Category Archives: Fanzines

Art of Garthiness #8

I get the impression a lot of fan-eds have resolved to get their zines pubbed on schedule this year. There has been a deluge of new issues! (Also a reminder that I have WARP to pub–deadline for submissions Jan 30.)

Garth is a long-time MonSFFriend. Always interesting stuff to be found in his perzine, Art of Garthiness.

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OBIR #4 is published

R. Graeme Cameron has a different kind of TARDIS. His has more time on the inside than on the outside.  In this issue of OBIR he attempts an explanation of how this works. I have my doubts. –CPL

Download issue #4 of OBIR.

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Plus an announcement on plans to start up a semi-pro SF fiction zine which will pay 1 cent a word for stories 3,000 words or less. See POLAR YITES! Magazine for info.


One way that MonSFFA keeps in touch with other fans is through fanzines. Most are readily available thanks to Jim Burns over at so there is no longer any point to maintaining our “trading post” page.  However, we do hear directly from some fan-eds and these I will start passing on to our membership through our website.

Recently, we heard from File 770 (Mike Glyer) and Alexiad ( Joe Major).

Guy Lillian wrote a review of WARP 93, with high praise for Keith’s cover, The Doctor and his Companion in Zine Dump 36.

Keith was also featured in File 770’s Pixel Scroll.

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