Category Archives: Fanzines

Zines to share!

More Zines arrived!

Nic Farey sent us This Here, lots of footy news and lovely art by Ulrika O’Brian. TH 53

From the N3F, the N3F Review of Books Incorporating Prose Bono



2 … A Long Time Until Now by Michael Z. Williamson … Review by Trevor Denning
3 … A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs … Review by Caroline Furlong
5 … A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking by T. Kingfisher (Ursula Vernon) … Review by Tom Feller
6 … Across the Green Grass Fields by Seanan McGuire … Review by Perry Middlemiss
6 … Alexis Carew series by J.A. Sutherland … Review by Jim McCoy
8 … Beat The Devils by Josh Weiss … Review by Jason P. Hunt
9 … Chaos on Catnet by Naomi Kritzer … Review by Tom Feller
9 … Dark Sojourns by Beth H. Adams … Review by Heath Row
10 … Doctor Who and the Deadly Assassin by Terrance Dicks … Review by Heath Row
11 … Drosselmeyer: Curse of the Rat King … Review by Trevor Denning
13 … The Einstein Intersection by Samuel R. Delaney … Review by Perry Middlemiss
13 … Escape From the Future by Paul Clayton … Review by Michael Gallagher
16 … Fireheart Tiger by Aliette de Bodard … Review by Perry Middlemiss
16 … Five Hard and Crunchy SF Tales by Michèle Laframboise … Review by Robert Runté
17 … Foundation by Isaac Asimov … Review by Heath Row
19 … Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov … Review by Heath Row
19 … The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood … Review by Heath Row
21 … Jaguar Rising by Amanda S. Green … Review by Pat Patterson
22 … Light Chaser by Peter F. Hamilton and Gareth L. Powell … Review by Perry Middlemiss
22 … Light Unto Another World by Yakov Merkin … Review by Caroline Furlong
24 … Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny … Review by Perry Middlemiss
24 … Magnetic Brain by Volsted Gridban … Review by Heath Row
25 … Marymae and the Nightmare Man by A. M. Freeman … Review by Caroline Furlong
27 … Mission: Interplanetary by A.E. van Vogt … Review by Heath Row
28 … Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia … Review by Declan Finn
30 … The Mummy of Monte Cristo … Review by Trevor Denning
32 … My Luck by Mel Todd … Review by Declan Finn
34 … The Necessity of Stars by E. Catherine Tobler … Review by Perry Middlemiss
34 … A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers … Review by Perry Middlemiss
35 … Responsibility of the Crown by G. Scott Huggins … Review by Pat Patterson
36 … The Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyons … Review by Tom Feller
36 … Servants of War by Larry Correia and Steve Diamond … Review by JE Tabor
38 … The Star Beast by Robert Heinlein … Review by Chris Nuttall
42 … Thunder God of Mars: A Superhero Prose Novel … Review by Trevor Denning
43 … We Dare: Semper Paratus: An Anthology of the Apocalypse edited by Jamie Ibson … Review by Pat Patterson
45 … When Valor Must Hold Edited by Rob Howell and Chris Kennedy … Review by Pat Patterson
46 … Year of the Unicorn by Andre Norton … Review by Caroline Furlong


49 … Fandom: Confidential by Ron Frantz … Review by Heath Row
50 … My Memoirs of the Dark Shadows Conventions by Anthony Taylor … Review by Heath Row
51 … The Politics of Fandom by Hannah Mueller … Review by Heath Row

Prose Bono

53 … Character Analysis: A Tale of Two People by Chris Nuttall
54 … Trimming Out the Story by Cedar Sanderson

FINIS … 55

Zine to share

From the N3F, NAPA258

In this issue:
Front Cover: Horsehead Nebula,
The Official Organ #258
Intermission 119, by Ahrvid Engholm – 18
Archive Midwinter, by Jefferson P. Swycaffer – 2
Snow Poster Township #4, by Heath Row – 4
Ye Murthered Master Mage, by George Phillies – 2
Intermission 120, by Ahrvid Engholm – 18
Synergy 39 May 2022, by John Thiel – 10
The Contents of a Good Life 25, by Will Mayo – 7
Samizdat… Ish #13, May/June 2022, by Sam Lubell – 7

Fanzines to share!

We have received several zines to share.

The N3F sent us:

MarkTime 140

MT VOID 2223


FanAct has a column for clubs, and MonSFFA’s May meeting is included. Cool! The article on Superman is also worth reading.

Guy Lillian sent us   SPARTACUS 55.       Great cover! Guy and Rosie have  been visiting the UK.

Bill Burns sent an update for new issues on e-fanzines:

More updates at, which brings me up to date:

New page for David Grigg’s Through the Biblioscope

New page for Steve Swartz’s better

New page for Heath Row’s APAzines

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #23

Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #55



Fanzine to Share: CyberCozen

From Israel, CyberCozen.The article by Sheldon Teitelbaum is fascinating. It’s not just about SF in Israel, but also Israel in SF stories.CCMay-2022-v01The way the article was scanned into CyberCozen makes it hard to read, but it’s worth the effort.

This month’s roundup:

• Yiddish-related SF material dedicated to my dear departed father, David Botwinik (o”h – ע”ה ): Yoel Matveyev: Review of “Faktazye” – Velvl Chernin’s book of Yiddish SF&F short stories • In lieu of a “More ZF” Book review: a 1990 article by Sheldon Teitelbaum about SF in Israel + some history Our usual, interesting tidbits from the Web. – Your editor, Leybl Botwinik

Loads of Zines to Share!

  Bill Burns informs us that these issues have been added to his site. Opuntia and Obdurate Eye are Canadian.

 Added today at are:

John Nielsen Hall’s Vita Transplantare #25 & 26

Kurt Erichsen’s Endeavor #15

Perry Middlemiss’s Perryscope #22

Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #16

Ray Palm’s The Ray X X-rayer #164

Opuntia #524, edited by Dale Speirs

 The N3F has sent us their latest Tightbeam, and a few issues of other people’s fanzines.  I recommend MarkTime 139.



MarkTime 139 – New Orleans

MT VOID 22101

MT VOID 22091

MT VOID 2220

MT VOID 2221

MT VOID 2222

Zines to Share!

Lots of zines to share!

TH 52

This Here, edited by Nic Farey, has a most interesting article about defining “fanzine”. You’d think it would be obvious, but nooooo–when fans start splitting hairs, they don’t know when to stop.

From George Philies, the N3F Review of Books N3FReview202204

From Bill Burns over at e-fanzines

Catching up with site updates after returning from my UK Eastercon trip, I’ve added these new issues at

Michael Dobson’s Random Jottings #2, 3 & 21

Opuntia #523, edited by Dale Speirs

Octothorpe #56, a regular fannish podcast by Liz Batty, John Coxon and Alison Scott


Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #33

Nic Farey’s This Here…#52

William Breiding’s Portable Storage #7

I also have some new pages to add to the site, which I will do soon.
