Category Archives: Fanzines

FAAN Awards for zines published in 2023

From Nic Farey,the Voter’s Guide to FAAN Awards.

Attached: The Incompleat Register 2023 voters’ guide for this year’s FAAn Awards for excellence in fanzines, fanwriting and fanart. Incompleat2023

The awards are sponsored by the current Corflu (COR41U, to be held in Las Vegas) and the results will be announced at the banquet on Sunday March 3 2024 – membership of Corflu (or anything else) is not a requirement for voting, which is open to anyone with an interest in fanzines.

As always, the reminder that TIR should not be seen as a definitive list of what you can or cannot vote for. All votes are recorded in good faith, subject to proper categorization.

Ballots must be received by midnight PST, Saturday February 24, 2024.

Faneds (or indeed anyone at all) receiving this are encouraged to publicize the awards, redistribute TIR or indeed engage in advocacy for any favored titles/individuals as a part of promotion of the awards overall.

New Zines for the New Year!

New Zines for the New Year!

From the N3F:

Yes, Mangaverse has returned! Mangaverse_7_1
There is also an issue of The N3F Review of Books Incorporating Prose Bono. N3FReview202312
And Happy New Year and many more to all of you!

From Garth Spencer:

Dear Guys, Gals, and Everybody,
Here’s my new personalzine!

From Bill Burns, an update to efanzines:

The first new issues of 2024 are now at, along with some archive material.

  • Archive writings by Eric Mayer and Mary Reed, 2009 – 2022
  • Nic Farey’s The Incompleat Register 2023. Guide for FAAn Awards voters
  • Opuntia #563, edited by Dale Speirs
  • Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #35
  • Heath Row’s The Stf Amateur, January 2024 (apazine bundle)
  • Octothorpe #100, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line


The last zines of 2023

Last zines to arrive in 2023! Enjoy while ringing in the new year!

From Garth Spencer:

You are cordially invited to host the next Canadian Unity Fan Fund delegate, if your convention is so inclined!
You yourself are cordially invited to run for CUFF delegate in 2024, as soon as a convention is selected!
All details are included in the attached Shooting My CUFFs #9 newsletter. Shooting My CUFFs 9
I made this!  Garth Spencer,
2023 CUFF delegate

From Nic Farey:

“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time”
This Here 71,  TH 71

From Bill Burns:

New today at

Ray Palm’s The Ray X X-rayer #175

Nic Farey’s This Here…#71

Marc Ortlieb’s Knot a Fanzine #5

Journey Planet #76 & 77, edited by James Bacon, Chris Garcia et al.

See you all in 2024!


Fanzine roundup!

A flurry of zines have arrived in our inbox. Enjoy!






Update from Bill Burns at efanzines

I’m not quite sure where all these fanzines came from, but they’re now at

Alexiad #131 edited by Lisa & Joseph Major

Opuntia #562, edited by Dale Speirs

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #42

Rich Lynch’s My Back Pages #29

David Grigg’s The Megaloscope #10

Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #34

Octothorpe #98, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #452

Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #62
