Category Archives: Astronomy News

Pluto and Charon

The New Horizons spacecraft captured Pluto rotating over the course of a full “Pluto day.

In July 2015, the cameras on NASA's New Horizons spacecraft captured Pluto rotating over the course of a full "Pluto day." The best available images of each side of Pluto taken during approach have been combined to create this view of a full rotation. NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute
In July 2015, the cameras on NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft captured Pluto rotating over the course of a full “Pluto day.” The best available images of each side of Pluto taken during approach have been combined to create this view of a full rotation.
NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute
In July 2015, New Horizons captured images of the largest of Pluto's five moons, Charon, rotating over the course of a full day. The best currently available images of each side of Charon taken during approach have been combined to create this view of a full rotation of the moon. NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute
In July 2015, New Horizons captured images of the largest of Pluto’s five moons, Charon, rotating over the course of a full day. The best currently available images of each side of Charon taken during approach have been combined to create this view of a full rotation of the moon.
NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute

On approach in July 2015, the cameras on NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft captured Pluto rotating over the course of a full “Pluto day.” The best available images of each side of Pluto taken during approach have been combined to create this view of a full rotation. levitra on line It is finished, supplied you’re wholly healthy to explain a abortion. The effect lasts for up to cheapest levitra 36 hours. Here for the person to avoid sildenafil uk erectile dysfunction are mentioned below. These accessory can add female viagra pills on to the consumers.

In July 2015, New Horizons captured images of the largest of Pluto’s five moons, Charon, rotating over the course of a full day. The best currently available images of each side of Charon taken during approach have been combined to create this view of a full rotation of the moon.

Looking Up!

dragon reads ebook final mergedSky events for December 2015

RASCal Geoff Gaherty posts an excellent blog for sky events. He tends to concentrate on the moon, planets, and brightest stars, so it’s great for urban star gazers armed with digital devices. You might want to bookmark the site and return to it when the mood grabs you.

On the 3rd of December, Japan’s Hayabasa 2 spacecraft, on a six year mission to catch and sample an asteroid, will fly past Earth. Earth’s gravity will slingshot the spacecraft toward its target, 162173 Ryugu, which Hayabasa 2 is expected to reach in July 2018. This animation from JAXA (the Japanese space agency) previews the flyby. READ MORE:

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You will not want to miss the Geminid meteor shower, which always puts on a good show.   The peak nights are expected to be on December 13-14 (night of December 13 till dawn December 14) and 14-15 (night of December 14 till dawn December 15).

In this diagram of the inner solar system, all of The fireball orbits intersect at a single point–Earth. The orbits are color-coded by velocity, from slow (red) to fast (blue). Click for larger view

Every night, a network of NASA all-sky cameras scans the skies above the United States for meteoritic fireballs. On Dec. 2, 2015, the network reported 27 fireballs. Automated software maintained by NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office calculates their orbits, velocity, penetration depth in Earth’s atmosphere and many other characteristics. Daily results are presented on

How to choose your first telescope

You’ll get lots of hype when trying to pick a telescope. But by knowing just a few basics, described here, you’ll be able to choose the one that’s right for your observing interests, lifestyle, and budget.

A quick guide to types of telescopes

With a little guidance, you can pick a high-quality telescope that can last a lifetime.

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S&T: Craig Michael Utter

Here’s a quick guide to help you make sense of all the types of telescope models available today. Armed with these few basics, you’ll have a good idea what to look for (and what to avoid) when scouring the marketplace for your new scope.If you still have questions or need more details, check out these additional resources:

Many (arguably most) good starter scopes cost $400 or more, though some superb choices are available for under $250. But read this article first, so you’ll understand the terminology and what type of telescope will be best for you.

Read more:

Time Travel: Science Fiction & Reality

Robot and worm holeFrom, one of the best articles I’ve seen on time travel. Nice use of the TARDIS, too!

Do take a few side trips on those links, very worthwhile reading.  This one, for instance:

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Auroras, Taurids, Space Debris

Robot looks upFire in the sky!

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WARNING: A high-speed stream of solar wind is about to hit Earth’s magnetic field, prompting NOAA forecasters to estimate an 85% to 90% chance of geomagnetic storms on Nov. 2-3. This is the same 800 km/s stream that lashed Earth’s magnetic field in early October, sparking strong geomagnetic storms and bright auroras over northern-tier US states. Visit for more information and updates.

TAURID FIREBALLS: The annual Taurid meteor shower is underway and it is lighting up the midnight sky with bright fireballs. Taurid meteoroids are gravelly pieces of debris from Comet Encke that strike our planet’s atmosphere at 70,000 mph. They pose no danger to people on the ground as they disintegrate entirely high above Earth’s surface every few hours. If forecasters are correct, the display could continue until Nov. 10th. Tune into Space Weather Radio for live radar echoes.

From  ASY_SpaceDebrisMILLIONS OF BITS OF SPACE JUNK — leftover fragments from spacecraft and related debris — orbit Earth, and the majority of these will eventually fall into Earth’s atmosphere and incinerate. Astronomers believe they have recently observed one of these pieces and, for the first time, they can predict when and where it will enter the atmosphere. Such forecasts could allow scientists the opportunity to observe these events to better understand what happens when space debris — manmade or natural — comes in contact with the atmosphere and determine which objects might be hazardous to humans.

“Artificial objects can have a coat of paint on their surfaces, and oftentimes that paint has titanium oxide in it. This does not occur naturally, so if the object’s spectrum indicates the presence of titanium oxide, we can know it’s definitively artificial.”

The Catalina Sky Survey (CSS), a project based near Tucson that searches the sky for comets and asteroids, particularly those that could potentially impact Earth, detected the object on October 3. Soon after this discovery, astronomers realized that the CSS had also imaged the object in 2013. Comparing the two observations allowed the scientists to determine its orbit, which looked much more like that of typical space junk than a natural body. They also concluded that it would enter Earth’s atmosphere on November 13 over the Indian Ocean, in the vicinity of Sri Lanka.

Continue reading Auroras, Taurids, Space Debris

Looking Up! (Post Script)

Space Weather News for Oct. 24, 2015

3 planets
The morning planet show is a worldwide event. Pictured above is the view from Yading, China (credit: Jeff Dai).

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MORNING SKY SHOW:  Set your alarm for dawn. Venus, Jupiter and Mars are gathering for a three-way close encounter in the early morning sky. Sky maps and observing tips are available on today’s edition of

From Oct. 25th to Oct. 29th Venus, Jupiter and Mars will fit together inside a circle only 5o wide (sky maps: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5). Super-bright Venus and Jupiter are visible even after the black pre-dawn sky turns cobalt blue. Once you find them, you will have little trouble locating the dimmer red planet Mars.

Looking Up!

Robot looks upAn Exceptional Solar Flare:  Typical solar flares are finished in a matter of minutes. On Oct. 22nd, a solar flare in the magnetic canopy of sunspot AR2434 lasted for more than 3 hours. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the eruption.

The CME is not heading directly for Earth. Nevertheless, it does have an Earth-directed component. NOAA forecast models suggest that the cloud will deliver a glancing blow to our planet’s magnetic field on Oct. 25th. There is a 50% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms when it arrives, so watch for potential auroras on the weekend.  More information, including video of the flare:

Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that can come closer to Earth than 0.05 AU. None of the known PHAs is on a collision course with our planet, although astronomers are finding new ones all the time. On October 23, 2015 there were 1630 potentially hazardous asteroids.

The Moon is at perigee, Monday, October 26, 9 a.m. EDT.  The Moon will be at its closest to the Earth this month. Expect high tides for the next four days.  Full moon, Tuesday, October 27, 8:05 a.m. EDT. The October Full Moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon.  Thursday, October 29, 8:30 p.m, the Moon passes close to Aldebaran, the eye of the bull, Taurus.

Urthecast and NASA bring you live, high definition video from the ISS. Perched 250 miles (400 km) above Earth’s surface are four high-definition cameras that capture video of our planet from four unique angles. You’ll see storms swirl over the oceans, watch the sun rise and set 16 times a day, and experience the blue marble as it rolls beneath the ISS.  

You have to be patient–bookmark the site and check in often because when the ISS is on the night side, the screen of course is black. That’s a good time to view the gallery.

A Comet, an Asteroid, and a KBO

The ESA’s Rosetta and Philae observe a comet
The ESA’s Rosetta has been sending home images of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, AKA the Rubber Ducky. The odd shape of the comet was quite a surprise to scientists, and a hurdle for the landing of Philae.

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Rosetta_s_comet_node_full_image_2“By using high-resolution images taken between 6 August 2014 and 17 March 2015 to study the layers of material seen all over the nucleus, they have shown that the shape arose from a low-speed collision between two fully fledged, separately formed comets. “

READ More about the shaping of the Rubber Ducky
Approaching_perihelion_AnimationAt perihelion, it is estimated that Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, was spewing out up to 300 kg of water vapour & 1000 kg of dust per second.
READ More about Rosetta at  perihelion
 NASA’s Dawn reveals more about our largest asteroid, Ceres.
Click to view larger image.
New Horizons to image a KBO  (Maybe)
The next  flyby will explore an ancient, intermediate-size Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) called 2014 MU69


“This flyby is contingent on NASA approving and funding a 4-year extension to the New Horizons mission — a decision planned for late summer 2016 (about when the last of our Pluto data reaches Earth)”

READ More about this mission’s goals

New images of Pluto’s Moon, Charon

A fresh batch of high-resolution images from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft shows that Charon, Pluto’s largest moon, has endured a lot.

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Charon-Neutral-Bright-Release“It looks like the entire crust of Charon has been split open,” observes John Spencer (Southwest Research Institute), who serves as deputy lead for the mission’s geology, geophysics and imaging team. Such wholesale extension might have occurred, the New Horizons team speculates, if Charon once had an interior ocean of water that expanded as it froze long ago. The overlying crust would have cracked wide open to accommodate the increased volume.

Mars, Attainable Goal?

From the Planetary Society,

report-dlWe’ve released a report—written for anyone to read— which highlights the major points of discussion from our workshop, and includes details on the orbit-first plan and its potential for science, public outreach, and affordability. You can download, read, and share it for free.

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And by now, you must have heard of the movie, unless you have been living under a rock. It’s making waves, not only for the quality of the movie, but also for the astronomical correctness. Even Astronomy Magazine carried an article about it, calling it “a love letter to science.”