Category Archives: Fanzines

Fanzines to share!

Bill Burns has sent us an update, and the N3F has sent us Fanac now edited by Mindy Hunt. FanAct202308

Catching up after a few days away, I’ve added nine new issues at

  • Rob Jackson’s Inca #22
  • Ethel the Aardvark #220 and archive issues 18, 180
  • William Breiding’s Portable Storage #9 – final issue
  • Perry Middlemiss’s Perryscope #35
  • Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – Aug 2023
  • David Grigg’s The Megaloscope #8
  • Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #38
  • Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #30
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #51–

Zines to share!

More zines to share, enjoy!

Added today at are:

Bruce Gillespie’s SF Commentary #112

Ray Palm’s The Ray X X-rayer #171

Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – Jul 2023

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #37

Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #29

Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #47




Just a brief update on CUFF 2023 before Pemmi-Con! – Garth Shooting My CUFFs #4

Be pleased to learn that Mindy Hunt will be the new editor of Fanactivity Gazette. She takes over for the August issue.

This weekend I will be bringing out the next issue of the National Fantasy Fan. Please have your club news in by Saturday.

The deadline for Laureate Award ballots is July 31. Please have your votes to me before then. FanAct202307

Zines to share!

This week’s new issues at

John Purcell’s Askance #55

Opuntia #553, edited by Dale Speirs

Rich Lynch’s My Back Pages #28

Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #46

Octothorpe #87, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

From Lebyl in Israel:CCJuly2023-v01

From the N3F, Tightbeam

  Table of Contents
Front Cover… Armada by Jose Sanchez
12… Tigana Dragon by Artist Fish
Back Cover… Big Splash by Tiffanie Gray

Letter of Comment
4… Lloyd Penney
4… Action Heroine Cheer Fruits… Review by Jessi Silver
7… The 2019 Rhysling Anthology Edited by David C. Kopaska-Merkel…Review by Jean-Paul Garnier
ProZines of Years Past
8… Review by Heath Row
10… H. Beam Piper Bio-Bibliography by Jon D. Swartz, Ph.D.
13… Musings on Picard and the Star Trek Franchise by Chris Nuttall
Short Stories
15… F&SF May/June 2023… Review by Heath Row
16… Fantastic Television: Travelers Review by Heath Row
Food of Famous Authors
18… Eat This While You Read That: Margaret Ball… Cooking by Cedar Sanderson

Lots of zines now available for poolside reading!

From South Africa:

Good day all Here is the June issue of PROBE, number 196. I hope you enjoy reading it    PROBE196X



From Bill Burns at e-fanzines:

Editors have been busy this week, with eleven titles having new issues. Added at are:

  • Alexiad #123 through 128 edited by Lisa & Joseph Major
  • Graeme Cameron’s BCSFAZine #554
  • Nic Farey’s This Here…#66
  • Andy Hooper’s CAPTAIN FLASHBACK #55
  • Opuntia #551, edited by Dale Speirs
  • Octothorpe #86, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #44
  • Kurt Erichsen’s Endeavor #16
  • Guy & Rosy Lillian’s 2004 archive trip report The Antipodal Route
  • Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #66
  • Bruce Gillespie’s SF Commentary #113

And another update followed:

To the sound of fireworks, I have added these new issues to

  • J.L. Farey’s JenZine #5
  • Journey Planet #74, edited by James Bacon, Chris Garcia et al. Vincent Docherty special issue
  • Perry Middlemiss’s Perryscope #34
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #45
  • Opuntia #552, edited by Dale Speirs

From Garth an update to CUFF:

Even yet more news about the Canadian Unity Fan Fund! Slowly but surely WE ADVANCE!  Shooting My CUFFs #3

From Nic Farey:

“Authority is supposedly grounded in wisdom, but I could see from a very early age that authority was only a system of control. And it didn’t have any inherent wisdom. I quickly realized that you either became a power or you were crushed.”   TH 66

From Joe Major: Alex129

From the N3F:

Yes, a new issue of Eldritch Science the N3F Fiction zine .ES202306


More zines to share!

From the N3F,

Attached are the June issues of The National Fantasy Fan and FanActivity Gazette.

From Bill Burns, an update to the e-fanizes archive.

Added today at

  • New page for Robert J. Sawyer’s Alouette archive (1992-97)
  • Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – Jun 2023
  • David Grigg’s The Megaloscope #7
  • Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #36
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #42 & #43


And yet another zine!

From the N3F, Tightbeam.


What is Tightbeam? We are the N3F literary fanzine, not the novel and anthology fanzine, but the fanzine that tries to cover all tastes in fandom, such as anime, comics, cosplay, films, novels, biographies, poetry, music, short stories, food, …

The Editors are: George Phillies  and .Jon Swartz
Art Editors are Angela K. Scott and Jose Sanchez.
Art Contributors are Tiffanie Gray, Alan White, Cedar Sanderson, and ArtistFish.

Anime Reviews are courtesy Jessi Silver and her site Ms. Silver writes of her site “S1E1 is primarily an outlet for views and reviews on Japanese animated media, and occasionally video games and other entertainment.” Cedar Sanderson’s reviews and other interesting articles appear on her site and its culinary extension. Jason P. Hunt’s reviews appear on SciFi4Me.Com