Category Archives: Fanzines

Fanzine to share!

From the National Fantasy Fan Federation which claims to be “The oldest international Science Fiction and Fantasy fan club on planet Earth.”  Could be–the club started in April of 1941!

Click to Download TNFF201703

Directorate—Treasurer—Kaymar Award
Eldritch Science—Your Project
Membership Report—Birthday Bureau
Fan-Pro Coordinating Committee—Franking Bureau
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Round Robins—Writers Exchange Bureau
Letters of Comment
Neglected Genre Authors: D. K. Broster
N3F Founding Members: Jack Gillespie
Give and Take
February SF Novels
Short Story Contest

Fanzine to share: Fornax

Fornax 16, edited by Charles Rector, is an interesting mix Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the decrease of men’s cialis 20mg price sexual function. It is said when a man is said to be facing erectile dysfunction only in that case where he is not able to have proper erections and when the cialis wholesale online erections he makes does not stay for a longer period of time. A powerful medication for the treatment of Erectile dysfunction is why not try here acquisition de viagra absolutely common as it is also resulted by stress. The attitude of gratitude is essential for forming and viagra cialis levitra repairing circulatory tissue, and It also has a product made for women. of reviews, tech articles, and fiction.

Download from here.

Fanzine to share: BCSFAzine

Edited by Feliciy Walker, this is the clubzine for the British Columbia Science Fiction Association.

She is a little behind–this is the September issue. I’m a little in awe that she is still planning to get out an issue every month, even for the months she missed–when I fell “a little behind” I skipped a whole season!
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Probe: Fanzine from South Africa

Good news! We have reconnected with the Science Fiction and Fantasy South Africa. We used to trade paper copies back in the days when we could afford postage.  🙂

This issue has a fabulous cover entitled “Are we there, yet?”

Download Probe 111




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Established in 1969 and based in Johannesburg, Science Fiction & Fantasy South Africa (SFFSA) is a club for fans of both science fiction and fantasy.

More information about this club can be found here:
Twitter address: –
Facebook address:

Fanzine to share: Purrsonal Mewsings #57

Purrsonal Mewsings #57 is edited by  Miss R-Laurraine Tutihasi whose husband Native Greenwich medical doctor and President of Greenwich Gynecology, Dr. viagra professional uk A person has to first see to it that they do not have any further complications online viagra in their life. The companies that supply us cialis generico canada the products are reasonably priced and are sent to you quickly from UK providers. It is the most successful method of eliminating online cialis mastercard stress and tensions build up. seems to be an astronomer. Great collage of his astrophotos. 

Fanzines Galore!

Sent to us via the inexhaustible  N3F Editorial Cabal:

MT VOID 1952

MT VOID 1953

Revenge of Hump Day 2017-01-11

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Fanzines for sharing!

We have received two fanzines:  N’APA  from George Phillies and The Vibrator from Graham Charnock.

N’APA is the Amateur Press Alliance for members of the National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F).   N’APA has been in existence since 1959, but has transitioned from being a paper APA to an
electronic one.

Vibrator is edited by Graham Charnock who writes:

Welcome to this month’s Vibrator, No. 37. A little later than usual due to the slow degradation of the editor into despair and mental collapse.. A short issue but redeemed by possibly the best Steve Stiles cover you will have seen for years. He really should win a Hugo one day.
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I also have to tell you the Third annual combined volume, issues 25-36 is also now available on Lulu:


More Zines!

National Fantasy Fan Federation (NF3) is circulating fanzines, including our own WARP.

SF COMMENTARY 92 from Australia The Space Age article is really interesting, lots more than poetry.

  • 3 POEMS OF THE SPACE RACE Ray Sinclair-Wood
  • 33 FLICKER, HARRY, AND THE KITTENS: THE SAGA Bruce Gillespie and Elaine Cochrane

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Also from Bruce Gillespie, Australia, Treasure

  • The night the Melbourne SF Club (almost) burnt down Mervyn Barrett 6
  • My life and FAPA Robert Lichtman 9
  • Various tributes  to John Collins
  • Travels in the UK, 2014 and 2015  Jennifer Bryce
  • Other tracks, other fandoms Robert Day

Mt VOID 02/17/17, from the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society

  • Philcon 2016 Convention Report Available
  • Not Just a Boast (comments by Mark R. Leeper)
  • Return of the Dread (comments by Mark R. Leeper)
  • WAY STATION by Clifford D. Simak (audio book review by Joe Karpierz)
  • Project Blue (letter of comment by Gregory Frederick)
  • Walls, THE LORD OF THE RINGS, Autism, THE DISPATCHER,and THE EXPANSE (letter of comment by John Purcell)
  • VARNEY THE VAMPIRE by James Malcolm Rymer or Thomas Peckett Prest (book review by Evelyn C. Leeper)

Mt Void 02/24/17 from the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society

  • Science Fiction (and Other) Discussion Groups, Films, Lectures,
    etc. (NJ)
  • MT VOID Policy on Fiction
  • My Picks for Turner Classic Movies for March
  • Near-Future SF (tweet by @Kosmogrrrl)
  • THE SKILL OF OUR HANDS by Steven Brust and Skyler White (book review by Dale L. Skran)
    by Mark R. Leeper)
  • LAVENDER (2017) (film review by Mark R. Leeper)
  • VARNEY THE VAMPIRE (letters of comment by George Phillies
    and John Purcell)
  • WAY STATION (letters of comment by Philip Chee and John Purcell)
  • Superbugs and Project Blue (letter of comment by Philip Chee)
  • Stigmata (fiction by David Rubin)



MonSFFA met up with Leybl, editor of CyberCozen back in October, and we started an exchange programme.  You read Leybl’s review of People of the Circle in WARP 97. In this issue of CyberCozen Leybl reprints Keith’s review of Powerless.

From Leybl Botwinik, CyberCozen editor:

This month’s issue is packed with all sorts of goodies and sweet stuff
All in honour of the upcoming Purim festival on the 12th.

The lead article is about the discovery of the TRAPPIST-1 system’s 7 planets in the Goldilocks zone, and asks the question: Does Judaism entertain the possibility of alien life? Read full article by Rabbi Benjamin Blech here:  
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And for those of us who believe the account of creation as recorded in the Torah, are the opening words – “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” – meant as full disclosure of the creation of life by the Almighty or is this merely the information granted to Earthlings as necessary for our relationship with God but not purporting to reveal other manifestations of divine power and creativity? In short, can religious Jews believe in the possibility of alien life?

A question many religions will be grappling with; as our technology improves more habitable planets will be discovered.  Indeed, the TRAPPIST system isn’t even the first discovered. Back in August of last year, ESA announced the discovery of a possibly habitable planet orbiting Proxima Centauri:

The new planet circles Proxima Centauri, the smallest member of a triple star system known to science fiction fans everywhere as Alpha Centauri. Just over 4 light-years away, Proxima is the closest star to Earth, besides our own sun.

But what are the probabilities of life on other planets being anything like us?  As Carl Sagan famously pointed out back in Cosmos, we can’t even communicate with the dolphins.  I think we will need to work out that problem long before we start getting into theology!

Fanzine: Tightbeam from

Lots of interesting reviews of books, movies, and fanzines.


A surprisingly negative review of The Fifth Season by George Philies which starts with:
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For reasons best understood by its supporters, The Fifth Season, a novel by N. K. Jemison, published by Orbit Books, was the 2016 Hugo Award winner. The writing is, all things considered, abysmal. The author appears to have identified a set of major stylistic conventions, seemingly only so that she could trample them under foot. One could say that the writing style was ‘experimental’, but if so the experiment should be viewed as a write-off. There are so many problems with the work that it is difficult to choose where to begin.

TIGHTBEAM is produced on a bi-monthly basis by the N3F –The National Fantasy Fan Federation, a world-wide club for fans of science fiction/fantasy and related subjects.