Category Archives: Fanzines

Tightbeam REVIEWS

The N3F has published another issue of its review zine Tightbeam, first published in 1959.

Table of Contents

Front Cover … Team Mandalorian by Jose Sanchez
Back Cover … Too Close for Comfort by Jose Sanchez

Letter of Comment
4 … Lloyd Penney

4 … AMAIM Warrior at the Borderline … Jessi Silver
6 … The Vampire Dies in No Time … by Jessi Silver

8 … X-Men: Green Tries to Make Nature Girl Into the Eco-Punisher ­ with Disastrous Results …
Stephanie Souders
10 … Will Mayo Reviews Lee Falk’s The Phantom

11 … The Man Who Fell To Earth … Will Mayo
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11 … Last Night In Soho … Tom Feller
12 … The Eternals … Tom Feller
12 … Will Mayo’s Review Of The Wax Museum
12 … Will Mayo Reviews Gargoyles
13 … The Most Frightening Scene: The Tse-Tse Fly … Will Mayo
13 … Will Mayo’s Review Of The Omen

13 … Andre Norton Bio-Bibliography … Jon D. Swartz & John L. Coker III

17 … Will Mayo’s Review Of Kolchak: The Night Stalker
18 … Will Mayo’s Review Of Star Trek: The Satire
18 … Will Mayo’s Review Of The Six Million Dollar Man
18 … On Elvira, Mistress of the Dark … Will Mayo
18 … Will Mayo Reviews Tales From The Crypt
19 … Montage… Will Mayo

Food of Famous Authors

19 … Eat This While You Read That: Amie Gibbons … Cooking by Cedar Sanderson

Fanzines to share

From Ottawa, the OSFS Statement,

OSFS Statement #512- Nov 2021

From Bill Burns, e-fanzines

On December 8th, 2000, I registered the domain name, and there are now 6,156 PDF fanzine issues hosted on the site!

Thanks to all editors and readers who have contributed to the success of eFanzines over the last 21 years.
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New issues at today are:

Beam #16, edited by Nic Farey and Ulrika O’Brien

Rich Lynch’s My Back Pages #26


New zines posted to efanzines

Added today at are:

Bill Plott’s Sporadic #69 & 70

Journey Planet #60, edited by Chris Garcia et al
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Fadeaway #66, edited by Robert Jennings

John Nielsen Hall’s Vita Transplantare #21 & 22

Perry Middlemiss’s Perryscope #17

Films Fantastic 14


Now with new Editor Justin E. A. Busch
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He welcomes your article contributions.

More zines in the mail!

We have zines to share!

From Bill Burns over at efanzines:

Added today at

Page for Ross Chamberlain’s Fangle archive

Taral Wayne’s The Baloobius 6


Opuntia #513, edited by Dale Speirs

Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #52

Octothorpe #45, a regular fannish podcast by Liz Batty, John Coxon and Alison Scott, is now on line


From the N3F:

With this mailing, new issues of the N3F Fanzines Ionisphere and The N3F Review of Books Incorporating Prose Bono.



The N3F Review Table of Contents


2 … A Hymn Before Battle by John Ringo … Review by Jim McCoy
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6 … Bob’s Saucer Repair, by Jerry Boyd … Review by Pat Patterson
6 … The Cosmic Courtship by Julian Hawthorne … Review by Ginger Man
8 … Death of Sleep by Anne McCaffrey and Jody Lynn Nye … Review by Leybl Botwinik
9 … Deep Pink by Sarah A. Hoyt … Review by Pat Patterson
10 … Demons are Forever by Declan Finn … Review by Ginger Man
11 … Divided We Fall One Possible Future edited by Tiffany Reynolds
and Patty McIntosh-Mize … Review by Becky Jones
13 … Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card … Review by Samuel Lubell
15 … The Frozen Rabbi by Steve Stern … Review by Leybl Botwinik
16 … Galen’s Way by Richard Paolinelli … Review by Ginger Man
18 … The Ghost of McCallister Mansion (and Other Stories) by Emily Red
… Review by Ginger Man
20 … Imperator, by Jason Anspach and Nick Cole … Review by Ginger Man
22 … Minds of Men by Kacey Ezell … Review by Jim McCoy
24 … Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz … Review by Will Mayo
24 … Paladin’s Sword by Fiona Grey … Review by Becky Jones
25 … Part-Time Monster Hunter by Nicholas Woode-Smith … Review by Declan Finn
27 … Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir … Review by Samuel Lubell
28 … Song for a New Day by Sarah Pinsker … Review by Samuel Lubell
29 … The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson … Review by Samuel Lubell
30 … Star Marque Rising by Shami Stovall … Review by Pat Patterson
32 … Sword & Blood: The Vampire Musketeers by Sarah A. Hoyt … Review by Pat Patterson
34 … Terra Nova: The Wars of Liberation – Tom Kratman and Company
… Review by Pat Patterson
36 … The Thing From HR, by Roy M. Griffis … Review by Richard Paolinell
37 … When the Gods Fell by Richard Paolinelli … Review by Declan Finn
39 … With The End In Mind by Kathryn Mannix … Review by Will Mayo

Prose Bono

40 … Writing Horror … Research Can Be Fun by Declan Finn


Fanzines to share!

We have zines to share!

MT VOID 2197

MarkTime 138 – Montana1
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Fanzines to share!


Editorial / Introduction—p. 2
Kritter Korner—p. 2
Astronomy—p. 3
StippleAPA—p. 3
Letters—p. 5
Closing Remarks—p. 16


Great article for fans of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan
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In This Issue
Elections … Presidential Notes … The Directors’ View
Letters of Comment
GrayJay … Heath Row … Bob Jennings … Wesley Kawato
Sercon: Tarzan
Round Robins Bureau … Correspondence Bureau … Fan-Pro Coordinating Bureau
History and Research Bureau … Recruiting Bureau … Welcommittee
Welcome to the Writer’s Exchange
N3F Amateur Short Story Contest

We have zines to share!

We have zines to share! N3F has sent us the following:





And Bill Burns sent me this notice of new zines uploaded to efanzines. Click here. 

After two weeks away in England at Corflu and Novacon, I’ve added multiple new issues at

Bruce Gillespie’s SF Commentary #107

Octothorpe #44, a regular fannish podcast by Liz Batty, John Coxon and Alison Scott, is now on line

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #17
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Alexiad #119 edited by Lisa & Joseph Major

Opuntia #512, edited by Dale Speirs

Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – November 2021

Journey Planet #58, edited by James Bacon, Evan Reeves, Steven H Silver, Chris Garcia, and #59, edited by Chris, James, and Jean Martin

Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #434





Fanzines to Share!

We have received more zines to share. Enjoy!

Tightbeam326, SYNERGY November 2021 (3), CCNOV-2021-v01

Synergy has an interesting article on money in SF, poetry, and a short, strange story.

Cybercozen features art for the first time, short book reviews, and lots of internet links.

Table of Contents Tightbeam326

Front Cover … Battlestar Galactica Low and Slow by Jose Sanchez
5 … Feline Lullaby by Angela K Scott
12 … Flower Drop by Angela K. Scott
13 … Dark Unicorn by Angela K. Scott
17 …Winged Cat by Angela K. Scott
Back Cover … The Mandalorian ­ Moff Gideon by Jose Sanchez

Letters of Comment
4 … Will Mayo
4 … Jose Sanchez

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6 … Banished from the Hero’s Party by Jessi Silver

7 … A (Probably) Final Word on the Current Iron Man Run by Stephanie Souders
10 … The Legion of Serious But Seriously Unknown Superheroes ­ Tomboy
by George Phillies

11 … Lucasfilm’s SOLO: A Star Wars Story Review by Jim McCoy
13 … Lucasfilm’s The Rise of Skywalker Review by Jim McCoy


16 … Philip José Farmer Bio-Bibliography by Jon D. Swartz, Ph.D., N3F Historian

Gourmet Bureau

19 … Eat This While You Read That: Lee and Miller by Cedar Sanderson



Fanzines to share!


2 … Angel of the Overpass (Ghost Roads) by Seanan McGuire … Review by Sam Lubell
3 … Another Girl, Another Planet by Lou Antonelli … Review by Declan Finn
4 … Barbarians of the Beyond by Matt Hughes (& Jack Vance’s Ghost)
… Review by Robert Runte
6 … Bookburners by Max Gladstone, Margaret Dunlap, Mur Lafferty, and Brian Francis Slattery
… Review by Samuel Lubell
7 … City of Miracles (The Divine Cities) by Robert Jackson Bennett
… Review by Samuel Lubell
8 … Dreamscapes by Ethan Goffman … Review by Will Mayo
8 … Escaping Infinity, by Richard Paolinelli … Review by Declan Finn
10 … Foundryside by John Bennett … Review by Pat Patterson
12 … Iron Chamber of Memory by John C Wright … Review by Declan Finn
14 … Knowingly Familiar by Alma T.C. Boykin … Review by Becky Jones
15 … The Man Who Sold The Moon by Robert Heinlein … Review by Christopher Nuttall
18 … Murder in the Vatican, The Church Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes
by Ann Margaret Lewis … Review by Declan Finn
15 … Orphans of the Sky by Robert Heinlein … Review by Christopher Nuttall
21 … Other Rhodes by Sarah A. Hoyt. … Review by Becky Jones
22 … Outlander by Diana Gabaldan … Review by Will Mayo
22 … Sons of Heaven by Chuck Dixon … Review by Declan Finn
With introduction of ideal female libido enhancer pills dilate or widen the genital areas for enhancing buy cialis cheap male libido. Symptoms to watch out: The most common symptom is the lower abdomen or perineum feels unwell, pain, and urethral tingling. cheap tadalafil tablets Any skin problem doctor in India gives preference to the herbal treatments for the skin problem due to the proved magical effects of herbs on the body. sildenafil 100mg price The people, who are much concerned with body size and weight, love free prescription viagra this product very much. 24 … Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik … Review by Pat Patterson
26 … The Stars Entwined by Jon Del Arroz … Review by Jim McCoy
27 … Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel … Review by Jeffrey Redmond
29 … The Thread That Binds the Bones (Chapel Hollow) by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
… Review by Sam Lubell
30 … The Unbearable Heaviness of Remembering by L. Jagi Lamplighter
… Review by Declan Finn
32 … Unity by Elly Bangs … Review by Jeffrey Redmond
33 … War Girls by by Tochi Onyebuchi … Review by Jeffrey Redmond

Prose Bono
35 … A villain versus an antagonist … An antagonist is an opponent,
but a villain must be stopped. … Declan Finn
Literary Criticism
38 … Why Literary Criticism?
38 … The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie … Review by Pat Patterson

Interesting articles about radio drama, Scarlet Pimpernel, and books from the past.

MarkTime 138 – Montana

This is a trip report.