Category Archives: Astronomy News

Micrometeoroid damage to James Webb Space Telescope imaged for first time

 The damage to NASA’s flagship observatory was significantly greater than pre-launch expectations.

Dotted Yeti/Shutterstock

The micrometeoroid that hit the James Webb Space Telescope in May caused significantly more damage than expected and will have a lasting impact on the telescope’s observations, according to a NASA report on the spacecraft’s performance. By contrast, other micrometeoroid impacts during the spacecraft’s first six months of operation have had a negligible effect.

The report contains an image showing the damage to one hexagonal segment of the observatory’s main mirror, called C3. “The single micrometeorite impact that occurred between 22—24 May 2022 exceeded prelaunch expectations of damage for a single micrometeoroid,” says the NASA report.

Spot the difference: infrared images of the James Webb Space Telescope before launch (left) and after the micrometeoroid strike (right). The damaged C3 segment is to the bottom right of the mirror.
“Characterization of JWST science performance from commissioning” (July 12, 2022); NASA/ESA/CSA

The performance of the main mirror is determined by how much it deforms incoming starlight and measured by a quantity called wavefront error rms (root mean square). At the beginning the mission, the C3 segment had a wavefront error of 56 nanometers rms, a level similar to the main mirror’s other 17 segments. The impact increased C3’s wavefront error to 258 nm rms.

Spacecraft engineers can change the position and curvature of each segment and in this way were able to reduce the error to 178 nm rms. This has a measurable effect on the error of the main mirror as a whole. “However, the effect was small at the full telescope level because only a small portion of the telescope area was affected,” says the report.

The JWST team say the impact increased the error associated with entire main mirror to about 59 nm rms. “About 5-10 nm rms above the previous best wavefront error rms values.” That’s well within the performance limits the team were hoping for.

Nevertheless, the impact raises questions about the nature of the space environment where the JWST operates. This is a point in space about a million kilometers from Earth where the gravitational fields of the Sun, Moon and Earth are in balance and so provide a relatively stable location.


How artificial intelligence is changing astronomy

 How artificial intelligence is changing astronomy

Machine learning has become an essential piece of astronomers’ toolkits.
An android cups its hand over one ear of a pair of premium headphones, looking at a screen of data from a radio telescope in the background under a starry night sky

When most people picture an astronomer, they think of a lone person sitting on top of a mountain, peering into a massive telescope. Of course, that image is out of date: Digital cameras have long since done away with the need to actually look though a telescope.

But now the face of astronomy is changing again. With the advent of more powerful computers and sky surveys that generate unimaginable quantities of data, artificial intelligence is the go-to tool for the keen researcher of space. But where is all of this data coming from? And how can computers help us learn about the universe?

AI’s appetite for data

Chances are you’ve heard the terms “artificial intelligence” and “machine learning” thrown around recently, and while they are often used together, they actually refer to different things. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term used to describe any kind of computational behavior that mimics the way humans think and perform tasks. Machine learning (ML) is a little more specific: It’s a family of technologies that learn to make predictions and decisions based on vast quantities of historical data. Crucially, ML creates models which exhibit behavior that is not pre-programmed, but learned from the data used to train it.

The facial recognition in your smartphone, the spam filter in your emails, and the ability of digital assistants like Siri or Alexa to understand speech are all examples of machine learning being used in the real world. Many of these technologies are now being used by astronomers to investigate the mysteries of space and time. Astronomy and machine learning are a match made in the heavens, because if there’s one thing astronomers have too much of — and ML models can’t get enough of — it’s data.

We’re all familiar with megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), and terabytes (TB), but data at that scale is old news in astronomy. These days, we’re interested in petabytes (PB). A petabyte is about one thousand TB, a million GB, or a billion MB. It would take around 10 PB of storage to hold every single feature-length movie ever made in 4K resolution — and it would take over a hundred years to watch them all.


Video of yesterday’s CME

Space Weather News for June 13, 2022

MAGNIFICENT CME: Earlier today, an unusually slow solar flare hurled a magnificent CME into space. The explosion and its afterglow lasted nearly 8 hours. The CME could sideswipe Earth’s magnetosphere later this week, producing minor geomagnetic storms. Full story @

Don’t miss the next solar flare: Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway.
Above: Visit to watch a movie of today’s CME



Space Weather News for May 24, 2022

METEOR OUTBURST POSSIBLE NEXT WEEK: Debris from a shattered comet is approaching Earth, and it could cause a meteor outburst on May 31st. Experts caution that this is an uncertain forecast. The shower could be a great storm, a complete dud, or almost anything in between. Whatever happens, sky watchers in North America will be in the right place to see it; the shower is expected to peak almost directly above southern California. Sky maps and more @

Above: Broken Comet 7P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3, the source of next week’s possible meteor outburst.


A CME might be heading our way

Space Weather News for May 10, 2022

X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: An unusually-magnetized sunspot exploded on May 10th, producing an intense X1.5-class solar flare. Shortwave radio signals were blacked out around the Atlantic Ocean for as much as an hour, and now there’s a chance a CME is heading our way. Updates @

Above: The extreme ultraviolet flash from today’s X-class solar flare. Credit: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory

Blood Moon: Lunar Eclipse Sunday!

Lunar Eclipse Sunday!

 From CTV:

The best views will be in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada, where the moon will be already above the horizon by the time the eclipse is set to begin.

Click here to read full article, including how to view the eclipse if the sky is clouded over. 

From Astronomy Magazine:

Late on May 15, observers across the U.S. will be greeted with a total eclipse of the Moon, the first of two this year (the second one occurs early on the morning of Nov. 8). The Full Moon is two days from perigee, spanning nearly 33′ as it crosses the central part of Earth’s shadow, resulting in a longer-than-average 85-minute period of totality. The eclipse occurs with the Moon located in Libra the Balance; the later evening hours reveal the orange glow of Antares in neighboring Scorpius, providing a lovely complement to the orange-hued eclipsed Moon.

The visibility of the eclipse is time zone dependent. East Coast observers will see the whole eclipse in a dark sky. In the Midwest, the Full Moon rises in the eastern sky with the penumbral stages underway, enhancing the effect of the subtly progressing shadow. Observers in the Mountain time zone see the partial eclipse already underway in twilight. From the West Coast, the onset of totality occurs in twilight and the later stages of the eclipse are visible in a dark sky.

The lunar eclipse begins with the penumbral shadow — a subtle shading barely visible on the Moon’s lower limb — at 9:32 P.M. EDT. The Moon reaches the dark edge of the deep umbral shadow at 10:27 P.M. EDT. Dusky gray first creeps across the lunar surface and, as more of the Moon sinks into the shadow, an orange coloring will become noticeable, particularly through a telescope.

Potentially Very Active Sunspot Group

An active sunspot group often means we are in for aurora displays. –CPL
Space Weather News for May 3, 2022

GET READY FOR MORE FLARES: A new and potentially very active sunspot group emerged today. It announced itself with an X1-class solar flare, which caused a strong shortwave radio blackout over the Atlantic Ocean and Europe. More flares may be in the offing as the sunspot turns toward Earth. Developing story @

Above: The extreme ultraviolet flash from today’s X-class solar flare. Credit: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory

Solar Activity: Watch for Auroras!

Space Weather News for April 20, 2022

INTENSIFYING SOLAR ACTIVITY: The sun unleashed another X-class solar flare today, causing a deep shortwave radio blackout over southeast Asia and Australia.  Intensifying solar activity has resulted in more than 19 flares during the past 24 hours alone. Even farside sunspots are getting in on the act. Full story @

Don’t miss another solar flare: Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service received a text message about today’s X-flare while it was happening.
Above: An X2.2-class solar flare on April 20, 2022. Credit: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory


NAKED-EYE SUNSPOTS: Yesterday in Poland, a flock of cranes flew across the setting sun. Among them were sunspots. “Active sunspot complex AR2993-94 is so big that it was easily visible to the naked eye,” says Marek Nikodem, who photographed the flyby:

It’s true. The primary dark cores of AR2993-94 are twice as wide as Earth. Technically, this makes them “naked-eye” objects. Be careful, though. Looking at the sun can damage your eyes. Safe solar filters are strongly recommended.

Earth itself provided the filter for Nikodem’s photo. Low-hanging clouds and haze dimmed the sun enough for photography. Just to be on the safe side, though, he pointed his camera using the electronic viewscreen–not the optical viewfinder.

more images: from Carlos Stehli of Lima, Peru; from Thom Peck of Poway, California; from Daisuke Tomiyasu of Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan; from David Kriegler of Gulf Shores, Alabama; from Paolo Bardelli of Sumirago (Varese), Italy


Space Weather News for April 11, 2022

EARTH-DIRECTED CME: A dead sunspot exploded today. The corpse of AR2987, which decayed days ago, erupted, and the debris is heading straight for Earth. A CME expected to arrive on April 14th could spark moderately-strong G2-class geomagnetic storms. Full story @

CME Alerts: Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service receive instant text messages when significant CMEs hit Earth’s magnetic field.
Above: Old sunspot AR2987 erupting on April 11, 2022. Credit: NASA/SDO


Virtual Event Hosted by McGill

If you have an interest in astronomy, you may want to register for this virtual event:

Virtual event description:

Telescopes then and now. We have been watching the stars for centuries and our tools have changed dramatically since the time of Ptolemy and early astronomers. This panel will explore how tools and practices have changed over time.

Sajjad Nikfahm-Khubravan will trace the history of tools and ideas down from Greek astronomers to Islamic observers, and from the golden age of Islamic astronomy to European observers. Dallas Wulf will balance this historical tour with a talk on the powerful tools used by astronomers today. Join ROAAr and the McGill Space Institute for this special collaborative panel, and get a peek at some of the history of astronomy treasures in the McGill Library’s rare and special collections with librarian Lauren Williams.