Category Archives: Astronomy News


Space Weather News for May 1, 2018

SUNSPOTS VANISHING FASTER THAN EXPECTED: So far in 2018, the sun has been blank more than half the time. Whole weeks have gone by without a single sunspot. Although forecasters have been expecting sunspots to disappear with the approach of Solar Minimum, it is happening faster than predicted. Visit today’s edition of to see the data and to find out what it means, down-to-Earth.

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Above: Sunspot counts are dropping to zero faster than predicted. Get the full story.

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Another reason we need to get working on ways and means of dealing with asteroids that threaten life on earth.

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Space Weather News for April 15, 2018

SURPRISE ASTEROID FLYBY: With little warning, on Sunday, April 15th, a “Tunguska-class” asteroid about the size of a football field flew through the Earth-Moon system. 2018 GE3 was discovered just the day before as it plunged inward from the asteroid belt. A quick-thinking amateur astronomer in Europe was able to record a video of the asteroid as it flew by. Visit to see the movie and to learn more about this surprise visitor.

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Above: An interactive 3D orbit from NASA-JPL shows the asteroid flying past Earth.

Northern Lights sighted as far south as the Dakotas in the USA

A minor G1-class geomagnetic storm is in progress on April 11th as Earth moves through a high speed stream of solar wind.

Space Weather News for April 11, 2018

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Above: First contact with the solar wind stream produced this outburst of auroras over Tromsö, Norway, photographed by Marcus Åhlund, a tour guide for Explore the Arctic.


Amazing aurora display

On March 18th, an unexpected crack opened in Earth’s magnetic field, sparking a brief but potent G2-class geomagnetic storm.

Space Weather News for March 19, 2018

SURPRISE GEOMAGNETIC STORM: On March 18th, an unexpected crack opened in Earth’s magnetic field, sparking a brief but potent G2-class geomagnetic storm. Bright auroras ringed the Arctic Circle while, in Europe, the light show descended as far south as Germany. With the northern vernal equinox less than a day away, this is the time of year when such cracks tend to form. Today’s edition of explains the phenomenon of springtime magnetic cracks and how you can monitor them online.

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Above: Auroras over Denmark during the G2-class geomagnetic storm of March 18, 2018. Photo credit:  Ruslan Merzlyakov. For more sightings, visit’s Realtime Aurora Gallery.

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If you live where it is not snowing, you may want to watch for possible aurora.  –CPL

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Space Weather News for March 13, 2018

A GASH IN THE SUN’S ATMOSPHERE: An unusually wide hole has opened in the sun’s atmosphere, and it is spewing a fan-shaped stream of solar wind toward Earth. NOAA forecasters say there is a 55% chance of minor G1-class geomagnetic storms when the solar wind arrives, probably during the late hours of March 14th. Visit for more information and updates.

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Above: This image from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) shows the gash where solar wind is emerging on March 13th. The false brown color of the sun corresponds to the 193 ångström wavelength of SDO’s extreme ultraviolet telescope.

equinox cracks are causing geomagnetic activity

Space Weather News for March 11, 2018

EQUINOX CRACKS FORMING IN EARTH’S MAGNETIC FIELD: The vernal equinox is less than 10 days away. That means one thing: Cracks are opening in Earth’s magnetic field. The seasonal phenomenon is known as the “Russell-McPherron effect,” named after the researchers who first explained it more than 40 years ago. These “equinox cracks” are causing geomagnetic activity and bright auroras around the Arctic Circle even without strong solar activity. Visit today’s edition of for the full story.

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Above: This outburst of auroras over Norway was caused by a crack in Earth’s magnetic field that opened on March 9th. Photo credit: Kristin Berg. Browse the aurora photo gallery for more sightings.

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Neutron Stars Discovered on Collision Course

Neutron Stars Discovered on Collision Course
By: AAS Nova | March 8, 2018
Sky and Telescope Magazine

Got any plans in 46 million years? If not, you should keep an eye out for PSR J1946+2052 around that time this upcoming merger of two neutron stars promises to be an exciting show!

Artist’s illustration of the final stages of a neutron-star merger. Scientists have now caught a binary-neutron-star system about 46 million years before this stage. NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

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It seems like we just wrote about the dearth of known double-neutron-star systems, and about how new surveys are doing their best to find more of these compact binaries. Observing these systems improves our knowledge of how pairs of evolved stars behave before they eventually spiral in, merge, and emit gravitational waves that detectors like the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) might observe.

Today’s study, led by Kevin Stovall (National Radio Astronomy Observatory), goes to show that these surveys are doing a great job so far! Yet another double-neutron-star binary, PSR J1946+2052, has now been discovered as part of the Arecibo L-Band Feed Array pulsar (PALFA) survey. This one is especially unique due to the incredible speed with which these neutron stars orbit each other and their correspondingly (relatively!) short timescale for merge

Hubble reveals exoplanet’s atmosphere

Hubble reveals the most detailed exoplanet atmosphere we’ve seen to date

The new data suggests WASP-39b made a fantastic migration across its planetary system.

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WASP-39b is classified as a hot-Saturn that orbits a star similar to the Sun, 700 light-years from Earth. The combined data from Hubble, Spitzer, and ground-based telescopes make it the most detailed atmosphere we’ve observed outside our solar system.

NASA, ESA, and G. Bacon (STScI)

Dissecting the atmospheric compositions of exoplanets helps us interpret the vast and complex universe we live in — and our own solar system, closer to home. Our findings continually pump the public and science community alike with curious excitement, and with the most comprehensive set of observations ever conducted, exoplanet WASP-39b’s atmospheric revelations didn’t disappoint.

A team of British and American researchers combined new data from NASA/ESA’s Hubble Space Telescope with previous data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope and ESO’s Very Large Telescope to create an amazingly detailed atmospheric analysis of exoplanet WASP-39b. The results are the most in-depth analysis of an exoplanet atmosphere possible with available technology.

“We need to look outward to help us understand our own Solar System,” said lead investigator, Hannah Wakeford of the University of Exeter and of the Space Telescope Science Institute, in a press release.


Will the Tesla roadster collide with Earth?

If you’re concerned about a cherry red fireball from the sky, don’t panic.

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SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket carried Elon Musk’s cherry red Tesla Roadster, manned by a mannequin in a spacesuit named Starman. SpaceX
On February 6, SpaceX wrote a new chapter in the ongoing book on commercial spaceflight with the successful launch of its Falcon Heavy rocket. Along for the ride was Musk’s red Tesla Roadster, which is now on an elliptical orbit around the Sun. But what about the risk to Earth? Could the car, which is estimated to last up to a few tens of millions of years, ever pose the threat of raining down from the sky as a fireball in the future?

The answer, as it turns out, is probably not. A paper posted on Cornell University Library’s preprint server February 13 (and to be submitted to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society) with the jaunty title The random walk of cars and their collision probabilities with planets concludes that there is just a six percent chance that the Tesla will collide with Earth in the next one million years. The chance does rise to 11 percent in the next three million years; but even if you’re a pessimist, “it will either burn up or maybe one component will reach the surface,” said first author Hanno Rein in a press release. “There is no risk to health and safety whatsoever.”
The Roadster’s orbit takes it out just past Mars, then in toward Earth’s orbit. Over the next several million years, it will cross the orbits of Mars, Earth, and Venus several times. Generated on

The authors calculated the probabilities by fast-forwarding the Tesla’s orbit — along with the orbits of the planets — over time and observing whether collisions occurred over the course of many simulations. In addition to the probability of colliding with Earth, they also found only a 2.5 percent chance the Tesla will collide with Venus in the next one million years. Though they predict several close calls with Mars, they don’t believe it is likely to collide with the Red Planet. After three million years, they only observed one collision with the Sun.

The Tesla, which is estimated to rotate about once every five minutes based on reflected light measured with the 4.1-meter SOAR telescope in Chile, is on an orbit that will cross the orbits of not only Earth, but also Venus and Mars, several times over the course of its dynamically stable lifetime. According to Rein, this orbit is not unlike that of many near-Earth Asteroids regularly observed. In fact, the Tesla has been officially labeled by NASA as a Near-Earth Object and listed in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Horizon’s database as object -143205 SpaceX Roadster (spacecraft) (Tesla). It is one of about 150 manmade objects in the database, which allows you to chart any object’s position on the sky. According to the database, the Tesla is currently following an orbit with a perihelion of 0.99 astronomical units (AU, where 1 AU is the Earth-Sun distance) and an aphelion of 1.67 AU (Mars’ average distance from the Sun is about 1.5 AU).

The Tesla’s first close pass of Earth will occur in 2091; after that, it has a 50 percent chance of continuing to orbit for a few tens of millions of years, before it either collides with a planet or falls into the Sun. For now,it’s on its way out past Mars, carrying an appropriate message: Don’t panic.


Space Weather News for Feb. 20, 2018

THE ROADSTER AND THE STAR CLUSTER: How far away can you see a cherry red Tesla Roadster? Yesterday, a telescope in Chile spotted Elon Musk’s electric car 3.7 million kilometers from Earth as it was passing by star cluster NGC 5694. Using orbital elements published by NASA, amateur astronomers are setting new distance records almost every day as they track the Roadster en route to the orbit of Mars. Visit today’s edition of for updates and a movie of the Roadster and the star cluster.

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Above: Glowing feebly like a 20th magnitude star, Starman and the Tesla Roadster pass NGC 5694 on Feb. 19, 2018. More photos of the distant car may be found in’s SpaceX photo gallery.

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