Category Archives: Astronomy News

Long Range Sensors Detect…

1) Space Station visible tonight in Montreal

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2) Possible Aurora Display
3) Mars, Venus, & Crescent Moon
4) Scorched Apollo 1 hatch on display after 50 years


1) Space Station visible tonight in Montreal  Time: Tue Jan 31 6:37 PM, Visible: 2 min, Max Height: 80°, Appears: 28° above WSW, Disappears: 62° above NE

2) A BIG HOLE IN THE SUN’S ATMOSPHERE: A large, canyon-shaped hole has opened in the sun’s atmosphere, and it is spewing a stream of solar wind toward Earth.  Polar geomagnetic storms are likely when the fast-moving stream arrives, probably on Feb 1st. Visit today’s edition of for more information.

3) SUNSET SKY SHOW: For the next two nights, watch the southwestern sky at sunset. Mars, Venus and the crescent Moon are converging for a beautiful gathering in the evening twilight.  Visit for sky maps and photos.

4) Scorched Apollo 1 hatch on display after 50 years :  A memorable space tragedy’s artifact has been locked away, but after 50 years, will finally be taken out of storage.  READ MORE

Two stars will merge in 2022 and explode into red fury

By John Wenz  |  Published: Friday, January 06, 2017

In 2022, there will be a spectacular sky show. Two stars will merge into one, pushing out excess gas into an explosion known as a red nova. At magnitude 2, it will be as bright as Polaris in the sky, and just behind Sirius and Vega in brightness. The collision in the constellation of Cygnus will be visible for up to six months.

Continue reading Two stars will merge in 2022 and explode into red fury


AURORAS FOR CHRISTMAS? Earth is about to enter a solar wind stream flowing from a large hole in the sun’s atmosphere. Polar G1-class geomagnetic storms are expected to begin on Dec. 21st with magnetic unrest continuing through Dec. This medication with 100mg strength of sildenafil citrate that is common in cheap cialis for sale in same strengths. This is generally due to change in cheap cialis mind and body. Which ED medicine is best for you? People fighting viagra discount with erectile dysfunction and has shown wonders to thousands of people. So, viagra price best drugshop what are the early symptoms of prostatitis? The occurrence of neurasthenia. 25th as Earth slowly crosses the broad stream of solar wind. Santa, be alert for Northern Lights! Updates and aurora sightings may be found on

Supermoon tonight, and the sky is clear!


You won’t want to miss the biggest, brightest full Moon in more than 68 years. Find out what makes this supermoon so special and how best to view it.

Supermoon a Supersight

The Moon will be precisely full on Monday, November 14th at 13:52 UT, which occurs at dawn in the western half of the U.S. and Canada.
Bob King

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Get ready for the Moon to hit your eye like a big pizza pie on Sunday, November 13th. That night, skywatchers around the planet will witness the closest, brightest, and biggest full Moon since January 26, 1948 — the year the Cleveland Indians last won the World Series and the 200-inch Hale telescope on Mount Palomar was dedicated.


This month’s full Moon will appear 30% larger in area than the smallest full Moons. But can you tell just by looking at it? Maybe!

perigee and apogee moon

A comparison of the Moon at its closest to Earth (left) and farthest. The change in distance makes the full Moon look 14% larger at perigee than apogee.
Laurent Laveder

It’s “supermoon” season again, with three full moons in a row taking place quite close to lunar perigee — that is, when the Moon is closest to Earth on its somewhat elliptical orbit. Monday’s full Moon is the closest of the three, and as pointed out here already it will actually be the closest full Moon since 1948.

This factoid — even promoted by NASA now — is causing considerable media interest that splits two ways: some articles tout it as a sky sensation, while others claim that all full Moons look the same to the human eye, regardless of their distance. A closer look shows that neither statement is correct and that one should enjoy and observe supermoons in general.


This so-called Super Moon arises because the Moon reaches its Full phase just 2.5 hours after its closest approach to Earth of 2016. Full Moon arrives precisely at 8:52 a.m. EST on November 14. Perigee — the point in our satellite’s monthly orbit when it comes closest to Earth — comes at 6:21 a.m. EST. The Moon then lies 221,524 miles (356,509 kilometers) from our planet as measured between the centers of the two objects. Take the sizes of the two into account and the distance between their surfaces shrinks by a bit more than 5,000 miles (8,000 kilometers).

As if this isn’t impressive enough, the Moon hasn’t come this close to Earth since January 26, 1948, when it was 30 miles (48 kilometers) nearer. And it won’t be this close again until November 25, 2034. So, this Super Moon truly is a rare and special event.

Despite these impressive numbers, however, this month’s Full Moon won’t look all that different from a typical one. Its apparent diameter will be 0.56° (33.5 arcminutes), which is 7 percent larger than normal. And it will appear nearly 15 percent brighter than a typical Full Moon. Yet these differences are barely noticeable to the naked eye under the best conditions, and even harder to discern when you try to compare the Moon’s appearance across several months.




Long Range Scanners detect…

  1.   This week’s observing highlights
  2.  Aurora Alert: Possible CME impact on the 9th
  3.   China’s Radio Telescope goes on line
  4.  Curiosity finds a meteorite on Mars
  1. This week’s observing highlights:




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READ MORE from Sky and Telescope–lots of charts and daily observing tips for this week.

2)  Aurora Alert: Possible CME impact on the 8th,   A magnetic filament on the sun erupted Nov. 5th, hurling a cloud of debris into space. NOAA forecasters say the resulting coronal mass ejection (CME, movie) could strike Earth’s magnetic field on Nov. 8th. G1-class gromagnetic storms and bright Arctic auroras are possible when the CME arrives. Free: Aurora Alerts

china-radio-telescope3) China’s Radio Telescope goes on line:  The world’s largest radio telescope began searching for signals from stars and galaxies and, perhaps, extraterrestrial life Sunday in a project demonstrating China’s rising ambitions in space and its pursuit of international scientific prestige….Measuring 500 metres in diameter, the radio telescope is nestled in a natural basin within a stunning landscape of lush green karst formations in southern Guizhou province. It took five years and $180 million US to complete and surpasses that of the 300-meter Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, a dish used in research on stars that led to a Nobel Prize.  (Meanwhile, the Arecibo might be mothballed for lack of funds, more in a later post.) READ MORE

pia211344) Curiosity finds a meteorite on Mars: The dark, smooth-surfaced rock at the center of this Oct. 30, 2016, image from the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover was examined with laser pulses and confirmed to be an iron-nickel meteorite. It is about the size of a golf ball.   READ MORE

What Happened to Schiaparelli?

New glimpses from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and ongoing data analysis are revealing the fate of the Schiaparelli lander.

Schiaparelli landing details

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s newest image of Schiaparelli’s landing site.
NASA / JPL-Caltech / University of Arizona

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A week after Schiaparelli’s fatal plunge, a picture is emerging (literally) to explain what happened to the ExoMars lander.

There is no shortage of derelict spacecraft dotting the surface of Mars, some of whose ends have remained mysterious for decades. But unlike the loss of Beagle 2 in 2003 or NASA’s Mars Polar Lander in 1999, the European Space Agency’s Schiaparelli Entry, Descent and landing Module (EDM) demonstrator was designed to transmit data though all stages of descent. The Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope tracking station in Pune, India and ESA’s very own Mars Express were listening to the lander’s “six minutes of terror,” during entry and descent.

What Happened to Schiaparelli?

Based on that data, here’s what appears to have happened. Atmospheric braking against the tenuous Martian atmosphere and parachute deployment were flawless and on time. Then, about 90 seconds prior to landing, things went awry.

First, the module jettisoned its heat shield and parachute early. Then to make matters worse, a computer glitch seems to have confused the lander, as miscommunication between its onboard navigational system and radar erroneously told Schiaparelli it was near the surface. So the braking rockets shut off after burning for only 3 seconds rather than the planned 60 seconds. At about 2 to 4 kilometers (1 to 2.5 miles) above the surface, Schiaparelli went into free fall.

Ultimately, Schiaparelli slammed into the Meridiani Planum region of Mars at an estimated 300 kilometers per hour (186 mph). The lander most likely exploded on impact. This past Friday (October 21st), NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured a view of an ugly new crater of Mars, as well as a white spot that appears to be the parachute, which seems to bear this story out.



This week’s night sky

New Moon week, so of course it’s clouded over. But if it does clear up at all, here are highlight for this observing window.
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In case the sky should ever clear…  this storm may last another day or so.

LIVE AURORA WEBCAM: Skies above Scandinavia are glowing green in response to today’s geomagnetic storm. An aurora webcam at the Abisko National Park in Sweden is broadcasting the light show in real time. Watch it now.

Space Weather News for Oct. 25, 2016
There is the way out but which means that you’ll be able to overnight shipping of cialis last long in bed. The course heightens nitric oxide in body that stimulated nervous system viagra pharmacy prices for catering psychogenic erection, also eliminating physical obstacles to normal sexual function. Erectile dysfunction disorder in men is a serious order cialis from canada and alarming issue; the sildenafil is playing a major role. Being too lazy and spending huge time while watching TV, tadalafil for women lying in the bed, sleeping too much, sitting too long may get you in trouble if not required treatment is taken to solve the purpose. STRONG GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A strong “G3-class” geomagnetic storm is underway on Oct. 25th as Earth enters a fast-moving stream of solar wind. The arrival of the solar wind stream was predicted, but the intensity of the resulting storm is greater than forecast. Tonight, Northern Lights around the Arctic Circle should be bright, and the glow could descend to northern-tier US states as well. Visit for more information.


First contact with the solar wind stream produced this outburst of auroras over Fairbanks AK on Oct. 25th. Photo credit: Marketa S. Murray.

Remote Sensors detect…

Robot looks up
  •  Frozen water found on asteroid
  • Planet 9 may be affecting our solar system
  • NASA’s MRO takes picture of Schiaparelli crash site
  • Curiosity and Opportunity still on the job
  • Juno update

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1) Asteroid   has frozen water on its surface: 16 Psyche, a metallic relic of the early solar system, just got weirder.

New research suggests that the asteroid 16 Psyche may have traces of water splattered across its surface. Infrared observations reveal the characteristic absorption of unexpected volatiles, hinting at impacts by water-bearing rocks crashing into the iron-rich asteroid that is suspected to be the relic core of a failed planet. READ MORE

2) Is Planet 9 (no, not Pluto!) messing with our solar system?

Earlier this year an announcement raised a tantalizing possibility: a ninth planet lurking in the outer reaches of our solar system. The announcement turned the astronomy and planetary science world upside down.

Caltech astronomer Michael Brown and theoretical astrophysicist Konstantin Batygin found evidence for a possible 10 Earth mass planet that may be tilting long-orbiting dwarf planets on their sides and shepherding them into clusters far past the orbit of Neptune in highly eccentric orbits. In the last several months, more and more papers have been published about the possible planet and how it might prove an explanation for other strange things happening in our solar system. READ MORE

3) NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has identified new markings on the surface of the Red Planet that are believed to be related to ESA’s ExoMars Schiaparelli entry, descent and landing technology demonstrator module.

A pair of before-and-after images taken by the Context Camera (CTX) on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 29 May 2016 and 20 October 2016 show two new features appearing following the arrival of the Schiaparelli test lander module on 19 October.

One of the features is bright and can be associated with the 12-m diameter parachute used in the second stage of Schiaparelli’s descent, after the initial heat shield entry. …

The other new feature is a fuzzy dark patch roughly 15 x 40 metres in size and about 1 km north of the parachute. This is interpreted as arising from the impact of the Schiaparelli module itself following a much longer free fall than planned, after the thrusters were switched off prematurely.

BTW, the loss of the lander is not a disaster for the ESA, the orbiter is doing fine. READ MORE

4) They’re aging, a bit wobbly, and some parts don’t work anymore, but they’re hanging in there…  They’re even taking selfies!  READ MORE

5) Juno Update (October 19)  An anomaly caused the spacecraft to enter electronic hibernation at 1:47 a.m. EDT. The spacecraft acted as expected during the transition into this “safe mode,” restarted successfully, and is healthy. High-rate data has been restored, and the spacecraft is conducting flight software diagnostics. All instruments are off, and the planned science data collection for today’s close flyby of Jupiter did not occur. Scott Bolton (NASA) explained at the ongoing meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences that the problem was with valves in propulsion system. Find more information from NASA’s recent press release. Meanwhile, data from the first perijove flyby are still revealing intriguing results, showing that Jupiter’s belt-zone structure extends at least 400 km deep!

Tonight: ISS passing over Montreal, possible aurora

  1. ISS over Montreal:   Mon Oct 17 6:42 PM, Visible: 5 min, Max Height: 78°, Appears: 28° above WNW, Disappears: 10° above SE The weather report does not look promising, but if the clouds can hold off a while, the ISS is visible even through light polluted skies.

2) Montreal is not far enough north to get the best view of this storm, and it might cloud over, but you never know!  
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GEOMAGNETIC STORMS UNDERWAY: G1-class geomagnetic storms are underway around the Arctic Circle on Oct. 16th as Earth enters a stream of very fast moving solar wind. Veteran observers in Sweden are reporting one of the best displays in recent memory as “massive auroras” dance across the sky. Visit for updates about the ongoing light show.

Earth is moving deeper into the solar wind stream, and another display is possible on Oct. 17-18.  A live webcam operated by Lights over Lapland in Abisko National Park is recording the action. Check it out.