NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS ARE BACK: Last night, bright clouds of frosted meteor smoke drifted over Europe, signalling the start of the summer season for noctilucent clouds. The electric-blue forms were sighted in at least 7 countries, a number that could grow in the nights ahead as the clouds continue to spill across the Arctic Circle. Full story @
Solar Flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong flares are underway. Above: Noctilucent clouds (NLCs) over Denmark on June 5, 2023. Photo credit: Valther Jørgensen
GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: Earth’s magnetic field is reverberating from an unexpected CME impact on May 6th, which sparked a G2-class geomagnetic storm. Another CME is following close on its heels. A second impact expected on May 7th or 8th could bring renewed geomagnetic storming with auroras across parts of Europe, Canada, and northern-tier US States. Full story @
CME alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when CMEs strike Earth. Above: Auroras over Gayford Pond (near Calgary, Alberta) following a CME strike on May 6th. Credit: Harlan Thomas
LOW LATITUDE AURORAS: Last night during a severe geomagnetic storm, auroras spilled out of the Arctic Circle and descended almost all the way to Mexico. Reports of red lights in the sky are pouring in from the entire southern tier of US states including California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Arkansas. Photos and movies @
Did you miss the storm? Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when geomagnetic storms erupt.
You don’t usually see the Northern Lights in southern Ontario, but Londoners got a treat from Mother Nature on Thursday, when the spectacular Aurora Borealis could be seen in the night sky.
Space Weather News for March 23, 2023 https://www.spaceweatheralerts.comSTRONG GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A strong geomagnetic storm is in progress on March 23rd as solar wind flows through a crack in Earth’s magnetosphere. If the crack remains open long enough, sky watchers in northern-tier US states could see auroras tonight. Also, an amateur radio astronomer in Florida has observed a solar radio burst *at midnight.* Weird! Read all about it on today’s edition of Storm Alerts: Subscribe to our Space Weather Alert Service and you’ll receive instant text messages when geomagnetic storms are underway. Above: Bright auroras at sunrise over Kalispell, Montana, on March 23, 2023. Credit: Philip Granrud
STRONG GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A strong geomagnetic storm is in progress on March 23rd as solar wind flows through a crack in Earth’s magnetosphere. If the crack remains open long enough, sky watchers in northern-tier US states could see auroras tonight. Also, an amateur radio astronomer in Florida has observed a solar radio burst *at midnight.* Weird! Read all about it on today’s edition of
Geomagnetic Storm Alerts: Subscribe to our Space Weather Alert Service and you’ll receive instant text messages when geomagnetic storms are underway.
Above: Bright auroras at sunrise over Kalispell, Montana, on March 23, 2023. Credit: Philip Granrud
“CHAIN REACTION” EXPLOSION: Yesterday, a magnetic filament on the sun erupted, setting off a chain reaction that included a solar flare, two types of radio blackout, and a potentially Earth-directed CME. Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible on Feb. 27th. Full story @
Above: A magnetic filaments lifts off on Feb. 24th, the first step in a chain reaction of space weather events.
Space Weather News for Jan. 30, 2023 https://www.spaceweatheralerts.comA LARGE COMET IS STREAKING TOWARD THE SUN: This is no ordinary flyby. Comet 96P/Machholz is streaking toward the sun for a close encounter deep inside the orbit of Mercury. 96P is unlike any other comet in the solar system, and surprises are possible when it feels the heat. Full story @
Above: A SOHO coronagraph image of Comet 96P/Machholz approaching the sun
THE SUN JUST BROKE A COMET’S TAIL: Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3) is approaching Earth and giving astronomers a better look at its tail. Surprise: It’s broken. A ‘disconnection event’ is in progress, probably caused by a CME hitting the comet. More of these events are likely to be seen as the comet approaches Earth for a close encounter on Feb. 1st. Full story @
Instant X-flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway. Above: A disconnection event in the tail of Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3) on Jan. 17th. Credit: Michael Jaeger
ANOTHER X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Earth-orbiting satellites detected another X-class solar flare today–the second in less than a week and a possible harbinger of more to come. There are now two large, unstable sunspots capable of producing these strong explosions, and both are turning toward Earth. Full story and forecasts @
Instant X-flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway. Above: An X1.9-class solar flare on Jan. 9, 2023, recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.
On the 4th of January there was a Class X explosion on the farside of the sun. Now it is turning toward Earth, and has already caused shortwave radio blackouts. We might see some Aurora activity. CPL
X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: A large and potentially dangerous sunspot is turning toward Earth. This morning (Jan. 6th at 0057 UT) it unleashed an X-class solar flare and caused a shortwave radio blackout over the South Pacific Ocean. Given the size and apparent complexity of the active region, there’s a good chance the explosions will continue in the days ahead. Full story @
Instant solar flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway. Above: An X1.2-class solar flare on Jan. 6, 2023, recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory. Space Weather News for Jan 4, 2023
SIGNIFICANT FARSIDE EXPLOSION: A powerful explosion rocked the farside of the sun yesterday, hurling a bright CME over the edge of the solar disk. It may have been an X-class event. Helioseismic echoes suggest that the source of the blast is just behind the sun’s southeastern limb and could turn to face Earth later this week. Full story @
Instant solar flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway.
Above: A bright CME emerges from the farside of the sun on Jan. 3rd. Credit: The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
HAARP IS PINGING AN ASTEROID TODAY: Researchers from NASA and the University of Alaska are about to perform an unusual radar experiment. They’re going to ping a near-Earth asteroid using shortwave radio. The target is a 500-ft-wide space rock named “2010 XC15.” When it passes by Earth on Tuesday, Dec. 27th, the HAARP array in Alaska will hit it with a long pulse of 9.6 MHz radio waves.
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) site in Gakona, Alaska
Radio astronomers ping asteroids all the time. What’s unusual about this experiment is the frequency: 9.6 MHz is hundreds of times lower than typical S-band and X-band frequencies used by other asteroid radars. The goal is to probe the asteroid’s interior.
Lead investigator Mark Haynes of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) explains: “The low frequencies we are using can penetrate the asteroid, unlike S-band or X-band frequencies which reflect mostly off of the surface. Ultimately the idea is to use echoes to form tomographic images of asteroid interiors.”
Knowing the internal structure of an asteroid could come in handy — especially if you need to destroy it. 2010 XC15 poses no threat 770,000 km from Earth. Tomorrow’s experiment is proof-of-concept for a scarier object: Asteroid Apophis, which will buzz Earth closer than many satellites on April 13, 2029. If shortwave asteroid radar works for 2010 XC15, it should work for Apophis, too, giving planetary defense experts key data about the asteroid’s vulnerabilities.
The OVRO Long Wavelength Array near Bishop, CA, will receive echoes from HAARP’s transmission
HAARP will transmit a continually chirping signal to asteroid 2010 XC15 at slightly above and below 9.6 MHz. The chirp will repeat at two-second intervals. The University of New Mexico Long Wavelength Array near Socorro, NM, and the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Long Wavelength Array near Bishop, CA, will receive the reflected signal.
“This will be the lowest frequency asteroid radar observation ever attempted,” notes Lance Benner, a co-investigator from JPL. If the experiment works it could mark a significant advance in asteroid radar. Stay tuned!