Category Archives: Fanzines

A zine to share

From the N3F, Eldritch Science #9, featuring a lovely cover by Tiffanie Gray.



Front Cover
Meet Me at the Island by Tiffanie Gray

3 … A Stranger and A Shootout … A Space-
Cowboy Story by Patrick McKay
61 … Book of Memories by A. C. Cargill
72 … Practical Exercise by George Phillies


3 … Lois Was Right by David Kopaska-Merkel
3 … Foray To The Third Dimension by David
61 … Imaginary Destinations by David C. Kopaska

72 … Front cover of Practical Exercise

New zines to share!

From Garth Spencer, The Obdurate Eye


From the N3F,  Tightbeam 338.


New on e-Fanzines:

Added today at

Archive issues of Heath Row’s Telegraphs & Tar Pits #35-38, Explosion Containment Umbrella #3, Snow Poster City #7, and new title Brass Hat Mind #1


Bill Plott’s Sporadic #68

Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #21



Zines to share!

[eFanzines] Pre-Corflu update at eFanzines

Added today at are:

BEAM #17 edited by Nic Farey and Ulrika O’Brien

Ethel the Aardvark #217 and archive issues 15, 183

Octothorpe #68, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #60

Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #20

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #28

From Joseph Major, Alexiad


From the N3F, 3 zines and sad news.




Alas, I must start with sad news about Justin E. A. Busch:
Hi George,
This is Erin, Justin’s partner. Sadly, he has been in a state of decline since his cancer came back, and he is not currenty capable of writing. In all likelihood, there won’t be any other Fanfaronades.
There’s some more here:
Please feel free to forward the news. I am checking his email periodically and people can also contact me directly if need be
Sorry to be the bearer of sad news,



Lots of zines!

Lots of zines have arrived over the last few days. Enjoy!

Welcome to our latest issue of CyberCozen  CCOctober-2022-v01

This month’s roundup: • More Yiddish-related SF material dedicated to my dear departed father, David Botwinik (o”h – ע”ה ): o Chapter C of “Kamf-Nign” Yiddish SF short story by Leybl Botwinik (with English translation) • Book review: “More Zion’s Fiction” o Story #09: “The Thirteenth Fairy” – by Nadav Almog Our usual tidbits from the Web – in our next issue.
– Your editor, Leybl Botwinik

From Nic Farey

Beam17r3 Has a totally gorgeous cover from Alan White.

Passed on to us by the N3F, Mt Void from the Leepers.

MT VOID 22421

MT VOID 2243

MT VOID 2244

Added today at

J.L. Farey’s JenZine #2
Archive issues of Heath Row’s Telegraphs & Tar Pits #31-34, Faculae & Filigree #15, and new title Explosion Containment Umbrella #1 & 2
Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #441
David Grigg’s The Megaloscope #3
Opuntia #535, edited by Dale Speirs
Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – October 2022


Added today at

Added today at

The Corflu Pangloss fanzine auction catalog and bid sheet may be viewed on Andy Hooper’s page. The auction will be held at Corflu over the weekend of October 21-23 2022

Rich Lynch’s My Back Pages #27

Ethel the Aardvark #216 and archive issues 14, 184

Octothorpe #67, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line


Zine to share

From the N3F, Ionishere.


    Editorial, page three, “Here’s Another Year Drawing to Its Close,” by John Thiel, page three
  • Author Interview: Alan Meredith-Jones, page five
  • Author Interview: Richard Weyand, page ten
  • Author Interview: R.M. Evans, page fifteen
  • Behind the Scenes: Sturgeon’s Law in Science Fiction, by Jeffrey Redmond, page nineteen
  • Commentary: Letters. Heath Row, page twenty-two
  • Talent Section: Neverwhere, by John Polselli, page twenty-six
  • Recap: The issue discussed by the editor, page twenty-seven

Another zine!


Lots of history ion this one. CPL

In this issue:
Front Cover: Public Domain Space Art
The Official Organ #260
Intermission 123, by Ahrvid Engholm – 16
Archive Midwinter, by Jefferson P. Swycaffer – 3
Intermission 124, by Ahrvid Engholm – 14
Snow Poster Township #6, by Heath Row – 6
Synergy 41 September 2022, by John Thiel – 7
Ye Murthered Master Mage 259, by George Phillies – 4
Samizdat… Ish #14, July/Aug 2022, by Sam Lubell – 5