Category Archives: Fanzines

Zine roundup

We have zines to share!

From the N3F:


Space Cowboy’s Accretion #3 Nov 2023



Just added at are:

New section for TAFF 2024-25 and Sandra Bond’s first newsletter, Taffluorescence #1

Heath Row’s The Stf Amateur, December 2023 (apazine bundle)

Alan White’s Pixel Dreams #2

Ray Palm’s The Ray X X-rayer #174

Opuntia #561, edited by Dale Speirs


A round up of zines to share

Quite a few zines have arrived in our mailbox, enjoy!

From the N3F:





From Garth:


Shooting My CUFFs #8

From Guy Lillian:

Spartaxus 69

From Nic Farey:


TH 70

Updates from Bill  at

Added page for Dan Harper’s Deities

Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – Nov 2023

Opuntia #560, edited by Dale Speirs

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #41

Bruce Gillespie’s SF Commentary #114

Archive of Mats Dannewitz Linder’s Swedish language fanzines – coming soon!

New page for Marcin “Alqua” Klak’s A~Zyn #7

WOOF #48 (2023), Donald E. Eastlake III, Official Editor

archive of Mats Dannewitz Linder’s Swedish language fanzines

WOOF #44 (2019), Kees van Toorn, Official Collator

John D. Berry’s Ellipsis

Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #69

Ethel the Aardvark #222 and archive issues 20, 178

  Christina Lake’s Nowhere Fan #7

Nic Farey’s This Here…#70


Perry Middlemiss’s Perryscope #38

Octothorpe #97, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line


Zines to share!

Zines to share:

From Leybl in Israel: CCNovember2023-v01

Updates to e-fanzines from Bill Burns:

J.L. Farey’s JenZine #7

Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #60 & 61

Ray Palm’s The Ray X X-rayer #173

Heath Row’s The Stf Amateur, November 2023 (apazine bundle)

Garth Spence’s The Obdurate Eye #33

Nic Farey’s This Here…#69

Rich Lynch’s You’re Still on My Mind #4, a letterzine companion to My Back Pages

Octothorpe #96, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

Lots more zines to share

Lots more zines have been arriving in the mail! In order of reception:

First, some updates to e-fanzines administered by Bill Burns

  • Heath Row’s The Stf Amateur, October 2023 (apazine bundle)
  • Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #32
  • Opuntia #558, edited by Dale Speirs
  • David Grigg’s The Megaloscope #9
  • Taral Wayne’s Dark Toys #76
  • Perry Middlemiss’s Perryscope #37
  • Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #40
  • Alexiad #130 edited by Lisa & Joseph Major
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #55 through 59
  • Octothorpe #94, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

From Garth Spencer:

At last, from the fevered imagination that brought you mocha tea and the Mad Science Forum, we present OBDURATE EYE #32, the personalzine that should have appeared a week ago!

Obdurate Eye 32

And also from Garth:

Shooting My CUFFs #7

From the N3F:




Time’s Arrow_Jean-Paul L Garnier

And from Leybl in Israel, the war issue



Zines to share!

We have an update from Bill Burns over at e-fanzines, and a few more zines to share.

Update from Bill:

  • The October 2023 distribution of e-APA, the members-only electronic APA, is free for all to read
  • Nic Farey’s This Here…#68
  • Andy Hoope’s CAPTAIN FLASHBACK #58
  • Alexiad #129 edited by Lisa & Joseph Major
  • Octothorpe #93, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #451



MT VOID 2286

MT VOID 2287

MT VOID 2288



Zines to share+ new Discord group for CUFF

From Garth Spencer:


Attached is the September 2023 edition of /Shooting My CUFFs/, the newsletter of the Canadian Unity Fan Fund 2023-2024 campaign. Enjoy! Shooting My CUFFs #6

This is my first attempt to set up a public Discord group. I invite you to join the CUFF Discord group at

Let’s see how this works!

Yours, Garth Spencer, 2023 CUFF delegate

From the N3F, N’APA:

With this mailing. N’APA 266. The issue is large enough that there is no room in the mailing for anything else.


And yet more zines!

Probe from South Africa features an impressive cover created by AI. An article near the end of the ish explains the process and includes yet more AI generated images. The key words were storm, dragon, spaceship. It appears that AI is not quite sure of what a spaceship is.

Beyond the cover, we have book reviews and some very interesting fiction worth the read.

PROBE197X (2)

We also received another update from Bill Burns at e-fanzines:

New today at https://efanzines com:

  • Ray Palm’s The Ray X X-rayer #172
  • Ethel the Aardvark #221 and archive issues 19, 179
  • Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #31
  • Perry Middlemiss’s Perryscope #36
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #53 & 54
  • Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #39
  • John Thiel’s Meteor #5



Fanzines to share

A bumper crop of fanzines came in while we were busy organizing the fieldtrip to MAM. Enjoy!

De Profundis #589 – September 2023




The Freelan Gazette 20230901


ThisHere67 r1


Added today at are:

  • Rich Lynch’s You’re Still on My Mind #3, a letterzine companion to My Back Pages
  • Andy Hooper’s CAPTAIN FLASHBACK #57
  • Octothorpe #90, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line
  • Opuntia #556, edited by Dale Speirs
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #449 & 450
  • J.L. Farey’s JenZine #6
  • Nic Farey’s This Here…#67
  • Heath Row’s The Stf Amateur, August & September 2023 (apazine bundles)
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #52
  • Octothorpe #91, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty