Category Archives: Astronomy News

International Space Station

If you have not yet seen the Space Station, it is over Montreal a few days this week.

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Time: Wed Aug 10 9:11 PM, Visible: 4 min, Max Height: 61°, Appears: 33° above NW, Disappears: 15° above ESE


 The body of China’s experimental Long March 7 rocket re-entered Earth’s atmosphere on Wednesday night, July 27th, around 9:38 p.m. Pacific Time, creating a bright fireball over the western USA. The glowing trail was spotted in Utah, Nevada and much of California.

Ron Sappington photographed the breakup over Santa Clara, Utah

The re-entry signaled the Long March 7’s return from one month in space. Benefits of Buy Kamagra Online in discount cialis UK you should visit have become most trusted and recommended medicine by the doctor for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. online prescription for viagra One of the most suitable versions is known by the name of impotence. Welcome to the new business world of fast companies, purchase cheap levitra go to these guys nanotechnology, zero time and E-commerce. Their business partners are offered with a rich sales volume resulting decreased service costs for them; therefore they can sell their medicines online. cialis 40 mg It began its mission on June 25, 2016, in a night launch from the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center on Hainan Island off China’s southern coast. The flight tested new technologies essential to China’s developing space program. The Long March 7 is expected to play a key role in the construction of a Chinese space station planned for the decades ahead. [video]

Mars 2020 Rover Construction Moves Ahead

This rover will have microphones–something that many have been waiting for a long time.

This article has a great diagram of the instruments on board.  READ MORE.

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Observing tips: Look west 30 to 60 minutes after sunset when the sun has dipped ~10 degrees below the horizon. If you see luminous blue-white tendrils spreading across the sky, you may have spotted a noctilucent cloud.

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS INVADE THE USA: Summer is the season for noctilucent clouds. For sky watchers in the United States, “noctilucent summer” has just begun. On July 14th, a bright bank of electric-blue clouds rippled over the Canadian border into the USA. Greg Johnson of Seattle, Washington, photographed the display over the Puget Sound:

Dustin Guy of Seattle saw them too. “I witnessed the most vibrant NLC display that I’ve seen in a number of years,” he says. “They lit up the water of Lake Washington at 330 AM local time.”

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In the 19th century, you had to travel near Arctic latitudes to see these clouds. In recent years, however, they have been sighted as far south as Colorado and Kansas. The spread could be a result of climate change. July is usually the best month for NLCs. Sky watchers in the northern half of the USA should be alert for them for the next two weeks.

Observing tips: Look west 30 to 60 minutes after sunset when the sun has dipped ~10 degrees below the horizon. If you see luminous blue-white tendrils spreading across the sky, you may have spotted a noctilucent cloud.

Kuiper Belt’s Big, New, Far-Out Object

From Sky and Telescope

First spied last year, an object designated 2015 RR245 turns out to be one of the largest and most distant objects yet found orbiting the Sun.

2015 RR245's discovery images

Three images, taken about 1 hour apart with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on September 9, 2015, reveal the existence of 2015 RR245 (the moving dot at right edge). At the time it was 22nd magnitude and drifting westward in southeastern Pisces.
OSSOS team

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Planetary astronomers have been busy of late. The IAU’s Minor Planet Center has tallied 1,491 objects in orbits more distant than Neptune (“transneptunians”) and another 501 in the outer solar system that occupy odd, usually quite elliptical orbits (“Centaurs” and “scattered-disk objects”). On average, one more gets added to the list about every 5 days.

But a distant discovery announced two days ago has created heightened interest among Kuiper Belt cognoscenti. Designated 2015 RR245, it’s some 64 astronomical units (9½ billion km) from the Sun, more than twice Neptune’s distance. And despite appearing just 22nd magnitude, it could be as large as 700 km (450 miles) across.

Dwarf Planet or Not?

Orbit of 2015 RR245

Observers calculate that Kuiper Belt object 2015 RR245 has an elliptical path that takes 733 years to go around the Sun and carries it from near Neptune’s orbit out to 129 astronomical units.
Alex Parker / OSSOS team


Astronomers snap a picture of a head-scratching planet in a triple-star system

From Astronomy Magazine
HD 131399Ab is relatively young and farther from its parent star than any confirmed planet in our solar system.

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The image of the HD 131399 system, with primary star A toward the top, the planet in the middle, and stars B and C in the lower right. The images were taken by the SPHERE instrument at ESO’s Very Large Telescope. ESO/K. Wagner et al.

There are plenty of weird planets in the Milky Way, but HD 131399Ab may be one of the weirdest.

Discovered in a survey of 100 young stars, the 16 million-year-old planet still glows hot enough for astronomers to image it directly. Somehow in those short few million years, it migrated out 80 astronomical units (AU; one AU is the average Earth-Sun distance) from its parent star.

But also accompanying the parent star, which is a little bit bigger than the Sun, are two companion stars in orbit around each other at a distance of 300 to 400 AU.

“In this case, this planet is much closer to the other stars in the system than any known exoplanets in a multi-star system,” says Kevin Robert Wagner, a graduate student at the University of Arizona and lead author of the discovery paper, published today in Science.


Sunspots and Aurora Watch

From Space

AURORA WATCH: A solar wind stream is expected to hit Earth late on July 19th, and this could spark G1-class geomagnetic storms around the poles. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras, especially in the southern hemisphere where dark winter skies favour visibility of faint lights. [aurora gallery]

BIG SUNSPOTS: Solar activity has been low for months. This could soon change. Two big sunspot groups are directly facing Earth, and one of them has an unstable magnetic field that poses a threat for M-class solar flares. Bill Hrudey photographed the active regions on July 16th from Cayman islands:

“Sunspots AR2567 & AR2565 are great imaging targets surrounded by many granules,” says Hrudey.

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As if granules weren’t big enough, the primary dark cores of these sunspots are twice as wide as the entire Earth. Great targets indeed. If you have a solar telescope, take a look.


A New Look at the Crab Nebula

From Sky and Telescope

A new Hubble Space Telescope image shows the very heart of the Crab Nebula, one of the most studied supernova remnants.

This image shows the very heart of the Crab Nebula including the central neutron star — it is the rightmost of the two bright stars near the center-right of this image. The rapid motion of the material nearest to the central star is revealed by the subtle rainbow of colors in this time-lapse image, the rainbow effect being due to the movement of material over the time between one image and another. NASA, ESA

This image shows the very heart of the Crab Nebula including the central neutron star — it is the rightmost of the two bright stars near the center-right of this image.
The rapid motion of the material nearest to the central star is revealed by the subtle rainbow of colors in this time-lapse image, the rainbow effect being due to the movement of material over the time between one image and another.

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In A.D. 1054, Chinese and Japanese astronomers first observed a new star in the sky. Second only to the moon in brightness, the new object turned out to be the Crab Nebula. The Crab Nebula, a supernova remnant, has been well-studied over the years and is one of the most recognizable deep-sky objects.

But thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope’s sharp eye, we can look at the supernova remnant in a way never before seen. Technicians combined three high-resolution HST images that used two different kinds of filters (606nm and 550nm) and were taken about ten years apart.

Many popular images of this object highlight the dazzling filaments in the outer regions, but this new look shows just the inner part of the nebula, revealing what’s left of the original star. This mysterious object is known as a neutron star. Made entirely of neutrons (hence the name), it has the same mass as the Sun. Yet all of that mass is compressed into a sphere only a few tens of kilometers across. A neutron star is so dense that single teaspoon of its matter would weigh as much as a mountain!

Hubble also captured the complex details of the ionized gas, shown in red, that form an intricate mélange of cavities and filaments around the edges of this image. A ghostly blue glow surrounds the spinning neutron star — which rotates approximately 30 times per second — deep within the shell of ionized gas. The subtle rainbow effect seen in this composite image is due to the rapid motion of the material nearest the star in the time-lapse between one image and another.

The Crab Nebula lies 6,500 light-years away in the Taurus constellation. Its long observation history has made it a valuable object to study supernova remnants and has enabled astronomers to probe the lives and deaths of stars.

The world’s largest radio telescope has just been completed

From Astronomy Magazine:

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China’s 30-soccer-field-wide radio telescope will start the hunt for extraterrestrials.
The world’s largest radio telescope, FAST

E.T. may be easier to find now that China has just finished installation of the 4,450 triangular panels on the world’s largest radio telescope, the Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST). The telescope was finished nearly three months ahead of schedule, with the original ETA in September. With its enormous size of 30 soccer fields, FAST has taken nearly five years and $180 million to build.

So how big is it? One of the scientists that worked on building FAST told Xinhua that if the dish were to be completely filled with wine, there would be enough to give five bottles to all seven billion people on Earth.


Driving records on Mars

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The rovers just keep roving.
The Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, had a planned mission lifetime of 90 sols (martian days). Spirit sent its last communication on sol 2,210, and Opportunity continues trekking at well over 4,000 sols.