Category Archives: Astronomy News

Starman hits the open road

The launching of Elon Musk’s cherry-red roadster has created a lot of buzz everywhere that NASA never could. Sure, it’s a gimmick, but it’s a gimmick that does wonders for the promotion of space exploration.


Some bits of info I’ve picked up here and there.

  1. 1)  Elon Musk’s cherry red Roadster has been spotted 430,000 km from Earth heading toward the orbit of Mars.
Space Weather News for Feb. 9, 2018 ASTRONOMERS PHOTOGRAPH ROADSTER IN SPACE: “It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever captured in my telescope,” says amateur astronomer Raymond Kneip. Last night, he photographed Elon Musk’s cherry red Roadster 430,000 km from Earth heading toward the orbit of Mars. NASA has just released an ephemeris (celestial coordinates) for the electric car, allowing astronomers to track and photograph the Tesla as it recedes into deep space. Pictures of the Roadster and instructions for accessing NASA’s ephemeris may be found on today’s edition of

Remember, is on Facebook!

Above: A Tesla Roadster flying among the stars. Photo credit: Raymond Kneip.
2) The live feed is no longer live–the batteries in the camera were only good for 6 hours. Sill, if you have not seen the video, take a look, it’s wonderful to watch it drift past the Earth.

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Gotta love the Don’t Panic button, and according to one account, Starman also had a towel with him.

3) Also, he was accompanied by Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series:

SpaceX has just successfully launched its new Falcon Heavy rocket for the first time, and just before launch, the company revealed on its live stream that inside the rather unique cargo of a Tesla Roadster, the company had placed an “Arch” storage system containing Isaac Asimov’s Foundation book series.

An Arch is a “5D, laser optical quartz storage device” that is meant to be able to survive even in the harsh conditions of space, built by the Arch Mission Foundation. The foundation’s goal is to preserve libraries of human knowledge for interstellar travel (and to protect information in the event of calamity to Earth itself). It’s a goal that the group says was inspired by Asimov’s novels, which see mankind working to write an “Encyclopedia Galactica” to protect mankind against a coming dark age.

4) File 770’s Pixel Scroll had one of the greatest lines ever: In Space Nobody Can Hear Your Red Tesla’s GPS Scream “Recalculating!” (Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Daniel Dern.]

5) Over on the RASC mailing list, the members are having a fun time discussing tire pressure in space (the physics involved is mind-boggling), and the life of batteries in extreme cold. And shouldn’t the signal light be flashing?

And Russell had to say there is only the one mannequin because if there has also been a femmequin the Starman would have had to deal with a back seat driver.  It’s a red roadster–isn’t it more likely the couple would end up in the back seat?


Launch of the Falcon Heavy

Elon Musk sent his red Tesla roadster into space aboard the world’s most powerful rocket while David Bowie’s Space Oddity blared.

The “driver” is a space suited mannequin. There is a big “Don”t Panic” button on the dashboard.

Click these links for more:

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Watch Starman live:


Sometime between 2007 and 2018–no one knows when–IMAGE woke up and started talking. The satellite may have been chattering away at Earth for years unheard and unnoticed. Now, NASA has to find a way to answer.

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LONG-DEAD NASA SPACECRAFT WAKES UP: Amateur astronomer Scott Tilley has a hobby: He hunts spy satellites. Using an S-band radio antenna in Roberts Creek, British Columbia, he regularly scans the skies for radio signals from classified objects orbiting Earth. Since he started 5 years ago, Tilley has bagged dozens of secret or unlisted satellites. “It’s a lot of fun,” he confesses.

Earlier this month, Tilley was hunting for Zuma–a secretive United States government satellite lost in a launch mishap on Jan. 8th–when a J-shaped curve appeared on his computer screen. “It was the signature of a lost satellite,” he says, “but it was not Zuma.”

In a stroke of good luck that has dizzied space scientists, Tilley found IMAGE, a NASA spacecraft that “died” more than 10 years ago.

An artist’s concept of IMAGE flying over Earth’s north pole.

Short for “Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration,” IMAGE was launched in 2000 on a flagship mission to monitor space weather. Mapping the ebb and flow of plasma around Earth, IMAGE was able to watch our planet’s magnetosphere respond almost like a living organism to blasts of solar activity, while its ultraviolet cameras took gorgeous pictures of Earth’s global auroras.

“It had capabilities that no other spacecraft could match–before or since,” says. Patricia Reiff, a member of the original IMAGE science team at Rice University.

IMAGE was in the 5th year of its extended mission on Dec. 18, 2005, when the spacecraft suddenly went silent. No one knows why, although suspicions have focused on a power controller for the spacecraft’s transponder, which might have temporarily failed.

The one hope was a reboot: When IMAGE’s solar-powered batteries drained to zero during a eclipse by the Earth, onboard systems could restart and begin transmitting again. “If revival occurs, the mission should be able to continue as before with no limitations,” noted NASA’s IMAGE Failure Review Board in their 2006 report.

A deep eclipse in 2007, however, failed to produce the desired result. “After that, we stopped listening,” says Reiff.

Radio signals from IMAGE, detected by Scott Tilley on Jan. 20, 2018. [more]

That is, until Scott Tilley started looking for Zuma. “When I saw the radio signature, I ran a program called STRF to identify it,” he says. Developed by Cees Bassa, a professional astronomer at the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, STRF treats Earth-orbiting satellites much like binary pulsars–deducing their orbital elements from the Doppler shifts of their radio signals. “The program immediately matched the orbit of the satellite I saw to IMAGE. It was that easy,” says Tilley.

Sometime between 2007 and 2018–no one knows when–IMAGE woke up and started talking. Now, NASA has to find a way to answer.

“The good news is, NASA is working on a recovery plan,” says Reiff. “UC Berkeley still has a ground station that was used for realtime tracking and control. They are scrambling to find the old software and see it they can get the bird to respond. Apparently there are data side lobes on the transmission, so that is a good sign.”

Researchers would love to have IMAGE back. The spacecraft has a unique Big Picture view of Earth’s magnetosphere and “its global-scale auroral imager would be fantastic for nowcasting space weather,” says Reiff. “Fingers crossed!!”

This is a developing story. Stay tuned for updates.

Hot Earths may be stripped-down Jupiters

A recent study of rocky worlds orbiting their star in only a handful of days suggests that these ‘hot Earths’ may be stripped-down cores of gas giants, created by a process that depends on how their parent planet danced with their star. This is a different formation method than the ground-up process that built our own Earth, as well as other rocky worlds found farther out from their star.

“There could be several different origins for Earth-like masses,” says Arieh Konigl, a theorist at the University of Chicago. Konigl and his fellow scientists study hot Earths in search of how they may have formed. They found that the new class of exoplanets, born of hot Jupiters, could take two distinct paths as a gas giant moves dangerously close to its star.

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Opportunity is still Roving!

This visualization of the Opportunity rover on Mars was created using “Virtual Presence in Space” technology developed at JPL.

Opportunity, one of the two Mars Exploration Rovers launched in 2003, landed successfully on the Red Planet at 04:54 UTC on January 25, 2004. Its original mission parameters planned for 90 martian days (called sols) of operation during the mild summer on the Meridiani Planum near the planet’s equator. As of January 16, 2018, Opportunity has been operational for 4,970 sols and driven 28.02 miles (45.09 kilometers) on the martian surface.
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Massive, deep deposits of ice found on Mars

Massive, deep deposits of ice found on Mars

By Jake Parks, Astronomy Magazine

Researchers studying the eroded edges of ridges on Mars have found that substantial deposits of water ice exist just a few feet below martian surface, reaching over 300 feet thick in some areas.

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The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured this astonishing image showing an avalanche of dusty snow racing down the weakened side of an eroded slope on Mars. In this image, the snow is made up of dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide); however, researchers recently found similar slopes elsewhere on Mars with massive deposits of pure water ice. NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
Despite the fact that Mars has an atmosphere just 1% as dense as Earth’s, the surface of the Red Planet still has to deal with plenty of weathering and erosion. In 2008, researchers even captured a full-scale avalanche on Mars as it plunged down a 2,300-foot slope into a valley. These types of geological events often expose the structures beneath the martian surface, revealing layers of rock, dry ice, and even water ice.

A G1-class geomagnetic storm is underway

The skies will be clear tonight, so if you are in a fairly dark site, you might see aurora.  Won’t be as fantastic as that photo below, but still fun to watch.

A G1-class geomagnetic storm is in progress on Jan. 14th as Earth enters a fast-moving stream of solar wind.

Space Weather News for Jan. 14, 2018

GEOMAGNETIC STORM IN PROGRESS: A G1-class geomagnetic storm is underway on Jan 14th as Earth enters a stream of fast-moving solar wind. G1-class storms are relatively minor and have little effect on satellites or global power grids. However, they can confuse migratory animals that navigate using magnetism at high latitudes and, moreover, may spark bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. Visit for more information and updates.

Above: First contact with the solar wind stream produced this outburst of auroras over Tromsø, Norway, on Jan. 13th. Photo credit: Markus Varik. See more images of the ongoing storm in’s aurora photo gallery.

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A blue comet is approaching the sun

A blue comet is approaching the sun, and it is super active, with wild jets waving around the comet’s core and dusty clouds billowing down its tail.

On Jan. 10th, Austrian astrophotographer Michael Jäger recorded dramatic changes in only two hours:

Click to watch video

Space Weather News for Jan. 11, 2018

BLUE COMET PANSTARRS: Beyond the orbit of Mars, an unusual blue comet is approaching the sun. Every time astronomers look at Comet PanSTARRS (C/2016 R2), it has a different appearance. Daily images show gaseous jets waving wildly around the comet’s core and dusty clouds billowing down the comet’s tail. This hyperactivity comes despite the fact that the comet is located in a region of space where deep cold and feeble sunlight usually discourage such volatility. What’s happening? The comet’s blue color is a crucial clue. Read more in  today’s edition of

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Above: Comet PanSTARRS (C/2016 R2) photographed on Jan. 10th by amateur astronomer Gerald Rhemann of Farm Tivoli, Namibia.

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What to look up for in 2018

The only interesting January event for viewers in Montreal will be the so-called Blue Moon on the 31st. There will be another in March.

For eclipses, lunar or solar, this is a good year to move to Asia, Africa, or Greenland.

The two best meteor showers of 2018 are predicted to be the Perseids in August and the Geminids in December.

The Perseids are usually a good show–esp if there is no moon in the sky which will be the case in 2018 as the crescent moon sets early.  The best night will be that of the 12-13, but the days before and after that also offer good viewing. The best nights are over a weekend, so with all this going for it, rest assured it will rain all week.
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I have braved the cold for the Geminids —  and it was darn cold that night!– but it was not all that exciting. There were fewer meteors than an average Perseid shower, but OTOH, they were very bright. And some years are better than others, so you never know!

There is a neat little interactive video showing how earth orbits through the dust left behind by the Swift-Tuttle comet.

For more 2018 events, click

Why do meteoroids explode in the atmosphere?

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Why do meteoroids explode in the atmosphere?

Researchers identify new and previously overlooked mechanism for air penetration that helps explain why meteoroids explode.
Photographer Marat Ahmetvaleev was taking panoramic photos of the winter landscape when he captured this beautiful image of the Chelyabinsk meteoroid as it exploded over Russia in 2013. M. Ahmetvaleev/NASA APOD
On February 15, 2013, a near-Earth asteroid with a diameter of 66 feet (20 meters) entered Earth’s atmosphere traveling at around 40,000 miles per hour (60,0000 km/h). Within a few seconds, the cosmic projectile detonated 12 miles above the Chelyabinsk region of Russia, releasing as much energy as about 30 Hiroshima atomic bombs. This created a gigantic fireball — known as a superbolide — that caused shock waves to propagate outward for dozens of miles, damaging several thousand buildings and injuring 1,500 people.

Though the progenitor of the explosion had an initial mass of over 10,000 metric tons, only about 0.1 percent of that mass is believed to have reached the ground, indicating that something in the upper atmosphere not only caused the rock to explode, but also caused it to disintegrate much more than expected.

A relatively small meteor streaked through the sky and eventually exploded over the Chelyabinsk region of Russia on February 15, 2013. With a blast energy equivalent to roughly 500,000 tons of TNT, the explosion created shock waves that caused damage to thousands of buildings and injured nearly 1,500 people.

Today, a team of researchers published a study in Meteoritics & Planetary Science that proposes a new and previously overlooked mechanism for air penetration in meteoroids, which could help explain the powerful breakup of the Chelyabinsk meteoroid.

According to the paper, as a meteoroid hurtles through Earth’s atmosphere, high-pressure air in the front of the object infiltrates cracks and pores in the rock, which generates a great deal of internal pressure. This pressure is so great that it causes the object to effectively blow up from the inside out, even if the material in the meteoroid is strong enough to resist the intense external atmospheric pressures.

“There’s a big gradient between high-pressure air in front of the meteor and the vacuum of air behind it,” said the study’s co-author Jay Melosh, a professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Purdue University, in a press release. “If the air can move through the passages in the meteorite, it can easily get inside and blow off pieces.

These figures from the study show how two computer-generated meteoroids break up over time while flying through the atmosphere. The left half of each image is a meteoroid with 10% porosity (a measure of empty space), while the right half of each image is a meteoroid with 30% porosity. M.E. Tabetah/H.J. Melosh
According to the paper, “This process of pressure internalization, new to meteoritic studies, would not have been recognized without a two-material fluid dynamics code.” This unique computer code allowed researchers to generate models that let both air and solid material coexist in any part of the calculation.

“I’ve been looking for something like this for a while,” Melosh said. “Most of the computer codes we use for simulating impacts can tolerate multiple materials in a cell, but they average everything together. Different materials in the cell use their individual identity, which is not appropriate for this kind of calculation.”

Though this process of air penetration is a very effective way for our atmosphere to shield us from smaller meteoroids, larger and denser ones will likely not be as affected by it. However, the more we can learn about how different meteoritic materials explode, the more prepared we can be for the next Chelyabinsk.