Category Archives: Fanzines

Zines to share!

Zines to share!

From Nic Farey, This Here: TH 76r

From the 3NF,
 The N3F Review of Books N3FReview202406

2 … Archangel by NR LaPoint … Review by Declan Finn
4 … The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins … Review by Graham Bradley
6 … Brother, Frank by Michael Bunker … Review by Graham Bradley
7 … Deathbringer by Blake Carpenter … Review by Jim McCoy
9 … Deeper than the Darkness by Gregory Benford … Review by Jean-Paul Garnier
9 … The Dream of the Iron Dragon by Rob Kroese … Review by Neovictorian
11 … Going Ballistic by Dorothy Grant … Review by Becky Jones
12 … The Groundskeeper: Raking Up the Dead by Cedar Sanderson … Review by Pat Patterson
13 … Hauser’s Memory by Curt Siodmak … Review by Jean-Paul Garnier
13 … The Icarus Job by Timothy Zahn … Review by Declan Finn
15 … Kindred by Kelly Grayson … Review by Pat Patterson
16 … Monster Hunter Bloodlines by Larry Correia … Review by Graham Bradley
18 … Off to Be the Wizard by Scott Meyer … Review by Graham Bradley
19 … Out of the Soylent Planet by Robert Kroese … Review by Ginger Man
21 … Pirates of the Electromagnetic Waves by Fenton Wood … Review by Rob Kroese
22 … The Powers of the Earth by Travis J. P. Corcoran … Review by Rob Kroese
24 … Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir … Review by Graham Bradley
25 … Scattered, Smothered and Spellbound by Kelly Grayson … Review by Pat Patterson
26 … The Schrödinger Paradox: Entanglement by Holly Chism … Review by Pat Patterson
27 … The Thing From HR by Roy M. Griffis … Review by Michael Gallagher
29 … Virus Thirteen by Joshua Alan Parry … Review by Jason P. Hunt
31 … White Ops by Declan Finn … Review by Ginger Man
Series Reviews
33 … Riptides, Storm Surge, Flotsam of War and Ratchet’s Run by Blaine Lee Pardoe
… Review by Jim McCoy
35 … Uplink Squadron and Second Flight by JN Chaney and Chris Kennedy
… Review by Jim McCoy
Literary Criticism
37 … The Symbiosis of Adventure Fiction and Futurism: A 19th and 20th Century Dialogue
by Franklin Dalcò Grande
Prose Bono
39 … For the Boys by Cedar Sanderson
40 … The Quirky Reader by Cedar Sanderso

Zine from South Africa to share!

From South Africa, PROBE 200X


3. Editorial
4. Chairperson’s Special Note
5. Magazines Received/ Books Received
6. Nova 2023 Finalist. Sue Woodward.
“The Handprint”
20. Interview with ChatGPT
26. Blasts from the past …. PROBE through the
29. Nova 2023 Editor’s Choice. Ruan Botha
“The Owl – Episode 1”
35. The Three-Body Problem. Gavin Kreuiter
38. Tex Cooper. Eulogy.
40. Digby Ricci. “Shadowy Union. SF and
46. Nicola Catellani “That Gentleman in the
Room”. Winner XXVII Trofeo RiLL

More zines in the mail!

Tightbeam 357 Tightbeam357

June 2024
What is Tightbeam? We are the N3F literary fanzine, not the novel and anthology fanzine, but the fanzine that tries to cover all tastes in fandom, such as anime, comics, cosplay, films, novels, biographies, poetry, music, short stories, food, …

Also received, an update from Bill Burns

New today at are:

  • Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #40
  • Octothorpe #111 a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #73
  • Opuntia #574, edited by Dale Speirs — Bill

Zines to share + article on Quebec SF

  • Lots of zines came in while I was away.  I also received a couple of interesting links to click. This one was sent to me from Heath, editor of de Profundis.
Hannah Allen-Shim takes us on a tour of Quebec’s science fiction and fantasy scene, from its beginnings in the 1970s to its expansion and diversification in recent years.

  • I received this message from Ahrvid in Sweden:

Hi! Yes, I’m from Sweden. Sure you can post my zine whereever you want. I try to cover som interesting history material in every issue. I gsther you’re from Canada? In #120 I wrote about the Swedish-Canadian sf fan Nils Helmer Frome who did one of the earliest Canadian fanzines, perhaps the very first, and corresponded with HPLovecraft. It can be found here: Best, –Ahrvid — @SFJournalen tweets for sf news//2024 firar Fantastiknovelltävlingen kvartseklet!

Added today at are:

Octothorpe #109 a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty

Pete Young’s Every Place I Read Your Goddamn Fanzine #4 and #5

Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – May 2024

Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #70

Opuntia #572, edited by Dale Speirs


Eight new issues in the last six days!

Now at

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #47

Leigh Edmonds’ Ornithopter Mk.III

John Purcell’s new fanzine, Intermezzo #1

Pete Young’s Every Place I Read Your Goddamn Fanzine #7 & #8

Christopher J. Garcia’s Exhibition Hall #30

Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #71

Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #457



Zines to Share!

Zines to Share!

From N3F: Tightbeam3561

Added today at

  • John Nielsen Hall’s VT #29
  • Octothorpe #108 a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line. A transcript of the episode is also available at the link.
  • Andy Hooper’s CAPTAIN FLASHBACK #65
  • Perry Middlemiss’s Perryscope #43
  • Opuntia #571, edited by Dale Speirs

From Joe Major: Alex134

From Leybl Botwinik, CCMay2024-v01