the prograde direction, driving into the oncoming traffic.


A cosmic particle spewed from a distant galaxy strikes Earth

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A cosmic particle spewed from a distant galaxy strikes Earth

The rare detection of a high-energy neutrino hints at how these strange particles are created.
This image combines a real photograph of the IceCube Lab in Antarctica with an artist’s rendering of the project’s sensors deep below the ice and the distant blazar from which a neutrino has been detected.   IceCube/NSF
Four billion years ago, an immense galaxy with a black hole at its heart spewed forth a jet of particles at nearly the speed of light. One of those particles, a neutrino that is just a fraction of the size of a regular atom, traversed across the universe on a collision course for Earth, finally striking the ice sheet of Antarctica last September. Coincidentally, a neutrino detector planted by scientists within the ice recorded the neutrino’s charged interaction with the ice, which resulted in a blue flash of light lasting just a moment. The results are published today in the journal Science.

This detection marks the second time in history that scientists have pinpointed the origins of a neutrino from outside of our solar system. And it’s the first time they’ve confirmed that neutrinos are created in the supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies — a somewhat unexpected source.

Neutrinos are highly energetic particles that rarely ever interact with matter, passing through it as though it weren’t even there. Determining the type of cosmological events that create these particles is critical for understanding the nature of the universe. But the only confirmed source of neutrinos, other than our Sun, is a supernova that was recorded in 1987.

Physicists have a number of theories about what sort of astronomical events may create neutrinos, with some suggesting that blazars could be a source. Blazars are massive galaxies with black holes at their center, trying to suck in too much matter at once, causing jets of particles to be ejected outward at incredible speeds. Acting like the giant counterparts to terrestrial particle accelerators, blazar jets are believed to produce cosmic rays that can in turn create neutrinos.


Approaching Comet increases luminosity 16-Fold

Space Weather News for July 4, 2018

APPROACHING GREEN COMET EXPLODES: A comet that could become visible to the naked eye in August has exploded in brightness, suddenly increasing its luminosity 16-fold. Whatever happened on Comet PANSTARRS (C/2017 S3) on July 1st has given it an expanding green atmosphere almost twice the size of the planet Jupiter. Visit today’s edition of for pictures and more information about this approaching comet.

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Above: Michael Jäger of Weißenkirchen, Austria, took this picture of Comet PANSTARRS (C/2017 S3) on July 2nd, shortly after its outburst. See more images in the Realtime Comet Photo Gallery.

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Huge Martian dust storm

Space Weather News for July 2, 2018

MARS LOOKS DIFFERENT: A martian dust storm that started in late May, silencing NASA’s Opportunity rover, has now wrapped itself around the entirety of Mars, radically transforming the appearance of the Red Planet. Amateur astronomers are taking pictures of the storm through backyard telescopes, and even naked-eye observers say they can see changes in the planet’s color. Visit today’s edition of for more information and animations.

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Above: In these two images, the same side of Mars is facing Earth, yet the Red Planet looks totally different. Dust is hiding the planet’s usual surface markings in July 2018. Photo credit: Raffaello Lena.

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Space Weather News for June 20, 2018

BIG SUNSPOT ALERT: Yesterday, sunspot AR2715 did not exist. Today, it sprawls across more than 60,000 km of solar surface with a primary dark core wider than Earth. So far the active region has not produced any big flares, but this could change if its development proceeds apace. Visit today’s edition of for a video of the sunspot’s genesis and information about how it fits into Solar Minimum.

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Above: Sunspot AR2517 photographed on June 20th by Philippe Tosi of Nîmes, France. A picture of Earth has been inserted for scale.


Space Weather News for June 13, 2018

HUGE DUST STORM ON MARS: Yesterday, NASA lost contact with the Opportunity Mars rover as a ferocious dust storm spreads around the Red Planet. Thick dust has turned day into night at Opportunity’s work site in Perseverance Valley, blocking sunlight to the solar powered rover. Currently on the verge of circumnavigating Mars, the storm is so large that amateur astronomers can now see it through backyard telescopes. Visit today’s edition of for an animation of the spreading storm and more information.

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Above: Images from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show the dust storm enveloping Opportunity last week. Visit to see the full animation.

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