Category Archives: Astronomy News

Long Range Sensors Detect…

What to look for in the night sky this week–if it ever stops raining.

Juno successfully enters orbit around Jupiter
After a 35 minute burn, the craft is now the second to orbit Jupiter.

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Exoplanet Found in Triple Star System

Astronomers have discovered a giant planet with an exceptionally wide orbit in a young system of three suns.

Hubble gets five more years to dazzle us
NASA has renewed the Hubble Space Telescope’s operational contract until 2021. Here’s a timeline of its last 26 years.

JupiterHubble captures vivid aurorae in Jupiter’s atmosphere

This observation program is supported by measurements made by NASA’s Juno spacecraft, currently on its way to Jupiter.


From today’s Gazette, apparently originally from the Washington Post.

This is scary news. Eyesight is not something to risk,  however lofty the goal.

NASA Astronaut John Phillips began experiencing eye problems during ISS Expedition 11 in 2005.

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In 2005, astronaut John Phillips took a break from his work on the International Space Station and looked out the window at Earth. He was about halfway through a mission that had begun in April and would end in October. When he gazed down at the planet, the Earth was blurry. He couldn’t focus on it clearly. That was strange — he’d always had 20/20 vision. He wondered: was his eyesight getting worse? “I’m not sure if I reported that to the ground,” he said. “I think I didn’t. I thought it would be something that would just go away, and fix itself when I got to Earth.” It didn’t go away. During Phillips’ post-flight physical, NASA found that his vision had gone from 20/20 to 20/100 in six months. Phillips got MRIs, retinal scans, neurological tests, and a lumbar puncture. The tests showed that not only had his vision changed, but his eyes had changed as well. The back of his eye had got flatter, pushing his retina forward. He had choroidal folds, which are like stretch marks on the back of the eye. His optic nerve was inflamed. Phillips became the first widely recognized case of a mysterious syndrome that affects 80 per cent of astronauts on long duration missions in space.


Visual Impairment Intracranial Pressure syndrome (VIIP) is named for the leading theory to explain it. On Earth, gravity pulls bodily fluids down toward the feet. That doesn’t happen in space, and it’s thought that extra fluid in the skull increases pressure on the brain and the back of the eye. At first, NASA thought that Phillips was an isolated case. But then researchers found evidence of VIIP in other astronauts. VIIP has now been recognized as a widespread problem, and there has been a struggle not only to understand its cause, but to study it at all. The theory that fluid builds up in the skull during space flight hasn’t actually been tested. The only proven methods of measuring intracranial pressure are invasive: a lumbar puncture or drilling a hole into the skull. “There’s the risk for infection and just doing the procedure, quite frankly, in space is difficult,” said J.D. Polk, a senior flight surgeon at NASA. “Having to anchor somebody and do a spinal tap in space is not something we would relish.”


Michael Barratt, the former head of NASA’s Human Research program and space medicine specialist, is arguing for a radical approach to the problem. Barratt is also an astronaut. While he was on a six-month mission on the space station in 2009, he noticed his vision getting worse. He and a crewmate, Bob Thirsk, were both medically trained, and they decided to do something about it. “We’re thinking to ourselves, are we not physicians?” Barratt said. “So we did ophthalmoscopic exams on one another.” They both found hints of a swollen optic nerve. After NASA sent up more imaging equipment, they discovered the classic VIIP syndrome in one another: the flattening of the eye shape and optic disc edema. Barratt thinks solving the puzzle of VIIP is going to take testing intracranial pressure in space, even if that means an invasive procedure. One option is an intracranial probe that would be surgically implanted months before flight and allow pressure to be measured at different points during space flight. “This is one of those times I think aggressive science is extremely warranted,” Barratt said.


Before a human trip to Mars, which NASA says it wants to achieve by the 2030s, researchers agree that VIIP needs to be understood much better. Mars is a six- to nine-month journey away. VIIP could be the first sign of greater dangers to the human body from microgravity. Richard Williams, the chief health and medical officer at NASA, agrees that what we don’t know about VIIP still poses the biggest threat. Ironically, one of the only ways to get more knowledge is to spend more time in microgravity. “The longer we stay in space, the more we’re going to learn,” Williams said.

Long Range Sensors detect…

Summer of Mars: View 20 articles about Mars, the missions, the robots, toxic salts, strange ripples, its moons, and much more!

Astronomers watched a black hole gobble a star in unprecedented detail

Nine NASA missions received extensions this week, including the two in the headline: “New Horizons Receives Mission Extension to Kuiper Belt, Dawn to Remain at Ceres”.
New dark spots appear on Neptune’s cloud layers

First Chiral Molecule Discovered in Space: The discovery of a chiral molecule in space has the potential to sort out one of the biggest mysteries in the chemistry of life.

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This is cool–usually we see the 4 moons in a horizontal line, but Juno is approaching at a different angle.


We are Not alone!

Astronomers have discovered an asteroid that shares our orbit.

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A small asteroid has been discovered in an orbit around the sun that keeps it as a constant companion of Earth, and it will remain so for centuries to come. Full story at

Long Range sensors detect…Martian Volcanoes

Ancient volcanoes on Mars burned very, very hot

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Curiosity has discovered a mineral that indicates high-temperature volcanism occurred on the Red Planet.

Southward-looking view of Gale Crater, the landing and investigation site for NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity Rover) NASA/JPL-Caltech

Mars’ past may have seen a lot of very high-temperature volcanism. Similar to the Mount Helen’s eruption of 1980, Mars’ volcanoes would have an abundance of high-temperature and high-silica magma that erupted and then formed newly discovered minerals found in Gale crater.


Musk: We intend to launch people to Mars in 2024

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SpaceX and Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk will send a mission to Mars without people on it — on the Flying Dragon version 2 rocket — starting in 2018 and launch a rocket headed there every 26 months.

“It is intended to carry astronauts to the International Space Station,” said Musk at the Code Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif. on Wednesday night. “But we are going to send one to Mars in 2018.”

Listen to interview  & read article




startrek_1True Science behind the Starship Voyages By Andrew Fazekas, with a foreword by William Shatner.

Some of you may remember when the Klingons took over the planetarium to learn the proper names and locations of the stars in the Star Trek Universe.  It was so successful, there was a repeat performance the following year, in conjunction with Con*Cept.  That was many years ago, and very early in TNG series.

Andrew Fazekas with his advance copy

Now, Andrew Fazekas, one of my friends from the RASC, Montreal Centre, has written an official guide to the Trek universe and had it published by National Geographic.  It becomes available June 7th, and can be pre-ordered from Chapters/Indigo online, for 21,95$.  I’m looking forward to reading it!




Long Range Sensors Detect…

  • Atomic oxygen in martian atmosphere
  • SpaceX pulled off its hardest sea landing yet
  • New insights on Enceladus’ geysers
  • Resurgence of the Brightest Supernova

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Atomic oxygen in martian atmosphere: An instrument onboard the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) detected atomic oxygen in the atmosphere of Mars for the first time in 40 years. These atoms were found in the upper layers of the martian atmosphere known as the mesosphere. READ MORE

SpaceX pulled off its hardest sea landing yet:  SpaceX had its second successful at-sea return of a first stage rocket, bringing a Falcon 9 back down from orbit. But the feat was even harder than last month’s successful return: the rocket came down at 4,400 miles per hour.  READ MORE

New insights on Enceladus’ geysers: The Cassini spacecraft viewed a bright star passing behind a plume of gas and dust spewing from Saturn’s moon Enceladus. The Saturn-orbiting Cassini probe, using its Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS), was able to measure the amount of water vapor erupting from Enceladus, offering new insights on geologic activity beneath the moon’s surface READ MORE

Resurgence of the Brightest Supernova: In 2015 ASASSN-15lh gained fame as the most luminous supernova ever discovered. Almost a year later and against all odds, the supernova has rebrightened.  READ MORE



Our sensors have detected…

  • Changes in Earth’s magnetic field
  • Noctilucent clouds
  • Upcoming movies to watch for

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  • Changes in Earth’s magnetic field: Anyone watching a compass needle point steadily north might suppose that Earth’s magnetic field is a constant. It’s not. Researchers have long known that changes are afoot. The north magnetic pole routinely moves, as much as 40 km/yr, causing compass needles to drift over time. Moreover, the global magnetic field has weakened 10% since the 19th century.

    A new study by the European Space Agency’s constellation of Swarm satellites reveals that changes may be happening even faster than previously thought. In this map, blue depicts where Earth’s magnetic field is weak and red shows regions where it is strong… Read more  Clicking on the graphic will open a sequence showing the changes over the years.

  • Noctilucent clouds: NLCs are Earth’s highest clouds. Seeded by meteoroids, they float at the edge of space more than 80 km above the planet’s surface. The clouds are very cold and filled with tiny ice crystals that glow electric-blue when they catch the rays of the setting sun.   Normally, we don’t see them until late May, early June, but one observer believes he has seen the first ones already. Read more and view the photo from Space Weather. 
  • Upcoming movies to watch for: ( From File 770.)Hampus Eckerman recommends keeping an eye open for a chance to see these three movies.

    A group of online gamers are invited to try a state-of-the-art virtual reality video game but things take a turn for the sinister when these masters of the shoot ’em up discover they will literally be fighting for their lives.

    NEUROO-X, a German-Swiss-Chinese entertainment company group, stands for games that dissolve the boundary between reality and gaming). A new gadget, the myth-enshrouded RED BOOK, offers the ultimate gaming experience. The most secret longings of gamers are scanned by the engine and transformed into fantastic adventures. The conspiracy psychoses of users are the raw material for the storytelling of NEUROO-X. Marcus, Chief Development Manager of NEUROO-X dies shortly before completion of the RED BOOK. His lover Ryuko finds out that something terrible happened during testing of the game in China, and the deeper she submerges into the secret of NEUROO-X, the more she loses touch with reality. She neglects her son Walter, who logs into the game and disappears into the digital parallel world. The more Ryuko fights the corporation in order to rescue her son, the more she updates the narrative desired by NEUROO-X. Ryuko finds herself in a world full of demons, witches, knights and terrorists.


    Three ordinary guys are thrust into a parallel world of an old Sci-Fi movie. Trapped in a low budget universe they must somehow fight their way home before it is too late.


NASA’s Kepler Mission Announces Largest Collection of Planets Ever Discovered

NASA’s Kepler mission has verified 1,284 new planets – the single largest finding of planets to date. READ ORIGINAL  DOCUMENT

“This announcement more than doubles the number of confirmed planets from Kepler,” said Ellen Stofan, chief scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “This gives us hope that somewhere out there, around a star much like ours, we can eventually discover another Earth.”  ……

…Thanks to Kepler and the research community, we now know there could be more planets than stars,” said Paul Hertz, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters. “…

…In the newly-validated batch of planets, nearly 550 could be rocky planets like Earth, based on their size. Nine of these orbit in their sun’s habitable zone, which is the distance from a star where orbiting planets can have surface temperatures that allow liquid water to pool. With the addition of these nine, 21 exoplanets now are known to be members of this exclusive group. …

Continue reading NASA’s Kepler Mission Announces Largest Collection of Planets Ever Discovered