Category Archives: Astronomy News


Space Weather News for July 25, 2023

A COMET SHAPED LIKE THE MILLENNIUM FALCON: Astronomers are monitoring a very unusual comet. A few days ago, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks explosively brightened, spewing plumes of debris into space that now resemble a famous spaceship. No one knows for sure what happened, but it could be the eruption of an ice volcano on the comet’s surface. Full story @

Above: A backyard telescope image of Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks on July 24, 2023. Credit: David Strange of Salcombe Regis, East Devon, UK


Space Weather News for July 18, 2023

A SIGNIFICANT EXPLOSION ON THE SUN: Giant sunspot AR3363 finally blew its top. An hours-long explosion on July 18th hurled a massive CME into space and triggered a radiation storm around Earth. The CME might graze our planet later this week. Full story @

Solar Flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong flares are underway.
Above: Debris from today’s M6-class explosion. Credit: NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory.


A SUNSPOT SO BIG YOU CAN SEE IT FROM MARS: A huge sunspot (AR3363)  just emerged over the sun’s southeastern limb. Mars rover Perseverance saw it before we did. On July 2nd, the rover’s mast-mounted stereo camera (MASTCAM-Z) tilted up to the sky above Jezaro crater and photographed a deep-black dot on the solar disk:

Zoran Knez of Croatia assembled this montage using publically available NASA images

Perseverance does this all the time. Using a solar filter, the rover looks at the sun almost every day to check its brightness. When the sun dims, researchers know a dust storm is brewing–one of the most important forms of weather on the Red Planet.

Sunspots are just a bonus. A recent study shows that Perseverance sees more than 40% of all sunspots despite the fact that Mars is 78 million km farther from the sun than Earth and the rover’s camera doesn’t put many pixels across the solar disk. It is able to resolve about 10% of the biggest sunspots into multiple pixels.

Perseverance has one big advantage. It can see parts of the sun we cannot. From where Mars is currently located, Perseverance views more than half the sun’s farside, giving it a preview of sunspots still hidden from Earth. That’s how the rover spotted AR3363 days in advance.

People on Earth saw the sunspot for the first time on July 5th:

“A very big sunspot is coming!” says photographer Philippe Tosi of Nîmes, France, who inserted an image of Earth for scale.

Just don’t forget, Perseverance saw it first. Daily photos from Perseverance are available here. Select the date and camera (MASTCAM-Z), then start looking for sunspots.

more images: from Philip Smith of Manorville, New York; from P-M Hedén of Vallentuna Sweden; from Sylvain Weiller of Jerusalem, Israel

New exoplanet discovery sparks hope of hidden ‘Tatooines’

Exoplanet ‘BEBOP-1c’ orbits a binary star system

From Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, Luke Skywalker stares out at a sunset of two stars from his home planet of Tatooine.
A scene from 1977’s Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, where Luke Skywalker stares out at a sunset of two stars from his home planet of Tatooine. (Lucasfilm/Disney)

A new discovery of a faraway planet, published today in the journal Nature Astronomy, is bringing more science to what was once the realm of science fiction.

The new exoplanet, TOI-1338/BEBOP-1c, is a gas giant 65 times the size of Earth and more than 1,300 light years away in a binary star system — where two suns revolve around each other.

For some, it might recall a powerful scene from the original Star Wars movie — Luke Skywalker staring at the horizon, pining for a greater destiny than on the dustball of Tatooine, as the aptly named John Williams theme Binary Sunset plays in the background.

While the fictional Tatooine was alone, BEBOP-1c is the second planet discovered in the real TOI-1338 system.

“It’s quite an exciting discovery,” said Matthew Standing, post-doctoral researcher at The Open University in Milton Keynes, England, and first author of the study.

“It’s only the second multi-planetary, circumbinary system and the first-ever circumbinary planet discovered with radial velocity.”

Unpacking those terms is key to why experts think this could lay the groundwork for finding similar hidden exoplanets. But it requires understanding the chaos of such cosmic neighbourhoods and the methods used to detect exoplanets.



Space Weather News for June 12, 2023

A ‘MEGA-BUBBLE’ ON THE SUN: NOAA has just released a list of highlights from young Solar Cycle 25. One of them must be seen to be believed: An X-class flare blowing a “mega-bubble” in the sun’s atmosphere. Full story and movie @

Above: The sun, blowing bubbles. Image credit: NOAA/GOES-16/SUVI


Space Weather News for June 5, 2023

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS ARE BACK: Last night, bright clouds of frosted meteor smoke drifted over Europe, signalling the start of the summer season for noctilucent clouds. The electric-blue forms were sighted in at least 7 countries, a number that could grow in the nights ahead as the clouds continue to spill across the Arctic Circle. Full story @

Solar Flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong flares are underway.
Above: Noctilucent clouds (NLCs) over Denmark on June 5, 2023. Photo credit: Valther Jørgensen


Watch for Auroras tonight and tomorrow night

Space Weather News for May 6, 2023

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: Earth’s magnetic field is reverberating from an unexpected CME impact on May 6th, which sparked a G2-class geomagnetic storm. Another CME is following close on its heels. A second impact expected on May 7th or 8th could bring renewed geomagnetic storming with auroras across parts of Europe, Canada, and northern-tier US States. Full story @

CME alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when CMEs strike Earth.
Above: Auroras over Gayford Pond (near Calgary, Alberta) following a CME strike on May 6th. Credit: Harlan Thomas

Red Auroras, all the way to nearly Mexico!

While we were under pouring rain, this happened :
Space Weather News for April 24, 2023

LOW LATITUDE AURORAS: Last night during a severe geomagnetic storm, auroras spilled out of the Arctic Circle and descended almost all the way to Mexico. Reports of red lights in the sky are pouring in from the entire southern tier of US states including California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Arkansas. Photos and movies @

Did you miss the storm? Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when geomagnetic storms erupt.

Above: Red auroras over Ouray, Colorado. “After receiving numerous space weather alerts about the storm, I decided to take the camera out to catch the auroras — and there they were!” says photographer Matthew Genuit.

Dazzling aurora !

Red is unusual. I have yet to see a red aurora. 
Some news items gleaned from news sites re last night’s show.
You don’t usually see the Northern Lights in southern Ontario, but Londoners got a treat from Mother Nature on Thursday, when the spectacular Aurora Borealis could be seen in the night sky.

Here are some pictures shared by Londoners.

The northern lights are green and purprle. Northern lights at around 11 p.m. on the outskirts of north London. (Supplied by Michelle Dzialakiewicz)
Red! Lots of red! Check out the pictures on the BBC:

Northern lights in Muston
Image source, WeatherWatchers/Steve BB Image caption, This display was spotted in Muston, near Scarborough in North Yorkshire

The skies above parts of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire have been illuminated by dazzling displays of colour thanks to the Northern Lights.

Stargazers were able to spot hues of red, green and gold through Thursday night into Friday morning.

Lots more photos here:

Space Weather News for March 23, 2023
https://www.spaceweatheralerts.comSTRONG GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A strong geomagnetic storm is in progress on March 23rd as solar wind flows through a crack in Earth’s magnetosphere. If the crack remains open long enough, sky watchers in northern-tier US states could see auroras tonight. Also, an amateur radio astronomer in Florida has observed a solar radio burst *at midnight.* Weird! Read all about it on today’s edition of Storm Alerts: Subscribe to our Space Weather Alert Service and you’ll receive instant text messages when geomagnetic storms are underway.
Above: Bright auroras at sunrise over Kalispell, Montana, on March 23, 2023. Credit: Philip Granrud

Space Weather News for March 23, 2023

STRONG GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A strong geomagnetic storm is in progress on March 23rd as solar wind flows through a crack in Earth’s magnetosphere. If the crack remains open long enough, sky watchers in northern-tier US states could see auroras tonight. Also, an amateur radio astronomer in Florida has observed a solar radio burst *at midnight.* Weird! Read all about it on today’s edition of

Geomagnetic Storm Alerts: Subscribe to our Space Weather Alert Service and you’ll receive instant text messages when geomagnetic storms are underway.

Above: Bright auroras at sunrise over Kalispell, Montana, on March 23, 2023. Credit: Philip Granrud


Possible Aurora on the 27th

Space Weather News for Feb. 25, 2023

“CHAIN REACTION” EXPLOSION: Yesterday, a magnetic filament on the sun erupted, setting off a chain reaction that included a solar flare, two types of radio blackout, and a potentially Earth-directed CME. Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible on Feb. 27th. Full story @

Above: A magnetic filaments lifts off on Feb. 24th, the first step in a chain reaction of space weather events.