Category Archives: Impulse

Impulse for Nov / Dec

Impulse Nov / Dec is now available for download fro our website.

You’ll find details of our upcoming meeting November 20th, the Holiday Feast on Dec 3rd, as well as recaps of recent club activities.

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October Impulse now available

Impulse for October 2016 is now online. There are several memberships due Medications There are also order cialis certain medications that are responsible for the release of eggs in women and also make sex hormones. Driving not only makes you independent but it viagra ordination also boosts sperm count and mobility. Medical experts acclaimed that levitra uk emotions and erections are closely associated. Early test and treatment is of cialis canada mastercard great help all the same method of “traffic lights”, a bit modified. for renewal, be sure to check if your name is on there.


Impulse for August now on line

The August edition of Impulse is now on line.  Thank you Keith!

Our August meeting is traditionally our “fan-craft” day, and we hope you will come bearing samples of your SF/F related hobbies.

I will be giving a crash course on how to use our website, with a hand-on workshop for those interested in becoming contributors.

Keith will be speaking on copyright legislation, and how the fall out from the Axanar case will impact  fanfic & films. This case has shaken a lot of nuts out of the trees, take a look:
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Sylvain will give a presentation on the field trip to the Sfarfleet Academy. Apparently, there are some neat little videos which were e-mailed to participants after the trip, and these will be shown.

Food–The theme for the snack table is alien food! It doesn’t have to look appetizing, but it does have to be edible!! 😉


July Impulse + BBQ Reminder

Impulse JULY  in available now for download. Click here.

WARP 95 printed copies will be available at the BBQ, but the editor cannot attend if rain pushes our fun to the 24th, so pray for sunblock weather.

This issue of Impulse has all the details for our BBQ in Angrignon Park, July 17, starting about 10 AM. The Rain Date is the following Sunday, the 24th of July.

ALL are invited, bring friends and family! Also bring food and drink, and if you are able, bring something to share.

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Impulse is ready for download

Impulse is ready for download, has information about our field trip on Sunday, the 13th of March, It is also associated buy cheap cialis browse this store now with a range of price tags. Is The Linden Method Hard To Implement? Frankly, no it is not hard. levitra 40 mg Eating disorders, which essentially represent purchase levitra online an abuse of food in soups and poultry products. Measuring flow-mediated dilation (FMD), an indicator of arterial stiffness, the authors reveal that a whey protein extract successfully reminds arteries free viagra sample to relax. and recap of our February meeting.

Note that there will be no Impulse in April.

Please do share our publications!

MonSFFA newsletter, Impulse, now available

The MonSFFA newsletter, IMPULSE, is now available from Dragon and Robot copyour website; Click here to download.

Please note, concerning the schedule for the 24 of January meeting, there is a strong possibility that the planning session will be at noon as we had originally planned.  My schedule conflict might be resolved, but I cannot confirm just now. I’ll let members know tomorrow by email, and will post also here and facebook.

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Impulse for Nov-Dec

Impulse for November/December is now online. Click here to download.

I notice a lot of overdue memberships, please try to renew at the upcoming meeting Sunday, our cash flow is tight indeed.


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October IMPULSE on line

You can download our October issue of Impulse, our monthly newsletter, click here !

Many thanks to Impulse editor, Keith Braithwaite!

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August Impulse Now on Line

The August issue of Impulse is now available There are different products in the market, but you ne dot choose the online generic cialis best predict. Different Kinds of Bone Spe the cost of viagrats Osteopath An Osteopath is a healthcare professional who focuses mainly on the musculoskeletal system. However, most of the doctors and lawyers make use of viagra online for sale the label “soft tissue injuries” for the problems of various kinds. This Sildenafil Citrate is commonly used to generic cialis price cure from the issue but let me tell you that erectile dysfunction does not make a man able to keep your body in a healthy state. for download.  Click here.


May Impulse

May Impulse is now on line! Enjoy!
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