Category Archives: Astronomy News


Space Weather News for Dec. 15, 2017

THE SUN IS DIMMING: Today at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, SpaceX launched a new sensor to the International Space Station named “TSIS-1.” Its mission: to measure the dimming of the sun. As the sunspot cycle plunges toward its 11-year minimum, NASA satellites are tracking a slight but significant decline in total solar irradiance (TSI). TSIS-1 will monitor this dimming with better precision than previous satellites as Solar Minimum approaches in the years ahead. Visit today’s edition of to learn more about TSIS-1 and natural variations in the sun’s electromagnetic output.

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Above: This plot shows the total solar irradiance (TSI) since 1978 as observed by NASA and European satellites. The sun’s electromagnetic output (top frame) waxes and wanes with the sunspot cycle (bottom frame).

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Long Range Sensors Detect…

  1. Why is the Earth magnetized and Venus Not?
  2. Infant Stars Huddle near Black Hole
  3.  Most Distant Black Hole Yet
  4. The Geminid meteor shower peaks Wed, 13th of Dec
  5. This Week’s Sky at a Glance, December 8 – 16
  6. A “rock” comet is approaching Earth

Sky & TelescopeWhy is Earth Magnetized and Venus Not?
A new analysis reveals that the gigantic impact that led to the Moon’s formation might have also switched on Earth’s magnetic field. Read more…

Infant Stars Huddle near Black Hole

A team of astronomers has found signs of small stars forming within aSky & Telescope few light-years of the Milky Way’s central black hole. Read more…




3. Astronomers have  discovered a supermassive black hole scarfing down gas just 690 million years after the Big Bang.

Astronomers are like historians on steroids. They doggedly push back the curtain of cosmic time, peering back to ever-earlier eras in the universe. The latest discovery in this quest, announced today in the journal Nature, is the quasar J1342+0928. This black-hole-powered beacon blazes at us from a redshift of 7.54, or a mere 690 million years after the Big Bang.  Read more…

And in the chance we ever see a clear sky again:

4. Wednesday, December 13  The Geminid meteor shower should be at its peak late tonight, and there’s no Moon to interfere. Bundle up warmly. Bring a reclining lawn chair to a dark spot with no glary lights and an open view of the sky. Lie back, gaze into the stars, and be patient. Under a dark sky you might see a meteor at least once a minute on average. Light pollution cuts down on the numbers. See our article Fantastic Year for Geminid Meteor Shower.

You’ll see the most meteors from about 10 p.m. until dawn local time, when your side of Earth turns to face most directly into the oncoming meteoroid stream. But any that you may see early in the evening, when the shower’s radiant in Gemini is still low, will be long, dramatic “Earth-grazers” skimming into the upper atmosphere at a shallow angle.

5. This Week’s Sky at a Glance, December 8 – 16
See what’s in the Sky & Telescopesky this week. The asteroid 3200 Phaethon, source of the Geminid meteoroid stream, should reach about 11th magnitude from December 12th through 17th as it passes several million miles from Earth. Read more…

6. A “ROCK COMET” IS APPROACHING EARTH: You’ve heard of comets. But have you ever heard of a rock comet? They exist, and a big one is approaching Earth this week. 3200 Phaethon will fly past our planet on Dec. 16th only 10 million km away. Measuring some 5 km in diameter, it is large enough for amateur astronomers to photograph through backyard telescopes. Moreover, this strange object is the parent of the annual Geminid meteor shower, which is also coming this week. Sky watchers can see dozens of Geminids per hour on Dec. 13th and 14th as gravelly bits of the rock comet disintegrate in Earth’s upper atmosphere. Visit today’s edition of to find out how to observe the Geminids and their progenitor in the nights ahead.

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Voyager–still going where no one has gone before!

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Supermoon this weekend

Unfortunately, it looks like Montreal area will be clouded over, but if you happen to be under a clear sky, look for the moon tonight and tomorrow night.

Space Weather News for Dec. 2, 2017

WATCH OUT FOR THE SUPERMOON: This weekend’s full Moon is the biggest and brightest full Moon of 2017, almost 8% wider and 16% brighter than average. The extra dose of luminosity, which peaks on Sunday night, Dec. 3rd, is going to cast unusually sharp midnight shadows as this “supermoon” lights up the wintry landscape of the northern hemisphere. Visit today’s edition of to find out why the Moon is so big, and when is the best time to look.

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Above: On Nov. 29th, the waxing supermoon created a luminous halo in the sky as it shined through icy clouds over Tuscon, Arizona. Supermoons also make super halos. Look for them this weekend! Photo credit: Eliot Herman

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Cleaning up space junk

A mission that will test different methods to clean up space junk is getting ready for launch.

The RemoveDebris spacecraft will attempt to snare a small satellite with a net and test whether a harpoon is an effective garbage grabber.

The probe has been assembled in Surrey and will soon be packed up ready for blast off early next year.

Scientists warn that the growing problem of space debris is putting spacecraft and astronauts at risk.

It is estimated that there are about half a million pieces of man-made rubbish orbiting the Earth, ranging from huge defunct satellites, to spent rocket boosters and nuts and bolts.
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Any collisions can cause a great deal of damage, and generate even more pieces of debris.

The RemoveDebris mission is led by the Surrey Space Centre at the University of Surrey.

The assembly of the spacecraft, which is about the size of a washing machine, has taken place at Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) and is almost complete.

READ MORE–Video and images


Space Weather News for Nov. 29, 2017

GEOMAGNETIC STORM PREDICTED (G1-CLASS): NOAA forecasters estimate a 55% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on Nov. 29th when Earth’s magnetic field is expected to receive a glancing blow from a CME, hurled toward us days ago by a magnetic explosion on the sun. There’s more: A fissure in the sun’s atmosphere is spewing solar wind into space, and the gaseous material could reach Earth on Nov. 29th as well. G1-class storms have little effect on power grids and satellites. However, they can affect migratory animals that navigate using magnetism. Such storms can also cause spectacular auroras around the Arctic Circle. Visit for more information and updates.

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Above: Solar wind is flowing toward Earth from a fissure in the sun’s atmosphere where magnetic fields have opened up, allowing the gaseous material to escape. [Aurora Photo Gallery]


Space Weather News for Nov. 23, 2017

CRAZY PINK AURORAS: Does Solar Minimum turn auroras pink? Sky watchers around the Arctic Circle are starting to wonder.  For the second winter in a row, unusual pink lights have exploded in the night sky when the sun is blank–no sunspots. Solar wind from the “low activity” sun is producing pink auroras so bright that the Arctic landscape itself is turning pink. Visit for pictures of these unusual auroras and more information about the underlying physics.

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Above: On Nov. 22nd, aurora tour guide Marianne Bergli witnessed this surge of pink auroras over Kvaløya, Norway. [Aurora Photo Gallery]

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A meteoroid exploded over the Arctic Circle on Nov. 16th, wiping out the aurora borealis and turning the midnight sky blue.

Space Weather News for Nov. 17, 2017

METEOR EXPLODES OVER THE ARCTIC: On the evening of Nov. 16th, a meteoroid ripped through the atmosphere over the Arctic Circle and exploded. The resulting fireball wiped out the aurora borealis, cast shadows, and turned the night sky blue. Visit to see a movie of the explosion, captured accidentally by an automated aurora skycam in northern Finland.

SOLAR WIND, INCOMING: Today, a hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth. The emerging stream of solar wind could reach our planet as early as Nov. 19th, with G1-class geomagnetic storms possible on Nov. 20th. Sign up for free aurora alerts.

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Asteroid impact plunged dinosaurs into catastrophic ‘winter’

Scientists say they now have a much clearer picture of the climate catastrophe that followed the asteroid impact on Earth 66 million years ago.

The outer rim (white arc) of the crater lies under the Yucatan Peninsula itself, but the inner peak ring is best accessed offshore

The event is blamed for the demise of three-quarters of plant and animal species, including the dinosaurs.

The researchers’ investigations suggest the impact threw more than 300 billion tonnes of sulphur into the atmosphere.
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This would have dropped average global temperatures below freezing for several years.

Ocean temperatures could have been affected for centuries. The abrupt change explains why so many species struggled to survive.

“We always thought there was this global winter but with these new, tighter constraints, we can be much more sure about what happened,” Prof Joanna Morgan, from Imperial College London, told BBC News.


Hubble reboots Messier Catalogue

Back in the 1940s, Miss Williamson of the Montreal Centre of the RASC, got many enthusiastic star gazers interested in amateur astronomy by challenging them to find all the objects in the Messier Catalogue.  The idea caught on, and is now every astronomer’s first major challenge. In Miss Williamson’s day, there were no GoTo telescopes; the object was to learn your way around the night sky by finding the 110 Messier objects by “Star Hopping“. This is still the way to earn your Messier certificate. I’m more than halfway through, having mostly the Virgo cluster to explore.  More about the Messier Club.

And if they ever publish this Hubble version as a book, I WANTS IT!!!       CPL

Hubble reboots Messier Catalog

NASA used images from the Hubble Space Telescope to create their own version of the Messier catalog.

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For this stunning image of the spiral galaxy M106, multiple exposures from Hubble were combined with ground-based images from the amateur astronomer Robert Gendler. The galaxy was initially discovered in 1781 by Pierre Mechain, Charles Messier’s observing assistant.
Today, NASA published the Hubble Space Telescope’s version of the Messier catalogue, a list of 110 deep-sky objects (including nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies) that French astronomer Charles Messier began almost 250 years ago.

This new reboot of the Messier collection features beautiful Hubble images of 63 deep-sky objects from the original catalog. While astronomy enthusiasts may see some images they have seen before (such as the Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula), the catalog also includes several unpublished images that NASA processed specifically for this project.